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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 300 KB, 431x379, Screen Shot 2020-06-20 at 02.05.46.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14275485 No.14275485 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything as quintessentially American as the great American school lunch?

>> No.14275497
File: 67 KB, 860x645, prison_speghetti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A hot dog bun with half-melted cheese, carrot sticks and apple sauce? Prisons in America get better food.

>> No.14275581

Is that just melted cheese on bread?
Did you seriously get fed that and not start a riot?

>> No.14275595

Funny considering they're both provided meals by the same company.

>> No.14275600

Shitty school lunch pizza was great. I miss it.

>> No.14275742

It's pizza, retard.

>> No.14276039

How so, fuckface? Looks like a sandwich bread with cheese, carrots and marinara sauce. Might be a pizza for you but not for the rest of the world, you worthless piece of shit

>> No.14276153

>toasted bread
>melted cheese
>tomato sauce
>not pizza
Holy fucking CRINGE.

>> No.14276483
File: 99 KB, 1000x1000, 613aWycbtnL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute BEST school lunch. would mostly pack or buy french fries and pour old bay on them but not on cheesestick day

>> No.14276544

TFW when you didn’t attend catholic school and you never got to experience daily fresh and nutritious meals cooked by nuns in the school kitchen.

Didn’t even get diddled by the priest.

>> No.14276554
File: 88 KB, 640x586, School-scat-on-a-tray.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmmmmmmmm... school lunch.

>> No.14276557
File: 124 KB, 774x644, lynchables_for_kids.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For you "Canadians"...

>> No.14276570

My school used to have shit like quesadilla pizzas and cheesesteak calzones. They were so fucking good

>> No.14276591

So, bread with topping qualifies as pizza in your fucked up mind. Interesting. Never go full retard, kiddo.

>> No.14276650

>michelle obama
Wow, imagine trying to get kids to eat healthy food when they're already in forced day care. You zoomers have no clue how good you had it. School lunch in the 90's was fucking atrocious.

>> No.14276677

I like how they have those baby carrots tat are just carrots put through some tumbler thing

>> No.14276687

public schools don't serve food on plates
they serve it on Styrofoam or whatever

>> No.14276696

Is this the Obama school lunch that happened?

>> No.14276699

Ah, yes. Love me some tumbled carrots.

>> No.14276709

>School lunch in the 90's was fucking atrocious.
Lul wut?!?
Maybe you just don't remember:
>taco boats
>"fresh" taco salads
>French bread za

>> No.14276729
File: 1.39 MB, 1530x958, M1911A1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14276741

I remember. Being a kid was great, and lunch was the best part of the school day. That doesn't mean it was actually good. 90% of the time it was either frozen slop in a bag A/B//C or frozen patty X/Y/Z, with a side of canned fruit cocktail, a plain dinner roll, and a carton of chocolate milk. No matter what it was everything always smelled like some combination of Palmolive and chlorine.

>> No.14276747

I went to private school, and one of my family's maids had always provided my lunchmeals at school, but I tried public school food for a week, and it wasn't bad in a guilty pleasures kind of mindset.

>> No.14276756

I disagree. It's a very good gun, but I think the Glock 17 is the best gun ever made.

>> No.14276762
File: 524 KB, 628x919, 4664324534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your mom will never pack a brown sack lunch for you again

>> No.14276768

I disagree. I believe that modern dual stack 1911/2011 are the best modern platform for handguns.

>> No.14276770
File: 510 KB, 500x366, 3F724970-7E07-4F03-AD77-23B5C2A98E32.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that butter or cheese wtf

>> No.14276782

don't people pack their own lunches? I made my own lunches since middle school

>> No.14276791

>just realized you can buy these in bulk as an adult
I was stoked for 4, now lets buy 192

>> No.14276793

Kids only pack guns these days, because of systematic racism during South Africa's apartheid.

>> No.14276839
File: 97 KB, 1280x720, koulusafka.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss school lunch. It's not exactly high dining, but you always had a fairly balanced simple meal right at the time of the day when you needed it the most.

>> No.14276873

Kids go to school to learn and thats all. The real lesson is that anything free or heavily discounted is horrible, so you should strive for something better regardless of how stupid you are.

>> No.14276928

If you put all the ingredients on the crisp bread, you'll have a great pizza -at least that's what some incest retards suggest here.

>> No.14276962

You know how in food commercials they use glue instead of cheese and paint things with fingernail polish to make it look more tasty, I'm pretty sure they didn't do anything to the cheese for this, and that if you picked it up the cheese would keep its shape with a flat part where it was on the table.

