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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 150 KB, 1080x1080, blue-bell-brides-cake-1590022054415[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14295881 No.14295881 [Reply] [Original]

Who makes the best ice cream? I know it's divisive, but I sincerely believe it's blue bell. Their proportion of milk and butterfat lets a regular serving out of the freezer get melted around the outside, and still frozen/soft solid throughout most of the ice cream. They have the best vanilla and strawberry, and their other flavors are really solid too, like banana pudding, or even temporary stuff like pic related, why aren't there more almond flavored ice creams?

>> No.14295883

Blue Bell's pecan praline ice cream is the undisputed goat of all ice creams

>> No.14295905

Milk, Cream, Sugar, Skim Milk, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Corn Syrup, Natural and Artificial Vanilla Flavor, Cellulose Gum, Vegetable Gums (Guar, Carrageenan, Carob Bean), Salt, Annatto Color.

lmao more like blue garbage

>> No.14295941

As a Texan, I can honestly say that only boomers like this stuff anymore. Quality went way down but boomers refuse to accept it. For me, it's HEB Creamy Creation.

>> No.14295947

You're a faggot if you object to gum stabilizers/thickeners. Try them in your own ice cream, they do wonders for texture. The rest is pretty typical stuff; different forms of dairy, sugar, and flavors.

>> No.14295954

you're a faggot if you defend garbage chemical slurry ice """""""""""""""""""""cream"""""""""""""""""

>> No.14295968

HEB can do no wrong, can’t wait to move back

>> No.14295974

blue bell gets my vote because they still sell in 1 gallon containers, everyone else is cheapened out and makes the containers smaller.

>> No.14295976
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>chemicals r bad
you tried, good job

>> No.14295987

i said chemical slurry is garbage you illiterate retard

>> No.14296071
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everyone understood your brave opinion, did you come in here to answer the op or just shit on a brand that irritates your delicate sensibilities?

Runner up ice cream flavor coming through

>> No.14296076

lmao how much do you get paid to shill indian bean gum and corn syrup flavored frozen milk?

>> No.14296093
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>> No.14296105

When people talk about chemicals in their food they're usually referring to things produced through chemistry rather than biologically
A lot if these products are bad or a crutch or extremely overused like in this cheap yucky ice cream for example

>> No.14296114
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Bride's Cake is my fav Blue Bell.

Velvet Spumoni beats it out tho

>> No.14296115

>As a Texan, I can honestly say that only boomers like this stuff anymore. Quality went way down

I used to occasionally like them and buy it. Then, LISTERIA. I'll never get past the corporate dishonestly to fail inspection after inspection, and just carried on with people dying just only concerned with $$$ until someone took it to national news. I'll never trust them again. This was over like a year and a half. Plenty of time to do the right thing to fix the issues.

Publix ice cream is my favorite large brand. It is all good and has seasonal flavors too. I like Talenti pistachio and mango sorbet. There's some great flavors in Haagen Daaz, rum raisin and some new boozy and trio kind of things.

>> No.14296116

who did it better?

>> No.14296120


>> No.14296412
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Clover Sonoma makes the best ice cream I've tried but I think it's only available in California. Tillamook is also pretty good but not quite on the same level..

>> No.14296431
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Talenti is pretty nice when I want ice cream with a bunch of stuff mixed into it.

>> No.14296438

i dont need that shit in my home made ice creams


>> No.14296467


>> No.14296511
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>artificial flavor added

>> No.14296521

Never tried that flavor, sounds good

>> No.14296546
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>> No.14296575
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This will be a thread where plebeians will defend shitty brands like Ben & Jerry's or Hagandazzzz that charge a fuckton for a pint of their super cool, way too complicated or far too simple ice cream (respectively).

Blue Bell makes fucking good ice cream that ain't that absolute best, but it's very good every time and you can get a half gallon of it at HEB for slightly less than $4. Not only that, but they come out with real cool flavors and combinations that aren't decided by stoners' whose tastebuds don't work anymore.

Remember, Blue Bell is so good that people fucking died and the rest of us counted down the days until it came back. They even limited the number of tubs you could buy after it came back.

