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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14285066 No.14285066 [Reply] [Original]

>Move out of mom's house and now live half way across the country from any family
>Realize I don't know how to make barely anything except eggs, spaghetti, and fried chicken
>Don't own any cooking tools though except for plastic silverware, some plates, and cookie sheets so all I've been eating for three weeks now is TV dinners
>Getting really sick of it and want to start cooking now
Give me ideas for things to make please. Preferably stuff that tastes good but doesn't require much prep

>> No.14285073

>>Realize I don't know how to make barely anything except eggs, spaghetti, and fried chicken
You're already better than 90% of the losers on this board

>> No.14285118

Yeah, that happened to me when i went to uni. Start with wedges.
>Buy potatoes fro roasting (I use king Edward's)
>Preheat oven to 200C (use an online converter for F)
>Cut into wedges
>Add salt, pepper, paprika and oil (I don't measure it, you'll just have to eyeball it)
>Mix till evenly coated
>Evenly distributed on a baking tray (I put baking paper down to make cleaning easier)
>Put in the oven for 35mins(ish) (do it till they are crispy)
>Wa là
Cook some meat and veg to go with it, as a beginner i would suggest sausages (should take roughly 10 to cook or you could put in the oven for 35min (won't taste as nice as in the pan)). Then boil some frozen peas and corn as your veg.

>> No.14285150

Another fatherless retard. Many such cases sorry your mom was a cunt.

Get a foreman grill for $20 and make tasty toasty sandwiches

>> No.14285159

Steak is really easy to make if you don't listen to autists telling you that you have to do it some retarded and extra complicated way for internet points

>> No.14285177

I feel like if you can make fried chicken you should be able to handle most things.

>> No.14285195

>cookie sheets
You can bake things on them. Get some olive oil and throw on whatever you'd like; potato chunks, broccoli, carrots, chicken, shitty steak (for putting in fajitas or something), etc

You should probably at least get a frying pan though.

>> No.14285205

It's literally just dipping the chicken in the egg, dipping in the breading, and putting in the pan though

>> No.14285210

That's not what most people think of when they hear "fried chicken", but still, most things aren't really more complicated than that.

>> No.14285274

Stroganoff is my go-to "can't be fucked" meal

>chop onion
>chop mushroom
>saute mushroom until soft, put in other bowl
>saute onion until soft, put with mushrooms
>cook beef until no longer pink, add onions and mushrooms
>add beef broth and a splash of lemon juice
>season with salt, pepper, and paprika
>simmer for a few minutes
>turn off heat, add sour cream to thicken
>add more salt, pep[er, and paprika to taste

Good with rice, boiled potatoes, pasta, or even on its own if you want to do a low-carb thing.

>> No.14285288

I know so many single moms in person and guess what? They don't expose him and go full drama. They just vaguely mention "my man left me" he was just a manchild unironically and was incapable of raising a kid

>> No.14285294

My ex's mom used to brag to me how she ruined the relationship between her daughters and their father

>> No.14285654

What's your cooking tools budget?
What do you have in the kitchen? (assuming a common stovetop/oven; anything else?)
Got a frying pan? Knife? Cutting board?

Trying to see how bad things are.
TKG is foolishly easy (rice, egg, dash of soy sauce), and you have a lot to work with if you start expanding on your spaghetti knowledge (carbonara? aglio olio?).
Walmart seems to be starting to stock the basic "I just moved out of my parents house, have no money, and need a crappy set of everything which I will slowly upgrade over the next 3 years" kits again, because it's that time of year.
If you can take a trip to a restaurant supply store, you may be able to find some of the peculiar items that actually work well and are reasonably durable.
Take a walk through the kitchen section at a dollar store; some of that stuff is practically identical to the stuff that target sells for triple the price, especially if you don't care if everything is stylishly color coordinated. (Check the plates and glasses, too. Sometimes you find something of not-hideous.)

>> No.14285993

Not really hijacking since it's relevant to OP's question so fuck you. What's the best mid-range food processor? Looking at this one.


>> No.14286001

Are you just going to leave the poor fucker in the rain or what?

>> No.14286049

Fried chicken is harder to make than a lot of meals, especially if it's bone in chicken and not just breasts
Congratulations, you are not a Lost case
Just figure out what kind of food you like, also start with something with vegetables if all you have been eating is the dinners, and look it up online, there isn't much more to it. Eventually you learn that most cooking are the same basic principles over and over and what you know about one dish carries to the next
You will fuck up a lot at the beginning tho

>> No.14286053

Dad beat me up if I touched his kitchen stuff haha

>> No.14286065

>saute mushroom until soft, put in other bowl
You shouldn't give anyone cooking advice

>> No.14286075

This seems like decent low effort meal.

