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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14256521 No.14256521[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The amount of butthurt in this video is immense. I fucking hate the passive agresive bitching.

>> No.14256539

>aka 1992 guy
I still really want to know what she meant by this.

>> No.14256550

>e-celeb drama
you just had a whole thread for this
fuck off

>> No.14256552
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I think it's about the mannerisms of the guy. You can see in the video that he has that way of speaking that for some reason it makes me think about Yuppie culture.

>> No.14256564

He calls himself 1992 guy in the video because he used the word rustic.

>> No.14256575


>> No.14256582

he looks like a chomo

>> No.14256583

It's in the 10:30

>> No.14256584

Fuck off spamming this shit.

>> No.14256590

He looks paler here than he does in the photo I've seen. Maybe he's a little ill in the video?

>> No.14256594

lol they made chicken marbella jew un-friendly

>> No.14256599

now rapo is gone i will continue to be unsubscribed to bon appetit until we have solid proof that the bipoc staff has gotten fairly paid. that is until we have solid proof that there is money paid in their bank accounts.

>> No.14256610

>posting a single thread at a time
>waiting until the previous thread is archived to start a new one

>> No.14256615

I'm just going to stay subbed and hope I continue to enjoy whatever videos come after this. I don't give a shit how much any of them are being paid as long as they entertain me.

>> No.14256619

Everyone at BA is a terrible human being. Just absolutely horrible all around. I would not want to eat their food and I would not want to spend time socializing with them. I would seriously consider doing 6 months-1 year of hard labour instead of spending one night socializing with people like that.

>> No.14256621

I have unsubscribed to BA. I will not support this magazine or ANYTHING that comes out of the TK until Adam Rappoport resigns and the BIPOC TK employees voices are HEARD.

>> No.14256622
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>tfw no brad videos anymore

>> No.14256630

Yes, continually posting the same off-topic garbage is spamming. Spamming and flooding aren't the same thing. Go back.

>> No.14256631

No one cares.

>> No.14256642

i wish i was an le epic hacker guy so i could dislike bomb any new videos. anyway, did anyone derive any actual cooking knowledge from the BA vids or did everyone just watch it cuz fun

>> No.14256643

>It's an agrodolce
>I was going to say salad dressing
>yes, we're making pork with salad dressing

jesus that was cringe

>> No.14256653

You really need mental health counseling

>> No.14256657

Nobody ever talked about food in a single BA thread. Just e-celeb garbage and waifu shitposting. But they always stay up because it's paid advertising.

>> No.14256663

I was introduced to black vinegar, and also learned that Americans favour mashed potato instead of baked at their roast banquets. To me mash is more for slummy weeknight meals.

>> No.14256681

>a Jewish New York exec is a massive cunt

Imagine my shock

>> No.14256694
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The channel is garbage. It's Alive is the only show of worth.

>> No.14256747

Brad is my e-husbando he shares my passion for traditional food preparation

>> No.14256752

he just wanted to make some pickles

>> No.14256762

Ok I will say that Brad is actually a cool guy I'd probably have a beer and shoot the shit with him.

>> No.14256767

Can't wait for Brad to leave and suddenly there's no money left to pay Sohla with

>> No.14256776
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why did he abandon us

>> No.14256869

Same thing whenever he popped up in It’s Alive. Brad would immediately become uncomfortable.

>> No.14256923

He didn't abandon us, they abandoned him

>> No.14257102

>boss asks you for something
>cook him it
>get upset that you have to do it
>get upset that you have to even clean up


>> No.14257174

The channel is essentially dead... There is so much inhouse fighting now(mostly cause the SJW's on twitter have drudged through all their social media and are demanding the staff acknowledge all the 'wrong-thought' committed by their co-workers past... Delany making a cake with a confed flag, Brad saying something mildly homophobic, sohla being a cunt, etc...) that theres now way they're going to be able to work together once the lock down ends.
It sucks, cause i like brad, chris, and carla... But since no one can pass a purity test when "purity" is constantly changing(For fucks sake, the confed flag was used as a joke, and even if it was earnestly used, that isnt a big deal either.. Especially back in 2010) they're all just going to be awkward... Cause who knows when using the term "lame" will be verboten? And i know carla uses that term a lot. Or what about 'crazy'? That might be seen as shaming people who are not of sound mind... And you know adam used that word a lot.

