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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14290696 No.14290696 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14290704
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>> No.14292103

why the fuck wouldnt you just use chopsticks for spaghetti instead? way fucking easier.

>> No.14292111

You're expecting someone incapable of eating spaghetti normally to be able to use chopsticks?

>> No.14292117

do amerisharts really place a pair of "pasta scissors" next to the silverware at restaurants as though it was a standard eating utensil?

>> No.14292119

Name 1 thing actually wrong with what he's doing

>> No.14292121

It's fat behavior.

>> No.14292122

Not generally.
I believe that Korean Barbecue and grocery store pizza taste samples are the primary uses of scissors on cooked food.

>> No.14292137

so they do... fucking hell

>> No.14292139

Can yuropoors really not afford pasta scissors

>> No.14292141

"pasta scissors" aren't a thing in normal countries you dumb mutt, only amerifats are retarded enough to need scissors to eat spaghetti

>> No.14292143

Well, yeah, but most murrilards don't know how, and are still experimenting with the spoon thing that their aunt learned about on a church trip back in 1983

>> No.14292170

This nigga really doesn't have pasta scissors

>> No.14292764

Imagine being so poor that you don't have pasta scissors

>> No.14292768

>he doesn’t have pasta shears

>> No.14292769

This guy doesn't look American. Something in the demeanor and lighting says Europe.

>> No.14292775

Nevermind, found source. He's Canadian.

>> No.14292776

Triggered by sarcasm. Immature frontal lobe spotted.

For sure this isn't an Amerrican. That's scandinavian decor.

>> No.14293126


>> No.14293165

I have dedicated green onion scissors

>> No.14293170

Green onion dipped in ranch is delicious

>> No.14293199

By the time hes halfway done, he will have a plate filled with tiny pasta pieces that will be a bitch to pick up with his fork.

>> No.14293207

Was it autism?

>> No.14293249

Does anyone honestly use a fork and spoon?

My girlfriend insists on it, says it's bad manners otherwise. I avoid spaghetti now because it just makes my wrist ache and I don't enjoy the meal.
Just use a knife and fork like a civilised person you dumb jap.

>> No.14293376

ITT: People mad that an american outsmarted italians by just using pasta scissors.

>> No.14293936

No he wont.

>> No.14293941

American efficiency. It's not aesthetic but it works.

>> No.14293958

yes he will

>> No.14294081

No he won't.