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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14283597 No.14283597[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>can't eat a fish if it has eyes
>can't eat a meat if it has bones
>can't even eat food that has a leaf touching it

Why are w---e people afraid of ingredients where you can tell it came from a living organism?

>> No.14283605

What's an illegitimate leaf?

>> No.14283606

>>can't eat a meat if it has bones
I literally just cooked a whole chicken last night. This isn't even a meme, you made this shit up.

>> No.14283608

Bay leaves are actually fruit believe it or not

>> No.14283609

americans are a joke

>> No.14283614

Sydney is in Australia you obsessed retard

>> No.14283619

There’s also this special subspecies like this one, that brags about eating food that didn’t come out of a box because to them it’s as daring and extreme as eating the brains out of a live monkey like in Indiana Jones. Congratulations on cooking and eating a whole chicken. The curious and bizarre habit that is only now being rediscovered.

>> No.14283621

A leaf that's been chopped into smaller pieces rather than being the whole thing

>> No.14283625

It's part of the snake diet. You just swallow it very slowly.

>> No.14283626

What part of that post was bragging you actual autist
The whole point is that eating meat with bones in it IS normal, and the idea that white people won't is fucking retarded. If I was saying it was an abnormal activity I should be praised for, that'd completely go against the second sentence.
Learn to communicate.

>> No.14283645
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They even have a TV show about it

>> No.14283678
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This one guy went undercover working at a slaughterhouse and wrote extensively about how all this compartmentalization happens there to make it less disturbing for the many workers involved in each little broken up step of the industrialized meat production process. It's pretty crazy, and shows that mental well being even among people charged with the killing of non-human animals is enough of an issue that businesses will go through these extreme lengths to obfuscate and break apart the task to allow it to be continued in large volumes without driving people insane.
>Timothy: The knocker is the worker who stands at the knocking box and shoots each individual animal in the head with a captive bolt steel gun. Of 121 distinct kill floor jobs that I map and describe in the book, only the knocker both sees the cattle while sentient and delivers the blow that is supposed to render them insensible. On an average day, this lone worker shoots 2,500 individual animals at a rate of one every twelve seconds.
>Avi: Who else is directly involved in killing each cow?
>Timothy: After the knocker shoots the cattle, they fall onto a conveyor belt where they are shackled and hoisted onto an overhead line. Hanging upside down by their hind legs, they travel through a series of ninety degree turns that take them out of the knocker's line of sight. There, a presticker and sticker sever the carotid arteries and jugular veins. The animals then bleed out as they travel further down the overhead chain to the tail ripper, who begins the process of removing their body parts and hides. Of over 800 workers on the kill floor, only four are directly involved in the killing of the cattle and less than 20 have a line of sight to the killing.
The way modern people are weirded out by reminders their food is actually the flesh of dead animals is an extension of this compartmentalization to the broader public.

>> No.14283695

Sydney is the persons name

>> No.14283708
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Tbf i dont like to think im hurting animals, but if i have to so that i can eat meat, sorry
Youre not supposed to leave bay leaves in a finished product, nor should it be in a burrito. Add to that shes contacting chipotle on twitter so clearly she cant cook aka has no reason to kniw what a bay leaf is

>> No.14283781

white women are the black people of white people.

>> No.14283795
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As a man, I can confirm this. Women don't eat man food like steak, they'll pretend to like icky things like vegetables and sushi because they're ruled by feelings and not facts.

>> No.14283804

>Why are w---e people
coastie women, stop blaming us for your problems, its coastie women

>> No.14283819

Andrew ZImmern is from the midwest

>> No.14283845

I worked at Canada’s largest meat processing plant for half a year after high school. My regular shift was at night, but I did a lot of overtime “dropping heads” during day shifts. The cow killers were called knockers. They needed a psych evaluation before they took the position, 3 months in, and at the 6 month mark where they were permanently retired from knocking without exception. We went through 4500+ cattle a day 6 days a week. You are absolutely right that it is all broken up into little stages that are blocked off from one another, but this is as much for hygiene as it is any other reason. When I was a kid I wasn’t the nicest to animals. It was only when I became a teen and started field dressing deer and moose and elk that I grew a true appreciation for life. I take no joy in killing animals and would always hand my rifle to someone with me if they want to shoot, but when you skin and butcher an animal from start to finish you see the result of his life, and you get an appreciation for it. You learn things about the animals. Their scars, their muscles, every animal is unique. If anything, it is how impersonal they make it at the slaughterhouse that is troubling. They made it into a job that anyone can do, tho many still shouldn’t.