Part of me is kinda happy this is happening to BA, cause its so unapologetically hipster. So if the fans(who are probably also generally hipsters) watch its destruction, they'll maybe wisen up and stop being so ultra critical/sensitive.

>> No.14257186

>they'll maybe wisen up and stop being so ultra critical/sensitive.
get a load of this optimist

>> No.14257210

I know, its almost retarded to think they'll come out the other end of this with an ounce of reflection.
If anything, they'll just be extra critical to stuff before it even manages to get to the level of Bon Apetit.

>> No.14257224

>Brad saying something mildly homophobic
I haven’t seen this one. All I’ve seen is them getting mad they have no dirt on him, and so they just attack his defensive response to, well, getting attacked.

>> No.14257232

>6 million sub youtube channel of a print outlet that is part of Conde Nast, one of the biggest media companies in the world, is "essentially dead" after a small bout of online drama

Most of the employees will stay, and the content will continue. Rapo left to make the staff happy. Most of the fans are normies who couldn't give a single fuck about drama that takes place in small circles on Twitter or Instagram. People who get their panties in a bunch about "cancel culture" are misguided as hell, no one has ever been successfully "cancelled" by Twitter, only severe cases with mass media attention can successfully end a person's career, and even then not always. How long did R Kelly get away with it?

>> No.14257240

That one crazy lady on Twitter is pretty much the source of the rumors floating around. She has “inside sources” and private DMs from them that are totally real, and only have contradictory and/or zero evidence claims 99% of the time.

At the end of the day though, because Brad is a popular white male with a blue collar background and he hasn’t written a self-castigating essay on his own privilege and ignorance of the struggles of his coworkers inability to negotiate contracts or build their careers, he’s a target.

>> No.14257248

You're allowed to be upset at your boss if he makes your job difficult unnecessarily by asking you to do something that isn't within your job definition/requirements

>> No.14257257

Idk how anyone can stand to watch any of these creatures and listen to them speak for more than 30 seconds. They're all that kid at school who openly ate boogers and declared himself the natural leader of the theater department, and their snobby, unnatural accents only exacerbate the issue.

>> No.14257260

>How long did R Kelly get away with it?

Or chris brown? Or Akon? Or... wait, what do those examples all have in common. And why wouldnt Rappo, or Alex Delaney wouldnt fit in.
Real talk: If you're white and in a position of fame or power, there is a fucking legion of keyboard warriors who are all collecting Covid pandemic payouts who have nothing better to do with their time than try to knock you down.
Best advice is to shut up and hope it passes over them, but guess what? Those same people who have nothing to do now, wont have anything to do in 3 or 6 or even 12 months... And they're hell bent on decolonizing their community, their country, their internet, etc...
I hope someone stands up to them soon... Or maybe turns the mirror on them(Pro-tip: The loudest people in that movement sound very pro-gay and pro-trans. If you research who's doing the overwhelming majority of hate crimes against those communities, maybe they'll be pushed to answer some inconvenient questions. 8 blacks getting killed by cops looks bad, but its fuck-all when 38 of the 41 murdered american LGBTQ people from 2019 were killed by blacks)

>> No.14257288

>38 of the 41 murdered american LGBTQ people from 2019 were killed by blacks
Got a source? Honestly it sounds true but I couldn’t find anything.

>> No.14257293

Sure, but maybe the proper place to deal with that is in a private meeting... Springing all this collected data over the past 2 DECADES all at once while everyone is in lockdown is so fucking tacky... Especially when the biggest problem was sohla's pay(which she negotiated... Imagine contracting someone to do a renovation for you, and then half way through the project they defame you all over the internet cause they underquoted you. Sorry bud, but thats your fuck-up. Also, the black one whos bitching about only make $400 per video... Guess how much money a porn star makes on their first few studio scenes? $400... Cause they have no recognition or experience. You need to build a fanbase before you can expect more. Stupid lazy cunt thought she deserved more than that, cause people who've done it for years and have seniority over her get pair a salary.)
Honestly, the more i read about these issues, the more i clue in that these people are just painfully naive. But hey, why fess up to that when they can instead blame everyone who's white, who's ALSO navigated the same shit(and some of whom were probably just as stupid, but they didnt have the race card crutch to lean on when they fucked up. I guess thats more 'white privilege'.)

