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14309422 No.14309422 [Reply] [Original]

White chocolate is delicious.
Don't let the mainstream lie to you.

>> No.14309487

It's ok but regular chocolate has more earthiness which makes it superior.

>> No.14309493

It's okay but it's too rich to be eaten like chocolate.

>> No.14309499

I agree. It's good but it needs to be taken in smaller doses.

>> No.14309510

white chocolate isn't even real chocolate

>> No.14309519

White chocolate is way too sweet for me

>> No.14309521

White chocolate is delicious and it's my favorite

>> No.14309523

No chocolate is real chocolate

>> No.14309546


>white """"""chocolate""""""

>> No.14309559

It tastes like vomit.

>> No.14309560

>reddit spacing AND a "not real chocolate" fag
Leave immediately

>> No.14309561

White chocolate is cheese plus cocoa butter.

>> No.14309564

chocolate is chocolate I love chocolate I hate chocolate white chocolate is too sweet white chocolate is my favorite white chocolate is nasty white chocolate is for fatties white chocolate is good for you white chocolate is expensive white chocolate isn't chocolate.

>> No.14309570

It's not actually chocolate though, it's not made from chocolate solids.

>> No.14309575

You're okay as long as your reason for not eating it is just "I don't like it"

>> No.14309596

It's not chocolate lol. It;s just a sweet fat mass.

>> No.14309605
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>> No.14309614

It IS delicious

>> No.14309646
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It's Refined Bleached Deodorized Palm Kernel oil+sugar

>> No.14310071

Nobody says it tastes bad. Autists just like screaming that it isn't real chocolate, similar to if someone brings up the topic of boneless wings.

>> No.14310117

>It's okay but it's too rich to be eaten like chocolate.
What are you talking about you pseud? Do you eat regular chocolate like it's a main course.and reserve white chocolate for a dessert? Does it make you feel that good to use "rich" in a culinary sentence that you had to force some bullshit distinction in use that nobody has ever practiced in reality?

>> No.14310122

I love white chocolate. but boneless wings are just chicken nuggets.

>> No.14310123

It's just fat and sugar, so it'll taste okay in small doses. It can end up tasting a bit bland compared to regular chocolate though since that has some bitterness to balance things out.

>> No.14310127

let me guess, this is gonna show up on social media in a week or so being racist

>> No.14310138


>> No.14310144

I'm not saying that's wrong. I'm saying it's autistic to point that out. Says nothing about how much you enjoy it that it isn't literally the name it goes by.

>> No.14310154

white chocolate is for all extents a substitute for chocolate and tastes similar so the name makes sense.

boneless wings have literally nothing in common with wings other than being from chicken. its a silly name that only exists to sell more of them because they can pretend its "wings" and not "nuggets"

>> No.14310185

There might be some vanilla

>> No.14310188

>and tastes similar
No it doesn't, unless you're only considering the sweetness. Even the texture isn't the same though.

>> No.14310249

>boneless wings have literally nothing in common with wings other than being from chicken.
>white chocolate has literally nothing in common with chocolate other than being from cocoa beans.
Also being meat from the same animal isn't some minor similarity you retard. Not even like you're talking about chicken liver vs. wings. It's just chicken meat without wings involved so it can be boneless without falling apart.

>> No.14310373

>thighs are the same as drumsticks

>> No.14310381

They're not identical. They're just extremely similar, come from the same animal, and serve the same culinary and dietary purposes. That's the point.

>> No.14310395

nigga what?
ribeyes and drumsticks serve the same culinary and dietary purposes as slabs of meat you eat for protein.

you'd never swap out thigh meat with leg meat. its totally different meat.

but you can swap out normal chocolate for white chocolate.

>> No.14310409

>you'd never
And yet everyone does, which is why we're having this conversation in the first place.

>> No.14310435
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>you'd never swap out thigh meat with leg meat. its totally different meat.
>but you can swap out normal chocolate for white chocolate.
Are you having a stroke? Or just doing subtle nonsense trolling?

