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File: 15 KB, 236x236, 9867ffcbc1a4adac2d1f1c71693b1db3--vegetarian-main-dishes-vegan-vegetarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14269642 No.14269642 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not a vegetarian, and I'll never understand it. I think its in part the entitled "holier-than -thou" feeling some of them give off.
I started wondering if these entitled vegetarians are just a byproduct of North American culture.
So wanted to ask, how do vegetarians or vegans present themselves in your communities? Are they more humble or are they more insufferable? Answers from out of North America preferred, but any open discussion would be good.

>> No.14269918

This isn't about cooking

>> No.14269921

Looks like a big sloppa shit

>> No.14269930

Vegetarianism and veganism are 2 completely different things, retard. A lot of vegetarians just follow the diet for the health factors or because that’s how they were raised eating, unlike veganism which is 95% ethical. Retards like you who can’t differentiate shouldn’t be allowed to have opinions.

>> No.14269950

Take the vegetarian pill, anon https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQsUrSoLQAw&t=139s

>> No.14270007

Vegans are usually more attractive and intelligent than your average person. In my experience at least. If you care about animal suffering you should go vegan. If you care about climate change you should go vegan. If you don’t care about those things, there’s no reason to be vegan.

>> No.14270016

Americans think it's weird to go a single day without eating meat.

>> No.14270028

Vegetarians don't get political clout because liberals don't care about things that can't vote for them. Kinda like how no one talks about reparations for the natives.
If someone is vegetarian they are usually truthful concerned about animal welfare and are annoyed by why no one else, even their close friends, care.

>> No.14270042

the vegetarian pill looks like cult indoctrination. No thanks, if I were gonna join a cult, Amish sound more logical than veganism.

>> No.14270050

Mid-atlantic US here. The vegans I knew were assholes. They typically couldn't go an hour without talking about how important and ethical being a vegan was and attempting to shame me for not being a vegan, making me watch slaughtering videos, etc. They also tended to be huge consumers of things made of plastics, things shipped from far away, things made of conflict minerals. Maybe they thought that I would be an easy convert into their cult of narcissism because I am respectful of planetary resources. They were wrong. I just found them annoying and hypocritical. A lot of the stupid memes about these people are true. I think average people would find them insufferable.

>> No.14270054

Being raised as a vegetarian, I still mostly eat a vegetarian diet but wouldn't consider myself one as I have no issues eating meat now and again. It's simply a default diet, it's not specifically healthy but one handy benefit is not constantly being struck down with food poisoning like all you americlaps chowing down on raw meat slop get every other day.

>> No.14270062
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I mean, I care about animal welfare and nature. But veganism doesn't fix the animal suffering and environmental damage that happens in crop production.

So I'm just growing my own crops and raising my own livestock.
That way I can be in control of the welfare of my animals, which I want to be as high as possible because hello I'm going to eat these guys they better be healthy and happy, and it gives me ease of mind that I'm in control of the environment my crops are growing in. Plus all the scraps and animal shit gets composed and fertilizes my land.

>> No.14270065
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>Only Americans eat meat daily.

>> No.14270100

>think its in part the entitled "holier-than -thou" feeling some of them give off.
That's just your self-esteem speaking

>> No.14270118

I can’t tell the difference in gays, trannies, queers, drag queens or the rest of that shit. They’re all fags to me. Just like vegetarians, vegans, and anything else like it is retarded. Why would anyone care to learn the difference? It’s all retarded bullshit.

>> No.14270154
File: 371 KB, 2430x1535, 690652AB-3692-47A5-B134-EC075FA6E20E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most people aren’t in your situation. Most people buy meat from factory farms. Also pic related

>> No.14270344

I don't give a shit what the rest of the world does, I'm not a sheep.

Also transforming massive swaths of natural prairie pasture into cropland was a horrible idea and industrial mono crops are causing desertification, so it might take up less land, but it ruins the land it takes up.