>> No.14257298
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>there is a fucking legion of keyboard warriors who are all collecting Covid pandemic payout

You have to be a real pussy to be this afraid of "keyboard warriors" lmao. 95% of their time is spent posting memes of Tiger King, and honestly most of them have had some ~other~ events to be posting more about rather than targetting nameless e-celebs

>maybe they'll be pushed to answer some inconvenient questions

Yeah the aim is to end all sorts of violence by means of empowering communities. Nice strawman though by assuming that "their" answer agrees with yours though, convenient to make yourself look like you've been "right" all along.

>> No.14257304

it's called homosexuality and the entire world finds these people to be unbearable

>> No.14257323

>which she negotiated
people who've done it for years and have seniority over her get pair a salary.

Clearly the problem is that it's consistently lower among POC staff than white staff, often with POC staff being more experienced than white staff. "Just negotiate more bruh" is a nonsense response assuming that the problem is with everyone's individual negotiating skills rather than what the company's policies are.

>they didnt have the race card crutch to lean on when they fucked up

They do though, the white race card. White people can only succeed in life.

>> No.14257327

>Blue collar background
Bit of a stretch there bud but otherwise spot on

>> No.14257338 [DELETED] 

>You have to be a real pussy to be this afraid of "keyboard warriors" lmao. 95% of their time is spent posting memes of Tiger King, and honestly most of them have had some ~other~ events to be posting more about rather than targetting nameless e-celebs

You paying attention to all the corporations falling over themselves to acknowledge the racial discrimination blacks are forced to deal with? You cant have a job in a public relations related industry if you're going against that, or even if you're 'silent' on it.

>Yeah the aim is to end all sorts of violence by means of empowering communities. Nice strawman though by assuming that "their" answer agrees with yours though, convenient to make yourself look like you've been "right" all along.

Hey, all i'm saying is if you're sincere about helping marginalized communities, its worth looking at all facets of it. BLM likes to pretend its a big tent movement... The people at the front like to cheer on gay and trans folk. The other 95% of it absolutely fucking DESPISES gays and trans. I feel thats worth delving into. Being black in 2020 isnt easy, cause some white stores will think you're only there to rob them. Being gay or trans in 2020 also isnt easy, cause so many black people are prone to beat you to death. I feel the latter is a bit more of a problem, and its disconcerting that no one is allowed to talk about it. Blacks are more likely to get stopped by cops than whites, just like gays are more likely to get curbstomped by blacks than whites.

>> No.14257340

>Bit of a stretch there bud
He literally worked in manufacturing/factories for a time.

>> No.14257354

I don't mind poofs as long as they don't politicise their sexuality or the ones that just do drugs non stop, fuck those future burdens on society

>> No.14257369

>Clearly the problem is that it's consistently lower among POC staff than white staff, often with POC staff being more experienced than white staff. "Just negotiate more bruh" is a nonsense response assuming that the problem is with everyone's individual negotiating skills rather than what the company's policies are.

Did you go through their hiring practises? and their ledger of employees? All i can do is hold it up against their on screen staff, which consists of a few mexicans, a few whites, 2 indians, and a lot of jews.

>They do though, the white race card. White people can only succeed in life.

How well has that card been played, by anyone, through out the history of any "white" nation? I dont want to entertain this argument too long, but most companies and CERTAINLY most governments have sections in their application process that EXPLICITLY say that if you're a white dude, you will be less likely to get the job as their policy is to always put preference on candidates with a more diverse racial background.
To me, that shit is overt racism. I dont deny there was racism in the past in whatever country to want to be critical of(America, Canada, Australia, UK, and yes, non-white places too) but you dont solve that by being openly racist towards whites... That just builds resentment and makes every.single.person there question the merit and legitimacy of all the non-white employees.

>> No.14257372

Yeah I thought he worked in construction too. Didn't he also start in the food industry as a porter (or potwash, whatever) and work his way up?

>> No.14257399

Yup, and he didn't even go to college. Even at BA he started as an intern and worked his way to kitchen manager.

>> No.14257405

Pretty much everyone else with the exception of Gaby (note how she’s been quiet about all this aside from liking Brad’s posts and shit) went to a cushy College and majored in journalism or history or whatever before they got into cooking. Most of them also have wealthy spouses and/or families.

Brad worked at a bunch of different odd jobs like a catering service, a deli, and even at a carnival for years before he made it to culinary school. Then he worked his way up in BA from dishwasher to Test Kitchen Manager over years. It’s Alive was a complete lucky break that only happened cuz Vinnie went to bat for him. There is a reason that everyone at BA voted Brad as the best person to get stranded on an island with on the staff.

