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14298528 No.14298528 [Reply] [Original]

I made greek yogurt overnight and I am amazed at how easy it was and how well it came out.
I did it on a whim because I was bored and happened to have everything in my fridge.
I eat tons of this shit and it is not cheap.
I wish I had known about this sooner, I have half a gallon that I paid about a buck fifty for!

Now what though ? I eat some plain in smoothies and in place of sour cream , but I also eat a lot of fruity sweet premade ones.
Any recipes?

>> No.14298574

Teach me.

>> No.14298584

Strain it and you'll have Greek yogurt

>> No.14298674

>Teach me
Do you have an instant pot?
honestly it was just about pressing a few bottons and waiting then stirringin some store boughten yogurt and going to bed.
In the morning it was done.

>> No.14298719

i got some milk and an instant pot i never used what else do i need

>> No.14298746

I have a slow cooker.

>> No.14298750

Some greek yogurt , or any yogurt really that has active cultures .
I even used strawberry flavored and it came out fine.
Put the milk in the pot and hit the yogurt button , hit the adjust button once and it will say boil.
Put the lid on with teh vent not on seal and wait till it beeps.
let it cool for an hour then whisk in about few tablespoons of the yogurt.
Hit the yogurt button again so it says 8 hrs and go to bed

>> No.14298753

I think that will be too hot anon, sorry

>> No.14298767

I was straining when I posted
So sue me if I go to fast

>> No.14298811

ok i will try it before i go to bed today thanks anon

>> No.14299114
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Less than 2 hrs of straining and now its almost half water?
3.5 cups and i only started this venture with about 8 cups of milk.
Really tasty greek yogurt but i am kinda shocked at the waste.

>> No.14299163

You use the yoghurt whey for other things anon, you don't have to be wasteful.

1. Yoghurt whey + cream = creme fraiche
2. Use it as the acid in marinades (it's basically buttermilk without the milk solids)
3. Use it as an acid base for vegetable fermentation (plus salt)
4. Use it in savory pastry

>> No.14299177

Taziki sauce, make some Mediterranean food. Or use the yogurt as a marinade for chicken (sounds gross, but people have been doing it for centuries)

>> No.14299185

This. It's only "waste" if you waste it, op.

>> No.14299198

So how do I make this with my slow cooker?

>> No.14299210

Anyone into Skyr or Kefir here?

>> No.14299231

This post was not a second too soon.
I was just about to dump it in the compost

>> No.14299270

Weird Karens wash their faces in it, too, but I think that's going a bit far.

>> No.14299285

why not just eat the full fat yogurt?

>> No.14299308

Pretty sure its still full fat right? I dont think the fat is in the whey

>> No.14299333
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Am straining two litres of skinny yoghurt right now, already gained +300ml of whey.

gonna make some great frozen yoghurt this weekend. How much sugar ( or other sweetener )
do you guys normally use?

>> No.14299352

Don't throw it out!
Make Quesadillas Whey.

>> No.14299493

>4. Use it in savory pastry

How does this work

>> No.14299608

I've been meaning to make skyr for a while now

>> No.14299634

Instead of whatever liquid you would normally use, use yoghurt whey (if the recipe calls for cream of tartar or another acid source, use half as much).

>> No.14299689
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Also did some OP

I was the other anon who the thread asking about it the other day, now I finally made it, and btw without a proper cooker, the manual way
turned out a bit liquid but still damn fine for me, and I don't want to strain it either, prefer to use it whole with granola, or mix in some fruits for a light drink, if got even tangier would be better

>> No.14299693

You can buy it stores instead and then you don't have to do the work of making it.

>> No.14300116

I dont live near any greek groceries so that does not work for me

>> No.14300211

are the whey get when you strain and protein whey related

>> No.14300325

How do I make Yogurt without a cooking thermometer?
I got an instant pot but it has no yogurt setting.

>> No.14300406

i add a couple spoons of double cream to the milk before making yogurt then i use my yogurt instead of cream i recipes

>> No.14300446

It prolly does have a yogurt setting just no button

>> No.14300728

Just get the milk good and hot but not boiling
The only important thing is to let it cool to below 120f

>> No.14301137

That looks like it were be perfect for making mango lassi

>> No.14302038

i gave ur mum some greek yogurt last nite.

>> No.14302040


>> No.14302080

so I saute it just before its boiling then i let it cool what then?
cover it with blankets till its warm?