By the way, I'm cheap and animals fed kibble have lower quality shits so the plan is to raise animals with as little feed as possible,on high quality rotating pasture in conjunction with food scraps and a good heritage breed will minimize my reliance on kibble.

If you are some urbanite wageslave consumer in an apartment it should be your top priory to get in my position. The global elite are greedily lording over as much land as possible to do nothing with except occasionally ride horses on it once ever 3 years.

God damn convenience obsessed, cowardly consumers.

>> No.14270366

>vegans are "holier-than -thou"
If you thought animals were worthy of moral consideration you'd probably be pretty disgusted by people eating animals. Say I go back in time to slave-time America: I don't think it's okay to enslave black people, and you better believe I would be greatly offended whenever I encountered this.
I'm not vegan btw, I eat meat every single day, but fuck you hypocritical retards who think it's wrong to torture a cow but okay to slaughter it for meat or rape it for milk.

>> No.14270682
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only unhealthy people hate others.
healthy people care about other beings.

You don't need to be a vegan to be attractive, and you can still be a vegan and be ugly, but vegans will tend towards being more attractive on average.

t. person who ate beef shank today

>> No.14270686

Hitler was a vegetarian and the CEO of the based department.


>> No.14270937

Stalin, Churchill and FDR all ate meat and who actually won the war? Checkmate vegfags.

>> No.14271824
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Factory farming is not the law when it comes to raising livestock.

Furthermore, I don't think it's wrong to eat the flesh of animals, especially if you put countless hours of time and effort and research into making sure it lives as good of a life as possible.
If you are shitty to your animals and feed it shitty food and healthcare then you will get a shitty meat/milk/eggs as a result.
Animals are worthy of moral consideration as living sentient beings. As ANIMALS. Animals have their own rights and they simply cannot ever have human rights. Animals live in a world far divided from ours, with no set morals or rules or even the same concept of death.

Sure, animals are sentient, but blacks are SAPIENT, therefore objectively you MUST put them on the same level as ALL humans. Comparing blacks to animals simply because they are marginalized is pretty offensive. I mean, isn't that why slavery was so disgusting? Because we treated men like animals?

By the way, as far as slavery goes, you should know it still exists and if you are buying cheap imported foods like bananas, cashews, etc, you are supporting slaves.

In fact a lot of raw materials use slave labor. And vegans will actually use this a lot. Vegan's love bananas and cashews. Oh, and cobalt for b12 supplements.

The definition of veganism is to reduce suffering as far as practicable and possible right? We isn't it practicable and possible to be more careful sourcing your food? Or even trying to produce as much of your own food as possible to ensure that it is grown by your own personal code of ethics?

>> No.14271837

Often I feel like vegetarians have no respect for animals.
You can't really appreciate the value of animals if you don't eat their flesh.

>> No.14271857

>taking that much pride in your ignorance
truly blessed by kek

>> No.14271995

I'm from Brazil.

Here we have our share of vegan and vegetarians lunatics. I remember one TV actor around here who beat his girlfriends (he became a local meme), years later the guy goes vegan and blame his shitty behavior on meat.

But aside from "famous" persons, the vegans I personally know are normal people, they dont shovel they lifestyle on my face, I often only discover that they are vegan when we hang up to diner. They maybe preach a little bit about the beneficts but dont push too far and dont really care if you eat meat in front of them.

>> No.14272050

You dont have to be a vegetarian but you should cut back your meat consumption and make more ethical choices. You do care about the environment, dont you anon?

>> No.14272059

>Animals have their own rights and they simply cannot ever have human rights. Animals live in a world far divided from ours, with no set morals or rules or even the same concept of death.

while this may be true this is a general argument, you haven't actually argued that it's not morally wrong to kill an animal in any other way other than saying you think it's not wrong. when humans can completely fulfil their dietary needs using plant-based sources, it's pretty hard to argue for why we should continue to kill animals.

whataboutism about better sourcing and growing own food are laughable. it's simply out of the majority of people's means to grow any food other than basic herbs. also "better sourcing" makes little difference to whether or not it's ok to kill an animal. all farms are profit making entities anyway and profit off literal death, most sourcing "standards" such as free-range are box-ticking bullshit. there's also the planet - you really wanna accelerate the climate crisis just because you wanna have burgers and steaks?