>> No.14257408

>be an american success story of hard work and perseverence
>get canceled due to some poo who signed a shitty contract

>> No.14257411

But hes white, and silent on this issue. Silence = Violence, SO HE MUST GO!!!!
Bon apetit needs more BIPOC people, cause who here dosent want to watch 5 20 minute videos a week on how to cook using a tagine, or Ethiopian slop, or more of priyas videos where she talks about how delicious her parents cooking is?

>> No.14257413
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>1992 guy

>> No.14257415 [DELETED] 

>You cant have a job in a public relations related industry if you're going against that

Yeah you're right, but remember that companies only exist to make money so if you just see it as the more profitable option for them, does it matter? Why should I be paying attention or give a shit about the moral standing McDonald's or something? I think you've got a point and would be fun to see a company go the other way and post George Floyd's criminal history, right?

>its worth looking at all facets of it

>The other 95% of it absolutely fucking DESPISES gays and trans
citation needed, have you asked them?

>Blacks are more likely to get stopped by cops than whites, just like gays are more likely to get curbstomped by blacks than whites.
I think part of BLM is that the issue of police reform helps everyone and affects whites too so everyone can get behind it, it's clear about the change being called for. The other thing you mention is an issue too but it's more isolated and the way to solve that problem might be figured out later but it's a harder one.

>> No.14257439 [DELETED] 

Seriously, go fuck yourself.

>citation needed, have you asked them?
Prop 8, the demographics of people who commit hate crimes. I'm a gay guy, i'm pretty confident in saying blacks aren't cool with gays. Go read up on the DL community of blacks(which are gay black men who are so closeted that refuse to get tested for STDs, and are the biggest vector for STD's in the gay community. Having BLM and other malcontents try to shame the gay community for being racist is especially fucked up, because of that incontinent stat. Either date black men and face STD's or possible hate crimes, or ignore them and be called racist by a bunch of obnoxious cunts)

>> No.14257457

Seriously, go fuck yourself.

>citation needed, have you asked them?
Prop 8, the demographics of people who commit hate crimes. I'm a gay guy, i'm pretty confident in saying blacks aren't cool with gays. Go read up on the DL community of blacks(which are gay black men who are so closeted that refuse to get tested for STDs, and are the biggest vector for STD's in the gay community. Having BLM and other malcontents try to shame the gay community for being racist is especially fucked up, because of that inconvenient stat. Either date black men and face STD's or possible hate crimes, or ignore them and be called racist by a bunch of obnoxious cunts)

Maybe read this while you're at it:

>> No.14257486

Did he quit?

>> No.14257531

>Go read up on the DL community of blacks
>all gay black men are in the closet
This post feels like a larp. I bet you're from /pol/.

>> No.14257544

Nah, he just fell in line with everyone else’s stance of “I won’t be doing any new shoots (until things calm down and my job isn’t at risk) until my brave BIPOC coworkers aren’t being (retards for signing shitty contracts and unreasonable about career advancements) abused by management!”

That aside, BA is just avoiding posting vids right now in general. Too busy with damage control.

>> No.14257573

Where the fuck did i say all gay men are closeted? I specifically said the DL community of blacks... So a subset.
But whatever, I'm not trying to convince you of anything, you've already proven yourself to be a ignorant racist person. Its the people who are following this discussion who i'm trying to convince, which shouldnt be hard since i'm sure they're well aware of how most black people talk about gays. I mean i'm kinda dumbfounded i found someone who's actually taking issue with that idea... Just how sheltered from society are you?
>The perceived bias against homosexuality in the African American community has led to the sub-cultural phenomenon "on the down-low", in which black men who identify as heterosexual secretly have sex with men.[56][57][58][59] The term is also used to refer to a sexual identity.[59][60]
5 citations... But clearly i'm making that shit all up.
... You're a clown

>> No.14257602

you have any article or stats on the dl black gay std thing
I know there's a 50% lifetime rate of aids for black gays compared to 10% or something for whites, which is crazy
I don't think people not dating em is about stds rather than preference, I know gay people who say asians get shit on a lot too ("no fats no femmes no asians"), probably just avoided as the logical endpoint of commercialized mass sex, you order exactly the kind of fuck you want through your phone without any veneers

>> No.14257604
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I don't think so. This is the most recent post on his Instagram.

