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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14281882 No.14281882 [Reply] [Original]

Why is government cheese so good? It looks al most like plastic but god damn it's so much better than the other brands.

>> No.14281886

>government cheese
What? Your government gives away cheese?

>> No.14281895

It's sold as the generic brand at grocery stores.

>> No.14281898

US govt used to buy up surplus cheese, melt it down into a singular block, and give it out as welfare. Then they just went with food stamps so now niggers eat steak, soda, and potato chips instead of cheese.

>> No.14281943

yeah, that's definitely way dumber than mailing every poor person endless mixed cheese.

>> No.14281978

That is a block of Velveeta brand cheese. don't try to trick me.

>> No.14281993
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Googled Velveeta after posting this to get an image to compare to yours, and OP's image came up as the first result.

This is not 'Cheese' as Europeans know it. It's mainly colby melted down and added to gelatin and then reformed. It's only purpose is being an easy melt cheese, you really ONLY melt it for cheese sauces and the like. You don't eat it on crackers or on sandwiches or anything like that.
That's why it looks the way it does.

>> No.14282005
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This is closer to what im talking about, but obviously not in plastic wrapers, but it is sliced.

>> No.14282007


It is. Welfare food should be so terrible that the people on welfare want to commit suicide.

>> No.14282041
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American cheese is similar to Velveeta, it is made with gelatin.
There is a shitty mexican version sold in mexican markets and dollar stores labeled as no-melt american. no idea what that shits made of, it's like bad yellow plastic and if you try to melt it it loses all flavor and gets nasty.
notice pic related say "american style cheese' instead of American Cheese, and says no-melt under 'Style'

>> No.14282059

Ooooh American cheese. Look at the shiny shiny.

>> No.14282074

sodium citrate

>> No.14282077

where does the idea that velveeta has gelatin come from? it doesnt

>> No.14282085

Velveeta is now more expensive than actual real cheese.

>> No.14282088

It turns a lovely brown-green when you try to melt it.

>> No.14282089

what the fuck

>> No.14282099

oh would you look at that, yeah I dunno.
American cheese has gelatin, and every recipie I've found for making a home made velveeta style cheese calls for gelatin, but velveeta itself has no gelatin in it.

>> No.14282101

velveeta is an attempt at reacreating the flavor of government cheese by adding fake flavors to normal cheese and then adding starch to make it the same texture.

>the more kinds of cheeses you add together the more combinations of bacteria exhaust you get which creates amino acids
>amino acids are the building blocks to your cells so they're like really fucking good tasting
>government cheese is all the cheeses mixed together from parmesian to cheddar and asiago with mozzorella and even fancy cheese thrown in small amounts

>> No.14282122

the term 'American cheese' started in Europe. Cheese makers would make lower quality cheese and pass it off as cheese from America to sell at higher prices than it's quality should be sold for.

>> No.14282151

Imagine being this dumb and obsessing over America to make this shit up.

>> No.14282156

Learn history, Amerilard

>> No.14282158

You first, yuropoor.

>> No.14282171

>British colonists made cheddar cheese soon after their arrival in North America. By 1790, American-made cheddars were being exported back to England. According to Robert Carlton Brown, author of The Complete Book of Cheese, "The English called our imitation Yankee, or American, Cheddar, while here at home it was popularly known as yellow or store cheese".[1]
>The Oxford English Dictionary lists the first known usage of "American cheese" as occurring in the Frankfort, Kentucky, newspaper The Guardian of Freedom in 1804. The next usage given is in 1860 by Charles Dickens in his series The Uncommercial Traveller.
hahah trolled XD

>> No.14282293

Bullshit Winco brand cheese is just the same shit as normal cheese

>> No.14282318

Actual American Cheese is just a blend of cheddar and colby with some annatto for yellow color. It will be as real as the cheeses put into it. "American style cheese product" is the stuff that's only partially cheese related.

>> No.14282388


>> No.14282421

American cheese is 2 cheeses melted together to make cheese? What part of this makes any fucking sense?

>> No.14282433

I didn't think blending would be that hard of a concept, but you take a cheddar and a colby, and sometimes you add a little bit (But only a little bit) of extra things, sometimes including a spoonful of gelatin for extra melt, and you blend them together into one mass of cheese. American Cheese is a category, not one specific thing. The fact that you start with already existing cheeses and blend them into a new form is what makes it distinct.
"American Cheese flavored cheese product" is what most people think of, but that's actually just a cheese-like dairy product that starts with basic dairy components and artificial ingredients and is created to be what it is from the start. It's also basically just cheese flavored plastic.

>> No.14282448


Chedder and Colby don't have a nice melt like American singles do. Three is something else added.

>> No.14282453

Using 2 types of cheese to make cheese? It makes no sense.

