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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 117 KB, 1080x1143, 912AA2C2-A833-406F-8795-C26A9E249FD3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14245408 No.14245408 [Reply] [Original]

What do you like to eat when you get drunk or high?
For me it’s tacos.

>> No.14245422

I’ve basically been high since I was 11 and I still weigh the same 145 pounds I did when I was 11. That was 24 years ago. I guarantee they got a lot fatter off alcohol thank they did from weed munchies.

>> No.14245438

No that’s definitely marijuana. When women eat like dumpsters and are lazy and do not work out they blow up like this.
Right doesn’t even looked like she gained weight she looks like she stuck her mouth in an air pump and started pumping.

>> No.14245517

Burgers with eggs on them

>> No.14245524

I used to just eat an entire family size bag of chips. To trick myself into willpower I just convince myself that eating anything will ruin my buzz and that I should actually just drink more instead. I'm not an alcoholic but I'm a total fatbrain so this works for me.

>> No.14245551

That’s retarded

>> No.14245560

Not as retarded as hating yourself the next day because drunk you told yourself that it was actually a good idea to eat 3000 calories worth of chips.

>> No.14245585

Jesus Christ.

>> No.14245628

I intentionally avoid having snacks nearby and just drink water, I don't have any business getting any fatter.

>> No.14245635

When I drink I usually don't eat. Maybe a sandwich every couple of days.

>> No.14245663

>Maybe a sandwich every couple of days.
At first I thought you meant every couple of hours, but then I remembered that this is /ck/. Some of you need an intervention btw.

>> No.14245689

>Some of you need an intervention btw.
you aren't wrong

>> No.14245694
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>have gotten high numerous times
>never experienced the munchies or relaxed feelings and instead paranoia

>> No.14245695

all the people I knew that were fat fucks when they started smoking weed are now skinny, funny how that works out.

>> No.14245700

>Some of you

>> No.14245704

Women who smoke weed are so gross, and weed culture is fucking dumb.

>> No.14245716
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>> No.14245719

I can’t eat unless I’m high. Smoked every day for almost 10 years at this point

>> No.14245723

How does it feel? Like what are the steps phenomenologically. I’ve only ever been paranoid the first time. Weeds is generally very comfy.

>> No.14245779

What happens is that they start to be only to be able to eat when they are high.
Chicks like OP pic have 0 appetite, become extremes stoners, don’t work out and stuff their face.
Both are unhealthy. Being a pothead sucks.

>> No.14245790

Weed for me makes me feel very pensive. It's almost like the opposite of drinking. I just end up retreating into my own head and just start running through either memories or variables, I kind of work myself up into anxiety. It's honestly why I decided to stop doing it, it made me feel worked up and thinking up shit that wasn't there.

>> No.14245794

Jesus Christ a sharing pack of crisps in the UK is like 700-1000 calories. The state of America ffs

>> No.14245798

For me it's del taco after a night at my local dive

>> No.14245800

Made me see myself and my face as a five year old kid running and smiling; not trying that any time soon

>> No.14245812

Trail mix, peanuts, jerky. When I'm drunk I will eat anything.

>> No.14245830

I never eat on days I'm drinking. It only slows me down if I eat before drinking, and knocks me out if I eat after drinking.
Back when I smoked, I liked a nice fat sandwich before I smoked. Gotta eat before you smoke to savor the full belly without it bringing you down.

>> No.14245832

what was the timeline on this?

>> No.14245842

I don't eat while high, I mostly drink water or soda and watch shit movies. I usually eat before getting drunk, but if that doesn't happen I prefer red meat like steak or pork.

>> No.14245852

Whatever emotion I feel sober, especially with the stress of life/work etc. will come through for me with weed.
I can imagine "first time use" probably affects the high for many newbies.

> OT: haribos and the like. set me down with a joint and a bag of tangfastics and i'm happy

>> No.14245858

2 weeks. Alcohol is a hell of a drug.

>> No.14246285
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Just checked it - it's 5 years.

>> No.14246293

Jesus, look at the jaw on the one on the left.

>> No.14246333

Drunk; extra spicy buffalo wings or a fatty 1lbs burger. I could also be talked into some teriyaki chicken and a bowl of egg drop soup.