They're doing something right out there in Brenham.

>> No.14296624

I just wish I didnt have to drive 3 hours with a cooler and towels to get it. They make the best Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream.

It's a $135 to get 4 half gallons to be over night shipped.

>> No.14296745

this is probably the cringiest viral marketing campaign i've ever seen

>> No.14296756

No one cares about 4chan Anons but glowniggers.

>> No.14296759

do glowies have share in shitty ice cream?

>> No.14297660
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>why aren't there more almond flavored ice creams?
Coasties are missing out.

>> No.14297671
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Make way for the king, peasants.

>> No.14297675

I stick to the breyers because the ingredients are simple and I can pronounce all of them.

>> No.14297740 [DELETED] 
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I like avocado ass cream t.b.h

>> No.14297820
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Don't mind me, just being the best ice cream

>> No.14297831
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for me its a generic tub of neopolitan

>> No.14298003

The most /thread of /threads I have ever seen. Kill yourselves you stupid hicks

>> No.14298009

Seriously. Blue Bell has been garbage for more than a decade, even before the listeria.

>> No.14298055

if you're buying ice cream from HEB, you might as well by HEB brand. it is better than bluebell anyway

>> No.14298493

I got a bluebell collection at home.

>> No.14298591

>Make way for the king, peasants.
Those all look too sweet. If you were at Publix, why wouldn't you get Publix branded ice cream? You seem like the kind of person who would buy Edy's or blue bunny.

>> No.14298928

I just tried the OREGON HAZELNUT & SALTED CARAMEL flavor out and was pleasantly surprised. Tillamook caramel is far richer than other ice cream caramels, who's flavor is only a one note sweetness. Tillamook ice cream also has the softest texture of any other carton ice cream I've tried. Thank you for this post ;o

>> No.14298943
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Barnes, and you'll never ever get to try it.

>> No.14299092 [DELETED] 

Most frozen custard places are better.

>> No.14299157

Most frozen custard places are better.

>> No.14299287

My gold standard. The first ingredient is always "cream". The "Oregon Dark Cherry" is absolutely fantastic; the Strawberry is solid. The Marionberry Pie has little crust chunks in it, which is cool. The Huckleberry flavor (not pictured) is also good, probably above Strawberry but below Dark Cherry. I am eating the Birthday Cake flavor right now and it is definitely better than an actual birthday cake. Has little sprinkles and stuff in it, which I guess is a nice touch. It's wonderfully rich, but I wouldn't probably repeat it as a purchase.

No complaints. I just finished a tub of their "Classic Lemon Bar" flavor last week, and it pushes the envelope on what ice cream can be. Highly recommended. Their cherry flavor is a little below Tillamook's though.

Agreed; the "layers" line of gelato is a much better value than the standard flavors.

I had the Ben and Jerry's "Cherry Garcia" a few weeks ago, and it was definitely very tasty. I agree that it is too pricy for a regular option though.

I will keep an eye out for this if it is above Tillamook, although I would pass if they only have vanilla for some reason.

>> No.14299501
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My favorite local place is Hoffman's, a little place in Westminster MD. My favorite is their peppermint but its seasonal for the winter so it's a huge bummer when you go there and it isnt.

>> No.14299659
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Pls rate

>> No.14299662

enjoy your salmonella!

>> No.14299729

Eating a bowl of the Tillamook Mudslide flavor right now. The chocolate ice cream is solid but the chocolate chips and fudge ribbon both blow hard. The chocolate chips are way too sweet and the fudge is really gritty and salty.

It's shame that such a good base ice cream was ruined by such terrible mix-ins.

>> No.14300768

Nobody cares.

>> No.14300781

>Caramel Butter Pecan
That's it, I'm hard.

>> No.14301400

People would think it didn't taste right if only natural sourced flavors.

Banana candy for instance.

>> No.14301418

yeah for whatever reason, wasn't a fan of the mudslide or the coffee-nut flavor

but the mint chip and cookies n cream are both amazing and maybe the best of their respective flavors

>> No.14301432

I mix my ice cream into a soft serve everytime :)

>> No.14301440

Blue bell sucks. It just tastes so artificially sweet. I like Haagen Dazs, simple ingredient list and doesn't overdo it

>> No.14301584

>>why wouldn't you buy an inferior product because its there?