>> No.14272197

I'm from Bosnia but live in another ex-yu country, there isn't a lot of vegetarians and vegans and they stick to themselves. For most of them it's an ethical choice, the minority does it for "health reasons". They're not obnoxious and holier-than-thou, there's a cool vegan burger place in the city and the meat eaters like it too. Personally I eat meat once or twice a week as I try to emulate my grandparents' and ancestors' diet - they all lived over 95 years.

>> No.14272226

I've known a couple people who for legitimate medical reasons had to go vegetarian/vegan

>> No.14272227

Vegan is better. You just feel cleaner. And your thoughts are more pure. Im eating meat now though. And it sucks because I can't smoke as much cigarettes or enjoy the feeling of fasting while on adderal and coffee. You know?

>> No.14272233

A large chunk of those 77% for livestock are Australias ranches. Conventional farming wouldn't work on that land.

>> No.14272236

>You do care about the environment, dont you anon?

No because the people saying this are greedy and want us to suffer while they jetset to Moritz

>> No.14272259

All farms are profit making entities? But what makes a farm? Are hobby farms profit making entities? What if they are small scale and only feed themselves and their community? Why is it always "feed the world", why quote a Monsanto lobbyist? Perhaps the world should try a bit harder to feed itself. Especially the western world, where only 1 percent of the population are actually farmers, and oligarchs are working tirelessly to replace those farmers in the west with machines, and supplement the rest with slave labor overseas.

Are all farms evil? Even crop farms? They also profit off of death. Or are you only talking about livestock death, not death of "pests" like wildlife.
The fact is when YOU buy from a farm, you need to understand what you pay for. You do not hold a moral high ground because you abstain from livestock.

People laughed at me since I was a child when I said to my urban classmates that I wanted to produce food. If it wasn't for my stubborn black sheep attitude and absolute disdain for modern convention I probably would have never chased my dreams and remained a miserable concrete consumer who would have eventually succeeded in committing suicide.

When I was a kid animal rights groups went to our school and showed us animal torture porn and explained that this was all our fault for being selfish eaters. It converted many impressionable minds to vegetarianism including myself (this was back before veganism was mainstream). If I hadn't seen a beautiful small farm when I was a child I think I would have fully believed them when they said all farms are like this and not asked all the questions I did ask, especially when my health took a sharp nosedive after cutting out meat.

>> No.14272269
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I know you only care about your own ego and your own convenience. But I plan to work not only for my own life but for the lives on my land in the future. I am planting slow growing trees that will not bear their bounty in my lifetime but will feed and shelter the future, and I am slowly healing soil that has been seriously damaged by chemicals and machines. This land will take time to heal, but I thank the powers greater than ourselves I woke up and realized I could heal it, not through consumerism and metropolis living, but through the powers I was born with; my soul and my heart.

I would rather die a free woman than live as a slave.

>> No.14272315

There is nothing worse for the environment than someone like you leaving a path of destruction wherever you go but at least your intentions are good

>> No.14272456

Oh hey, I think I know you. We had a discussion on this topic as well. You're doing good work. Small-scale community farming is the future. Ironically, that's how it was done before industrialisation.

But I'm curious, do you see possible uses of industrialised farming or modern techniques that can be made to work sustainable? What do you think of gene-editing of species?

>> No.14272599

>Family has horrible heart disease genetics
>If I eat red meat I'll have a heart attack at like 35

There,your ignorant ass learned something today

>> No.14272775

I know you're a retard because you believe agricultural land automatically means farmable land. Farming land is vastly more profitable than grazing it dumbass.