>> No.14246339
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They look better in the second pic

>> No.14246340

Have you tried food while high?
I don't get hungry when high, but food tastes amazing. Its like everything (taste, texture, etc) is amplified. Eating while high is an experience.

>> No.14246346

Is that for real?

>> No.14246372

Peanut butter and jam or preserves between two slices of bread, with a glass of whole milk. I make my own sandwich bread and I like it more dense than the grocery store shit.I like a variety, apricot preserves are great, strawberry and blackberry jam is great, really it's up to the individual and what you're in the mood for at the time. Not an every day type thing.

>> No.14246408

Weed is a worthless drug. I have more respect for IV heroin enthusiasts than I have for DUDE WEED BROS.

>> No.14246436

I'm the other way round. I smoked so much weed everyday for years and was skinny as fuck. I think I was too high all the time to eat or look after myself in that regard. Stopped smoking weed and now I'm a little porker.

>> No.14246449

That happens to people. Sorry about your luck.
Maybe be sure to get some strain that is considered a body high instead of a head high.
I'm sure there are actual technical/scientific terms for that, but I don't think I ever learned them myself.

>> No.14246483

Left is hotter right isn't

>> No.14246621

Fuck no

>> No.14246646

I’m so anxious right now.
I had 2.5 beers and then went to run some errands. I dont remember that much about the drive home, was just kind of in autopilot. I took a nap and then woke up and have been freaking out ever since that I did something horrible while driving.

>> No.14246656

>when you get drunk or high?
I'm not a degenerate.

>> No.14246676

Did you make a fool of yourself? Otherwise do not worry, because you did not get pulled over.

>> No.14246693

>he doesn’t know what fun is

>> No.14246704

try changing your environment or only smoking with people who you're comfortable with.

when i used to smoke sometimes i would get obsessed with the idea of someone breaking into my house

>> No.14246708

We still have families in the states, we aren't just all flat mates with fur babies

>> No.14246749

more often than not, I lose my appetite when smoking high THC strains. I usually don't get hungry until are start to come down.

>> No.14246763

No not at all. Everything was totally fine and under control.
When I was driving back, though, I sort of went on autopilot mode and now I’m just freaking out thinking about what might have happened and did I do something dumb while driving and try to black it out of my memory and I’m going to have cops show up at my house this week and get arrested.

>> No.14246769

Cakes, chocolate and warm tea

>> No.14246798

Actually that's what happens when you stop being a child and start being an adult. Your metabolism won't stay the same forever.

>> No.14246829

In general an indica strain is more of a body high (comfy, sleepy, munchy, spacing out) and sativa strain is more of a head high (creative, paranoid, thinking/talking a lot).

I used to smoke sativa strain first thing in the morning on a day I meant to clean my house because it would keep me going as long as there was music on and I'd just clean everything so good. Now I only drink and find it a struggle to clean. But after about eight years of smoking every single day, I'm a year sober now and I can't go back and smoke anymore because it only makes me paranoid, all of it. I find that happens to a lot of people. Once you stop, you have to stop for keeps.

>> No.14246831

High: Cold fruit. Think watermelon, pineapple, or tangerines.
Drunk: Literally anything and anything if im drunk enough

>> No.14246874

Weed really fucks with people's brain. Once you stop you see the horrific effects that pot smokers have smoked themselves into retardedation. Yeah, okay niggers can't really get any more retarded...like whats the difference between 70IQ and 50IQ can you tell? But once you stop and realize the people around you are totally fucked it's really scare to go back to smoking your brain into mush.

>> No.14246898

People have been telling me this since I was 10. 34 now, still eat whatever I want whenever I want, still underweight. Pretty much everyone else I know who eats like me has gotten fat, though, so I guess I'm the exception.

>> No.14246918


Looks like the typical progression for a young woman who gets pregnant.

>> No.14246953
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Well then.

>> No.14246962

>Women who smoke weed are gross.
I grew up around women like this and They are gross as fuck.

>> No.14246968
File: 294 KB, 625x798, 1573834168661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like spicy chicken sandwhiches when im high when im drunk though its burritos

>> No.14246994 [DELETED] 

Her next move is to take nigger dick.

>> No.14247004

Scrolling down their YouTube vids is like a flipbook for 2 fat skanks getting thin.