>> No.14282465

Cheese is cheese, and cheese is also cheese. So if cheese is cheese and cheeses is cheese, cheese plus cheese equals cheese. Then you have cheese.

>> No.14282495

ah, makes sense when you put it that way.

>> No.14282694

Its land o lakes cheese as far as I know. I like land o lakes cheese. Its just salty enough and doesn't have that odd chemical aftertaste of some cheaper cheeses.

>> No.14282700

not really people buy McDonald's and kfc with foodstamps

>> No.14283817

when I was a kid we got government cheese and it did not look like that. It was in a block that was about the size of a 4x4 and almost a foot long. it did taste pretty good since it was kind of a homogenized cheddar. problem was we got so much we couldn't eat it fast enough.

now the canned whole government chicken that's another story. looks disgusting tasted fine.

>> No.14283824

lmao retard
EBT doesn't work for hot food

>> No.14283825

velveeta is made from whey. if you want real American cheese look for cheddar in the ingredients of the cheese.

>> No.14283830

>eating shouldn't ever be enjoyable
>fuck poor people
get out of my goddamn country you immigrant lmao

>> No.14283835

it does now.

>> No.14283841

Where? When? How? What's your fucking source???
I've recently used EBT as much as I've worked in retail and have helped people with their EBT cards. You're really retarded.

>> No.14283843

>able to stay above poverty line
Lmfao kek what a tard

>> No.14283847

fast food places in my city have signs stating EBT accepted. been that way for a while.

>> No.14283851

Report them to the USDA and watch all the nigs starve to death

>> No.14283858


>> No.14283862
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>"Since 1977, the Restaurant Meals Program has been an important part of the food stamps program. It enables qualified elderly, disabled and homeless SNAP recipients to buy food at authorized restaurants. Any state or county can enroll in the Restaurant Meals Program."

Oh, but wait, it's only for the absolute impoverished/fucked up of society. EBT only works for groceries, cold foods. The most you can get away with is buying grocery store sushi/cold fried chicken with EBT if it's ready to eat.
Once again, stop being retarded guys.

>> No.14283871


>> No.14283875

danke doktor

>> No.14283877

The government keeps saying that blacks dont have access to food because all the groceries were looted or shoplifted or burned down so they have to allow ebt at McDonalds

>> No.14283881

That's Australian cheese. Salty as fuck.

>> No.14284328

>American Cheese is just a blend of cheddar and colby with some annatto for yellow color.
American is a mixture of cheeses with melting salts.

>> No.14284340

nah, you're an idiot

>> No.14284354


>> No.14284377

If life on govt handouts is too comfy there is no incentive to get off them.

source. entire black population of the us

>> No.14284402

blacks don't survive on government assistance, they all rob and sell drugs because government monies isn't enough

>> No.14284406

Oh boy, you should consider going into politics.
That is EXACTLY how people want to be governed!

>> No.14284508
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>> No.14284515

Unironically and dangerously based. Anyone eating off the taxes of others labor shouldn't get to eat anything that tastes even remotely good.

>> No.14284548

It is (was) a processed cheese product, similar to velveeta, but made with top quality American cheddar cheese. It was a result of the liquidation of US government dairy stockpiles built up solely due to federal price controls. A similar product had never existed before, and is unlikely to ever exist again.

>> No.14284564

If you cant provide food for yourself you are by definition not a person but a parasite

>> No.14284578

Yuros sound gullible but maybe they just didn't have any good cheese so they took our rejects

>> No.14284995

google is your friend boomer

>> No.14285009

Elderly people?

>> No.14285043

Just let them die, they did their part, but there is no more use for them.

>> No.14285107
File: 29 KB, 480x480, jarlsberg_82801_resized_3f037949-f8d4-458f-b1e2-e4794e8f5fec_grande.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where my fellow chadbergers at?

>> No.14285114

Living in a trailer without internet, probably in their "backyard" shooting cans with BB guns.

>> No.14285145

You ever though about seeking help for your mental illness? It's never too late, Anon.

>> No.14285148

they're only robbing and selling drugs to other unemployed black people so they're basically just moving around the money the government gives them

>> No.14285151


>> No.14285164
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>> No.14285181
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You are confusing government cheese which is shit with Reagan cheese which was gold

>> No.14285191

I would legitimately live on cheap noodles and government cheese for years if I had to. Apparently it melted well and was good for mac n cheese. If I was thrown in a bunker, that shit would keep me sane for 50 years.

>> No.14285597

But niggers are not people

>> No.14285737

keep telling yourself that. Talk all that shit online and you keep very quiet when youre around niggers lmao.