>> No.14272839

Hurr I eat lard 3 times a day why is this meat killing me reeeeee

>> No.14272858
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Thanks! It's nice to have some support in this sea of programmed division of the people.

First of all, I'm not focused on sustainability, the term just doesn't work for what my goals are, after all, why sustain a degenerated resource?

I know words are words, but implications are important to me. The terms I prefer are regeneration and resilience. I want a system where 1000 years from now the environment will remain intact, or potentially be improved.

Now, will industrial farming techniques have a place in this system is a complicated topic. On one hand, we will always need things like tractors and heavy machinery, and I also believe technology will help get the regenerative agricultural movement off the ground as far as marketing and education goes. I'm not anti technological progress, in fact, I think the regenerative ag movement IS a technological movement, just because we look to the past for answers doesn't mean we don't move forward.

As far as artificial gene manipulation goes, my issues would be that it takes species away from their natural state and role in our natural ecosystem, this could lead to unforeseen problems that we could never predict. We have to accept our shortcomings as creatures that don't know more than we know. As far as breeding goes, I think if more people were farming and therefore feeding smaller communities, we wouldn't need these animals that are only bred for commodified efficiency. I believe we should breed animals for their abilities to perform optimally on pasture and forage instead of industrial feed, who are less dependent on humans, and who have stronger maternal instincts. Essentially a hardier animal, that may grow slower and not be as commercially "efficient" but will have higher quality manure/meat/milk/eggs and behaviors that benefit the environment as a whole.

Thanks again, lemme know if u have any more questions.

>> No.14272876

>how do vegetarians or vegans present themselves in your communities?
the only vegetarians/vegans i ever met were white girls with anorexia
one of them had it so bad she couldnt open the elevator door, she had to grab it with both hands and pull with her entire body. She had no muscle mass
I felt really bad for her, kind of wanted to learn some vegan recipes so i could make her something high tasy on fat and protein to try and help

>> No.14272885

Why do these so called vegans pretend to care about the environment? It's not like they can have children so why care what things are like in 1000 years? Anywho none of this matters because the only people who actually care about the environment are being replaced by people who dont at the demand of vegans

>> No.14272888
File: 158 KB, 588x423, coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We, the synthetic.

Synthetic faces. Synthetic knowledge. Synthetic asses. Synthetic meat. Synthetic lives lived on synthetic screens. Synthetic moods delivered with the swallow of a synthetic pill. Synthetic weather. Synthetic immunity. Synthetic worlds of concrete and cubicles.

Synthetic cheese. Synthetic experiences. Synthetic fish. Synthetic plants. Synthetic pets. Synthetic light. Synthetic water. Synthetic sweet. Synthetic fat to eat. Synthetic thin to be.

And now, synthetic coffee.

Feed the masses. Feed the masses.

Feed their hungry bodies with chemicals. Feed their empty souls with materialism. Feed their insecurities with injections and a surgeons scalpel. Feed their loneliness with more disconnection.

Warp reality. Nothing is as it seems. Truth is fluid. Hard truths are for the ignorant.

Hide the truth - that they are animal, too. That we are animals, all. That the natural world holds our place. That we are important and have a role to play that’s bigger and more satisfying than the narcissistic world view we’ve been taught.

Hold their eyes shut and then tell them their gnawing hunger is a failure of character.

Synthetic coffee now. Flavours and colours to simulate what was. We can sit in a coffee shop, at a particle board table, on a plastic chair, in our plastic clothes, sipping our chemical slurries with pretend milk grown from almond monocrops, fertilized by trucked-in bees because the real ones are nowhere to be seen.

Sitting alone, surrounded by the indoctrinated mesmerized by their screens. They’re alone, too. Wifi the mighty god of human brains overseeing us all.

George Orwell was right.

>> No.14272891

Fight the good fight, beautiful people. It’s never been so hard to be a genuine, honest to goodness human being. The generations that will follow you, need your leadership now more than ever.