>> No.14247006

Why are you faggots so obsessed?

>> No.14247014

JIDF is getting warmed up for election season

>> No.14247017
File: 83 KB, 750x751, mutt's law.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14247021

I have no idea what means, but keep shaking over black cock or something I guess

>> No.14247028

What's an "Amerimutt"?

>> No.14247034

Nigger lovers.

>> No.14247038

Fuck back to plebbit/Facebook newfag.

>> No.14247040

Yes I love niggers. Any nigger is smarter and has a bigger cock than you little faggot. Good thing I have a normal brain and with a normal cock so I'm not threatened by some subhuman negroid.

>> No.14247044

She was cute 3 years ago

>> No.14247049

You don't have to tell me twice cuck boy.

>> No.14247050

What does that retarded shit even mean? I've been a while and only dumb faggots like you are worse than reddit and facebook.

>> No.14247056

Learn English you brain dead groid.

>> No.14247058

I don't get it are you the cuck? Am I the cuck? Because I'm not obsessed with black dicks, but you are? You zoomie kids are too quick for me I guess

>> No.14247062

What? I speak four languages how retarded are you? I can undersand you are fucking slow though

>> No.14247067

>Any nigger is smarter
lol they are literally retarded

>> No.14247068

I know you are a Brain dead fugee/FB tard but you need to fuck off back there and never come back.

>> No.14247072

Yeah? How embarrassing to be even more retarded than a nig

>> No.14247073

Fucking NEWFAG trash, die or lurk moar. Best to just gtfo.

>> No.14247074

a what? what's a fugee/FB? go suck your uncle off or something you fucking inbred mongoloid

>> No.14247076

Don't be embarrassed that you are dumber than a NIGGER. I am sure your parents didn't mean to drop you on the head as a baby.

>> No.14247078

From 1-10, how retarded does your doctor tell your mom you are?

>> No.14247083

1/10. You got me, still die.

>> No.14247084

I'm not embarrassed at all, I'm not the one obsessed with nigger dick like you LOL

>> No.14247085

but im white so that's not possible. sorry jamal but your race is trash

>> No.14247091

From 1-10, how many nigger dicks can you fit inside of your asshole at once?

>> No.14247092

You should just go chimp out with your brown skin homeys hopefully the cops will snuff you out for "resisting arrest"

>> No.14247095

Sorry retards and homos get the gas too

>> No.14247096

Is that why you keep replying to me nigger lover? Seems like you fancy the continued discussion of them

>> No.14247103
File: 49 KB, 676x513, Zinger_Stacker_Burger_KFC_AUS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Zinger Stacker from KFC

>> No.14247104

I don't know, I don't obsess about nigger dicks like you faggots lol

>> No.14247105

Now you have stopped the broken English. Bad larp troll. Try again.

>> No.14247107

From >>14246953 it looks like 3 years, max.

>> No.14247109

Huh? You faggots keep bringing them up to insult me like anyone gives a shit except in your insecure retarded brain lol

>> No.14247110

So all of them. Your asshole just look like a sperm bank.

>> No.14247115

What the fuck are you talking about? I'm saying stop obsessing about black dicks you retard

>> No.14247116

Still replying. Here you go, NIGGER DICKS.

>> No.14247118

Why would you even think this shit? You have some weird interracial homoerotic fantasies

>> No.14247145

Because it is fun and too easy to fuck with normalfags like you.

>> No.14247159

He's American. They're obsessed with interracial and gay porn.

>> No.14247160

Do all women blow up like this?

>> No.14247164

You think I give a shit about what some degenerate is fantasizing about? LOL Well if not obsessing with black cocks makes me normal, have your fun...

>> No.14247166

You gotta meet her mom first

>> No.14247181

kek, bruv you just got BTFO

>> No.14247202

How? By not being the one not obsessed with black dick?

>> No.14247205

Newfag and a normalfag Extra gay faggot.

>> No.14247210

You are just a faggot obsessed with black dick though? I'm not new and how is being normal an insult?

>> No.14247211

By being a retarded newfag.

>> No.14247215

So you're just a retarded faggot? I'm

>> No.14247217

If you are not new then you would understand 4chinz language which you clearly don't. Lurk moar newfag.