What a stupid question. Also they're not any bad kind of sweet at all. Literally the perfectly balanced ice cream. Maybe not every flavor, but all I've had have been. The old fashioned vanilla is easily the best of any storebought vanilla of any variety.

>> No.14301741

>now with extra listeria!

>> No.14303180

Damn. I always wondered why Tillamook didn't make a mint chip flavor, and now it's even worse: they DO make it, my local stores just don't carry it. Ignorance was semi-bliss...

>> No.14303252

I did this religiously as a child but completely lost interest in doing so as an adult. I appreciate contrasting textures now, and I don't like to speed up the melting of my ice cream.

>> No.14303265
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>> No.14303500
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My wife and I go bowling and afterwards go there for some peppermint ice cream! Sooooo goood!

>> No.14303900

Bro the cherry cheesecake one is insane

>> No.14303950
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>tfw this product line always looked super appetizing in store
>very first Layers pint I buy is the Peanut Butter Vanilla Fudge and PB is my weakness so I expect it to be great
>it's incredibly underwhelming
>lose interest in Talenti products for the longest time
>buy pic related on a whim when it's on sale
>fucking delicious
>try Lemon Berry Pie next and it's also fantastic
I'm glad I gave this line a second chance.

>> No.14303955

Don’t rub it in, haven’t been back to OK in years

>> No.14303989

For me it used to be Haagen Dazs, which really seems like it has a richer flavor, but I don't like how incredibly rock hard and impossible to scoop it is straight out of the freezer. The cheaper ice creams aren't so hard and can be easily scooped.

Lately I've just been buying the Aldi store brand ice cream and it's good.

>> No.14303996

store it in the freezer door
it's warmer there

>> No.14303997

Ben and Jerry's

>> No.14304031

not enough

>> No.14304169

I just tried ben and Jerry's ice cream a few weeks ago, their flavors sound really fucking good but their actual ice cream is terrible In terms of texture and flavour, almost like the shit they throw in it saves the whole thing. I'm not sure what Americans think of ben and Jerry's bc I'm not from there but holy shit it really isnt that good. Especially for like 9 usd per 400ml. Is ben and Jerry's a scam?

>> No.14304216

It used to be better but in the last decade or so they've gone full capitalist. Much lower quality ingredients and more of them in exchange for less flavor and more calories. Trash now. Only worth it if you really really love one of their unique flavours.

>> No.14304491
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kroger's private selection is fine for the price. don't really need anything fancy.

>> No.14304804

I made a spiced vanilla ice cream using chai concentrate and fresh vanilla bean. It was very nice, I'm actually surprised chai isn't a popular flavor.

>> No.14305016

Chai would be the shit, great idea anon. Nice work.

>> No.14305037
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I picked up a Cuisinart Ice Cream maker at Goodwill last weekend and I have been making my own. I made Chocolate Chip the other day and tonight I made Chocolate. I want to do a Mint Chip but I need Andes and some fresh mint.

>> No.14305045

Their absolute best flavor was melon and cream. Shame it'll never come back because it's what gave them the listeria outbreak.

>> No.14305049

You forgot the egg yolk and any sort of flavor, dumbass

>> No.14305059

I used to go to the factory all the time as a kid. They'd do a cheap tour and let you sample some ice cream at the end, and they have an ice cream themed water park nearby bluebell built for the kids of their employees. My parents and their friends would dump us kids there and leave one adult to watch us while they went out and did stuff. Awesome times as a kid.

>> No.14305073

This place also has some of the best fast food burgers I've ever had

>> No.14305081

Most normal people would be glad to not be in Oklahoma

>> No.14305096
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stewarts ride or die

>> No.14305162


>> No.14305211

Dang, I wish I could eat it. I love graham flavored ice creams.

>> No.14305544

Based Brenham poster. I took a tour of the factory a few years ago. Good times and wholesome.