>> No.14257617

'Memeba when it was "black"? Then it was african american... Then Person of Color(Poc). Now its BIPOC. Anyone getting a little sick of this shit?
They're turning this into a fucking alphabet soup.
I mean the gay rights movement is a joke right now cause of the same thing. When i was a kid it was gay rights or GLB. Then it was GLBT, then it swapped to LGBT for no reason what-so-ever... Then it just went into hyperdrive with adding new letters. In some places it is, i shit you not, LGBTQQIAA2S+. Gay encompasses 97% of the community(Theres no need for lesbian or bi) and the other 3% would be served under queer.

>> No.14257653

Sohla said in an interview that she asked for $65,000 in her original offer but they said they could only offer $50,000. Why didn't she just refuse instead of waiting almost a year to bring it up?

>> No.14257665

You need to kinda decipher it yourself from
as thats not gay-specific.
The take away is you expose yourself to FAR more STD's when you're open to hooking up with blacks, than anyone else. This is known in the gay community, and for obvious reasons is a factor in who people want to get to know and date.
>I don't think people not dating em is about stds rather than preference,
I disagree. Again, hooking up with a black guys carries 8x higher risk of gonorrhoea or hepatitis... Stuff that condoms wont really protect you from.
And the rates that most test for STD's is down right deplorable. I have spoken to a few who called me a racist when i asked when they were last tested(and not in an accusatory way either, id offer up my last STD test date in the same comment)
Its just something most gay guys who're already possibly dealing with a bunch of BS drama in their lives dont want to involve themselves in. And then to have the accusation that they're gay thrown at them if they're ever honest or upfront with their decision makes it a lose-lose... So why engage at all?

>> No.14257674

Cause she had no other option, as she burned her bridge back to SE doing the same shit shes doing today.
So its kinda Bon Apetits own fault, since they cant pretend they didnt have a warning sign.

>> No.14257683

This entire spectacle is just an excuse for dark yuppie opportunists to leverage personnal grudges theyve been grinding their teeth over for years to advance their wretched careers

>> No.14257694

>>14257665 here
>And then to have the accusation that they're gay thrown at them if they're ever honest or upfront with their decision makes it a lose-lose... So why engage at all?
Obviously i meant to say:
>...accusation that they're racist thrown at them if...

>> No.14257711

can someone give me a rundown of what the fuck is happening with this shitty channel?

>> No.14257713

Because she figured she'll just keep popping up in the background of videos until they make her a star. It'd be like a dishwasher at a restaurant helping out the cooks for a hot second when they're overwhelmed and then assuming if they do that a bunch, they'll be made chef. Maybe eventually after years of work but not immediately

>> No.14257726

Delany really hasn't said anything right except about the cake? Kind of surprised

>> No.14257733

>5 citations

Yeah citations that the DL community exists. Far cry from the claim that they're "so closeted they refuse to get tested" as if getting tested for STDs is something only homosexual men need to do? They're just poor

>> No.14257735

>Coincidentally a picture of the Editor in Chief came up from probably 15 years ago
>He's wearing stereotypical New York puerto rican clothing, mostly mistaken for a guido
>Coincidentally this pops up while America won't shut the fuck up about racism for more than five minutes
>Suddenly Solah won't shut up about racism, claims she's being underpaid and demands EiC step down
>Suddenly everyone starts airing grievances now instead of when they first popped up coincidentally while anyone vaguely racist gets cancelled

Now it's just everyone flinging shit at each other

>> No.14257751

uppity black people are uppity and calling everyone who isnt darker than a cafe latte the devil.
The channel is going to be dead in a few weeks since everything minor that could maybe be perceived as possibly uncouth(like making a cake with a confederate flag on it) is now on blast.
If you're white and you liked it, look for a new channel. If you're black and you liked it, maybe talk to your fellow black people to calm the fuck down and stop cancelling everything that isnt a 40oz bottle of liquor.

>> No.14257755
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Pic related is the picture btw. Notice most of the people making a big deal about this aren't showing it and are in some cases calling it blackface

>> No.14257759

>They're just poor
STD testing is free at any walk in clinic... You're a fucking moron, and excusing what would be considered a racist crime if it was being enacted against blacks...

>> No.14257771

>STD testing is free at any walk in clinic...
Where do you live? I'm in the US and I've never heard of free STD testing anywhere. All medical care costs money and even with insurance you can't get STD testing for free unless you're female and/or pregnant.

