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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 348 KB, 1080x722, Screenshot_20200615-092822_Brave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14249232 No.14249232 [Reply] [Original]

What are our thoughts on the Heart Attack Grill? Is the owner based for letting fatties kill themselves, or cringe?

>> No.14249265

Based for hiring nurse outfit wearing waitresses and one of them is a midget. If you are ever in Vegas, it's worth it.

>> No.14249275

Pretty based desu, fuck fat people

>> No.14249290
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Damn that guy has colossal hands.

>> No.14249299

Fucking cringe because millions of cows die for his wallet and fatfucks to eat

>> No.14249303
File: 78 KB, 1200x797, Heart_Attack_Menu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nurses spank you with a paddle if you do not finish your meal. Also, here are some interviews he has done in the past.

>> No.14249372
File: 831 KB, 1173x647, Jon Basso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3:50. Sets the spokespersons' ashes (who died eating at the restaurant) on the table during the interview. Yeah, I'm going to say based.

>> No.14249385

They still go to hospitals and cost the populace money because they have a heart attack

>> No.14249393

Ill take a single bypass burger and a red nurse

>> No.14249397

Most restaurants that serve burgers already have the wrong proportions between meat and bun, they take even further as a meme. Very cringe.

>> No.14249399

You know the government will still find some other way to spend the money and still tax you the same regardless right?

>> No.14249428
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One chocolate butter shake, please.

>> No.14249440
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>> No.14249445
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>> No.14249450
File: 304 KB, 1541x1600, heartattack-vegas20121012-084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14249468

I’d rather pay to bomb brown children than for fatties’ health expenses.

>> No.14249469

___ ______________ _______?

>> No.14249514

I love the idea but too embarrassed to go because I am a fatass.

>> No.14249519

Based understanding of meat anon

>> No.14249724

I want to try a tripple for the novelty. Or make it a quad, just to make sure there'll be leftovers. Then I'll pray I get the cute midget.

I refuse to believe she works there. She's not nearly fat enough.

>> No.14249733

the burgers they serve look unappealing

>> No.14249825

Based. I imagine he gets extreme satisfaction from fatties eating themselves to death after he spent a good chunk of his career trying to convince them otherwise.

>> No.14249828



>> No.14249914

>Offer product
>Make money
I see no problem with this. People have the right to kill themselves.

>> No.14249971

>The current governmental regime requires that we post this as to satisfy their megalomaniac desire to exert control over your forgotten freedoms.
Based and redpilled

>> No.14250372

It's the free market at its finest.

>> No.14250389

I always thought their food looked gross. I feel like only the most plebian Americans would even consider eating at that greasehole.

>> No.14250411

I've never been but eat shit you loser wannabe elitist. Take the stick out of your ass

>> No.14250422

>having standards makes you elitist
Shut up, pleb.

>> No.14250482


>> No.14250487

>Is the owner based for letting fatties kill themselves
People should be free to get fat and kill themselves if they want

>> No.14250534

yes unfortunely

>> No.14250726

Dangerously based

>> No.14250757

Triple bypass add 15 bacon slices
Chili Cheese Flatliner fries
Vanilla Shake
No filter cigarettes (I don’t smoke but what the hell)
Obligatory paddle

>> No.14250774 [DELETED] 

Based. Fatties want to die or are of very shit genetic stock.

>> No.14250787 [DELETED] 

>Cows get domesticated to be eaten.
>Dem poor cows!
I only hate it because it keeps retards like you alive.

>> No.14250921

This but add on an order of fries and a double shot of whiskey.

>> No.14250923

When you say "fatties kill themselves" it's not a drop-dead from the first heart attack thing most of the time. It's a long drawn out process that takes years and tons of hospital time, resources, manpower and tax money to forcibly keep them in a bare minimum state of health they themselves are rushing to overcome towards death again as soon as someone stops holding their fork wielding hand down.

>> No.14250965
File: 571 KB, 498x498, tenor[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he depicts himself as jesus christ

>> No.14250973


>> No.14250990

>does not allow sharing
Why? Am i just renting this burger? butch i bought it ill do what i want with my property. fucking turbo jews.

>> No.14251001
File: 42 KB, 640x480, 1591932113474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw the interview and he's 100% right. He has given warnings all over the entrance and he isn't doing anything other fast food big business isn't already doing. It's not his responsibility to police what you fucking eat. That's literally what Demolition Man made fun, because shit like salt was banned because it's bad for you. This is America where freedom means freedom.

