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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14300413 No.14300413 [Reply] [Original]

Of course not talking about cheap instantaneous shit, but homemade from scratch?

>> No.14300426

not very

>> No.14300536

there was this big thing in boston where you would eat a whole shitload of it and i swear i got salt blindness
i thought it was permanent. i couldn't see shit. probably had a stroke or something but i was in peak physical condition and a decade later i still feel fine

>> No.14300550
File: 1.64 MB, 3759x2100, _20190103_092950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ramen is a salty, fatty dish. It isn't a healthy food, generally. It's drunk food in Japan, just like you'd eat a munchie box or whatever.

>> No.14300637

please stay out of boston

>> No.14300648

Depends on how much salt you use, ingredients used, and animal fat content. Though its probably not that terrible depending on how you make it. Its basically noodle soup.

>> No.14300684

fuck you
stinks like shit anyway

>> No.14300815

sir you had a stroke because you couldn't handle how much ramen. if it smells so bad there you should have stopped eating.

>> No.14301082

It's never healthy but not too awful either, just don't drink the soup

>> No.14301105

Yes, the broth contains most of the salt.

>> No.14301464

salt and carbs... your artisinal hand rolled noodles in 24 hour bone broth is 1000% same 10 cent noodles retard. The most healthy in pic is the egg.

>> No.14301508

Traditional meaty ramen like a tonkatsu, paitan or miso is awful for you. Huge salt and fat content, huge calories. A more understated ramen, maybe vegetarian, can be middling to OK for you, but all ramen is seasoned heavily with salt or a soy-based condiment. The noodles are also pretty bad for you.

If you want a semi-healthy asian noodle soup to eat, Id recommend vegetarian Pho or Pho Ga.

t. cook ramen for a living

>> No.14301514

The egg is marinated in soy sauce so no. Basically most ingredients in ramen are healthy or ok (noodles) by themselves,but the salty preparation is the issue

>> No.14301525

Individual things are not healthy or unhealthy. Healthy is a lifestyle

>> No.14301536

No, even if you rarely eat trash food it's still trash food. There are much worse stuff than ramen though.

>> No.14301567

>Individual things are not healthy or unhealthy.
Correct, they're healthful or unhealthful.

>> No.14301649

It can be healthy if you don't use the included packets of what essentially is fat and MSG.

Assuming you use half the packet of seasons, add veggies, and protein you should be mostly fine.

>> No.14301654

>Assuming you use half the packet of seasons
Nice reading comprehension

>> No.14301656

If you learn to make it at home you can make it healthier with less salt. Salt is the biggest health concern.

Highly recommend learning how to make basic ramen even if you're too lazy or underqualified to make the broth from scratch. It's easy and you really shouldn't eat too much restaurant ramen.

>> No.14301787
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It's basically just a noodle soup, so you can make it as healthy or unhealthy as you want.

>> No.14301807

MSG isnt harmful unless you inject huge amounts in your blood.
Salt is much worse.

>> No.14301838

>retards in this thread think salt and fat is what is bad for you
>not the giant pile of carbs you are sucking down

Enjoy your after meal nap!

>> No.14301877

That's just basically any pasta, retard and it's not that bad in moderation, carbs is still a basic nutrient. What's bad about ramen specifically is the salt.

>> No.14301954

What's up with everyone dissing salt and fat? It's the carbs and sugar you should be careful with! Sugar is the worst desu and minimizing carbs is the key

>> No.14301961

Fat and salt are good for you. The only "unhealthy" thing about the dish is the noodles and even then it's fine if you do not eat like a pig every day

>> No.14301968

Again salt is worse than those, especially regular industrial salt which is nothing but sodium chloride. Carb is a fucking essential nutrient, you just need to handle it right and consume good carbs, same with fats.

>> No.14301969

oily broth kind of ruins any chance it had of being healthy.

>> No.14301978

What is carb essential to that some nice fatty cut can't do?
Please tell me since after researching a lot to get in shape what worked out like a miracle was getting the carbs as low as possible or cut them out whenever feasible. Carbs burn fast but that is due to them converting fast into essentially sugar and then you get an insulin spike, crash and feel super hungry and tired.

>> No.14301984

its just sodium and constipation

>> No.14301994

>was getting the carbs as low as possible
More like refined flour and sugar, which you abused like crazy before. Those aren't the best or only source of carbs you know.

>> No.14301997

Lots of rice ain't help either and the effects are the same.

>> No.14302001

because again it's just another refined cereal with simplified carbs

>> No.14302008

I still have not received an answer on what is so essential about carbs

>> No.14302009

You think ramen noodles aren't made from refined flour?

>> No.14302021

literally google it, complex carbs have several benefits to the body, or are you a /fit/fag that thinks he can only live with protein? lol

>> No.14302032

Close, I am a /fit/fag that never stepped his foot into /fit/, watched a bunch of workout channels and What I've Learned and topped it off with reading A Case Against Sugar and Why We Get Fat

>> No.14302197

I'm so sick of this fucking anti-salt propaganda. Salt is not "bad" for you. The human body needs salt to survive.

Salt your goddam food.

>> No.14302222

It really depends on how much.
Some instant noodle packs have half or more of the RDI.
The stuff they sell near me in restaurants it's so heavily salted you can't drink the stuff but it makes the noodles taste great.
That shit would be like 5 times what you need.

>> No.14302244

<iframe width="912" height="513" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/0bNdhM4vt4I" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

>> No.14302251


>> No.14302706

>instantaneous ramen

>> No.14302936

Language changes over time, correct grammar and definitions are the consensus of the speakers. Correcting common use language is not only pompous, but also ableist and reactionary

>> No.14302985

No. The amount of fat and salt in a scratch-made tonkatsu is bad for you. There is nothing debatable about it. You need only listen to your body after eating it.