>> No.14285785

Well yeah I never relax around niggers

>> No.14285789

is this an entire block of that plastic amerifags pass off as cheese

>> No.14285798

I thought 711 would charge a $1 cash fee to heat up your shit

>> No.14285805

>not a single indication that the product is actually cheese
My god this is grim.

>> No.14285860

people don't always want what is in their best interests

>> No.14285863

Because who else would work if the alternative is living

>> No.14286108

Government cheddar is more than enough, blacks are just too dumb and impulsive to make do with it.

>> No.14286109

Fucking retarded argument. "Oh niggers are irrational and violent? Insult them to their faces then!"

>> No.14286113

It's amazing what yuropoors will buy since they don't have access to real cheese

>> No.14286242
File: 242 KB, 510x346, Anime_DoesntGetIt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fresh Anon, just coming into the discussion:

I'm gonna be frank, but I'd be a million times more comfortable with just letting welfare recipients have less restrictions and more access to food in exchange for less physical cash that they can spend on stupid shit or get ate up by landlords and debt.
Like, welfare people have all kinds of fuckin' issues with meal prep: they don't know how to cook, they don't know what to eat, and many of them don't even have anywhere TO cook or make food in the first place. Just let um' have rotisserie chickens from fuckin' safeway, shit dude.

>> No.14286257

Take your meds schizo

>> No.14286262

Nigger I go to actual grocery stores when I shop for food, or I take my frozen meals home. Stop being retarded and heating your meals in the corner store.

>> No.14286268

I hope you still think that when your job gets automated

>> No.14286277

A lot of the federal nutrition assistance programs were primarily created because the US produces a surplus of a variety of foodstuffs so the government saw that it could help farmers by buying it up or giving credit to people to buy more food with, while also presumably putting the surplus to good use.

>> No.14286280

Thankfully EBT can only be used on the card you get it on from the govt. You can't take it out from an ATM or anything like that, your only real limitations on food purchases is if it's hot, pre-cooked food. There's no real limit to spending that EBT on junk food or other crap that actually isn't good for you, WIC on the other hand is very technical and specific on what you're allowed to buy but that's to ensure expecting or already established mothers don't get stupid shit that either isn't healthy or ultimately isn't food whatsoever.
I'm really surprised the majority who've been in this thread don't understand how this shit works. I can agree though, that most poor people either are too stupid with food prep/cooking, or that poor people most likely don't have the best ways to cook for their advantages. I consider myself just barely above the poverty line but hell I'm luckier than most that I'm able to even think about cooking and how I want to prep it, let alone have the money to put aside for kitchen utensils and shit.

>> No.14286292

yeah no,
i dont want to ever be around violent unpredictable niggers.

>> No.14286311

Not this meme again

>> No.14286318

No they weren't commie

>> No.14286347

Real cheese?

>> No.14286369

Thanks doc

>> No.14286381

a cybernetic society is no meme

>> No.14286575

A shitload of corner stores scam EBT by giving people cash off their cards. They'll ring up a huge EBT bill, charge the card for it, then give the card bearer that much cash -$20, without actually selling them anything. Sometimes they get caught, but not often.

>> No.14286670

I think some people still get government cheese. I was at some dudes house (probably a friend of a friedn of my dad's) to go hunting because he lived in the middle of fucking nowhere in a desert, and said he would(or used to) give his government cheese, beans, and maybe meat to some mexican and he'd get burritos back

>> No.14286721

Poorfags wildin'
Never heard of any of this shit except velveeta, which is pretty dank for mac and cheese

>> No.14286759

In Manitoba there is a cheese brand called Bothwell (don't think you can get it outside of southern Manitoba) and it is delicious.

>> No.14287312

iirc they use whey protein in it's place now

>> No.14287367

The amount of negative replies to this explains everything about /ck/: poor, angry retards who are threatened by the idea of any food that costs more than $1 a pound

>> No.14287593

t. /pol/ and reddit poster

>> No.14287760

Unbelievably based

>> No.14287861



poor fukwits can't afford cheese, feels bad man.

>> No.14287866

That's not cheese, that's a bar of plastic
When are we going to build a wall around the usa that blocks every communication? I am tired of seeing all of their disgusting shit

>> No.14287881

Yeah, let's all act like the average Euro doesn't eat just as bad as the average American.
Frozen pizza, fake cheese and junk food galore.

>> No.14287895

Nobody eats fake cheese here or any disgusting crap that americans eat on a daily basis

>> No.14287910

Yes they do.
Half of my country subsists on frozen pizza, frozenn chicken nuggets and fast food.