>> No.14251004

they can't have people like you avoid spankings for not finishing the meal anon it's only fair

>> No.14251011
File: 84 KB, 655x641, 1586464026663.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat cunts should definitely be allowed to kill themselves.
This is just an expression of natural selection. The fewer fatties in the world, the more capable we are as a species.

>> No.14251012
File: 47 KB, 450x682, 5wqjanwcy0031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tax for our wasteful government to squander
This is guy should say something about the Fed. Put up a poster or something to redpill people.

>> No.14251042

I would like to try that diarrhea dog, but would probably buy a double bypass and fries. Maybe a hard milkshake. Honestly all this stuff looks good.

>> No.14251045

It is undeniably based... but is it so based that it's possibly overly based?

>> No.14251063

I can't find any information about Jon Basso's early life or religion.

However, I have my suspicions.

>> No.14251071

If you're insinuating that he's a Jew I'll remind you that Basso is an Italian surname.

>> No.14251076

I've only been in to eat once but my traditional shtick when walking by is to stand on the scale and yell LIAR. Sometimes the other tourists will give me a buck and I've given up on trying to convince them I'm not a busker.

>> No.14251084


Yeah, so are Pelosi and Cuomo. Q.E.D.

>> No.14251147

Based, fuck morbidly obese people. I still want to try the food with someone else, even though I've heard it's mediocre.

I'd share a single bypass burger, fries, and a vanilla shake with someone else. Then I'd walk it off and head to the infinitely better buffets on the strip.

Why are the onion rings almost 4 times as expensive as the fries?

>> No.14251155

He's based for pricing that ends up being even numbers after tax.

>> No.14251172

Another small minded self righteous member of the petit bourgeoisie who cares

>> No.14251190

Because they are shoestring frozen fries. Last time I was there you got a "bloom" onion type dish.

>> No.14251191

True, but I don't see any connection between this guy and the Jewry.

>> No.14251245

Check the bottom left, you aren't allowed to split or share burgers.

>> No.14251269

>We'll happily split a Single

>> No.14251370


honestly, potentially.

>> No.14252003
File: 81 KB, 768x1024, 3CDEECA5-A9DF-4E97-96C4-58FBB85BB957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Another small minded self righteous member of the petit bourgeoisie who cares

>> No.14252031

Based obviously, although he was based 15 years ago. Now he's just an old meme. He should have escalated further to keep it interesting, like deliberately trying to become a mass murderer with hundreds of confirmed kills instead of just having 3 or however many he got up to.

>> No.14252040

Someone made good money selling that T-shirt after having it made in a sweatshop.

>> No.14252047
File: 635 KB, 1280x720, Powerleveling.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course it's a good thing. God I hate fat people.

>> No.14252054

Shit like this is why I am firmly against public healthcare. And I work in public healthcare.

>> No.14252056

I’d love to chin check this faggot and take his scarfarino since it isn’t private property

>> No.14252058
File: 242 KB, 968x1073, 1539222934865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14252128

nailed it

>> No.14252188

I'm guessing you don't work in psychiatry.

>> No.14252243

>However, I have my suspicions.
Same lmao

>> No.14252278

Let's be honest anons, it's probably an average burger with nothing to write home about. Same with all the other food items on the menu.
Clearly the gimmick of the restaurant is what you're going for, not the food.
It's a Vegas attraction, pure and simple.

>> No.14252497

Never been to burgerland and dont have much desire to go, but I'd love to go to this place for a small burger and a beer, then leave a tiny bit left over so i can get it from the dwarf girl

>> No.14252659

>Got muy a burgha
>Dead at 25
>Cause of death

>> No.14252669
File: 446 KB, 1300x1447, 1354030399075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking Corona.

>> No.14252764

>doctor starts fast food "restaurant"
>whole restaurant's theme is about how being fat and eating like shit will kill you
> fatties flock to it

>> No.14252825

Yeah honestly a heart attack where you suddenly don't feel well and eat shit the same day is pretty fucking rare it is usually the end of a long and ungracious battle with multiple health problems.

>> No.14252863

I'm not sure if you've noticed but Americans are some of the most depressed and self deprecating people in the world. One of the first things we did after ISIS began releasing videos was reenact it ourselves using shitty waifu pillows in place of the victims. It should come as no surprise that an establishment that so forwardly states "eating here will kill you" is popular.
Though unfortunately during the Las Vegas shootings the giga nigga nurse died.