>> No.14302568

I really doubt that's true

>> No.14302672

I make and drink kefir everyday, it's GOAT. Sometimes I throw some concentrate whateverberry juice and do a second ferment.

>> No.14302799

Yes. Same thing

>> No.14302881

Mix with stale bread and feed the pigs for some delicious souvlaki

>> No.14303249

But I dont have any pigs ;_;

>> No.14303273

Not quite the same thing. The whey from which protein is isolated is the byproduct of cheese production. Yoghurt whey has less protein, more dissolved sugars and is more acidic than cheese whey.

>> No.14303412

Make regular pasta. Noodles, sauce, meat, whatever. After you’ve plated your pasta, put a nice big scoop of Greek yogurt on top. Some like to them mix it. Some like to eat it as is. It’ll change your life.

>> No.14303470

nope, at least not from what I heard, there is yogurt whey, cheese whey, and protein whey
I guess the protein one is achieved by processing both of the priors until getting a very refined/processed powered protein from it

I've seen stuff where they use the yogurt whey (allegedly sour) to spice up and make other stuff healthier
I think there might be a relation with lactobacillus fermented milk, but I'm not sure, either way you can just mix it in back on the yogurt

>> No.14303548
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you're in luck anon, because I had some fails and to get to the bottom of it to figure out what to do, and what not to do

first get some fresh milk, and some fresh plain whole natural yogurt, getting it natural and whole is better of course, but more importantly, make sure its all fresh, otherwise your bacteria culture may be ded

next, heat up the milk close to 85°c, its very close to a boil, but without actually boiling it, this will be hard to do with a thermometer, but make sure you do heat it up, because besides killing conflicting bacteria, it also alters the nutritional structure of the milk for better yogurt consumption, and don't bring to a full boil or you will end up with clots in it
next you need to let it cool down to 45°c, only then add in the yogurt starter, if its too hot you will kill it, if its too cold they will be slow to reproduce

so one key method I liked, is using a water bath method, put in a pan with milk inside another with water (don't use glass unless you're sure its safe to use), heat the whole thing, once the water comes to a boil, the milk inside it will be just some degrees below it, so you can turn it off and let it cool off
now it will take a heck of a longer time to cool that's because the water add a lot thermal mass to the system, but that's what we want later on, you will know its cooled to 45°c when you put your fingers in and not feel the need to take it out, it will feel hot but wont burn, the trick they say is if you manage to dip the finger for at least 5 seconds
after you're sure its cold enough, add in the yogurt culture and mix in, the ideal is keep it at 45°c for the whole duration of the fermentation, but not completely necessary, the water bath help by taking longer to cool off, but it also helps if you heat it up in regular intervals, since there is water between the heat and the milk its easier not to go overboard (now be very careful not to heat up too much, just half minute was enough for me)

>> No.14303574

>>14303548 (cont)
now what I did was keep re-heating for some hours to make sure it kept at near 45°C
but at some point you can just leave it there resting for the night, the longer it takes to ferment the tangier it gets, so a good tip is to cover it up, thermal blanket, wrap it in cloth, thermal box or bag, what to just get it to retain heat for longer
another very important thing to note, DO NOT continue to mix it up, it will spoil the process somehow, during fermentation something like a crust will appear on top, and that's a good sign its working right,
then all you have to do is wait, a good 12 hours is good time to make sure everything goes right, if the temperature is kept steady it could be done much sooner up to 6 hours, but as I said the longer you leave the more tangy it gets, as well as making sure the whole batch is properly turned into yogurt

>> No.14303841

why you will say something like this to someone mom?

>> No.14304597

Do you have a mustache in real life?

>> No.14304649

yeah, however I don't have the patience to go full 80s yet, otherwise everyone throws a fit

>> No.14305022

Make whey lemonade

>> No.14305028

Where the fuck do you get kefir grains?

>> No.14305066

I keep them tucked up under my 4skin

>> No.14306511
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pic related is delicious

>> No.14307743

How do you make that?
Is it a different culture ?

>> No.14307777

>when you put your fingers in and not feel the need to take it out, it will feel hot >”but wont burn, the trick they say is if you manage to dip the finger for at least 5 seconds”
>boils milk to sterilize it
>sticks his nasty fingers in the just-sterilized milk
disregard everything after that

>> No.14307864

you put the finger in the water massive retard
also, finger bacteria is generally ok as long you've washed your hand

>> No.14307904

>finger bacteria

>> No.14308538

0baste digits

>> No.14308614

Lurk moar, learn to greentext, snag pussy.