>> No.14247220

What language? All I said is stop obsessing about black dick? Somehow that triggered you retards LOL How much of an insecure baby nuts faggot are you?

>> No.14247232

>t. Doesn’t enjoy the glory of dopesmoker

>> No.14247237

Forever a newfag. Every post proves you are a fugee newfag or just a plain newfag that heard or read about the hacker known as 4chan. Lurk moar newfag.

>> No.14247247

What the fuck are you even saying? Speak english. You seem like you are too young or too dumb to be posting here

>> No.14247253

Fucking 9fag/plebbit/FB/fugee trash. Go back to Ifunny you insufferable NIGGER.

>> No.14247266

What the fuck is all that zoomie gibberish?

>> No.14247272

I don't think this is even English anymore

>> No.14247278

A lot of weed is very high in THC and low in CBD, the former can cause anxiety but the latter alleviates it, if you can't find a better mixed strain take some CBD supplements before hand and you'll find you can enjoy it properly

>> No.14247282

Newfags are fucking hilarious. Claims to be an oldfag and can't even understand you are here forever lingo. Turn 360° and walk away.

>> No.14247283

this, is kinda smart. The father too, but to a lesser extent.

Diet and race are important. Just like some guys get muscle more easily, some girls get fat more easily

>> No.14247286

Most Turn into braphogs.

>> No.14247293


It is easy to blow up lie this if you live in the US, never exercise and eat at least 2 meals daily.

I was thin when I exercised daily, quit exercising without literally changing anything else and I gained like 100lbs. It was ridiculous how quickly I gained weight.

>> No.14247303

Basically anything greasy or salty. Pickles are nice to snack on while I'm drunk and burritos/tacos/burgs/etc are great when the drunk munchies hit full force.

>> No.14247313

>Thread about munchies.
>Autism strikes and ruins it.

>> No.14247511

Don’t sully the name of my people by associating it with these faggots

>> No.14247582

Girl on the left got hotter, she was underweight before. Girl on the right was ok before, now less hot.

>> No.14247583

Are they English? I can smell their Englishness through the camera. It smells like sweaty feet.

>> No.14247657


>> No.14247659

They're American.

>> No.14247673
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>> No.14247795

The difference therein being the amount which you want to eat. You say you "eat whatever you want," but if you're thin and you've always been thin, that just means what you want is less than what other people want. If you spent your whole life consistently not eating very much, you'll have grown a microbiome accustomed to processing the things you eat and an appetite accustomed to the amount you eat, and it becomes sustainable for you without effort.

A lot of people foster very unhealthy gut flora with poor diet. Your stomach and intestines hold checks-and-balance systems of fungi and bacteria that help you digest what you eat, and they are kept healthy with good diet, or sabotaged by a poor one. For instance, if you don't eat enough fibrous vegetables and complex carbs to feed your Prevotella bacteria, they can wane in numbers and become less competitive in the microbiome; combined with eating too many simple carbs (junk food), this can easily foster an overgrowth of Candida albicans, a type of yeast in the body usually kept in check by competing microorganisms. A C. albicans overgrowth in your intestinal tract can actually cause you to crave sugar and sweets, which feeds it and thus the infection persists. Those people you see who chug Mt Dew all day every day are almost certainly suffering from Candidiasis of the intestinal tract.

If you don't struggle with your diet or your weight and don't find satiety to be a problem, consider yourself very lucky indeed.

>> No.14247834

By birth, but they are clearly English slags genetically

>> No.14247836

I think they’re Hispanic

>> No.14247843


>eat whatever I want
>proceeds to eat 3 cookies
>wew I'm stuffed!

>> No.14247865

No you autist.

>> No.14247924

she became big macdizzle

>> No.14248024

kys newfag

>> No.14248051

Me too, which is why I've come to the conclusion that weed just isn't for me. Which is funny because if the situation comes up a familiar conversation happens:

>hey do you want some of this?/do you smoke?
>no, I don't like pot. It makes me anxious.
>haha, dude you just haven't tried X!

I've tried indica, sativa, hybrid, high thc, low thc, high cbd and low, flower, vape, edible, tincture etc.

>> No.14248128

>haha, dude you just haven't tried X
As a pot head, I hate those people. No one should be pressured into drugs.

