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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 173 KB, 1500x1125, 20150511-scrambled-eggs-vicky-wasik-11-1500x1125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14288148 No.14288148 [Reply] [Original]

favorite ways to cook eggs. for me, its soft scrambled and over easy

>> No.14288165

Soft scramble is the best.
I hate overcooked scrambles. It has to be creamy. Bonus points for frying in butter and fresh chives

>> No.14288192

Cook bacon or sausage in pan before. Eggs, heavy cream, sage, seasoned salt, black pepper. Scramble over easy with cheddar cheese and serve.

>> No.14288200
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>> No.14288202
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Enjoy your well done scrambles, you fucking faggot zoomer

>> No.14288209

i too enjoy raw egg

>> No.14288245

gordon would be proud

>> No.14288246


>> No.14288247

soft scrambled is godly
i love to eat it on toast that i've fried in the pan with butter

>> No.14288260

I like both textures for different things. I’m not making a creamy scramble for a breakfast burrito

>> No.14288339

exactly that way, OP
hardboiled and pickled is second-best
sunny side up with crispy edges is third

>> No.14288344
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my brother in eggs. salute

>> No.14288370

Lil garlic powder in the eggs, tomato chutney on the toast. If you're not doing these you're just incorrect.

>> No.14288423

fried in olive oil with chives and parsley, just flipped so the yolk in the center still runs

>> No.14289267


>> No.14289432

I like omelette.

>> No.14290505

great choice OP
I love scrambled eggs

mummy used to make them for me all the time for breakfast

>> No.14290511

onsen eggs or gtfo

>> No.14290805
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Crispy edge is best, but yea gotta make the whole bottom crispy

>> No.14290819

I like mine mostly intact and semi omelette-ish

>> No.14290821

Never had pickled eggs before, I’d imagine that they would have a bizzare taste

>> No.14291021

hadn't heard of cooking with sage. hows the flavor?

>> No.14291028

Over easy, basted, soft boiled, omelettes, quiche, poached...

but normally I am just despicably lazy and crack an egg or two into a bowl of hot rice and stir

>> No.14291042

I just tried making poached eggs for the first time, a lot easier than I thought it it would be, been eating some avo toast in the mornings now

>> No.14291132

Anything but scrambled is pointless. Straight egg whites is tasteless. I always take it off a little before it seems done then it cooks on the plate and is perfect.

>> No.14291179

What in the actual fuck are you trying to say

>> No.14291238

I always assumed overcooked eggs were more an old person thing.
Maybe that's personal bias, but a lot of boomers do seem to approach cooking with "burn the hell out of X so it doesn't give you parasites and kill you"

>> No.14291243

Scrambled, but over easy is easier to cook

>> No.14291280

pale, white, and like clouds instead of creamy bug turd

>> No.14291509

I prefer mine sunny side up, fried in a shallow pool of olive oil that I can baste over the top of the eggs if needed. Ideally the eggs would be parked on a medium that could absorb the runny yolk.

>> No.14291576
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>steam boil egg on steamer for ~13 minute
>let it cooldown
>peel eggshell
>cut into 2 pieces (however many eggs you want to eat)
>heat up pan and pour sesame/olive oil/butter (whatever u want) lightly
>put the half cut eggs and fry it until brown, then flip it and brown the curvy side until it browns slightly

Apply light salt/seasonings as you want. Pics related

>> No.14291584

No, its just "overcooked" = actually cooked. Creamy liquid = uncooked egg.

>> No.14291700


They look overcooked as fuck

>> No.14292068

Only because you nu-males don't know how to make food.

>> No.14292599

just another fag projecting

>> No.14293298

13 minutes is crazy long for steaming, especially if you're cooking them longer than that

>> No.14293306

shit boy

>> No.14294217

That's clearly scrambled, you idiot, but raw egg is indeed good, too.