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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14263961 No.14263961 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14263998

mrs. butterworth doesnt look remotely black, if anything the accusers are racist

>> No.14264006
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>> No.14264018


Poor Frank White.


>> No.14264019 [DELETED] 

Rebranded as Mrs. Niggersworth and Cream of BBC

>> No.14264025

Who gives a shit brands always come and go

>> No.14264033


>> No.14264045


I am 100% okay with this

>> No.14264054

How long before blacks call this black erasure?

>> No.14264066

Good seeing blacks ruins my appetite

>> No.14264069

Look at it like this. You're finally getting all the ethnics removed from your sight like you wanted.

>> No.14264071

So how long before people get outraged over the fact that there is no longer black representation at grocery stores. And how long before the most famous black man, the Kool Aid Man, gets axed?

>> No.14264127

Mrs. Butterworth isn't fucking black.

>> No.14264130

I always thought she was amish or something

>> No.14264131

But I was never concerned with that.

>> No.14264139 [DELETED] 

What the fuck is wrong with niggers and why are they so fragile?

This is only making me despise them. Fucking with my Butterworth.

>> No.14264194
File: 24 KB, 220x300, Cream_of_Wheat_advertisement[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine working hard your entire life to make a better world for yourself and your family. Imagine sweating and saving to travel to a country where they treat you like shit, and still managing to put in the hard work it takes to become an accomplished Chef.

Just to have some company steal your face, slap it on a cereal box and rename you Niggaboo Jingus McCoonface so's dey can sells dem white folks summa dat good ol' Fahw-Reen-uh. Sho is good!

They're lucky he didn't burn the whole motherfucking factory down.

>> No.14264246

>less black representation
Whatever, man.

>> No.14264382


Pretty sure he himself never cared. It's just white progressives a hundred years later complaining.

>> No.14264391

>steal your face
he got paid for it retard

>> No.14264401

isn't removing the black person that founded the premise of the company more racist than actually having it on there? it's actually a good move for corporate greed and a bad move for black culture but nigs are too retarded to see it that way. tear it all down fuck it

>> No.14264410

I was never even sure she was human. I figured she was some sort of humanoid entity made of syrup, like how the Kool-Aid man is made of Kool-Aid.

>> No.14264511

Black people are getting erased because they're so racist.

>> No.14264529

It's not the nigs who want this shit, they love their mammy syrup. It's white radical leftists who are virtue signaling about this.

>> No.14264536

ayo hol up
You be telling me that BLACK PEOPLE be getting CANCELLED?
nah that too funny mane

>> No.14264569
File: 157 KB, 600x880, BF9EE6D5-FD43-4CC5-B9A4-392123D5A915.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Portrays the Irish as greedy drunks.

>> No.14264623

This. Black people buy products with black mascots. White people spread their purchases amongst lots of different brands.

>> No.14264774

if only they can spread this to hollywood and bleach the movies

>> No.14265853

No. You are a nazi /pol/tard for being bothered by brand name changes. I know this. Every normal person would have absolutely no problems with this except for /pol/tards like you.

>> No.14266406

I'm black. My family always loved Aunt Jemima and we always joked about her when making breakfast. Stop being a condescending bitch.

>> No.14266512

>That sign
Shit it's real haha. That's pretty fucking pejorative and I doubt he had a say in what was placed there.

>> No.14266538

You know, this disturbingly matches up to what the KKK wanted, horseshoe effect has come around once more

>> No.14266549

the projection is strong in this one

>> No.14266582

Yes but that is actually true.

>> No.14266595

The Kool-aid man is actually the pitcher

>> No.14266597

> you will now see less black faces on your food

thank fucking christ

>> No.14266605


>> No.14266685

it's current year, you're obviously either a post-gender queer stalinist or a neonazi

>> No.14266698

yeah, how can she be black?? she's a syrup entity, she doesn't even have black facial features

>> No.14266901

The syrup totem is haram. It must be smashed for the glory of Allah.

>> No.14267271
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>> No.14267507

What else have the accusers said that was racist? This can't be the only thing.

>> No.14267551

Watch 'em all riot when Air Jordan brand gets pulled.

>> No.14268677


Holy shit I’ve always wondered where that term for Joggers came from

>> No.14268720

the products exist, and you are free to buy them or not, as before.

>> No.14268918
File: 65 KB, 488x488, cryspy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a mock up of the new improved and racially away rice krispies

>> No.14268925

ching chong ding dong

>> No.14269006

First they took away the cream of wheat and I said nothing...

>> No.14269022

Every normal person had no problem with the brands

>> No.14269025

what about foods with branding around vikings?

>> No.14269027


You realize that ad is from before WWI, right?

>> No.14269030
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>> No.14269033
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>> No.14269037
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>> No.14269042

Does this shit just not make any sense to anyone else? Who actually gives a fuck if there's a black lady or black man on the cover? How does it actually matter at all?

I don't really give a shit if they change it either, it's just that it doesn't need changing in the first place. If your cereal was called "Nigger Jim's Cereal Bites, now with mini watermelon pieces", yeah maybe that's racist and it should change. But it's just a black lady on a fucking syrup bottle, who fucking cares?

>> No.14269045
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>> No.14269048
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>> No.14269052
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>> No.14269067

Oh shit, that makes even less sense. Drinking pitchers and syrup bottles aren’t black either, they’re clear. This whole thing is such a non-issue, it’s astounding.

>> No.14269071

Holy shit that’s fucking real

>> No.14269288
File: 62 KB, 370x387, frito-bandito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still gonna get my Fritos on no matter what they do.
Just saying.

>> No.14270804

Actually important

>> No.14270817

He's a leprechaun not some papist mick pedophile

>> No.14270931

This one is unironically sick, those swords and dragon designs man

>> No.14271318

How are these racist? These are the same people that cry about MUH REPRESENTATION, and then proceed to remove all black mascots from everything lol

>> No.14271749

Is Newman any good? What charities do they work with

>> No.14271770

The koolaid is his blood

>> No.14271773

>treat you like shit
prove it

>> No.14271787
File: 1.48 MB, 305x250, 1551641454985.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Niggaboo Jingus McCoonface
I'm fucking dying.

>> No.14271862

>vodka sauce from a jar
just how lazy can you get

>> No.14271909

I'd eat a papist mick pedophile cereal. Call it Father O'Leary's Fenian Fag Flakes.

>> No.14271936

Cream of Wheat just shows a black chef. How is that racist? Are black people not allowed to chefs according to Liberals?