>> No.14309164

Says the man who could never get quad 7s if his life depended on it

>> No.14309177

lactobacillus I think its the one, found normally on human skin, takes part of anaerobic fermentation that takes place in cheese and bread, apparently its the one that adds some tartness to it

speaking of which, I was moving today my batch from the pan to a bottled container, I left it in the fridge about two days ago, still the same pan I used to ferment in, for some reason its a heck of a lot creamer then it was at first, some clumps forming and a lot stuck to the bottom, tastes like heaven though, is this common?

>> No.14310058

Soooooo, I've been reading on
quite interesting stuff, so is buttermilk like regular non-strained yogurt? or at least that looks like what you get if you don't heat the milk first?
by description it looks like what I got from my first failed attempt, that resulted in very liquid fermentation, but still with a very smooth tangy taste
this was the first time I found what actually is kefir, and it also sounds like a interesting thing to do

anyway, those articles got me more interested, as they mention using buttlermilk in bakes, yogurt whey also been said to work with that, plus butter making, has anyone delved further into the fermentation rabbit hole?

>> No.14310120

greek yogurt is extremely wasteful

>> No.14310277
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>recipe for yogurt
>step 1: buy yogurt

>> No.14310760

I followed the instructions of a youtuber who just stirred milk and yogurt into the instant pot, then pressed the yogurt button, and wait 8 hours. Am I good or did I screw up?

>> No.14310776

That's literally all there is to it
Although I heard that you get a better texture if you don't even stir it up after putting in the starter yogurt

>> No.14310810


Alright, thanks anon. I'll try and post some pics later when it's done.

>> No.14311126

>I followed the instructions of youtuber
>just stir and press a button
bottomless pit, both of ya

>> No.14311150

It is a little more of a sure thing if you heat the milk to ultra pasturize it first but no big deal, yours will probably come out fine.
Post results in the morning eh?

>> No.14311487
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Looks good to me. Heavy and creamy. Now off to the fridge.

>> No.14311573

butter isn't made from gurt, you can literally whip heavy cream and it'll eventually become butter. It's why whipped cream recipes are always specific about not whipping it too much. Buttermilk can be used in anything baked that takes milk and requires some tang or you want it in. Pancakes, cakes, muffins, great marinade for fried chicken too, southerners say the best there is. You can use your homemade yogurt as buttermilk in anything but you'll want to dilute it a little since it has less water and you'll end up with a more sour taste.

>> No.14311609

Drink the whey for the gainz

>> No.14312163

I think I got some off a Yahoo group once. Dropped the glass the kefir was in and didn't feel like trying to fuck with glass shards so that was that. Can't do dairy now so that's that but kefir is totally worth it anon.


>> No.14312188

Well get a western woman as a gf. It's about the same thing.

>> No.14312199

you need to make yoghurt....from yoghurt
to save money buying yoghurt?

>> No.14312228

but how to you get milk cream or regular butter milk?

>> No.14312236

>Being so poor that you can't buy yogurt once.
You can use your own yogurt to make more, so you have to only use store-bought yogurt once.

>> No.14312285

Is it actually
1. As good as store bought Greek
2. Cheaper than store bought Greek

>> No.14312286
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Look at how the water is puddling on top of the yogurt

>> No.14312441

why do ameritards call it greek?

>> No.14312468

In Europe we call unstrained yogurt = regular yogurt and strained yogurt = Greek yogurt.

>> No.14313062

My yogurt turned out very liquidy. I let it incubate for about 10 hours. Should I have let it go longer?

>> No.14313134

How did you make it?
What ingredients ?
Did you boil it?

>> No.14313152

Used pasteurized 2% and I did boil it

>> No.14313373

what culture?
What temp did you let it cool to?

>> No.14313377

Also was this in an instant pot?

>> No.14313600
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I'm the anon the above pot picture. (Dump all into pot, press button, wait 8 hours) Here's the results, delicious and dirt cheap. Mom was impressed, we'll never buy store yogurt again. Not sure how it was possible without messing around with boiling and changing pots but whatever.

>> No.14313964

I started from store bought plain organic greek yogurt, let it cool to ~110F after boiling and incubated in an instant pot on the yogurt setting.

