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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 275 KB, 1000x667, ACFAE6AC-F5ED-4F6E-995C-76D896255C88.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14282900 No.14282900[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I was not a regular /ck/ visitor. Did /ck/ hate Babish right from the start or they started to hate him when be became more popular?

>> No.14282902

I didn't hear about you until you started advertising your channel here.

>> No.14282907

1st of /ck/ is a bunch of fat losers that don't know how to cook

2nd of all Babish is based

3rd of all be a chad and do what you like to do, not something /ck/ wants you to do.

>> No.14282942




>> No.14282953

His videos are well-made and some of his recipes are really good.

The only thing that really irks me about him is that he is clearly not a goofy, charismatic guy and insists on trying to present himself in that way. There is nothing wrong with not being particularly charismatic, I just wish he'd show more of his natural personality.

The best way to exemplify what I mean is to watch any videos he's made with Brad Leone. Perfect example of natural charisma being matched with forced charisma. Brad looks relaxed and happy the whole way through. Babish looks like he's anxious as fuck and desperately trying to calculate where to put his hands and what to say next to achieve maximum goofiness.

>> No.14282975

I hate all e-celebs.

>> No.14282978

your opinion doesn't matte,r you fuck. look at the 1st. also make your own business off of youtube in fucking new york cost of living. get gud you sad fuck.

>> No.14283003

i learned a lot when i started watching his shit, but eventually you start to recognize the formula and despise it.

>> No.14283010

It's good intro material, but besides that, his personality and videos are just insufferable.

>> No.14283087

We love Babish, the only ones who hate him are Fagusea's reddit shills

>> No.14283340

Well he's got a background in advertising, he probably knows too much theory about what people like and how goofy people act for him to actually be natural about it since being natural "Isnt what the people want"

>> No.14283353

>here on the “chan” we love our ecelebs
>those other guys are reddit losers
kill yourself

>> No.14283434

I hate how he uses kosher salt for everything. The whole point of kosher salt is for curing meats, for normal dishes regular iodized salt makes for sense.

>> No.14283696

I like his videos, hate him as a person. Typical brooklyn poofta hipster, some fanook who wears smart casual everywhere he goes, who thinks baldness makes him look like a man when he looks like he dates white men exclusively

>> No.14283698

hello based department???

>> No.14283880
File: 137 KB, 250x250, 1406366157754.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty obvious that he's not a cooking guy, and it annoys me that people think he's amazing at it. He's not. His fingers are too... shy? Hesitant? Most of this videos are him trying out a recipe from America's Test Kitchen; he can follow a recipe, but his skill is amateur at best. The cannoli episode was especially painful.

When you watch his videos, he seems like some guy from film school that was thrown into a kitchen with fancy gadgets he could play with, and I'm right, because he said in an interview,

"I’m a filmmaker, not a cook. And I had watched a whole lot of food videos on YouTube and I saw a gap in the market, where food content was not food-oriented enough, in my mind. So I decided that I would make this show specifically about the food."

But if I'm going to be honest, I'm still subscribed. I like the production and entertainment values.

>> No.14283897


Are you a woman? That is such a female way of thinking.

No one would give a shit about his videos if he didn't put as much effort into his videos. The fake personality is part of the effort required to make something that people would watch.

>> No.14283914

Nayrt, but I cringe every time Babish tries to be funny. It's okay to not do a weird celebrity impression, his radio drawl carries the show fine.

>> No.14283950
File: 173 KB, 396x382, fuckingreddit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your hipster memefood. babish has always been arrogant lo-fi trash

>> No.14283958

You can tell that Brad's videos are shot in an improvisational style. It's actually a little surprising how many people are uncomfortable operating like this.

Babish is calculated and painstakingly edited anti-comedy.

>> No.14283977

I've always disliked him because he doesn't make content I give a shit about. It's all meme bullshit recipes named after tv shows prepared specifically for reddit so /u/oliverbabish can respond to every comment even though he didn't make the thread. nothing he does is particularly good or clever, it's just dumb pop culture shit

>> No.14283984
File: 113 KB, 401x308, chicken paprikash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's an example. what the fuck is even the point in this?

>> No.14283992

what watch is he wearing there? i usually see him in a 116610

>> No.14284134

No particular hate here.
He's vaguely amusing, and mostly doesn't give awful advice.

>> No.14284177

>Not letting those flavours get to know each other 5 times per dish
Do you even cook?

>> No.14284182

I like his basics videos but yeah I really don't care for the meme TV-show recipes

>> No.14284219

He seems really disingenuous in all his videos.
Also, whenever he is on screen with other people you can kind of tell that they all hate him.
Like when he was in the test kitchen and started having a meltdown, accusing people of hiding whisks and making fun of him.
And the other people just kinda shook their head going "what the hell is this manlet going on about?"

