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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14288216 No.14288216 [Reply] [Original]

>be American
>get free delivery on McDonalds breakfast when I order $15 worth of breakfast food
Gee I wonder why so many people are unhealthy

>> No.14288219

Yeah, this new sale explains decades of declining health. You're a fucking retard.

>> No.14288228

Hey, idiot, it's about the overall trend of deals like this over the last 70 years. "Buy more saturated fat and sugary addictive trash and it's a better deal" and you wonder why poor people are obese

>> No.14288229

It’s called a microcosm you’re the retard

>> No.14288230

Be a retard and browse McDonald's ads buying everything get fatter and brokered and obeserer and cry to other fat retards about what a retard you are

>> No.14288232

>n-n-n-n-n-n-nno i meant
You can't unfuck this thread.

>> No.14288235

Obviously OP got an email or some shit. Imagine ignoring a real problem instead of acknowledging it and striving for a better world

>> No.14288237
File: 8 KB, 350x230, African American Obesity Out Of Control.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gee I wonder why so many people are unhealthy

I blame white people.

>> No.14288281

Imagine spending your day going thru your spam folder as you sit in your soiled diaper eating Cheetos dipped in lard thinking you are captain America saving the world from random emails, now imagine being the guy whiteknighting for that guy in hopes of feasting on said soiled diapers. That's you

>> No.14288294

Imagine replying to the aforementioned whitenight. That’s you. Your personality reeks. How about fix yourself instead of being a little bitch who wants everyone to keep living in their own filth just so you can feel a tiny bit superior to them. Pathetic

>> No.14288296

if I was still working construction I would just get the guys in the crew to chip in so we can have our food delivered for free in one order. if you're only one person and you're spending $15 on McDonald's food you deserve to die at 35 from a massive coronary.

>> No.14288313

You convinced me I declare jihad on emails, McDonald's, Uber eats and iPhones.


>> No.14288337
File: 102 KB, 675x576, 1515399155612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tf is this post even

>> No.14288355

Holy shit, why are your 'merican blacks all so fat?

>> No.14288382

15 dollars gets you a dozen eggs, a loaf of bread, apples, and OJ or milk. That's enough for several breakfasts. Spend another 15 and you can get butter, jam, cereal, or some cheap sausages or bacon. People are unhealthy because they are dumb and lazy.

>> No.14288395

>15 sausage biscuits is less food than 12 eggs

>> No.14288400

>wtf why can Americans afford food!!!!!??? I wish the European Union allowed these types of deals
It's also fifteen times less filling.

>> No.14288402

Extremely cucked mindset.

>> No.14288418

Gigantic cocks and big fat juicy ass and titties

>> No.14288424

Need proof of the latter. Pls.

>> No.14288429

Goddammit Andrew just order your damn food. You can save some for later if you think you're gaining weight. Get me one of those chicken and bacon wraps btw.

>> No.14288433

you have a point but couldn't you argue making your own food is always cheaper than going out so going out even for healthy food is stupid?

>> No.14288443

Eating food that random people have touched spit on coughed in cum in and shat in is not healthy you millennial retard

>> No.14288446

ok agoraphobic autist

>> No.14288452

Not him, but
>Boomers have been eating all this crap for years
>Still complains about millenials emulating them
Hygiene standards are higher than they were in your youth you retard. Take your schizo pills and stop freaking out cause a black guy made your food.

>> No.14288464

>I Eat food that random people have touched spit on coughed in cum in and shat in but that's ok because you are a random jewish buzzword

>> No.14288466

take your pills man

>> No.14288469

Boomers dont eat McDonalds they eat home cooked meals with vegetables that's why they are so much healthier than millennials

>> No.14288472

>Holy shit, why are your 'merican blacks all so fat?
What do you expect from people who consume more fat & sugar than any other group?

>> No.14288475

That is just a blatant lie

>> No.14288479

I'm not a millennial I dont need a pill to get out of bed . And if I was dumb enough to eat fastfood I would use my driver's license and car to go get it. You should learn how to drive and do some adulting

>> No.14288493

I was literally defending going out to eat I wasn't defending mcdonalds you absolute retard

>> No.14288500

Millennials eat an average of 42 fastfood meals per week compared to .2 for a boomer. Read a book negrow

>> No.14288505

Same thing, McDonalds is cleaner and healthier than 98% of restaurants and it's still filthy because the employees are filthy

>> No.14288525

so what live life stop being a pussy that's afraid of germs

>> No.14288529

>just eat shit and cum dude are you afraid or something

>> No.14288530

Kill yourself

>> No.14288543
File: 40 KB, 575x383, autism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14288556

Is getting this in your food your fetish or something? Literally been the thing you repeat the most

>> No.14288589

It's just funny that you think eating shit cum and loogeys encrusted sloppashit is great because something something boomers

>> No.14288604

None of the people you just replied to said anything of the sort, one of them just asked why you're obsessed with cum and shit... And your response is to talk about cum and shit again

>> No.14288639

The motivation to ask him said question was to defend their precious fast food addiction.

>> No.14288640

Why are you obsessed with cum and shit says the guy who eats it 4 times every day to the guy who never eats it

>> No.14288656

American food prices next cease to amaze me. $15 would get you the eggs and maybe the bread here. Canadian prices are awful.

>> No.14288660

I don't eat fast food but okay, talk more about cum and shit you fucking wierdo

>> No.14288693

It's a teaser, a free trial for a delivery service, which isn't free after your first use on this cheap order of $15. They are hoping they get buzz, social media buzz, you know, people retweeting their ad, talking about their ad, and maybe be inspired to order too. Of the 100 who might do it free for one, if they only get 1 or 2 to do it again, bam, mission accomplished.

Is there something wrong with your critical thinking skills? This isn't why people are fat. Uber is free your first time too. HBO isn't free anymore after your first month.

>> No.14288708

$2.50 for 24 eggs
$1.50 gallon of milk
$2 1/2 gallon oj
$4 for 12 bagels
$3 a pound of cheddar
$2 strawberries

>> No.14288856

>still $30 after fees and delivery charge

>> No.14288887

>$15 order
>10% tax
>plus delivery fee
>plus tip
ill pass

>> No.14288922

>tipping an Uber driver