>> No.14305554
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>normal people
Yes, stay the fuck out of texoma

>> No.14306673

Mint cookie Crumble is their best, but stewarts in patrician taste

>> No.14308073
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Imagine, a hot summer scorcher and going into a braum’s and getting pic related.

Suddenly the cold peppermint instantly cools you off inside. You’re now addicted and there’s no going back.

Braum’s: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3hFlwm26Vc

>> No.14308603

We call those people Niggers

>> No.14309726

get the fruit flavors you idiot

>> No.14310631
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I will be making my own ice cream from now on. Fuck store bought shit.
Cocoa powder(sifted)
Dark brown sugar
Heavy cream
Vanilla extract

>> No.14310640
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Mix dry ingredients and then whisk in milk.

>> No.14310650
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Add cream and vanilla and whisk in lightly. I'll be picking up heavy cream from my local dairy which uses Jersey cows from now on. I am also going to be picking up raw milk for my own homemade Mozz.

>> No.14310655

lmao, fuckking retard

>> No.14310658
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Picked up for $10 at Goodwill last week.

>> No.14310667

Do you live in Arizona?

>> No.14310674
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No ice or salt required. You freeze the bowl overnight. Seems to work pretty good. When I was a kid we would take turns hand churning ice cream with ice and rock salt when we'd go camping. This is so much easier and cheaper.

>> No.14310678
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20 minutes later.

>> No.14310687
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Time to transfer to our fridge dish.

>> No.14310695
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We'll let it set up overnight. We could have it like it is but it's more of a soft serve consistency.

>> No.14310711
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>> No.14310722
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It set up nice.

>> No.14310731
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>> No.14310739
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Wa La

>> No.14310745


>> No.14310858

U no like peppermint? Y dough?

>> No.14310936

I really like tillamook, the flavour and amount for the price is pretty good.

>> No.14311419

blue bell when i want to spend it/on sale
Mayfield cause it goes on sale more
Baskin Robins mint chip is up there too

>> No.14311427
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>Chocolate icecream with chocolate syrup
I wish I could enjoy food like this again. I would trade being able to enjoy anchovies, coffee, and strong cheese for being a child who loves chef boyardee and lunchables again.

>> No.14311533
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Make way for the winner

>> No.14312862

Looks great, anon. Thanks for the play-by-play. I'm impressed by the results that machine can generate. No eggs, either? Wow. I'm sold.

>> No.14312957

I was thinking of trying a recipe with eggs but the instruction manual had a bunch of recipes that don't require them which I wanted to try out. The results are very good, better than most store bought with the exception of Haagen Dazs and their peers. I'm not sure the extra effort would be worth it tbqh. Although I want to make my favorite, Mint Chip next and will be steeping fresh mint in the milk and using Andes Mints so I may go all out for that batch and see if it's worth it. Kitchenaid makes a similar Ice Cream maker that produces a full half gallon which would make the effort much more worth while than the 5 cups or so the Cuisinart produces. But it was only $10 so I can't complain.

>> No.14312970

i care

>> No.14312974
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If you live in Ontario Canada its Kawartha Dairy Ice Cream, if not Ben & Jerries.

>> No.14313309

>tfw the internet has made me aware of amazing looking creameries all over the country and world
>all of the best-looking ones don't ship, and shipping ice cream sucks anyway
>still, every ice cream place I can actually access seems inferior
Feels so bad.

>> No.14313380

>Live semi-major city in Ontario
>Never heard of Kawartha
I do have fond memories of Moomers in Traverse City, MI whenever I'd go and visit my grandma.

>> No.14314788

extremely based

>> No.14314794

personally I enjoy hogging dogs vanilla with some freshly crushed oreos.

>> No.14315044

Trader Joes purple sweet potato ice cream is best.

>> No.14315296

I do anon. No ice cream is sweeter than that which you make with your own hands. Also I cum in it.

>> No.14315364
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>the best ice cream
pic related
- amazing flavor
- zero fillers, gums, stabilizers, carrageenan
- $5

shame I can't find it anymore. They used to carry it here a few years back.

>> No.14315435
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Bluebell homemade vanilla with brandy cinnamon apples