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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14311596 No.14311596 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a more expensive habit than beef jerky? I usually go through a pound a day and even the cheap stuff like pic related is usually 15 dollars.

>> No.14311600

>a pou>>14311596
nd a day
seem more like an addiction and those tend to be expensive

>> No.14311601
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>> No.14311607

Cigarettes are piss cheap compared to jerky, and a pound of jerky goes fast unlike pack a day smokers

>> No.14311614

Nice beard

>> No.14311660

Addiction, habit, whatever. I need my jerky

>> No.14311811
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I just bought a dehydrator so I can make my own. This is a photo of my first batch I finished yesterday. Used a three pound eye of round but the spices I bought were pre measured for 5 pounds so it is saltier than it should be. Good though.

>> No.14311824
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I've made my own a few times. The quality is worlds above any commercial jerky, but price ends up approximately the same.

Also, Jack Links is weird vulcanised trash.

>> No.14311851

The cost does feel comparable. The eye of round was about 15 dollars roughly but the grocery store I go to is a bit more expensive than others. Unless you make the jerky with ground beef or hunted game it's not a huge savings over store bought but it does taste better and it's fun to make.

>> No.14311857

Out of curiosity, are you from the states? I'm Australian and our beef is expensive as hell, even the cuts reported to be cheap. Curious if it's the same over there.

>> No.14311891

Yes I'm in the states. Beef is extremely cheap but so is most meat. I live near texas which I'm sure helps with beef and pork prices.
If you are willing to tolerate a bit of meat glue you can get a pound or two of small steaks for five-ish dollars. They will suck of course but it's still beef.
Most regular roasts you buy will be between 14-20 dollars. My nearest grocery store is this higher end anomaly in a lousy neighborhood and they charge more for the luxury of it existing there.
Chicken is generally very cheap but that place almost exclusively carries the free range no antibiotic etc etc chicken and it can cost over 8 dollars a pound. Which sucks and is silly considering in nearly the same section I can get a pre cooked entire rotisserie chicken for like 7 dollars.

>> No.14311892

Man I don't think meat glue is legal here, or at least, it's not on the shelves. Chicken is cheap everywhere.

>> No.14311900
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Got curious and found this old article.
I do buy the meat glue steaks now and then when I'm not thinking about it and get annoyed by it every time. One half the steak is usually delicious and then other half is this soft crappy mess of low quality meat.

>> No.14311904

Nice research, unfortunately I can vouch that Today Tonight is a trash program, basically Fox.

Australians didn't buy the product and it fell by the wayside.

>> No.14311906

>pound of jerky a day

Do Americans really?

>> No.14311911
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So much sodium

>> No.14311985

it's cuz Jack Links are actually a NZ brand so it's all imported from halfway across the world.
There's no other brands so widespread that make good jerky, unfortunately.

>> No.14311987
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>$50 a pack
>Cheap as piss
yeah nah

>> No.14311992

How did this ever happen?

>> No.14312017

Taxes upon taxes upon taxes.
And no one willing to fight to reduce or remove them because they would get torn apart by righteous whiners.

>> No.14312020


Cigarette taxes increase 12.5% a year, forever

>> No.14312026

I bet there's a lot of organized crime tobacco smuggling there. You can't just tax things so ridiculously high and expect it won't attract that.

>> No.14312066

I just got a million hits on it. Brings all kinds of nasty crime into the country. Jesus, what a dipshit tax policy. I bet enforcement ends up costing more than the taxes. Another lesson in the stupidity of prohibition.

>> No.14312165


There absolutely is, most people who know where to go (and it isn't hard) are smoking Chinese cigarettes at $12/pack or imported Marlboro at $18/pack. The absolutely bottom of the barrel legal cigarettes are about $30 for a 20 pack and they are absolute poison.

>> No.14312184

>Chinese cigarettes
And that's more of a health risk than before, so there goes that argument. Fucking retarded government.

>> No.14312186

Meanwhile in Europoor landia
>equals to $45 for 454g
Not bad amerimutts, but does your money give free everything to billions of brown and black people all over the world?! I thought not, check mate amerifats hahaha

>> No.14312269

your numbers are way off, also we don't have beef jerky here, also you're crazy if you think america doesn't give billions of dollars to third world monkeys
all in all, 6/10, both obvious bait and yet too retarded to pass up

>> No.14312290

>Müller literally sells 30g beef jerky pouches for ~3€ a pop
>it doesn’t exist
Yeah sure you outrageous fucking jizz stain

>> No.14312301

oh you mean imported brands of american beef jerky are more expensive here than they are in america? ok yes, i concede, that is definitely true.
damn you got us good there. europoor landia on suicide watch.

>> No.14312325

I sense a really bad tone in your voice. You should pay 90% taxes instead of 75% for next year so Mohammed Abdullah al Ali can have 26th child with his 7th wife and not have to work anywhere, while you wagecuck and only dream of ever having one child.