>> No.14252884

the percentage of American populace that owns bodypillows at all much less waifu pillows is not an accurate representation of American people

>> No.14253489

You would also need to repeal EMTALA if you live in the US, or the equivalent if it exists in your country. If someone is sick enough they're going to go to the hospital without regard to paying the bill and then it gets stuck with the taxpayer. Unfortunately, advocating for people dying in the streets doesn't go over very well with the voters.

>> No.14253501
File: 21 KB, 210x214, wellies.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do half of these words even mean

>> No.14253539
File: 47 KB, 534x750, 9555404F-431D-4E12-BDB7-6C65285CE0F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is chad shit

>> No.14253634


>> No.14253661

When it first was a thing I wanted to try it for the novelty but it seems like you can find somewhere doing a monster burger pretty everywhere now.

>> No.14253717

Based, takes up taxpayer money to keep it from going to the muzzies.

>> No.14253744

I wouldn't mind eating their food, it seems decent, but the atmosphere seems like a hellish normalfag cacophony, and I'm sure they won't let you buy takeout

>> No.14253745

What kind of fucking retard seriously considers political messages he read on a hamburger menu?
>redpill people
oh, right, that kind of retard

>> No.14253870

You would need to devolve your country to Africa levels to avoid paying health expenses for poor fatasses. They will get free treatment in any nonshithole and you will never get around that. Better to just not let the rest of your population get jewed by private Healthcare kikes

>> No.14253894

>add 40 bacon slices
I don't think I even ate 40 slices of bacon in 2019

>> No.14253901

I don't care, it's a gimmick and nobody is forcing anyone to go there. I would go once for the novelty factor, but that's about it.

>> No.14253913
File: 3.46 MB, 377x372, 1524921167595.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes food puns the whole way through

>> No.14253963

I agree with the owner, and the pinned comment. People knew the risks and chose their own path.

>> No.14254624
File: 313 KB, 1280x1749, fqii9geh7y131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of this country is basing their political awareness on what they hear from the news of Facebook. I think the hamburger guy is right.

>> No.14254809

Muh thyroid!

>> No.14254821


>> No.14254830

I couldn’t go there knowing there’s bound to always be someone eating for free. I could not eat while watching someone 350 pounds eat...

>> No.14254832

He's the hero we deserve.

>> No.14254837

>muh big gubmit
i bet he doesnt complain about the roads and airports that bring in customers

>> No.14254879

>muh roads
>they're poorly maintained
>muh airports
>you get fingerbanged by the TSA
I don't know what yuropoor shithole you live in but airports aren't generally owned by the government in the US

>> No.14254925

To stop an eight-top from paying $24 for one giant burger instead of $80 for six single burgers.

>> No.14254938

i thought you could smoke indoors in vegas

>> No.14254966

Most US commercial airports are government owned, dude.
Except for Branson.

>> No.14255004


>> No.14255086

Any pictures of the midget?

>> No.14255121

I guess that would explain why they're so fucking shitty then.

>> No.14255305

No such thing.

>> No.14255307
File: 2.75 MB, 500x280, amerilards.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do americans really do this?

>> No.14255319

The concept is great and I fully support it. I've eaten there once and the food was mediocre.

>> No.14255325

I am part of the burgeroisie

>> No.14255356
File: 136 KB, 954x481, 20200615_161544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the reviews are very special

>> No.14255363
File: 335 KB, 942x775, 20200615_161746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14255371

Fucking manlets, when will they learn?

>> No.14255376

This. I work in healthcare and what people don't understand is that this is the easiest country to immigrate to, both illegally and legally, and EMTALA works as de facto public healthcare if you are an immigrant who does not give a fuck about social responsibility to your nation. It ends with wildly inflated, unaffordable costs for the middle-class payer who follows the rules. The problem with our country is that you get FUCKED if you do what you're supposed to. If you want health care and you don't want to get fucked over financially for the rest of your life, unironically show up to the ER and leave without paying after they treat you.

>> No.14255819

Its for fun, shithead. If you're in Vegas, you drop in to say you went and laugh at the fats.

>> No.14256498

This is the only based take:

>> No.14256526


How do I order this

>> No.14256544

I hate fat people but I also hate Americans in general and this gimmick is very cringy.

>> No.14257028

their burgers are meh, but the fries are a godsend. miss having them in the valley

>> No.14257152

I can verify this as I am a normal taxpaying citizen and I do not pay my medical bills. I just don't have the income to pay thousands of dollars in inflated as fuck costs including $30 bandaids, and if I did have that money, I wouldn't pay out of principle anyway.