>> No.14302994

>be an endurance athlete after a long, multiple hour training session

A dish high in carbs, fat and salt is exactly what this person needs

>> No.14303000

Yeah I wonder how things we've eaten throughout human history are bad, namely animal fat but also salt which played a huge part in preserving foods are so demonised. If you're already obese then yes, retaining water or having a calorie bomb is going to stress your heart out even more but that's an issue in and of itself. I care a lot more about food additives and frankenfoods, which are probably making men infertile.

>> No.14303245
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Autismo blog post.
I started eating Cup Noodles like a month ago and have been a fan since, after running low went to my local super market to get some but there was none, not even the noodles packages, i bought some milk and some other shit and asked the owner if there was no more of those cup noodles and he told me that they weren't selling that good so they stop shipping them, cry over it and call it a day, but today i went and behold they restocked the Cup Noodles and the noodles packages, fast food shouldn't make me this happy, but honestly i was happy to actually have those things again.

>> No.14303260

Salt and fat are both mostly to blame. But in a country where fat traditionally was luxurious and more expensive, they figured out how to make a damn good bowl of soup.

You can try a low sodium vegan based soup broth, but it's not going be the same. Good, perhaps, but not the same. Sniff around your ramen shops in your area if you have them and ask about their vegan options. (If they don't laugh and hang up on you.)

>> No.14303476

it's broth and carbs (noodles), so it's not healthy at all

replace the noodles with meat maybe

>> No.14303510

>veggie/fish stock
>some carbs from noodles
>add an egg and/or some meat for protein
>add additional veggies for vitamins and low calory density food to make you feel full

Basically as long as you don't oversalt it, it's already pretty healthy.

Only issue is that the salt is really what makes ramen awesome. bonito flakes, seaweed, soy sauce, fish sauce, miso, etc. All that shit has tons of salt, just need to make sure you use portion control.

>> No.14303522

About as healthy as homemade pizza, which is to say, not very.

>> No.14304426
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>It really depends on how much.
Pretty much this, while salt is necessary for survival, modern processed foods contain such gigantic amounts of it.
For example a single can Chef Boyardee's contains 2/3 or more of your supposed daily salt intake.
>Some instant noodle packs have half or more of the RDI.
lol (see pic)

>> No.14304558

What's so bad about the fat in ramen? it doesn't seem to have ludicrous amount of oils, fat from meat or meat broth is never bad.

>> No.14304565

>Noodles and pork fried in chicken fat
What do you think?

>> No.14304576

Same, people don't get enough potassium and magnesium therefore they criticize salt bc they're lazy

>> No.14304613

Industrial salt doesn't have that, which is what most people consume. And you are much better off eating cacao or nuts for those.

>> No.14304616

Are you all just trying to rationalize the amount of salt and fat you eat? I love ramen and eat it often but you’re an undeniable moron if you think it is a healthy dish. The stock is made by reducing and emulsifying the fat in the broth to super concentrated levels, you know it’s done cooking by how fatty it is. Then, upon plating, an aroma oil and salt condiment is added to each bowl, adding even more fat and a huge dose of salt. The pork belly is braised for hours in soy and it’s own fat. The bamboo shoots are slow cooked in soy and mirin. The egg is marinated in soy for up to 3 days.

Any of the cooks at my restaurant would laugh at anyone who thought that there was nothing unhealthy about their bowl.

>> No.14304625

There is nothing wrong with broth fat.

>> No.14304688

That's why big brains don't use the whole packet

>> No.14304875

the most unhealthy thing about ramen, and about any kind of food really, is the amount. If you dont eat like a pig, have plenty of water and have regular exercise, you will be fine

>> No.14305232

How much of a problem is the high salt and fat content actually mainly because we dumb westerners insist on drinking the whole broth while the Japanese drink only half of it and leave it standing at the counter/pour it down the drain?

>> No.14305944

From what i understand, it really isn't a problem unless you ingest toxic amounts of sodium. The actually problems start to arise when you have elevated blood pressure, in which case a high salt diet can leads to all sorts of health issues.

>> No.14305962

Good bone broth does wonders for your health. Animal fat isn't unhealthy for you if you're getting it from healthy animals. So ramen can potentially be very healthy, just depends on the quality of the ingredients you use.

>> No.14305968

OP said homemade, made from scratch. He can adjust the salt however he wants.

>> No.14306480

I once made homemade tonkotsu broth. 16 hours constant work paid off real nice. Oh and the fags crying about salt know jack shit. The broth itself is just bones and some aromatic veggies, the salt comes from the tare sauce and even that is healthy as long as you do not chuck sugar in there.

>> No.14306487

Yeah. Hell, almost anything can be healthy if you prepare it in the right way and use good ingredients. Hamburgers, pizza, ramen, you name it. Sweets will never be healthy though, there's no nutrition in that. There's plenty of good stuff in good quality burgs and ramen though.

>> No.14306497

I am trying real hard to stay away from all carbs to finally get in shape. It is miserable especially since I have no control over what food is served here...

>> No.14306500

Easy. Fasting.

>> No.14306520

Way ahead, also lots of walking and swimming.
Still feel hungry as fuck all the time

>> No.14306524

I'm going on a 3 day fast starting tomorrow, gonna break it on monday with some home made ribs a friend is gonna whip up. I'll see you on the other side.

>> No.14306531

Se ya later, space cowboy