>> No.14248130

Yeah but have you taken tried taking high cbd cum up your tight asshole?

>> No.14248142

>4chinz language
No one fucking calls it that. You mean board culture, stupid fucking newfag.

>> No.14248308

weed isn't for you, maybe you should try something more interesting like 5me0dmt.

>> No.14248318 [DELETED] 

>Board culture.
>Scared of the use of 4chinz.
Eat dick doubleniggerfaggot.

>> No.14248320

Have you even finished puberty? So many children past their bedtime

>> No.14248323

Two girls got fat, because they are stupid fucking whores. Instant replies.

>> No.14248325 [DELETED] 

>Implying anyone on 4chan sleeps.
Top ZEZ.

>> No.14248327

ITT: Americans

>> No.14248330 [DELETED] 

No, it is instant replies with any thread on this extra gay foodstuffs reheating underwater geocache round table discussion.

>> No.14248337

How many non-americans visit this thread?

>> No.14248338 [DELETED] 

We never sleep obsessionpoor.

>> No.14248357

I smoked daily from 14-20 and never had a problem. Then I got locked up for a bit after a possession charge and had to quit for a year thanks to twice weekly piss tests.
Now I can't touch the shit without getting anxiety attacks. It's been well over a decade and the only times smoking doesn't make me miserable is when I'm alone and have enough booze or benzo's to take the edge off. Doesn't matter what strain or form it's in either. It always happens.
Ironically enough my GP and gastro both suggest I get a medical card and smoke instead of drinking. My liver is basically dead at this point and they keep me chugging along with scripts for Librium and Ativan.

>> No.14248369

Listen up faggots. I've been smoking since I was 10 years old.

>> No.14248379 [DELETED] 

My mother injected liquid thc Into My brain everyday while I was still in the womb.

>> No.14248381

You're so hardcore, dude. Totally badass.

>> No.14248388

Is this supposed to be sarcastic? Because it's not far from the truth

>> No.14248394


>> No.14248397 [DELETED] 

I had to quit for 8 months once because of court. When I smoked again I smoked 3 hits of super dank hash. It got me so high I had to crawl for a 1/4 mile to my cabin where I layed in bed trying to go to sleep and couldn't because I was too high.

>> No.14248404

So don't smoke 3 hits of super dank hash. Unless you like crawling on all fours which is fine just make sure you sign up for disability and ebt

>> No.14248406


weed sucks cigars win

>> No.14248409


>> No.14248449

Was a wall of text but a nice read, thanks anon

>> No.14248867


>> No.14248904

i don't get paranoid but i get incredibly nauseous when i smoke, so i can't eat anything while high without throwing up.

i feel everything else with no problem, and so long as i have water to drink i'm okay

>> No.14248917
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Horse burgers if I have time to cook, sunflower seeds if I'm too blzd lel

>> No.14249040

>What do you like to eat when you get drunk
usually just drink until i pass out

>> No.14250314

>horse burgers

>> No.14250325

So have I actually. A lot of people don't believe me first some reason but when I was ten, my aunt (through marriage, not blood) made me smoke a joint with her.
I already knew what it was cause both my parents smoked weed around me when I was a kid.

>> No.14250334

you're lucky, pot never helps people.

>> No.14250358

I've had full on mental breakdown anxiety attacks in front of people multiple times, fuck that shitty drug. I get more relaxed smoking a cigarette

>> No.14250501
File: 70 KB, 519x775, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did they do 2girls1cup ?

>> No.14250848

they're gross because ? I know a lot of women who smoke weed and they're all fine ladies.

>> No.14250861

Ok junky

>> No.14250869

Same here. I'm female and I smoke, and so do my female friends and none of us are gross.
That anon probably just thinks smoking weed is unlady like or something.
It's really hard to normalize smoking weed to people who don't live in places where it's legal or if they're constantly effected by weed tourism.

>> No.14250879

Whatever I want. On weekends I’ll do a long run of 15+ miles and fast all day til after the run. I’ve got to eat 4000+ calories to reach my daily limit after but there’s no way I can eat all that in one sitting. Feels good man

>> No.14250947
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I think my favorite munchies are little salami sliders, I take two crackers and put a thick slice of some fancy salami, a slice of cheese to pair with the salami with a little brown mustard, pic kind related when I made them with pretzels, I also like home made chili

>> No.14251466

How do these people not look at themselves and realize they need to change?