It's honestly not bad at all. The taste is great, I'm just curious why it turned out so thin when video's I've seen from others following the exact same steps is much thicker.

>> No.14314070
File: 166 KB, 768x576, dsc00901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your are mom (female) (women) is delicous and dirty cheap
Doing your mom doing your mom get rekt niggir!!

>> No.14314097

I think greek yogurts need to be strained. I think the culture is made so that you can do that

>> No.14315295

Your post is foolish ,racist and sexist

>> No.14315312

I thought straining it was what made it greek yogurt?

>> No.14315429

It is but brands that specialize in greek yogurt have different cultures as well

>> No.14315438

I want to make drinkable yogurt and I read that mesophilic cultures are better for that since they're generally thinner. But some of them are said to have a "ropy" texture which doesn't seem like it would be good for drinking. Anyone know which strain of starter I should try? Would prefer one that was fairly tart as well.

>> No.14315491

Or would a buttermilk starter work better for this?

>> No.14315503

Try the grains first , if you dont like the flavor that much try the powdered starter you can get in the markets , its got a sort of cleaner flavor .
I would say the grains are healthier though and can go on infinitely while the starter will give you about 7 to 10 generations before the culture starts to "drift" a bit.
Even so one box of starter will last you for years , just use much less than the package calls for

>> No.14315507

But the yogurt is also cursed..

>> No.14315756

how so?

>> No.14316945

you're mom is racist,, sex, and fool!!!!
Dumb NIGGOR!!!!\
mmmmm i love jogurt!!! tasty good!!

>> No.14317998

Did you end up straining it?

>> No.14318480

I didn't but I am definitely going to for the next batch.
For now I'm enjoying drinking it. I made some doogh with it and it was delicious.

>> No.14318573

Now I want to make a chicken pot pie with this

>> No.14318925

This. For good yogurt with culture it's like 1.30 for 1 liter it's not worth it to make yourself.

>> No.14318984

>1.30 for 1 liter
What ? Where.
In the us a liter of greek yogurt would cost about 10 bucks. Milk here goes on sale very often for 50 cents a liter more or less

>> No.14319069

A liter of milk is a little less than $1 where I live but a liter of yogurt is around $2

>> No.14319151

A liter of yogurt is a huge amount. How is it so cheap?

>> No.14319188

That's the price for the cheapest plain nonfat yogurt but I'm probably remembering the price wrong. I remember for some liters of yogurt though that they cost as much as a full gallon of milk.

>> No.14319250

Lol ur getting ripped off. These prices are in the Netherlands though, so that's directly from where it's milked and manufactured on a high scale

>> No.14320018

I am going to town tomorrow and get more milk to make a huge batch
Can you freeze yogurt?

>> No.14320026

These prices are normal in Europe. Use cheap UHT milk.

>> No.14320315

I used to make yogurt all the time it was super easy.

Anyone have a recipe for a decent non-dairy yogurt? I've tried using nut milks and doing it like normal yogurt but they got moldy. I figure it won't thicken without something being added?

>> No.14320405
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>I've tried using nut milks and doing it like normal yogurt but they got moldy. I figure it won't thicken
Ive got some nut milks that will thicken up for ya

>> No.14320413

>skinny yoghurt
how do you make it skinny?

>> No.14322184


>> No.14322647

what the actual fuck is normal yogurt anyway? why is greek the only kind with actual protein

>> No.14322671
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Greek style is an old euphemism for anal indergorze

>> No.14322792

regular yogurt is unstrained and Greek yogurt is strained regular yogurt.

>> No.14323050

The culture is usually different as well

>> No.14323177
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I am trying to make healthier lasagna, can I sub Greek yogurt for sour cream?

>> No.14323485

Regular yogurt is lower in protein because it's basically just thickened milk, Greek yogurt has more protein because some liquid is removed so it's concentrated.

The protein in regular yogurt is still good, but I don't like to actually eat it because it feels like a waste of time, like drinking a glass of milk one spoonful at a time. I'd rather just drink thinner yogurt.

>> No.14323543

>what is frozen yogurt

>> No.14323552

Yogurt is Yogurt, for some reason ameritards call strained yogurt "greek"
why are american retards? no one knows for sure

>> No.14323782

why do you hate the americans so much ?

>> No.14323974

In (Western) Europe strained yogurt is also commonly called "Greek yogurt" or "Greek-style yogurt", the only country that I know of that doesn't call it that is Greece.