>> No.14312329

>tone in your voice
This is text.

>> No.14312343

why do you /int/sects come here with this inane drivel when we've had dozens of videos of americans kissing nigger feet over the past few weeks
go back to /int/ and post this shit in your epic banter threads

>> No.14312373

>just pay for the entire world to leech off of you, what are you, a bigot?!
Okay mr. nosebergstein

>> No.14312411

Jerky is my go to snack because
* it's cheap
& high brotein
# electrolytes
" it got da flavanols
$ high melanin
@ did I mention that brotein?

>> No.14312428

im canadian and a pack of cigarettes can be between $13-20. contraband smokes from native reserves are very common

>> No.14313397

I guess if you live in a third world state or country more expensive habits than jerky exists but everywhere that matters jerky is still the most expensive

>> No.14314255

Anyone that actually fights to lower cigarette/alcohol taxes is just ousted by the Murdoch media as being an addict or an alcoholic.
Same reason why weed hasn't been legalised in more countries, cuz anyone who tries to push for it just gets labelled a drug addict who only wants to get high.

>> No.14314269

Def. Watch the Australian series of Border Patrol and 80% of the time it's the same Chinese lady trying to smuggle in $5k worth of cigarettes or rotten fish.

Pretty much everyone I know who travels overseas usually fills their suitcase to the legal limit with cheap foreign cigarettes to sell onto mates back home for a profit.
$80 return flight to Japan
Stay in a hostel for cheap
Spend a few nights eating/drinking out for cheap.
Fill suitcase with 3 cartons of $4/pack cigarette and $9 bottles of scotch.
Sell them for 5x the price to friends back home.
Pays for most of the trip in itself.

>> No.14315497

What are the legal limits for carrying back cigarettes and booze?

>> No.14316321

Is there any foreign country I can buy cheap jerky in to smuggle it over the border?

>> No.14316628

depends where you go

>> No.14317634

isn't that basically chiken nuggets or BK 's Chicken Broiler, except made with beef?

>> No.14317656

>Pretty much everyone I know who travels overseas usually fills their suitcase to the legal limit with cheap foreign cigarettes to sell onto mates back home for a profit.
that sends you straight to jail and a 10 000 dorrar fine in singapoor, unless you declare it and pay tax(about 8 bucks a pack).

>> No.14317664

>* it's cheap
no its not. did you even read thread. it's not even cheap in murika BLM land.

>> No.14317855

If you eat enough Jack Link's, you'll be able to spot the good bags from the bad ones, and you won't end up with any uber-tough pieces

>> No.14318048
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It's more like this. They take two smaller meat scraps and glue them together.
I just got back from the store grabbing more eye of round of jerky and they had trays of little meat glued steaks selling 4 for $4.32. They are about the size of your palm, maybe a little bigger, and if you don't know about the glue and that half of the meat is garbage you might buy them thinking it's a great deal for four little steaks.

>> No.14318057
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Another image of a larger steak that has been glued.

>> No.14319428

the last ingredient in beef jerky is sodium nitrate, and it's a dangerous preservative that's 100% linked to cancer


you better watch it bud

>> No.14320683

Gambling, prostitutes, and heavy binge drinking come to mind.

>> No.14320767

I went to the shitty aussie customs site and waited about 30 minutes for it to load a plain text page. It appears the legal, duty-free tobacco import limit for a normal person is one unopened pack of cigarettes (up to 25 per pack), and one opened pack (I guess up to 25 cigarettes as long as the package is opened). No easily available info on duty fees applied to more. Also: vaping is banned without an MD prescription. Lol? It really is about milking taxes there. They don't want people to stop smoking. They just want money. Shithole country.

>> No.14320859

Jack Link's is overpriced shit.

Just get Old Trapper.

>> No.14320932

Do you really not know what gristle is?

>> No.14321019
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>> No.14321235

That's pretty good jerky right there. Never understood why the damn stuff is so expensive.

>> No.14321319

OP if you really eat that much jerk' then get your self a subscription service. You'll get much better stuff than Jack Links for cheaper.

JerkyGent is a good starter one.

>> No.14321484

Water causes cancer.
Everything causes cancer.

>> No.14321489

>Never understood why the damn stuff is so expensive.
Take the mass of meat, and multiply it by 2 or 3, that's the basic cost of meat. Add in a large energy cost and a smaller one for spices and you have your answer.

>> No.14321617

I mean it definitely stops people from getting into cigarettes in the first place.

>> No.14321634

>why are you scared of being stabbed to death?
>don't you know everything causes death?

>> No.14322320

Cigarettes are usually multiple boxes, something like 1000 depending on where you are. Booze like spirits is typically between 1 and 2 litres

>> No.14323009