>> No.14284002

>at the 6 month mark where they were permanently retired from knocking without exception
Wow, why did they do that? Was it considered unhealthy to keep someone in a position entirely geared towards executing thousands of cows a week on an assembly line for any longer than 6 months?
>If anything, it is how impersonal they make it at the slaughterhouse that is troubling.
Yeah, I think that's the point. In trying to keep people sane by disconnecting them from mass industrialized violence businesses and states have created their own additional newer problems where the detachment from nature has made modern people no longer feel like they're living at all.
It's kind of similar to how industrialized farming is pushing things to the limit and rather than dealing with problems directly by easing up is just stacking bandaids on top of it all like mass antibiotic dosing to keep the livestock gaining weight and not dying prematurely. And downstream from that instead of dealing with underlying causes for human diseases of affluence increasing more and more in developed nations we just pile on pharmaceutical dosing to try to suppress the consequences after the fact of damage.

>> No.14284074

>dirty men's bathroom
What goes on in there?

>> No.14284172

But you sound like you’re all about feeling yourself from this post faggot

>> No.14284173

What the hell are you talking about?

>> No.14284188

Cause they live so far removed from reality in their Ivory tower, that even the most natural things will start looking alien and disturbing to them.
White people have forgotten what fear looks like or what it takes to be able to eat well.
They just kinda trod along, get fatter and more diseased inside and out, while their bodies and minds slowly rot.
Collective insanity is just around the corner.
I say white people, but I mean first worlders really.

>> No.14284191


>> No.14284193

>eating meat with bones in it IS normal, and the idea that white people won't is fucking retarded
You should try telling that to white people lmao

>> No.14284202

Leaves born out of wedlock.

>> No.14284276


>> No.14284298

Just guy stuff ;-)

>> No.14284315

To be perfectly fucking fair, bay leaves are rather rigid when compared to just about any food they'd be put in for seasoning, so it's not impossible they'd only noticed it when they felt it in their mouth and pulled it out

>> No.14284428

The main point of compartmentalisation is related to business reasons. Its basic industrial factory theory. One worker doing only one particular job becomes super fast and efficient at it and the way the different stations are organized comes down to the fact that you have to make most of the square footage that you have. Its simply the cheapest and most profitable way, in no way is it done to protect worker's mental health. The hire and fire doctrine is literally just a way to get rid of costly psychological risks. If you let someone go after 6 months, the worker probably can not (legally) tie the employer to the mental damages that he sustained. The factory lawyers will always just say: Well, he only did it for 6 months, thats in line with Canadian law and therefore he cant sue us for medical bills etc.

>> No.14284436

Pol shitters like you belong on reddit. Its time to perma ban everyone who posted on pol, from doing so on any other board

>> No.14284454

Bay leaves should be removed before the food is served
Bone shards should be removed before food is served
eyeballs don't matter

It's not about being icky, it's about not wanting to dig bone shards out of your goat curry or hard ass leaves in your stew

>> No.14284663


>> No.14284678

Don't consider all of us retards just because sydney is so clueless

>> No.14284748

>being opposed to blatant racism is /pol/
I don't know what to say here.

>> No.14284882

Coq au vin with bone in chicken thighs, whole moreton bay bugs, and fried whole whitebait chips last night.
I proved you wrong cooking white people recipes from France Australia and Italy, what now faggot?

>> No.14284889

We're taking over this town :^)

>> No.14284908
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>> No.14285027

a Canadian gardener.

>> No.14285036

grow up

>> No.14285047

we conquered all you stupid brown skins just to take your spice for our food. it was a trival matter for us and devastated you.

>> No.14285074

This must be a third-world thread.

>> No.14285082

I just think that's a creative business solution lol, I know cows are cute but they are also delicious and it's not like there won't be more cows to be cute after I eat one, I don't have time to appreciate the cuteness of all cows anyway.

>> No.14285084

no, they just eat carbs, fucking gross and messy carbs

>> No.14285102

Who the hell do you think has been coming to 4chan since at least 2012?