Be a real human in a time when the zoo humans are insisting they are the evolution of our species. Don’t buy it. Excavate the authentic. Find what’s real.

Stay gold, Ponyboy.

>> No.14272917

>. I think its in part the entitled "holier-than -thou" feeling some of them give off.

A lot of vegetarians and vegans like to play the holy card, but that's not always the case. Some people do it for health reasons. Others for moral or spiritual reasons. I experimented with raw veganism for two months for science and found it to be good. The vegetable people and community can be annoying, but some NEED that support.

I say just do what you want and ignore other people's opinion. People are stupid anyway.

>> No.14272989

Yes, the number one thing you can do to help the environment is join a communist organization and bring an end to capitalism. But reducing the amount of meat you eat doesnt hurt

>> No.14273092

It's about food you sperg

>> No.14273420

>be me
>mum was vegetarian
>never have meat & never really talk about it
>kids at school every lunch

Fuck off you people are way worse with this shit.

>> No.14273468
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Communism and capitalism are two heads on the same beast you sheep. As long as there is one the other will survive.

Stop joining a flock and think for yourself without labels. Don't you know herd animals are always lead by predators?

>> No.14273482

That's the dumbest thing I've ever fucking heard. Read a book brainlet

>> No.14273508

>looks like cult indoctrination
>not harming animals, consuming violence and death, and not taking in that animal's negative emotion is cult indoctrination
Nah, carnism is cult indoctrination. Ask yourself why people are grossed out by exotic meats (e.g. bat, dogs, dolphin, pig uterus), but not exotic fruits, vegetables, herbs, spices, legumes?

>> No.14273546

>Why PRIVILAGED WESTERNERS are grossed out by exotic meat.
Also there are plants people hate. Ever try to feed a kid broccoli?

>> No.14273565

Hating the way something tastes isn't the same as literally being grossed out by it. Try throwing a piece of broccoli at someone versus a piece of raw meat. Also, I don't give two shits what kids like: kids like to eat candy, donuts, processed garbage meat, etc. Fuck kids' preference.

>> No.14273577

Not American and I find it abnormal to go a whole day without eating animal products

>> No.14273581

I believe we're headed for a global crash in food production. Either resources for artificial fertiliser run out or the global economy which ships foodstuffs around the world becomes impossible to maintain. So your attempts at (re-)establishing a long lasting farming style sound like a good solution.

I do not share your position on gene editing, though. We humans have shaped our environment to suit our needs for as long as we've been around, which includes changing the genes of species. Plant, animal, fish, our own even. The only difference is now, that we're aware of the science behind it.
The possibilities might be near endless. Just imagine if we could eliminate the need for antibiotics or roundup in farming.

>> No.14273586
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Name calling is bottom tier debating. Hard to undertand your position when you immediately resort to insults when someone questions the validity of your belief

>> No.14273613
File: 232 KB, 1024x679, tumblr_inline_o9frh8VzTP1qz8o02_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Idk sashimi is p tasty.
Also maybe you are trapped in your own bubble and dont seem to understand anything outside of your own culture.
also heres a pic of what kids do with raw meat.

>> No.14273650

You're still not getting the point. Who's grossed out by plants in and of themselves? I'm not talking about being grossed out by eating it. And why are you keep talking about dumb kids who are easily indoctrinated by their parents and cultures? Once again: fuck what kids like.

>> No.14273691

Who is grossed out by animals in and of themselves?

>> No.14273712

I've known plenty of people who were grossed out by liver, kidneys, brains, etc. Ffs, look at how people react to Chinese people eating bats. In carnist society, by products from animals outside the norm are seen as repulsive on sight. However, how many people are repulsive by an exotic fruit, vegetable, or other plant food by its mere appearance?

>> No.14273733

I know plenty people who are grossed out by mushrooms, some fruits and a lot of veggies. Your point is retarted.

