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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 49 KB, 922x619, cheeses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14308063 No.14308063 [Reply] [Original]

Why are white people so obsessed with cheese?
It doesn't even taste good and smells foul

>> No.14308064

Why are you so obsessed with white people?

>> No.14308068

I’m pretty sure most people enjoy cheese regardless of race (chinese bugpeople notwithstanding)

>> No.14308069

Whomst eats sugar cubes with cheese?

>> No.14308077

Tastes good.

>> No.14308082

I'm a brown boy and I eat quite a lot of cheese

>> No.14308086

That's just more cheese

>> No.14308090

>Not sure if two pieces of bait at once, or just retarded

>> No.14308169

have you never heard of pizza?

>> No.14308205

God made white people capable of enjoying cheese because he loves us the most

>> No.14308211

I'm convinced that every post on this board that contains the word "foul" is made by the same ESL tard. Nobody uses that word. I've never heard anybody use it in the context of food except here. It's a disgusting word, to begin with, and never really used like that, where you call something "foul". It's always like "this foul x", not "this x is foul". Stop fucking saying it, it's gross and it makes you sound autistically picky.

>> No.14308279

Because it's tasty and my digestive track works.

>> No.14308308

Foul take.

>> No.14308336

Because dairy is the foodstuff of conquerors. Grains are the food of slaves.

>> No.14308395

Mexican people love cheese

>> No.14308404 [DELETED] 

it's a british word

>> No.14308421

Indians eat so much cheese and dairy

>> No.14308428


>> No.14308444

Literally see them buying gallons and gallons of milk to make paneer and yogurt. They worship cows in a way because the milk is what they survive on.

>> No.14308478

kys nigger

>> No.14308489

White people are genetic defects. This is fact.

God I fucking hate you white bitches so much.

>> No.14308503

You've never heard anyone say "this tastes foul"? Really nigga?

>> No.14308524

Yes, I have never heard anyone say "this tastes foul". I guess I just don't live with enough immature autists.

>> No.14308651

For fucking free

>> No.14308680

Congrats on the dumbest post ever on this piece of shit board

>> No.14308694

I can eat dairy just fine but I hate cheese. I can eat it fine, I just don't like the smell and taste.

>> No.14308699

your mom smells foul and doesn't even taste good yet everyone in town has sampled her.

>> No.14308702

t. white fragility

>> No.14308710

Foul wretch detected.

>> No.14308716

>spergs the fuck out about a word like an autist
>I guess I just don't live with enough immature autists.
kys schizo

>> No.14308718

Why are black people so obsessed about white people?
Because being white is the only thing they cannot steal.
Born jogger, die jogger.

>> No.14308731

It's the taste of domination

>> No.14308737
File: 229 KB, 500x562, 1587605756760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No shit. They're worse than yuros ffs.

Gonna have to update this picture because Tyrone can't stop thinking about me

>> No.14308746

Nothing's worse than Euros. And trust me, I know Euros.

>> No.14308814

I'm a white western european tell me why you hate us so much please

>> No.14308830

>why do americans

>> No.14308845

My take it that cheese was invented by someone having lots of milk. As a mean to extend shelf life of his products. Or create milk scarcity. It's all capitalistic. Greedy and capitalist. Just like them.

>> No.14308855

Why are Americans always so butthurt?

>> No.14308858
File: 147 KB, 1100x825, bgds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your obsession with us is annoying and even spills into protests that have nothing to do with you.

>> No.14308864


>> No.14308929

Taste great to me.

>> No.14308950

lmao, they even put their protest signs in american

>> No.14309291

Anon, all the europeans are not saying that americans are low I.Q uncultured swines with children analytical capabilities...

>> No.14309316

There were some pretty hilarious pictures out of Hungary where all the protesters' signs were in English and all the counter-protesters' signs were in Hungarian. Makes you think...

>> No.14309340

Yeah, I'm always suspect of protests in non English speaking areas with signs written in English. Just who is your message intended for and where did it come from?

>> No.14309348

dry cider + sharp cheddar is the best food/drink combo ever

>> No.14309349

that's where you're wrong buddy

>> No.14309383

This post gave me whiplash

>> No.14309744

More like nigger fragility. Can't even eat a piece of cheese without crying.

>> No.14309829

I love cheese. KYS oversensitive cracker.

>> No.14309836

Asian detected. Lactose intolerant AND jealous, are we?

>> No.14309846

Americans probably

>> No.14309848
File: 627 KB, 567x930, received_624882231322242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when a smiling kid triggered you shitskins? Pepperidge Farms remembers

>> No.14309850

Americans even add sugar to their cheese. It's disgusting

>> No.14309853

cheese is a hearty food full of fat and protein that will last for a long time surviving in the ice frozen over we couldn't just eat coconuts and watermelons all day you stupid melanated person

>> No.14309890

>smells foul
you have a weird way of spelling salami

>> No.14309895
File: 47 KB, 422x727, 1559620422490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eat dairy
>shit yourself to death
Many such cases

>> No.14309896
File: 228 KB, 1206x926, K in cheeses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14309922

Wait what has both cheese & sugar in it?
>t. American

>> No.14309955
File: 18 KB, 330x358, 1572136424295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why aren't white people obsessed with Haitian mud cookies or cow prostates?

>> No.14309964