>> No.14310439

And that's why they're wrong when they do it.
If you ordered a sirloin and got a flank, you'd be pissed.

>> No.14310455

too sweet

>> No.14310469
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>you'd never swap out thigh meat with leg meat. its totally different meat.

>> No.14310499

If I ordered chocolate and was served white chocolate I’d be pissed too.

>> No.14310504

Fucking retard, you are. You can just eat chocolate with tea or whatever as it is. White chocolate is too fatty or rich to be eaten by itself or in the same quantities you'd eat dark/milk chocolate in.

>> No.14310510

That'd be hilarious wouldn't it

>> No.14310527

You eat neither in large quantities.
How does hot water with a leaf change anything?

>> No.14310554

didnt stop me eating a whole pack of white chocolate over a day anyways
felt like shit though, never did it again

>> No.14310587

It's easier to find decent dark chocolate than it's to find decent white chocolate, white chocolate tends to be too sugary.

>> No.14310921

Pairs well w cranberrys in muffins/brioche/cookies

>> No.14310993

>in the same quantities you'd eat dark/milk chocolate in.
enlighten me, fatty. What quantities are dark/milk chocolate meant to be eaten in?

>> No.14311015

How is it even chocolate?

>> No.14311065

It's not, those are keyboard parts

>> No.14311163

So how the industry came to consider substitute fat chocolate a "compound" but white chocolate a valid chocolate product? shit makes no sense.

>> No.14311168

white chocolate is not chocolate, but it's still bretty gud in small doses. Milk chocolate, on the other hand, is plain trash. Only dark chocolate is worth anything

>> No.14311176

"It's not chocolate" fags are nearly as obnoxious as the "it's not cheese" fags.

>> No.14311186

ngl tea and chocolate sounds like a good pairing.

>> No.14311196
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>> No.14311204

A bar, maybe less of milk/dark. You'd eat maybe one or two pieces of white chocolate.

>> No.14311242

Too sweet on its own.

I like white chocolate macadamia nut cookies and those cookies and cream Hershey's bars, though.

>> No.14311684
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"Pieces?" As in you break off one or two little squares and eat then individually, amounting to 1/12 of an already normal sized chocolate bar? But only if it's white chocolate and not milk chocolate?
Milk chocolate and white chocolate have the same amount of sugar, the same number of calories, and the same amount of fat, so stop being a pretentious cunt making some big deal out of the most minor of differences possible.
>inb4 "it's not just the sugar that makes it so sweet tasting!"
There is literally nothing in it that makes sweet flavor happen other than sugar. Stevia's not added in on top of sugar.

>> No.14311706

shut the fuck up

>> No.14311707

>too rich
>it needs to be taken in smaller doses.
>White chocolate is way too sweet for me
>It;s just a sweet fat mass.
>It's just fat and sugar, so it'll taste okay in small doses.
>too sweet
>Too sweet on its own.
All these anons repeating the "white chocolate is too sweet" bullshit seemed strange to me at first especially given how we're all posting on the public internet where you can pull up a search engine and learn in two seconds that regular chocolate and white chocolate are nearly identical in sugar content and therefore sweetness. But now that I think about it this is also the board most swayed by food and beverage advertising, so there's probably a greater gullibility / suggestibility level here, on average.

>> No.14311770

even if they contain the same amount of sugar, the cocoa content makes the final taste different. Take a two spoons of sugar and mix it in to cups of water separately. Now add quinine to one cup

>> No.14311780

So you can't eat white chocolate because it's too sweet but if someone sticks a bitter flavoring on top of it then you'll be fine? If that's your only problem why not just eat it alongside coffee?

>> No.14311838

You're overthinking it, anon.

>> No.14311850

yes? do you know how taste works you fucking idiot
>drink it with coffee
fuck off

>> No.14311896

White chocolate is okay but I do not consider interchangeable with real chocolate.

>> No.14311903

does white chocolate or pineapple on pizza get more hate?

>> No.14311970

By "regular" chocolate, you mean milk chocolate? Yeah, I don't like that either because it's a big mouthful of fatty sugar. Only dark chocolate is good. I want more chocolate, less sugar. In your mind, why is milk chocolate "regular" chocolate? Has you mind been trained to believe this is the default format of sweet chocolate by advertisement?