>> No.14251579

No you all are, you just don't think you are.

>> No.14251616

based, I'd devour a plate of those

>> No.14251626

pop a xanie before smoking up
or go to therapy, whatever

>> No.14251658

yes you are

>> No.14251670

lmao rattled /pol/cuck retard

>> No.14251674


>> No.14251675

thanks retards
/pol/ was a mistake

>> No.14251687

JIDF detected

>> No.14251689

Honey and Mustard flavored Snyder's, ice cold beer and Dr. Pepper.

Fuck I need some weed

>> No.14251811
File: 58 KB, 641x438, ArnoldNumeroUno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No that’s definitely marijuana. When women eat like dumpsters and are lazy and do not work out they blow up like this.

Okay cool but those two sentences have nothing to do with each other. Loads of women eat bags of trash and haven't had a sweat since high school and they've never smoked weed. The problem with weed isn't weed it's the stoner lifestyle that's inherently lazy and goes hand in hand with cigarettes and beer. You can smoke weed everyday and eat healthy but these two beanbag chairs aren't examples of it.

>> No.14251849
File: 298 KB, 612x625, Mickey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this fucking image

>> No.14251853
File: 985 KB, 1250x1250, 1_MG_97591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

frozen of course

>> No.14252008

Fat acceptance culture

>> No.14252046
File: 2.18 MB, 640x640, mcdizzle420.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women were a mistake

>> No.14252448

Would be hot if she was skinny

>> No.14252471

the image you posted was drawn by probably the most famous furry hyperscat artist ever (friend of a friend told me)

>> No.14252484

Would be hot if she was hot

>> No.14252551

Chips and salsa for either, spicy chips like takis are great for drunchies

>> No.14252574

All the people I know who get anxious from weed have underlying anxiety problems. One of my friends who didn't smoke because it made him anxious suddenly was able to smoke just fine after he graduated from his high-pressure engineering program.
Get some therapy regardless of whether you try blazing again

>> No.14252617

Kinda hot desu

Weight gain best fetish

>> No.14252670
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>> No.14252678

Im a every-other-weekend smoker and my go to is jack in the box tacos or dominos pan pizza, I make sure I pig out when I'm within my calorie count lol

>> No.14253005

>I speak four languages
And English is not one of them clearly.

>> No.14253067


>> No.14253084

Why do Americans have such ugly plates and glassware?

>> No.14253528

Obsessed !

>> No.14253536

plus blanc que toi, sodomite.

>> No.14253935

fat sack of shit

>> No.14253946

Contrary to what a lot of stoners and (bad) mystics would like to tell you, marijuana isn't a panacea. Some problems simply cannot be solved without a serious intervention with a professional.

>> No.14253949

Poor girls. How bad are their genetics when they've still got C cups at their BMI?

>> No.14253953

There's a difference between classy and trashy weight gain.

>> No.14254955

My local grocer sells cow tails at the register and i only ever get them when buying beer for the night. They dont get enough credit really theyre 9/10 candy

>> No.14255056
File: 2.79 MB, 2400x2400, 8a1a46aa-786a-4b04-9c05-f3243014d8a5_2.4f91405309b8d309c618f65ec49cef90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when i am high i eat these things like you wouldn't believe

>> No.14255061

I try to avoid buying snack shit in general, it just makes me feel bad. But if i know im gonna be drinking a lot, i'll go chips or carne asada fries

>> No.14255220

I know a cooking board isnt the wrong place to sperg out about what makes you horny but whatever

You're not wrong, but that isnt to say ones better than the other. Theres something to be said for being the architect, but theres also something hot about losing self control and falling into indulgence

>> No.14255232
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what happened?

>> No.14255257

>Theres something to be said for being the architect, but theres also something hot about losing self control and falling into indulgence
Where did the "architect" thing come from?
I know it's a meme with Pierce Brosnan fattening women up which would have come up when people noticed his wife had gotten overweight.
But why "architect?" Why that word? Was he in a movie that's a reference to or something?