>> No.14257650

I don't see what's fun about eating a greasebomb while looking at obese retards, but okay

>> No.14257664
File: 92 KB, 567x1226, 1488262470118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well in this world there are two people; the obese retards and the ones who laugh at them. So if you're not laughing...

>> No.14257682

What if I am an obese retard who laughs at other obese retards?

>> No.14257779

he looks and talks like that furry spokesman. what a weird phenotype... "chickenshit sophist".

>> No.14257841

honestly can't find any reason to dislike the guy and his practices

>> No.14257907

They have a vegan menu too dumbass.

>> No.14257970

I hope your solution isn't american healthcare because then you're still paying for the same thing but trough insurance.
>B-buh i'm paying for only myself
Lol no, that's not how insurance companies work

And honestly, you're retarded for thinking this would solve the fatso problem or your tax problem. Both are solved culturally and logistically rather than economically.

>> No.14258054

>I'm not gonna eat.
>Ok sir we will have to spank you with this paddle 50 times in a row.
>That sounds great I normally have to pay my dom to do this.
This guy was 100% getting off on it or is completely retarded.

>> No.14258075
File: 71 KB, 255x207, 1470947651461.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

400+lb anon here. He's absolutely based, and 100% right. Seems like he genuinely cares about obesity, but he knows the only way to do something about it is to let the wheels fall off. Good on him.

>> No.14258083

What does it feel like, anon? Do you live with regret or motivation?

>> No.14258097

his bullshit only works if he promotes eating responsibly. for example alcohol companies don't find drunks and give them all the alcohol they want until they kill themselves.

>> No.14258107

Not him but I used to be near morbidity obese and your basically tired all the time and out of breath and can't sleep well and your body hurts and sweat the moment you move and have the worst shits and your joints and fell hungry all the time even after just eating and all sorts of other problems.
Basically don't get that fat because you think that feeling is just normal.

>> No.14258125
File: 11 KB, 205x246, 1465130456747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd say regret far more than motivation. I hate myself for what I am, and regret the lost time of my life. I hate being a 25 year old virgin with a non existent penis. I hate that I get winded after climbing the stairs. I have no illusions that it isn't simply because I eat abhorrent amounts of shitty food, and live a sedentary lifestyle. I've actually started to see a small bit of success in simply limiting certain foods to reduce my caloric intake over time, which has motivated me a bit, but it's hard to stay in the positive headspace for long, as inevitably the self-loathing comes back. It's such a multifaceted struggle, but in the end, I know exactly where i'm headed if I continue like this. >>14258107
This anon summed it up well. Shit sucks. Problem is when you wish you were dead, it's hard to care about trying to live.

>> No.14258173

The most quintessentially American restaurant in America. Not just for the calorific food, but its full embrace of a self-aware gimmick to sell it. No other country would even have the necessary clientele to sustain it's image. Only in America can you be unabashedly obese and find a restaurant that profits from your self-loathing while rewarding you for having some twisted pride in your condition at the same time.

Just beautiful

>> No.14258251

Yeah just make it so you to only drink water and maybe coffee with milk but no sugar.
Then just TRY to cook your own food.
That's how I did it.
It's not like I didn't relapse a few times but I went from 120kg to 85kg in like 2-3 years.
Just try at home especially that's needed but when your out for dinner or special occasion just order what you want eat.
I still eat cake and chips but I don't eat it more that 3 times a week and I also eat way less instead of pig out everyday.
No way I could just give up certain foods completely but I could just lower the amount slowly and the frequency I ate it.

>> No.14258265

he's based, it's a life long crusade against the christ cucks at in-n-out burger who sued him for his /fit/ /biz/ name
I hope he wins in the end

>> No.14258290

>I think it would be immoral to stop at this point
Jesus christ

>> No.14258306
File: 49 KB, 400x400, P D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seek pic related out, do not doubt

>> No.14258321

but that's immediately cancelled out because he bitches about taxes

>> No.14258354

that doesn't even make sense, any business owner who accounts for sales tax and charges to the nearest quarter or better yet the nearest dollar is a fucking hero.
fuck small change

>> No.14258525

imagine the fucking smell

>> No.14258530

Then you're the adipose equivalent of a self-hating jew.

>> No.14258628

Tripple Bypass burger
add 15 bacon slices
no tomato
flatliner fries with chili and cheese

>> No.14259296

based aloneposter

>> No.14260108

Explain please anon

>> No.14260145
File: 33 KB, 163x240, 70f55c6e1744e68b22c9a985c2f8d1bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>serves tasty fattening food
>doesn't lie that it's fine like other food chains
>hot female staff