>> No.14257806

I live in the US. Again, any walk in clinic will provide free STD testing.
This is such a fucking stupid discussion btw... Even if you believe STD tests cost money, why is it expected(and the reality) that WHITE gay men are tested regularly, but black gay man arent(nor are expected to be)
Like seriously, what a fucking stupid spot to base this argument around.
>Gay guys dont like blacks because they carry a higher risk of STD's... Like, ridiculously high... 8x higher than everyone else. And they resent being called racist for it.
Uh... well, actually thats BS, and blacks shouldnt be expected to test regularly, because it costs money!!!

Fucking clown world... And this is how almost all these BLM advocacy discussions turn out... Blacks shouldn't be expected to be less responsible for themselves, to the detriment of all society... and if you think otherwise, you're a racist!
Well how about this angle? Maybe you're a racist because you think blacks are inherently less capable of being responsible? I'm just expecting the same courtesy from a black or asian or arab guy... You're the one who's argument hinges on giving blacks a handicap on being grown adults.

>> No.14257823

that's fucking wack

>> No.14257835

I could be off on a few things
>BA hires quirky alcoholic brown cook named Sohla
>she has early culinary experience in restaurants, but tried to open a diner in NYC that failed, then did a short stint at SeriousEats but left after her career there went nowhere
>she cried racism about both
>signs a contract for a shitty assistant food editor job in the Test Kitchen, basically the entry level role where you do a lot and get paid little, $50k
>same role plenty of the others in the kitchen initially started and moved up the totem pole from over time
>Sohla becomes popular in her video appearances and demonstrates culinary skills better than most in BA. Gets pay bumped to $60k at some point.
>Sohla also has her own show in development, several episodes already being worked on
>a photo of Rapo (BA’s EIC) wearing clothes like a cholo gets leaked, gets called brownface
>staff have a Zoom meeting, Sohla demands Rapo resigns, went awkwardly
>Sohla gets mad coworkers didn’t have her back, goes on socials and talks about how non-white editors get paid less, don’t get paid per video, and are used as tokens of diversity. Systematic racism, etc, etc
>other POC staffers pile on, people who do/did work with BA part time pile on. Turns out Delany said faggot like 10 years ago and baked a Confederate Flag cake as a joke for a friend. Gay coworkers mad now too
>basically everyone with a real or perceived grievance is airing them and flinging shit at eachother
>Most of the editors give out statements in support. Those that are white and try to defend themselves or plead innocence at all are hounded. They all pretty much agree to stop making vids until racism is defeated at BA
>Rapo resigns. Condé Nast EIC Druckor offers Sohla $80k to get her to chill, she feels insulted and continues the chimpout, equal pay etc. He ends up resigning too
>shit flinging continues. Twitter mob actively looking for dirt on people they don’t like- Chris, Delany, Brad, to an extent Claire

>> No.14257849

It's weird that the one making the biggest fuss about everything, Solah:

>Opened a restaurant that bombed within a year due to being all-around overpriced QUIRKY nonsense (eg almost $60 for fried chicken that still has the feet attached), blamed it failing because she thinks white people expected her to be making "ethnic" food
>Gets hired for SeriousEats, leaves because she can't handle being told not to feed obvious trolls and go on a soapbox every time she's being trolled, can't handle people asking her about Kenji, leaves for Bon Appetit

Hiring her like giving insurance to someone whose house keeps burning down for some reason

>> No.14257850

Does anyone else really hate white women?

>> No.14257866
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>> No.14257874

This is why i dont feel back about BA burning to the ground.
I watched her on SE. She's not a good person, nor smart enough to be an internet personality.
After this all blows over and the crumbs are left, i hope everyone makes a point to research her history before hiring her. The stuff she's done should be sufficient to have her black listed in the culinary world, atleast as far as managing something.
If she's lucky, she can work as a line cook in some franchise restaurant, but she sure as hell cant be expected to be a manager, let alone work for any media company.(but if someone does hire her for that, they obviously deserve to be the THIRD brand she hollows out with her bitching and whining)

>> No.14257880

how long can shit like this go on? some shitty person being able to nuke an entire franchise because of the color of their skin is insane

>> No.14257881
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man i feel bad for brad because he genuinely seems like a good guy who doesnt give a fuck about race or anything like that and would just be friends with anyone. now he is all caught up in all of this and probably just wants everything to go back to being fun and great and everyone gets to be happy

>> No.14257888

They;re pretty horrible, but they're better than any other type or woman.
Id maybe suggest having a mens only company, but we all know what wouldnt happen to me, and anyone who participated in that idea.
(reminder that a womans only company is a thing that is fully endorsed and supported by plenty of organizations, governmental and commercial)

>> No.14257912

Apparently Sohla is a notorious bad tipper around NYC and Long Island.

