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14252514 No.14252514 [Reply] [Original]

If you can't taste cilantro's true flavor you are a genelet and should feel bad about it.

>> No.14252561

The true flavor is stink bug ass.

>> No.14252565

Dumb soap eater.

>> No.14252567

It tastes like soap and I will never understand why PoC like it so much.

>> No.14252570

I'm white and love this shit. Take your genetic coping elsewhere.

>> No.14252578

How do we even describe the taste of cilantro to soapcels? it smells so fresh and clean and it tastes the same way.

>> No.14252583

does it smell like soap too? or is it just taste

>> No.14252645

>Researchers performed a genome-wide association study among 14,000 participants who reported whether cilantro tasted soapy, with replication in a distinct set of 11,000 people who declared whether they liked cilantro or not. And lo and behold they found a spot on chromosome 11 that seemed to be a match. What’s there? A gene called OR6A2 that enables us to smell certain chemicals like E-(2)-Decenal, a primary constituent of cilantro and also…the defensive secretions of stink bugs. So, maybe cilantro does taste like bugs! But, cilantro lovers may be genetic mutants that have an inability to smell the unpleasant compound.


>The odor from the stink bug is due to trans-2-decenal and trans-2-octenal.[10] The smell has been characterized as a "pungent odor that smells like cilantro."[5]

>And when threatened, as their name suggests, the stink bugs release a pungent odor that smells like cilantro.

I'm telling you gents, you're spicing up your tacos with stinkbug ass.

>> No.14252699
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It's what the color green truly tastes like. It's one of the most refreshing and clean flavors known to man.
>have a borked gene that makes you taste soap and smell stinkbug ass

>> No.14252713

>borked gene
Seethe more you gimp nosed retard. Sorry your nose is stuck in 240p and can't detect the stinkbug ass, smelllet.

>> No.14252757

You're all making me think I need to go try soap since I don't think this tastes like soap.

>> No.14252944

>not having superior gene efficiency that improves quality of life and palate alike

>> No.14252961

I do. I had a conversation about this with my friend last night. Luckily my kids aren’t.

>> No.14252966

This is the ultimate cilantrolet cope

>> No.14254907

You literally have a gene that forces you to take in the reek of a bug's anal cavity, rather than being impervious to it. You lose out on the deliciously fresh flavor of a plant that is guaranteed to make your food smell and taste infinitely better thus your food options are limited. Ouch!

>> No.14254910

Wasn't the "gene" proven to be a myth? Some ppl just plain don't like the taste

>> No.14254922

i eat that shit like bread, its like parsley but better

>> No.14254939

I too enjoy taking big bites out of my bar of soap while showering.

>> No.14255032

Irish Spring is a pretty tempting soap to eat.

>> No.14255590

I've got a weird thing where when I eat cilantro it just tastes of coriander.

>> No.14255593

Yes and some people are lactose intolerant. I wonder if genes have to do with that...hmm

>> No.14255598

Soap? Wtf are you talking about?

>> No.14255599 [DELETED] 

Tastes like a soapy sloppa shit

>> No.14255606

I can and I've come to love it, but I eat it next to the food though, I don't like to add it in while I'm cooking

>> No.14255607


>> No.14255624

funnily, when I first ate cilantro I had that soapy taste
now I can not taste or smell the soap no matter how hard I force my brain to
I also ended up being outright addicted to fresh parsley and cilantro

dipping my nose into my homegrown parsely and cilantro plants does something to me

>> No.14255642

I am a genelet and I do feel bad about it.
Both my brothers can eat cilantro but they have zero passion about food. It's not fair.

>> No.14255656

Ironically, being able to eat cilantro also allows you to eat stinkbugs.

Look up "salsa de jumiles".

>> No.14255674

lmao cilantro eaters had ancestors that ate STINK BUGS

>> No.14255683

This. It just tastes fresh and a little tangy? I guess. Idk the only word that comes to mind is fresh. Maybe sharp. It's great

>> No.14255724

Tastes just like cilantro

I cannot resist

>> No.14255736

Cilantro's true flavor is soap.

>> No.14255782

How do I keep the aphids off my coriander?

>> No.14255834

Bong detected

>> No.14255840
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I'll eat some for you my nigga