>> No.14273769
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Once again, I'm glad you see where I'm coming from by reintroducing some of the urbanite consumers back to rural areas in order to produce food for local communities.

As far as ur gene editing thing, I don't think you quite understand, I am not against genetic manipulation through breeding, but making things that couldn't happen through natural breeding could have disastrous consequences.

You don't need to imagine eliminating the need for roundup and antibiotics! I am currently in the process of converting a traditional roundup based farm into one without roundup. Using regenerative ag u actually USE biodiversity to your advantage! Monocrops are inherently susceptible to pests and diseases because there is no competition for the pests and diseases.
My farming methods use the 5 principals of regenerative ag which eliminates any need for chemical pesticides.
As far as antibiotics go, the reason cattle need them is because they are not designed for a feedlot diet (something I am against anyways), and they become susceptible to acidosis and other digestive issues from a messed up gut biome. So all we need to really do is put animals on a more natural diet and give them a better quality of life. Being outdoors on clean pasture and breeding only the hardiest animals is all you really need to do to get rid of pharmaceuticals and petrochemicals.

Heres a pic of what I've started during my regenerative farming experiment. I've only been at this for less than 2 months and I dont use any chemical store bought fertilizers and no pesticides (other than occasionally releasing spiders i find in the garden) and I don't even have any fence around my crops and so far I have had minimal issues with pests. The plan is to deal with it as it comes though.
But by using bio diversity and even using weeds to my advantage, as breaking up compacted soil, thus increasing water retention. I have been able to create an incredibly fertile and resilient environment naturally!

>> No.14273803

Only westerners who are disconnected from their food get grossed out. As someone who grew up with that conditioning, I can tell you it's programmed in us by the global elite who want to control us and use us as consumers.

Our first introduction to what is inside us is usually in horror movies, which is focused around death and gore. Thus starts the programming of associating natural anatomy with fear and disgust.

Haven't you read Brave New World? It's the same thing as the babies and the flowers with the loud noises and electric shock.

P.S I eat liver, kidney, and brain. They are incredibly nutritious! And fresh rabbit kidney tastes incredible! Like hot dog!

>> No.14275011

I've enjoyed reading your responses. They seem well thought out have some good food for though.

>> No.14275881

Mmy position is "read Marx" I didnt come to /ck/ to debate politics

>> No.14275982
File: 169 KB, 1485x928, deer eating human remains.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buddy, this whole world is a "carnist" world. I literally had to sit and think critically about an animal that ONLY eats plants and NEVER eats ANY animals.

I could only think of caterpillars and butterflies/moths.
Literally everything else eats animals. Herbivores eat MOSTLY plants.

Veganism is just some dumb shit humans like to pretend to be because they hate who they are.

>> No.14276178

Animals arent intelligent enough to weigh out the consequences of their actions on the environment and other living beings. We are.

>> No.14276190

Are we though? Are we really above animals? Or are we just a part of this system like them?

>> No.14276212

He said, in written language typed into his computer

>> No.14276315

So what of it? We still need to eat and we still die. We are tool using primates. Doesn't make us above the mortal realm of birth, consumption, reproduction, and death.

>> No.14276336

So, even though we are capable of minimizing suffering and destruction, we shouldn't because we share a common ancestor with beings that are incapable of doing so? Is this your stance?

>> No.14276354

>So wanted to ask, how do vegetarians or vegans present themselves in your communities?

The only consistent Vegetarians I think about are the ones who do it for economic reasons.
Like, people who don't explicitly cut out meat from their diet, but they just don't get around to having any because it's just not within the budget. I don't consider myself a 'Vegetarian', but when the quarantine closed off fast food as a readily available option and I actually had to cook for myself: I scarcely eat any meat at all- we're talking maybe five times a month at most.
Eggs, milk, cheese, and yogurt have almost exclusively been my source of animal protein beyond a portion of ground beef and a side of bacon every once in a while.