>> No.14257925

Additional points to consider:
>Sohla has only been at BA a year
>she’s stated that she’s resentful that she makes less than white editors she things she has more experience than
>those white editors that make more? They spent years there, and either have managerial roles and/or had to leverage their popularity to renegotiate their contracts, ex) Claire and Brad
>with her own show coming, she could have done the same
>more perspective: Andy said it took three years for him to get a raise and per video pay
>Rick is already a freelance contractor who gets per video pay. Gaby is just happy to be Test Kitchen Manager and has stayed quiet. Priya isn’t even a cook - she’s a journalist they trot out for diversity. Andy doesn’t count because he’s too white looking or something, even though he’s a Gay Persian. The Asian lady Christina and black lady Hawa are pretty much literal whos that aren’t popular and rarely get screen time, hence the lower pay.
>Twitter really wants to ruin Delany’s life
>Twitter is upset they don’t have any real dirt on Brad
>Sohla has publicly snarked about Brad not realizing racism exists, but Brad luckily has Gaby, Rick, and Andy in his corner
>Brad and Chris are being pretty quiet and just keeping their heads down, which makes Twitter mad because they’re supposed to crucify themselves
There’s a ton of other shit flinging and fires going on. But overall, Sohla basically couldn’t wait less than a year to have her career take off, and went nuclear, opening the floodgates.

>> No.14257928

What annoys me too is some of the people getting a lot of shit
all have kids but these twitter trannies expect them to be online 24/7 responding to every "poc" hot take in their comments. It's fucking maddening that these stupid liberal shits think their """furbabies""" in their shitty studio apartment is at all comparable to raising real children, that you can just ignore them all day do deal with chronically online mouth breathers.

>> No.14257929
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Stop, I'm trying to hate Sohla, not think her based.

>> No.14257931

The current social climate allows for it. Sohla pretty much timed it perfectly.

>> No.14257936

>Nike geobaskets

Insanely based.

>> No.14257942

Solah isn't worried about getting a job or else she wouldn't be pulling this shit. She practically KNOWS she can get picked up by a publication like Vice for wokepoints or at least get a book deal. Her husband seems to be a pretty well-off corporate executive chef in NYC so worst case she's a housewife socialite. This is all about fame for her honestly. That's why she got offended by a pay-raise and upset that she didn't become an overnight sensation.

Also note that most of the people making the biggest deal about everything are either "victims" (eg Andy) or women with well-off husbands (like Molly). The ones keeping shut are people like Brad or Chris who are the breadwinners of their families, have kids to feed and aren't stupid enough to try to burn bridges at their job right as the economy starts getting fucked up.

>> No.14257956

Dude just wanted to keep his head down, be friends with his coworkers, provide a good life for his sons, and make pickles.

Instead he’s been mobbed on by Sohla’s social mob for daring to take 6 hours to post an initial response. And for his responses not being good enough. Because somehow a guy without a college education is supposed to be able to outline eloquent and detailed plans about how he’ll battle racism in his workplace and how sorry he is for minding his own business. That crazy bitch on Twitter has literally just started making shit up about him since she can’t find anything on him, but at least most people are skeptical of it.

>> No.14257995

Gaby knows who her friends are. Brad hired her to be a Test Kitchen Assistant. When Brad got promoted, he got her his old job as Test Kitchen Manager. There’s a reason she hasn’t really done much except like Brads Instagram posts.

Sohla names dropped her as someone not getting paid per video on that interview, but here’s the thing: Gaby is a salaried worker whose job is the upkeep and supply of the Test Kitchen. The Test Kitchen is closed and they’re all at home. No shit she’s going to do videos and be reasonable about not getting more money when she can’t fulfill her normal jobs duties.

>> No.14258025
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why is it only the people with literally the easiest jobs on earth that moan the most about these ridiculous perceived identitarian injustices

>> No.14258029

Because they have ample time to complain about it and usually are well off enough to not worry about repercussions

>> No.14258093

Unironically because of their immense amounts of privilege to be able to take jobs for granted and burn bridges without giving a fuck.