>> No.14287919

I went to Europe your food is disgusting

Burgers made out of pork and other trash meat
Steak unavailable
Plastic 'American style' cheese everywhere
They drink coke instead of water
Lack of fruits and vegetables because pig farms everywhere
Only meat available is ground up shit with flies included and circling
Signs in the bathroom saying put your shit paper in the trash because the toilets can't handle it
Shitty concrete buildings
Looks like Africa
Flies everywhere in houses because no screens
Filth disease starving people people getting chopped up for kebab

>> No.14287925

>Steak unavailable
Stopped reading there, people who search for the stuff they grew up with in a foreign country are the worst kind of tourists
Opinion discarded

>> No.14287937

>Tourists are dumb cuz they want food hurr Durr just eat dog shit if you want to go to yuropoor

>> No.14287965

>I want to eat the same grease meals I grew up with in a foreign country
Jusy stay home next time. Stay in your tiny little bubble

>> No.14287973

Yurotards , who have never had a steak in their lifetime, think it's the same as lard juice

>> No.14287992

Oh my god Germans don't know how to fucking cut meat.
I went to a butchers shop once and asked for steak and they gave me a sad, lean piece of whatever, with NO marbling and thin as cardboard.
I don't know what they eat normally, but I sure hope this aint it.

>> No.14287998
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Not gonna lie, but we do have some of the shittiest fucking frozen pizzas in the world over here, and people still eat them regularly.

>> No.14288004

Unironically this. If I wasn't raised on vienna sausages and shit food I never would have had the drive to get out of my situation. Anyone who says this poster is "/pol/" or some other stupid insult has never been in that situation or has zero drive.

>> No.14288035

Life as an incel must be extremely comfy for you

>> No.14288050

You go to a German restaurant and they sell forty kinds of sausage but not a single piece of meat, not even chicken just grind everything up add industrial waste and call it done

>> No.14288066

I found that it does that only when you try to bake it. If you just melt it like on a burger then it stays yellow

>> No.14288069

>A good cut of meat is regionally exclusive
I pity you.

>> No.14288077

I mean they do do meat, but their beef is absolute trash, or rather they don't seem to eat the good parts?
I have had really good pork roast there, so it can't really be that they are overly afraid of fatty meat or something.
I just don't get it.
Go ahead and try to find a decent rack of ribs in Germany.
Do I have to personally raise and instruct a butcher to get it? Apparently so.

>> No.14288110

Take your meds and stop letting "incels" live rent free in your head

>> No.14288136

Power and money perpetuate themselves so the less usable resources people have, the less leverage they have to remove themselves from the situation. Most people stay poor because they make bad decisions with those resources, but the ones that can lift themselves out have a harder time doing so because the inertia of money is a powerful one. A flat tire or 2 weeks out of work with a broken foot can be an inconvenience or a rough blow depending on how much you got in the bank.

>> No.14288140
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>Take your meds and stop letting "incels" live rent free in your head

>> No.14288142

Most beef cows here are of pretty shit variety with small pastures and farmers under pressure making them take on more livestock than they can handle leading to maltreatment, it's a really shit situation and traditionally just steak is not served unless it's a tender and lean cut like the filet. Wish I could go back to South America and eat dirt cheap picanha every day.

>> No.14288146

Point proven ty sweety

>> No.14288179
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>Point proven ty sweety

>> No.14288195

Kek that guy is so invested in the narrative he feels the need to defend it and attack the uncucked

>> No.14288201

Okay but what's wrong with soylent green kebabs?

>> No.14288203
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>Kek that guy is so invested in the narrative he feels the need to defend it and attack the uncucked

>> No.14288215

When a vegan gets carved up and processed into kebab is it considered vegetarian, vegan, Haram or European style?

>> No.14288936

very true. the plebs can only try moralfagging as a riposte

>> No.14289006

They'd just loot the good stuff like they are now

>> No.14289012

i cant imagine being this upset right now!

>> No.14289172

Yeah, morals are for fags haha
I'd more define myself by my sword skills and wicked sense of humor, rather than something so feeble as morals. I cut down my foes and those that would threaten my friends. The end.
Nothing personell to it.
Anyways, good post my fellow enlightened being.
Heil Hitler!
Gamers Rise Up!

>> No.14289206

I believe it.

>> No.14289273

The fact that this is drawing so much disagreement shows that the Rebbit tumor really has metastasized. I’m not paying for your pet darkies to dine in the choicest filet and seafood. Welfare food should be a nutritional complete gruel.

>> No.14289368
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>The fact that this is drawing so much disagreement shows that the Rebbit tumor really has metastasized. I’m not paying for your pet darkies to dine in the choicest filet and seafood. Welfare food should be a nutritional complete gruel.

>> No.14289379


unironically this.

>> No.14289794
File: 795 KB, 1347x1125, Cool_Beans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, retard.

>> No.14290080

american 'cheese' makes me want to throw up just looking at it.

>> No.14290153