>> No.14312274

but you didn't rule out the possibility that you will do it again

>> No.14312316
File: 136 KB, 1200x1800, peppermint-white-chocolate-hot-cocoa-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like White Chocolate Peppermint Cocoa in the winter. The peppermint counterbalances the sweetness, they warm you up, and make a good contrast to rich holiday food.

>> No.14312331

It is delicious. The problem most people have is that it isn't chocolate/as good as real chocolate. If it was named something other than white chocolate it would be more highly regarded.

>> No.14312551

Holy fucking shit you people are insufferable. Yes, we all know this. If you don't eat something because "name" you are a child.

> eggplant isn't eggs
> headcheese isn't cheese
> Rocky Mountain oysters isnt oysters
> black pudding isn't pudding or dessert
> Eskimo ice cream isn't ice cream
> mountain chicken isn't chicken
> white chocolate isn't chocolate (but guess what, it's main ingredient is coco butter, from the coco plant, that we use to make chocolate with)
Fucking retard, go back to middle school.

>> No.14312578

It's way too sweet.

>> No.14312851

>I don't know how flavours work together and genuinely think that eating sugar is the same as eating sugar balanced out by other flavours

>> No.14312927

>regular chocolate and white chocolate are nearly identical in sugar content and therefore sweetness
Perceived sweetness is not determined by sugar content alone. Ketchup consists of about 25% sugar—more than twice as much as the average softdrink—but no one in their right mind will claim that ketchup tastes sweeter than ginger ale.

>> No.14312933

Everything white is superior.

>> No.14313001

This, best tasting chocolate (I don't care if it's not "real" chocolate, there's no other name for it)

>> No.14313181

it depends heavily on the tea but it can be a premium experience

>> No.14314114

Not quite correct, the bitter flavor elements in regular chocolate acts as a contrast to the sweetness and makes it easier to eat in quantity.

>> No.14314747

Came to post the opinion: dark chocolate>cookies & cream>milk chocolate>white chocolate

>> No.14314863

>Ketchup consists of about 25% sugar
>but no one in their right mind will claim that ketchup tastes sweeter than ginger ale
You don't drink a bottle of ketchup you retard. The amount most use is less than 1/4 of 1 ounce, compared to a single serve bottled soda at 20 oz. That's over 80 times as much of the latter taken in vs the former in one sitting. There's your obvious difference.

>> No.14314923
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>By "regular" chocolate, you mean milk chocolate?
>In your mind, why is milk chocolate "regular" chocolate?
>Has you mind been trained to believe this is the default format of sweet chocolate by advertisement?
Stop being a contrarian idiot. It's common knowledge chocolate not otherwise specified means milk chocolate. And if you want something more objective proving that look at sales. Milk chocolate has always outsold dark chocolate, by far, every year. You need to ask specifically for dark chocolate or else no one will give you that kind, which is the exact definition for "default" RE: regular milk chocolate.

>> No.14314935

White chocolate and ricotta icing is based.

>> No.14315229

it's just fucking sugar and oil, like what even the hell ?!

>> No.14315567

Its fine but low quality white chocolate is common and is so fucking disgusting

>> No.14315918
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dark = white >>>>> milk

dark chocolate (70%) is rich but flavorful, deep but light at the same time.
white chocolate (without milk) is rich but bright, very sweet but not lingering.

milk chocolate is heavy, saccharine, cloying, and feels like it coats your entire mouth. Milk chocolate is the worst.

pic tangentially related I guess

>> No.14315926
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It's ok to be white chocolate.

>> No.14315941
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white chocolate is at least partially chocolate, because it's the same as other chocolates (minus the cacao powder solids)

boneless wings are not wings because they are literally not wings.

Boneless wings actually substitute better for wings,
than white chocolate substitutes for dark chocolate.

That's because the equivalent to "chocolate" isn't "wings", but rather "chicken" or "white meat poultry"