>> No.14258110

I told you bro, we programmed it into the AI. Like us, it gets bored and has preferred hangouts.

>> No.14258120

>looks like daddy hispanic latino

>> No.14258130

People just want to be outraged and not do research. Go check YT comments and Twitter and you'll find people calling it blackface because they're disingenuous retards.

>> No.14258139

It's basically become a game of telephone at this point where everyone's freaking out and claiming it's this or that because someone else on twitter said so

>> No.14258329

>I specifically said the DL community of blacks
So did I, dumbass. You're assuming that all gay black men are on the DL.

>> No.14258365

>You're assuming that all gay black men are on the DL.
My assumption is homosexuality is so rampant in the black community that even the straight men are gay, and those are the ones keeping it 'on the DL'

>> No.14258406

... are, are you autistic or something? If i say i like brown horses, that doesn't mean there are ONLY brown horses, right?
Oh wait, i have a better example!
Just cause i say black lives matter, does not mean i'm devaluing non-black lives... Thats probably some BS you yourself have shouted at someone pretty recently, right? So you being so befuddled by the DL subset of gay blacks is extra funny.
To be extra clear for the retarded guy i'm talking to though: I do not think all black men who are gay are on the Down low... Because i have seen ru pauls drag race, and am in the gay community. I know a SIZEABLE chunk of gay men are on the "down low", and since most people chose to have relations with their own race(85%) that in turn makes meeting with gay black men far more risky.
Also, if you're meeting guys over grindr, its pretty safe to assume the black ones are all on the DL, especially if they dont have a profile pic of their face.

Let me know if anything in this post triggers your autism, to the point of me needing to expand on it to such levels that a child(or retard, like yourself) will understand. :3

>> No.14258414

Lawl, nah... Cause if that were the case the entire fucking community would implode. Like i said earlier, blacks dont deal well with gays or trans folk. 85% of all hate crimes against the LGBT in america are committed by blacks.
Outside of the people at the front of those BLM protests chanting about queer rights, the rest of the crowd is very openly hostile towards gays.

>> No.14258454

That's because they're so deeply closeted. Black males have the highest rates of homosexuality out of al the races, slightly more than hispanic and east asian men.

>> No.14258472

Yeah, i dont know if i really buy that... But if its true, it sure as fuck does not justify all the murder and pain they cause. If only they could maybe do better, and stop hurting that marginalized community...? Why does that sound familiar?
(The shit blacks do to gays and trans is far more fucking up and lopsided than what cops do to black men, for those who are curious. I wonder when they get their #timesup moment though. I wont hold my breath)

>> No.14258497

>fucking up and lopsided than what cops do to black men
Funny you mention that as well, because when you go by police interactions by race, which is the only metric that matters, the police shoot and kill White men and hispanic guys at a much higher rate than they do blacks guys.

>> No.14258561

Yeah, this entire thing has been quite the shit show that looks ridiculous if you spend more than a few minutes actually researching it.
The fact that 2 drug addicts with multiple pages of convictions are being turned into martyrs kinda tells you all you really need to know.
Also, them constantly bringing up trayvon martin, tamir rice, and mike brown, also lets you know how audacious the entire thing is.(real talk:Those three guys were pieces of shit who deserved to be killed. Lengthy court cases made that VERY clear)

>> No.14258585

Lol wtf thats news 2 me I prefer baked potatoes any time over mashed

>> No.14258650

Mike Brown literally assaulted an immigrant store owner and threw him around like a rag doll.

Then forensic evidence proved that he literally grabbed the cops gun and was shot point blank, not on his knees surrendering like the “witnesses” claimed.

The fact that he’s a martyr for BLM says it all.

>> No.14258684

True but theres obviously a toxic work culture if everyone was this eager to backstab. Who's gonna want to stick around after this? Brad and Claire will jump ship and prob a few others too. The channel will end up bing a bunch of literal who diversity hires and wont reach the same level of popularity.

>> No.14258711
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The only thing I'm sad about is I lost a lot of respect for Molly, whom I previously loved. I get she's angling for Rapoport's job, as senior food editor or whatever for the magazine she's likely next in line or close to it, but still have a backbone Molls.
Now I look at pictures like this and all I can see is her hunchback.

>> No.14259819

Molly was one of the first to back up Sohla and did it in a really bombastic and unprofessional way. It’s because she has nothing to lose - her husband is filthy rich and she’s basically just working for fun.