>> No.14277037

My first elementary school served great pizza. I remember one being a 4 cheese with sausage bits. The other schools just served bland pieces of shit.

They also had this degenerate pizza burrito, but it was so good. Jewgle fails me to find a pic.

>> No.14277088

I went to school for 10 years under Bush and 2 under Obama. My final year they removed all french fries and it was basically salad, chicken patty, or dried out pizza everyday for the entire year.

>> No.14277110

Was the Obama meals tasty, or just trash though? I went during preobama, so the "salad" was gigantic, and pretty tasty.

>> No.14277204


lol even the "healthy" Obama years were worse than anything in post soviet countries. Enjoy your heart attack and diabetes

>> No.14277209

I saw a daily caloric intake for USSR, and the meals didn't seem that bad on paper.

>> No.14277214

Before or after Michelle Obama fucking ruined them?

>> No.14277230

The "great american school lunch" is the square pizza if you're poor, a sandwich from home if you're not poor, and either nothing or a snack/drink from the vending machine if you're a fuckin badass

>> No.14277260

That's like calling cheese on toast with ketchup a pizza

>> No.14277267


>> No.14277796

Do americans schools still use these prison trays?
How humiliating.

>> No.14277799

It's systematic racism.

>> No.14279050

you think you're better than us?

>> No.14279070

Georgia here, our school lunches were actually really good. I mean, as far as school lunch goes, but still. Only things that were bad were the soiburgs and liquid chicken sandwiches, but chili cheese fries, massive salad bar, chicken and rice, etc were all good.

>> No.14279093

In high school I used to skip lunch so I did not have to socialize with anyone else.

>> No.14279117

American school lunches as depicted in American media always seemed directly counter to the very idea of America. The whole point of America is that you can eat whatever you want and no-one can tell you otherwise but the kids get handed identical institutional meals constructed to specifications handed down from unassailable authority on stone tablets.

>> No.14279195

I think it's supposed to be cake. Looks like goopy cake with some frosting? Don't know for sure, but it's still better than whatever OP's pic is.

>> No.14279204

A lot of my schools did as a kid. They'd have you dump the scraps into the garbage and slide the tray through to the dishwashers when you were done. Cheap to buy, replace if broken and needs minimal effort to clean and store on a shelf. That's public schools for ya.

>> No.14279213
File: 46 KB, 500x333, a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If reincarnation is real, I'd like to come back as a rich kid. I wouldn't mind being the fresh prince of Bel-air and see what life is like when you have more money than common sense.

>> No.14279214

No, no. I dined on poor people cuisine for a whole week, and I found your delicacies quite charming.

>> No.14279382


>> No.14279481

Elementary School lunch was tastier than it should have been though once I got to Middle and High school the food seemed to have gotten way worse.. plus the lines would be insanely long and it wasn't worth to spend 75% of my break waiting for that shit.

>> No.14280629
File: 96 KB, 1280x720, Glock 17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14280676
File: 72 KB, 806x926, 1592417739456.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't realize that the Beretta 92 is the best handgun ever made.
yep, no wonder this board is shit.

>> No.14280694
File: 92 KB, 900x675, patty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watchu know about spicy chicken patty sandwich with soggy sweet potato fries and chocolate milk? Probably nothin.

>> No.14280711
File: 699 KB, 640x480, index.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck l remeber those sweet potato fries tasting like ass

>> No.14280720

Yeah. Sweet potato fries are good, but that reheated frozen shit my high school sold was NOT halal.

>> No.14280791


>> No.14280804

>not 92fs
Not my favorite, but come the fuck on anon.

>> No.14280817

Depends on the school. They aren't federalized to that degree.

>> No.14280836

Wow, thanks for the gold kind stranger!

>> No.14280845

>larperator larperating with meme highspeed operator pistol and ready for negligent discharge

>> No.14280945

thanks Obama

>> No.14281249

The butter is on the top right by the spork, it's 2 pads of butter with paper between them.
It's the only thing I recognize in the image.
I've only had jail food, not prison food. Jail is generally much shittier in most aspects.
We did get shitty bland blueberries on the side though, that everybody used to make hooch.

>> No.14282128

honey mustard on one of these will forever be the lunch I crave. It was the same one they served at the county jail. Glad I only ever had to taste one of the lunches.

>> No.14282144

>Browning tilting lock, just like Colt 1911, but with plastic and sheetmetal
>Greatest gun ever made

>> No.14282348

you guys feed your kids this at school?