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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 41 KB, 678x452, images - 2020-06-25T091209.606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14299906 No.14299906 [Reply] [Original]

Ive been in the US for a few years, and one thing Ive noticed is that most burger joints here have such basic or non existent salad and coleslaw fillings when its probably the one thing that can elevate a burger and its cheaper than stuffing more meat into a bun.

Some of the best burgers I had were only memorable because the salad was just great at balancing out the fattiness of the patty and giving it interesting flavour, if the chef was creative.

I cant even count the number of time burger joints just skipped the salad and Ive had to return it to the chef so he can put a few tomatoes and salad. Or they thought a thin layer of wilted lettuce would do . Why dont Americans appreciate salads in their burgers?
Eating a burger with just a slice of processed cheese, a fatty patty and bun just leaves you feeling shit and disgusted.

>> No.14299912

Why not have a salad on the side? Too many veggies on a burger, and they will tend to fall out when you bite.

>> No.14299925

excellence is found in simplicity. if you have a fuck ton of veggies on your burger then its just too much, a burger is best with few toppings. if your toppings fall out of your burger while you take a bite then theres too much

>> No.14299928

Veggie slaw like diced radishes or jicama or whatever you’re talking about only detracts. I like lettuce, tomato, onion, pickle and maybe some jalapeño, that’s plenty.

>> No.14299937

Because you need a good burger salad or coleslaw balances out the fattiness of the cheese and patty. Americans are more than happy to add more pattys to their tower burgers. A little spicy apple slaw wont hurt, especially when it can improve the flavour by a factor of 3

>> No.14299943

Okay, so, serve it on the side. Alternate one bite of burger, one bite of salad, wa laa, you balance out the fattiness.

>> No.14299950

Fair enough. Problem is, there are tons of burger joints that just skip even basic salads all together.

>> No.14299968

You eat salad in a bowl dummy

>> No.14299976

Sounds like something a soulless serial child murderer would do.

>> No.14299991

Did you only ever go to McDonald’s in the US or something? You can get vegetables at literally every single burger joint that isn’t some fatty mc fat fat flyover food place.

>> No.14300018

independent run burger joints and smokehouses. These guys tend to put a tiny amount of salad compared to the burger joints in my home country.

>> No.14300034

If you have to ask this question you will never understand burger.

>> No.14300040

Why do you keep saying salad what the fuck is wrong with you??

>> No.14300046

The salad goes on the side and consists of deep fried potatoes, you fucking frog eating communist pansy.

>> No.14300070
File: 420 KB, 1280x720, whopper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14300305


>> No.14300313

He’s clearly looking for a legitimate discussion you crossboarding plebbit newfag. Go back to your containment board if you want to bicker about dumb shit all day

>> No.14300314

Make your own burger than whiner

>> No.14300345

What's the point? Fried food is not even remotely healthy, so adding greens and veggies on it would accomplish nothing except texture enhancement

>> No.14300349
File: 1.04 MB, 1280x720, six big macs with a lettuce leaf salad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't eat a burger WITHOUT at least tomato, lettuce and onion, but I would never call those things in-tandem a "salad". They are just vegetables. Here is a real big mac salad though:

>> No.14300352


>> No.14300362

McDonald's tried for years to rip off the whopper, but no one was buying it. The problem is not so much that the IDEA of a whopper is bad (it's not) it's just that Burger King's meat tastes like thrice recycled toilet paper.

>> No.14300431

I used work at hungry Jacks, which is basically a rebadged burger king for Auscunts and the way that those pattys looked when you took em out of the fridge, you could have sworn they were frozen cardboard. Truly disgusting.

>> No.14300455

Burgers in America almost always get lettuce, tomato, pickles, and onion, not "salad".

>> No.14300463

>Some of the best burgers I had were only memorable because the salad was just great
well thats kind of weird
no reason to need anything besides fried onions and mustard. But regardless, putting veggies on top of burgers is extremely common in the US, what are you talking about?

>> No.14300541

If you say salad one more time I'm gonna hit you in the head with a cinder block.

>> No.14300573

>Ive been in the US for a few years
And you still call lettuce on a hamburger "salad"? Also if you want a bunch of shit on your burger, just go to Five Guys and order it "all the way"

>> No.14300989
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>> No.14302417

I like ketchup, mustard, and lettuce on mine.

>> No.14302422

>I'm stupid and my experiences reflect upon all of america
This episode is a rerun.

>> No.14302760

Not even a "do Americans really?" guy, but those burgers that only contain meat, cheese and greasy sauted onions seem to be an all American thing.
I don't see the appeal of it. I'd rather eat meatballs/frikadells with lots of onions in it and a dipping sauce and keep of the stupid bun.

>> No.14302775

>go to Five Guys
I would but I already but I already spent my $1200 stimulus check.

>> No.14303037

It's because Americans prefer salad on pizza

>> No.14303817

That's not true. I've seen a thread wondering why Americans DO put "salad" on top of burgers. He probably made that one too. Just another obsessed euro shit poster.

>> No.14303863

When I make my own burgers I mechanically go for salad and tomato, maybe onion and/or pickle if I'm feeling particularly off the charts.
And recently I tried doing a cheezburugur without salad and tomato, just with a slice of red onion. I was surprised at how much I could taste the meat and sauce compared to burgers with salad

>> No.14304175

My favorite fast food burger, right there. Unfortunately we don’t have one in my city, and I can’t drive to one. Sucks.

>> No.14304912
File: 3.19 MB, 2200x1901, 1585234382934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is the standard definition of what should be on all burgers.
optional: grated carrot.

>> No.14304973

I love salad and tomatoes on mine, along with pickles and onions. But I never have coleslaw. I kind of avoid coleslaw because when I was a kid I ate some that was so shit that it turned me off from coleslaw forever.

>> No.14305140

I don't know I always prefer more veggies on my burger than more meat, personally. It's a great way to have a balance of flavors.

>> No.14305164

lol putting raw tomato on burgers is fucking dumb, who wants a mealy mushy mess on there

>> No.14305178

This looks like what a europoor /ck/ user thinks American burgers look like

>> No.14305498

aussie deluxe? is the beet and pineapple really sweet? looks like I would want something spicy to balance out the flavs

>> No.14305571

This only belongs on something like a pulled pork BBQ sandwich, not a hamburger

>> No.14306970

can't say i'm a huge fan of this burger, but its ratio of salad to patty is perfect.

>> No.14306982

In America, they don't put any salad on their burgers. It's all just meat and plastic cheese. They also put crisps on their sandwiches. You can't even order a sandwich in Yankland without crisps on it.

>> No.14306988

Why do you put the patty in the burger? Just put it on the side and eat the bun with cheese and alternate between the salad, the meat and your bun with cheese and sauce
Same thing.

>> No.14307001
File: 402 KB, 704x528, vlcsnap-2019-12-07-00h06m02s671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coleslaw balances out the fattiness of the cheese and patty
no coleslaw is fatty as fuck, what are you talking about

>> No.14307006

why are there beets on there.

>> No.14307010

Do Americans really not eat beets?

>> No.14307120

if you want to elevate food just hold it above your head

>> No.14307245

>They also put crisps on their sandwiches
Literally what, never seen this on any menu here