>> No.14276357

I swear eating only vegetables and fruit turns people's brain matter to mush. It's always like trying to argue with a not particularly bright teenager.

>> No.14276371

I eat meat almost every day. Retard faggot realizes hes wrong lmao

>> No.14276410

They're usually part of greater health-conscious social groups.
I think if you're going to diet for health reasons then you should do regional diets. Like vegetarians will usually eat fish, right? So why not an Okinawan diet? Too much fish? Its just silly.
Then they eat dairy and it's like, there goes the whole humanitarian effort cause right there. But I have a friend who's vegetarian but mostly just to red meats because of the effect it has on his digestive system. So he'll do chicken once in a while, or fish, but things like pork and beef is a no-no.
He also does it in part to support his family in their efforts to get their mother to lose some weight and progress towards living healthier and give up smoking for once and all.

>> No.14276427

You are only capable of minimizing your own contributions to suffering and destruction. Not eating meat isn't going to cure cruelty, environmental destruction or injustice.

What has helped me is raising my own livestock. I care very deeply for their well being, and honestly they have given me a purpose and a reason to get up in the morning. I'm not sure I have even cared for pets the same way I care for these guys. Will I kill some of them? Yes.
Part of the reason I need them so healthy and happy (i.e low stress) is because I need the highest quality meat. Their death will be quick and painless. Other than that, their lives will be filled with beauty, purpose, and joy. Even in death the flesh their souls leave behind will help serve a purpose greater than both themselves and myself.
As for the rest of the world, I can only resign to accept it as it is; warts and all.

>> No.14276553

so what, no point in killing you? bad flesh, I guess

>> No.14276586

But are they grossed out by the idea of eating them or their appearance, smell, etc? You are fucking delusional if you think that mushrooms, "some fruits and veggies" will invoke the same feelings of disgust as blood, guts, and organs.

>> No.14276600

We are all killed by something someday. :)

I do hope that i can have a natural burial on private land where my flesh can feed nature. Fuck embalming and fuck cremation too.

>> No.14276611

Check out the 3:16 mark. Holy shit.

>> No.14276642

The kid had a prior experience with eating broccoli, obviously. Kids in general like all manner of garbage (like potato chips, cookies, candy that is literally concentrated sugar, etc), so their taste preferences mean fuck all. What is so hard to understand about that? Plus, I've heard of kids who actually liked all manner of vegetables (myself included). Since you like anecdotes so much: one of my co workers kids used to literally wash off the seasonings on vegetables and eat them plain, but he didn't like meat. So you can't even say that kids universally hate greens.

>> No.14276667

Yeah, the issue is the mass production of meat driven by profit with no regard for the dignity of the animals. Vegans tend to be too dogmatic, which is why people dont take them seriously. For example you can let chickens forage beneath fruit trees as an effective and sustainable alternative for chemical pest control, and it would be absolutely stupid not to eat their eggs.

>> No.14276763

Agreed. It's well documented that killing animals in mass does terrible things to one's mental health. https://metro.co.uk/2017/12/31/how-killing-animals-everyday-leaves-slaughterhouse-workers-traumatised-7175087/

>> No.14277138

They're normal people who don't like that they kill to eat unnecessarily retard, they don't go around screaming about it unless they're psychopaths. It's literally that simple.

>> No.14277773

Well then you can't say people or even kids universally hate meat then.

Also uh... it's not just children that are addicted to foods specifically designed to be addictive.

>> No.14277784

I agreed that our current agricultural system is broken. People, especially young people in the western "civilized" world, need to understand freedom comes with responsibility and learn how to raise and care for their own livestock, as well as slaughter and process it themselves.

They need to produce as much of their own food as possible. It's empowering to me that soon I won't be paying for eggs anymore and eventually after that I will not be buying meat either. Of course at that point I won't be buying much of anything at the supermarket, because the whole place is the epicenter of this broken system.