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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 25 KB, 540x540, the cake is a lie276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14318900 No.14318900 [Reply] [Original]

how old was you when you learned the proper way to cut a cake?

>> No.14318920

It literally depends on the cake and the size of your group.
For an office party OP image is absolutely correct.

>> No.14318942

That's how you cut a wedding or large party cake, yes. It's to make it fit on those small dessert plates and ensuring everyone gets an even sized and thickness of a slice. When the bakery or hotel quoted their price of "serves 30" that is how they portioned it.

>> No.14318953
File: 18 KB, 558x614, 664.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How old was you

>> No.14318957

I don't remember, I just remember my mom doing it. She was a professional baker. The stuff ran down on me, the best thing is do what the customer wants, that's why I'm an engineer. Fuck customers, but you can never get away from the ones paying the bills, try and try.

>> No.14318975

16 when I started making about 40k as a software engineer. It's pretty simple shit, you have to take an interest in getting the fuck out of your parents place and doing things on your own.

>> No.14318977

This old

>> No.14318987

yer mama was old when my pooch didn't want leave that old bag of dust

>> No.14318995
File: 1.22 MB, 800x800, Mama_brand-shrimp_flavor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fucks have your mama shrimp flavor

>> No.14319010

>how old was you

Esl dumbass

>> No.14319074

Why would you cut it? I just get a fork and eat it.

>> No.14319078

Lol wut

>> No.14319086

There is no need to be rude to someone who is trying to learn English.

>> No.14319203

That way is fatphobic
Everyone should have their own personal cake

>> No.14319249

>I am sure that it is because of misogyny that people believe that skills such as cake cutting are things that all humans are endowed with and that anyone can just do.
Okay, this is clearly satire.

>> No.14319461

Nope, they are for real

>> No.14319929
File: 1.31 MB, 1920x1080, screenshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ...

>> No.14319948

>can't speak english
>software engineer
Poo in the loo

>> No.14319965

>extremely over-animated mannerisms but can still barely emote through all the fat


>> No.14319973

Dios mio....

>> No.14319987

esl gang

>> No.14319991

GTFO witrh the beastie!

>> No.14320205

I can't tell if this is satire.
>women routinely shame and manipulate each other about cake
>not a man in sight
>smash the patriarchy!

>> No.14320210

I like square cakes better

>> No.14320383

God damn, why did you get so defensive. I smell insecurities. Also poo in loo

>> No.14320436

>there are people killking each other out there and hisstupid bitch is coplaining about cake

>> No.14320710

I have to ask them to cut me a smaller piece because I don't want to eat a piece of cake the size of my fucking fist but everyone always cuts cake pieces so huge. If I take the giant cake piece and only eat half of it or less, everyone will think I don't like it and pester me about why I didn't finish it or just silently (or sometimes not-so-silently) judge me for being wasteful/ungrateful/rude. So yeah, fuck you I'm gonna keep asking you not to cut me a piece of cake so big it could feed a damn army you fat pig.

>> No.14320863

I just ask for no cake
Fatties still seethe, but I remain above the fight

>> No.14320870

be honest, how drunk are you anon

>> No.14320878

The problem is I still want cake, I just don't want to eat my bodyweight in cake for dessert like some people do.

>> No.14320971

El horror del pastel...

>> No.14320975

>You’ve got to get it onto a plate, which is a very complex combination of physics and geometry or something.

>> No.14320986

>i was ready for that cake. I was pretty sure that there was ganache inside of it. Sure, there was buttercream on the outside, but I could sense the sneaky ganache.
>but i could sense the sneaky ganache

>> No.14320991

right? it's almost like he's insecure about being esl lol
why is he on 4chan though, this is an english site lmao

>> No.14320996

senselet detected

>> No.14321008

Top bakery strategists have been employing covert remote ganache-sensing professionals for decades, anon.

>> No.14321026

The food obsessed, like dogs, have a sort of food radar
For example, they both can tell if there are any slices left in a pizza box without opening it
So ganache sense, as a feat, is not that extraordinary

>> No.14321322

Just don't finish your cake.

>> No.14321347

40k rupees is like $500 so that's not bad for a teenager.
Good work.

>> No.14322529

Worrying about what other people think of you is the real enemy. Maybe 20 years ago when people weren't universally literally insane there was some use in taking someone else's words or thoughts to heart, but now that people are all demonstrably retarded or mentally unstable, the best course of action is to ask for a huge slice, eat the small portion you want, mash up the rest of it, set the plate on top of the master bedroom toilet tank, and just fucking leave.

>> No.14322879

But I also don't WANT to be wasteful. I'm just saying it's really shitty to say "You must eat yourself into a diabetic coma or else we will think you're a misogynistic monster."

>> No.14323627

It's funny how people who reject binaries in sex are quick to use them to their advantage in arguments

>> No.14323950

Has anyone ever actually said anything to you about not finishing your cake past the age of twelve?

>> No.14323979

I guess if there’s some fat retard cutting cake wrong and nearly keeling over from the Herculean effort of standing while moving her arms you could always take one big slice and give half to your wife/bro/mom/whoever

>> No.14324403


>> No.14325866

Making a cake for the fourth, and will surely have more than everyone can eat, since there won't be many people and nobody there is fat. Should I just make a bunch of small slices and set the plates out so people can choose how much to eat, or just give everyone a massive slice? I don't want to spend a long time adjusting to each person's preference, as we will be eating in no particular order.

>> No.14325871

'bout tree fiddy with my back to the wall

>> No.14325872

Why don't you answer your own question instead of being a survey scumbag?

>> No.14325899

You wont get your cake if you dont eat your meat.

>> No.14325918

Is there anybody out there?
Out there?

>> No.14325929

Pink Floyd - Is There Anybody Out There?
Or all you wearing masks like fucking faggots?

>> No.14325931

Where are these cool modifications?

>> No.14326189

Small slices, let people go back for seconds if they want more.

>> No.14326414

Lots of Floyd references on here tonight.