>> No.14284234

Personally, I think he got too popular and started chasing things that get views over things he actually wants to make. The early videos have a very different energy to the newer ones and it feels more honest, somehow.

>> No.14284254

its more fun when hes making shit like rum ham and crazy cartoon food. its fucking pointless when hes making "Buttered Noodles from famous television show Community"

>> No.14284258

Well when i give it some more thought i feel like his persona during his shows that make him feel uppity.

When he's interacting with other people he feels more awkward and geeky. If you compartmentalize these two behaviors by understanding that his standard videos are just him acting as a tryhard cook, it's not too bad.

I think he's decent, it's just that whatever he teaches you he probably learned a week ago for the video, not an actual food chef like chef john that will give his own take on a dish.

Even Fagusea feels like he's done the recipes he presents quite a few time before making a video of them. With Andrew it feels like he only made it like once or twice, especially in basics.

>> No.14284302

I agree but I've never made it through a single one of his videos. making "calzones from seinfeld" is just making calzones. there's nothing special about it just because it was mentioned in a show. he just looks up a recipe.

>> No.14284327

no I'm just autistic and analyze people all the time so I can learn how to act natural

>> No.14284351

he makes good quality videos with great production value and technique. It's great entertainment and he's made some good recipes in the past. 4chan just hates anything popular because they mistake that for a personality.

the one legit criticism I've seen if him is that he just takes other people's recipes and then had better production value. He just makes stuff from Food Lab, Bon Appatite and such.

>> No.14284383

>lemme just stuff as many 4chan buzzwords in here as possible, you guys accept me right?
lurk more faggot

>> No.14284392

popular = bad

>> No.14286237

He was also horrible on hot ones

>> No.14286250

The issue with Babish and most social media cooking is due to the lack of flavor in images. We don't know how good something smells or tastes the only thing we have to go off of is looks. Because of this food needs to become overly produced visually to make up for it. Take for example Babish's constant requirement to do cross sections or when he didn't pour sauce properly, and looked like a fool, to get a more pleasing angle for the viewer.
This is also why so many places are doing amazing with meh-tier yet photogenic food. Look at all the average tasting but whimsical looking milkshakes on social media.
Then again this probably all started with shows like Cake Boss.

>> No.14286255

But that is literally what his content was from the get go.

>> No.14286269

>his natural personality
He's naturally a boring fuck

>> No.14286270

at first people thought it was gimmicky especially since we didn't know he had the head and face of a hipster

>> No.14286300

Reeks of low t faggot. No personality or passion. I would rather watch some stupid shit like badlands chugs, at least that fat negro seems to be enjoying himself.

>> No.14286482

and I've always disliked him

>> No.14286584

Honestly Andrew I didn't hate you until I came on here and saw you making a thread like this one.

>> No.14286619

lol poor little autist. you will never be normal.

............and that's a good thing

>> No.14286626

popular like everything else here, you get popular, the contrarians get upset

>> No.14286632

I always hated this faggot.

>> No.14286646

>Did /ck/ hate Babish right from the start
The contrarian edgelords and the ones that just hate youtubers in general did. The rest either don't give a shit at all (and probably still don't) or came to dislike him because of below.

>or they started to hate him when be became more popular?
You mean:
>Do the haters hate him because he be became more popular?
No, they hate him because of the changes he made when he became more popular.
Possibly because he was getting a git pudgy, he went on a diet kick and probably decided then that "Binging" was an unhealthy thing to call a channel that he wanted to be more responsible with his diet in. He started Basics with Babish and Being with Babish around the same time, maybe Basis was earlier, I don't know or care.
Basics is ok but anyone in /ck/ that takes cooking seriously isn't really learning anything from that but "Being with..." is what /ck/ tends to regard as cancer.
It's friendship-simulator stuff, it's him being a camwhore without stripping for us, milking viewers by convincing them that he cares about them and likes them. It's Patreon instead of ad-views.
I don't even care about sponsorship but patreon pisses me off, it's "Make me rich because I cook something now and then".
Combined with some flexing about status symbols that the internet has bought him like giving his brother a Tesla and something about a watch, these are the things that create resentment.

I still watch the regular cooking videos if there's something interesting on them.

>> No.14286658

>threads about people I dislike are always made by said people
what a world you must live in faggot

>> No.14286659

Goddamn Babish has some nice fucking arms

>> No.14286680

All of the people I have met with tattoos are NPC/mental problems/druggie garbage. I am glad people have tattoos, it tells me to stay the fuck away from them.

>> No.14286693
File: 22 KB, 320x438, Money dear boy!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what the fuck is even the point in this?
>what the fuck is even the point in this?
But you already showed what the point is.

Or as was better said by Laurence Olivier, pic related

>> No.14287929
File: 427 KB, 976x603, FAGGGGGGGGG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hate Babish right from the start
if you dont instinctively want to demolish the face of this soylent negative-T-level fronthole licking living meme of a bitch faggot then youre an even bigger faggot yourself