>> No.14255349

Anything that has a lot of meat, carbs and/or cheese

>> No.14255385


Did he Brosnanded the hamburger?
I dont get it

>> No.14255432

It's a meme about Brosnan fattening women for his feeding fetish based on the observation his wife got fat.
I just can't figure out the part where he gets called "The Architect."

>> No.14256076

ah t'es blanc...ok mec. Moi j'suis bleu turquois ?

>> No.14256102

I don’t get this image macro. It’s not a meme, it’s just an image macro so what’s up with the keyboard spaz at the end?

>> No.14256213

Damn I'd fuck them double. Get some McDonald's after, then roll a blunt on her back while burried balls deep in fat stoner pussy. You guys can't appreciate anything.

>> No.14256233

dubs of truth
I like to smoke but eat healthy bc my ocd forbids me from consooooming toxic chemicals if I can avoid it

>> No.14256239

my favorite munchie snack is dates or other dried fruit. something sweet

>> No.14256278

yeah I get this
shit like a random packet of crisps, pesto pasta, or takeaway pizza are all fucking amazing

>> No.14256350

I know you are but what am I?

>> No.14256418

Get professional help

>> No.14256627
File: 291 KB, 376x588, 1531334102091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At some point in the early 2010s meme went from "the framework of an internet joke" to "an internet joke". I always think back to the philosoraptor or bachelor frog as memes with their own underlying context. Now it's just literally any picture joke.

>> No.14256639

If I’m drunk and by myself then it’s stuff like spaghetti and meatballs or chips and salsa.

If I’m drunk with my friends then it’s shit like steak and pork chops and mashed potatoes and stuff. I have a good friend who likes cooking and cooks some bomb recipes.

When I smoked the jazz cabbage I would eat like 2 Red Baron pizzas and a Family bag of fun sized snickers or Twix. I also would drink gallons upon gallons of Canada Dry ginger ale when I used to smoke the devils lettuce.

>> No.14256648

Me too anon.

>> No.14256670

Holy shit are you me

>> No.14257038

I just order in some thai food if I'm at home, but a a friend's pad in the hood, we like to go to those soul food joints.
If i'm hungover, fatburger

>> No.14257412

Is fat burger any good?

>> No.14257435


You don't really get "munchies" you just get to the point where you don't care about what you're doing and are willing to eat massive amounts of food. Sane thing as alcohol.

You also only get paranoid if you are insecure with yourself.

>> No.14257479
File: 3 KB, 221x229, 1583563176305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>genuinely allergic to weed
Weed is for suckers anyways

>> No.14258652

Call me a degenerate but I find them significantly hotter in the bottom pic

>> No.14259373

>I still weigh the same 145 pounds I did when I was 11
you're supposed to go through puberty and put on some muscle cabron. maybe the weed killed your hormones

>> No.14259445

Dude, are you eating like 3000 cal a day? I've gone from working out 5 days a week to sitting on my ass for 12 hours a day and my weight stays constant (after I lost 20 pounds of muscle weight). I only eat when I'm hungry so maybe that helps. You're just a fat fuck with no self control.

>> No.14259458

>eat edible once
>high for 3 days straight, extremely depersonalized/numb for a week after
fucking horrible experience

>> No.14260138

hey Anon, please don't be sad. Life is full of different things to enjoy, maybe your allergy to weed will make you enjoy other things that'd make you feel 10 times better than smoking weed.
Stay strong anon.

>> No.14260640

the drugs understander has logged on

>> No.14260649

Do it alone, you'll like it more. Thought I didn't like getting high, but I just hate other people and it highlighted the torture of being near them.

>> No.14260669

my dr pumps me full of whoremones

>> No.14260726

Your too paranoid man

>> No.14260775

Master P taught me real smokers don't get high with an empty stomach

>> No.14260829

I remember telling my friend this when we were high.
He then got paranoid about being paranoid.
It was pretty funny.

>> No.14260983

Are you making a joke about the fat girls? Cause that ain't funny bro.

>> No.14261005

I get paranoia a lot as well. I get the worst paranoia when I get shit faced, and cannot quite remember the difference between dream, reality, and what action, or things I said.

>> No.14261016

Dont worry anon, it just means your third eye has opened

>> No.14261789

Your anecdotes dont change the fact that weed generally effects your motivation and increases your appetite. If it doesnt for you specifically, you are the exception, not the rule. Stop getting high, deviants