>> No.14286081

Eggs spegetti and fried chicken demonstrate a decent level competency already. What do you crave?

>> No.14286124

No, what happens is women try to trap a man when they're already dating up and noticed they're about to hit the wall and the guy refuses to cuck and settle for some hole he's seeing out of convenience, kids are a shit ton of effort, why settle for a roastie whore when the same effort can achieve you a good women and a good wife?
>He abandoned his kids
>He's a dead beat
>He's a manchild
Women kill their children to avoid motherhood, typical shaming tactics from alimony vampires, I'm sorry your mother was a whore Anon

>> No.14286162

Fuck off incel

>> No.14286168

I'm a "deadbeat dad" you retard, I told this women I was dating we should abort because I don't wanna have a kid with >her
She took it so badly she subjected the child to a life of misery out of spite

>> No.14286179

Yea sure, you had bad choice with a cunt.
That aint mean they all are fuckface.
Now give cooking advice to OP

>> No.14286191

I did say it was a "can't be fucked" meal. Also, I've made it dozens of times, and its been delicious every single time, so who the fuck do you think you are to tell me its wrong?

>> No.14286203

It's almost impossible to burn mushrooms and even if you were trying to cooking them alongside some onions isn't going to cut it
All you accomplished was getting a bowl dirty for no reason

>> No.14286204

>That aint mean they all are fuckface.
I never said they were, I said single mothers were
Your mommy was such an awful human being your father ran from her leaving you behind

>Now give cooking advice to OP
Use more butter and salt, recipes online are written by women and so they always use half of what they should to be "healthy"
Never buy those nasty curry pre mixes, buy your own cumin, tumeric, etc and make it yourself
Go on youtube and look up how to make pizza dough, it's easier and faster than you'd think
If you can cook eggs without burning them you can already cook better than 90% of roasties so don't feel bad about it

>> No.14286218

The reason I do it is to avoid crowding the pan. I like to cook in large batches so I have leftovers for days, and then some to freeze, so its just easier to cook an entire panfull of mushrooms, and then an entire panfull of onion, and then a panfull of beef, and then mix it all back in.

>> No.14286225

Don't know why people waste their time coming here for actual advice with cooking. This board is 90% troglodytes that eat nothing but fast food and frozen dinners.

>> No.14286364

>Crowding the pan
>With mushrooms and onions
Crowding the pan is a problem when you are trying to sear beef or brown poultry, you can't crowd the pan with mushrooms and onions, I make curry by dumping 2 large onions, an apple, some carrots garlic and ginger into the pan, it's a bowl of chopped Vegetables, I just set it on high and make sure to srit every couple minutes
Crowding the pan isn't about how much stuff you put in there, it's about how much liquid is in the pan, you are cooking mushrooms and onions

>> No.14286371

You actually get good advice but not on a Sunday night
A good chunk of this board are middle aged single people with nothing better to do than to learn to cook for themselves
This is one of the few boards that's actually useful

>> No.14286481

If you want boiled mushrooms you can crowd as much as you want. If you want brown fried mushrooms you need other strategy .

>> No.14286604

>I don't want to book the mushrooms
>I boil my mushrooms in broth and reduce them into a sauce
You can't even boil them in onions because onion juice evaporates as it cooks, that's how you caramelized them, I thought you added the mushrooms first, are you afraid of boiling them after they are already browned?
Here is how you propperly cook your meal
>You sear your diced beef on high, not fully cook it, you are Braising it retard, it will remain softer and tastier if its pink inside th moment it goes into the sauce
A splash of wine and a spoon of butter goes into the pan, you add roughly chopped mushrooms into big chunks and finely sliced onions both together at the same time also you add the spices here so they toast. You cook them on mediums
In goes the broth, in goes the beef, you cover that shit and let it simmer for a while then you put it on high until the broth is reduced into a sauce
You are welcome

>> No.14286635

>get mid-size oven bowl/ramekin
>pasta sauce
>dry pasta
>repeat until full
>bake at 400F for 20-30min
>black pepper on top
>surprise, it's personal lasagna

>> No.14286669
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>fried chicken
Leave this place.

>> No.14286898

learn how to make soup. Figure out what ingredients taste good together when you boil them. Just find stuff that you can peel and cut and boil together, if cream soups are still too daunting. Searching up recipes are the best way to go. Serve with bread, crackers or rice etc
You just can't fuck up soup, man

>> No.14286920

Just buy an Instant Pot

>> No.14288426

My mother is an ocean away, the next continent over. And dead.