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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14294977 No.14294977 [Reply] [Original]

So, Anon, it's time to answer the question. Are you a secret eater?

>> No.14294985

i've always been uncomfortable eating around other people, so if i haven't eaten and no one else is eating i'll generally piss off for a little while to eat.

>> No.14294990

No. I'm 100% aware of all the trash I shovel into my mouth.

>> No.14295000

Sometimes I eat a lot of food, then I force myself to vomit and I don't eat for a couple days

>> No.14295025

What the fuck is a secret eater? Someone who hides what they eat?

>> No.14295036

When I was fat sometimes I'd get fast food and eat it in my car before I went home so my mom wouldn't make comments. Then I'd eat din din as well :)

>> No.14295057

Yeah but like the nutty professors candy drawer, not just having a cheeky cookie at 1am

>> No.14295058

Are bongs really so poor and fat that they have to hide food from one another?

>> No.14295064


>> No.14295066

I live alone; does that mean I always eat in secret because nobody knows when or what I eat or that I never eat in secret because you have to have two people for a secret to exist in the first place?

>> No.14295080

Absolutely, I once a whole jar of bovril and my father whipped me with a telephone cord

>> No.14295094

I only did that once when I was a little kid, there was this cool Mexican restaurant that my grandparents took me to and I got some nachos to go and kept them under my bed at their house for late night snacking without waking anyone up. I only did that once, looking back on it, it was pretty stupid but I didn't want to leave them on the kitchen counter because there were these tiny ants. How they got up like 30 floors in Florida amazed me but if they could do that they would have gotten into my nachos.

>> No.14295136

Could be someone hiding his true eating habits from himself, too.

>> No.14295140

I find this milf host so delicious, post her in her underwear!

>> No.14295176

She looks psycho, one step away from being an axe murderer.

>> No.14295188

I haven't eaten in front of people in 12 years.

>> No.14295202


She's Sue's wife. Sue(The one with glasses) from Mel & Sue from The Great British Bakeoff.

>> No.14295224

No wonder she's so goofy looking, she's Brit.

>> No.14295481

I'm not

but I realize calories in < calories out is how to lose weight
but I do that, I'm under 2000 a day every day and I'm absolutely stuck, and I'm 230lbs

is it possible that there's something else going on where my body just wont give up the fat?

>> No.14295699

try a cheap food scale and making your meals at home. weigh out your components before cooking and then calculate your nutrients. companies are only required to be accurate in the amount of product that they sell within a massive degree of error, so if it says 10 pieces of something is 30g it could be 20g or 40g, which could stall your weight loss.

they're like $10 on amazon and totally worth it. plus with a food scale you're pretty much an amateur baker

>> No.14295705

Stop torturing yourself and just do carnivore.

>> No.14295742

I did try that, I actually gained weight rapidly when I did it

>> No.14295822

No you didn't.

>> No.14295829

Yes. I take Quetiapine (seroqu*ll) to sleep and get uncontrollable munchies. For example, I was at under 2000 calories and in 30 minutes just wolfed down another 1000 due to my current mental haze and unwavering hunger. I hide this from my gf, who is dieting. Anons please help, my doc told me to "look inward" but all I see is a ravenous beast

>> No.14296487

>when i was fat
Based king, keep slayin.

>> No.14296500

I think you can live alone and be a secret eater. The people who order huge amounts of fast food or something and pretend they're ordering for two because they feel ashamed probably qualify.

>> No.14296514

>The people who order huge amounts of fast food or something and pretend they're ordering for two because they feel ashamed probably qualify.
You're describing denial, not a secret.

>> No.14296516

You think people who live with secret eaters don't know as well?

>> No.14296532
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Yeah I used to go out for walks when I was younger and told my parents I just wanted some sun since I'm on my computer all day.
I'd actually go to the Mcdonald's for some burgers or the local corner market for some snacks. I never had junk food in the house growing up and I was never allowed to eat them so that's how I got my fix

>> No.14296550

Are you 100% certain on your calorie counting? I always overestimate calories from stuff like oil when frying when on a cut and that seems to work. Eating below maintenance for a while your body adapts and begins to become more efficient, I found fasting a day helped get over a plateau.

>> No.14296606

Then it isn't a fucking secret.

>> No.14296622

Maybe you're eating at such intervals you constantly spike your insulin which makes it 10x harder to shed the weight. You should do intermittent fasting, or even fast a couple days to lower your insulin and regulate your metabolism

>> No.14296664

How did you survive a lethal dose of sodium

>> No.14296670

I have to secret eat because everyone is a fucking retard that doesn't know how to portion spread food for maximum enjoyment multiple times. For example I will buy stuff to make X amount of burgers and get enough chips for those amount of burgers and assclowns want to eat the whole fucking bag of chips with one burger. Maybe I am autistic but that shit pisses me off.

>> No.14296901

I'm a secret drinker