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14244307 No.14244307 [Reply] [Original]

Do multivitamins actually work?

>> No.14244313

>Do multivitamins actually work?
I find that if I don't take a multivitamin regularly, I get more infections, and skin problems.

>> No.14244329

Unless you have an underlying medical condition, or a shitty diet, they are a placebo
I've never seen a peer reviewed journal article from a decent journal that demonstrated any benefits

>> No.14244459

If your goal is to have neon piss, then yes

>> No.14244486

Not really. Most of the vitamins are water soluble so you end up just pissing them out.

>> No.14244497

They work about the same as if you tried to fill your car with gas when the fuel nozzle is about 2 feet away from the gas tank opening. You will absolutely get some gas in there.

>> No.14244513

>peer reviewed journal article from a decent journal
Kek, you still believe this shit ?

>> No.14244518

That because you're a retard that doesn't actually read

>> No.14244524

no shit
>of course it’s true
>scientists being paid by the company that owns the product they are testing would never lie for money

>> No.14244532

Sure, but you’re better off just taking the vitamins you know you might be lacking in your diet.

>> No.14244535

only C and B are water soluble. A D E and K are fat soluble.

>> No.14244536

Do you think scientific research is that flimsy? You have to register your research under certain guidelines that you will conduct it and complete it under strict guidelines that is subject to review by the journal

>> No.14244636

Yeah I had to take them even when I ate meat every five hours

>> No.14244645

>Do you think scientific research is that flimsy?
Yes. Look at the Lancet and HCQ. A pornstar published a fake study and the WHO banned HCQ for Covid 19. Muh peer review ! Grow up.

>> No.14244647

>the scientific opinion of a pornstar allowed for a global pandemic
and that’s the end of that argument

>> No.14244651

>bad thing happen! all thing bad!!
Please have sex
>WHO banned HCQ for Covid 19.
What the fuck does that even mean, retard? They have no authority to ban anything and haven't done so as a result

God its going to be so exhilarating to see you incels crawl back into your holes after the orange turd loses

>> No.14244656

just like we did in 2016 when he lost. keep blaming trump who has been president for 4 years for the state of cities that have been democratically run shitholes for decades tho.

>> No.14244657

nope. unless you are on a restrictive diet or have some disease that inhibits absorption of micro-nutrients everything is just coming out in your urine.

>> No.14244661

I blame him for your stupid virgin ass even having the gull to get on my board you little deformed fuckface

>> No.14244662

Probably but even if you eat like a poor college kid you're still getting enough nutrients to survive. Malnourishment is almost impossible in the developed world. I take vitamin c though just because I love how sour it is.

>> No.14244665

I started taking phytonutrient supplements as well as Vitamin D supplements and now I don't feel like I'm dying when I wake up anymore.

>> No.14244667

No it isn't, retard.

>> No.14244669
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I’ve been here for a decade, and I’m a married father of 3. I made apple pie for the first time last night. I used store crust because I have an infection in my thumb from an inch deep splinter that got stuck in there last week and can’t really knead dough. Not spectacular, but my wife and kids liked it. What did you do?

>> No.14244673

Liquid vitamins in a vial with a dropper are superior. You actually feel your body thanking you.

>> No.14244681

Looks okay. Just ripped a fat fucking line and can taste blood

>> No.14244682

Yes, I started taking one and after about a week I felt more energetic in the mornings. I forgot to buy more when I ran out and I felt sluggish again until I started the whole process again.

>> No.14244696

No scientists are being bribed by fucking vitamin companies you mong

>> No.14244725

yes they are. all the time. most scientists who test shit like that are directly paid by the companies whos products are being tested. stop being so naive. if there is an opportunity for people to lie for money, they usually will. especially since they know they will never get another job again if they don’t.

>> No.14244752

yes. i buy Vit D because i live in Antarctica .

>> No.14244753

The filling was the best I ever had honestly. I never liked lines. I was an excessive jaw grinder and tho normally rather reserved, any upper would get me talking so much that I certainly wouldn’t want to hang out with me, so I wouldn’t know why anyone else would, and they didn’t. Me not doing hard drugs not only makes me have a better time, but it also makes the people doing hard drugs have a better time. I just stick to weed. A lot of weed, but it’s medical. If I smoked recreationally, I would want sativa. Probably would be content smoking sour diesel the rest of my life. Instead I buy discount heavy indica and go through about 3 ounces a month. Chronic pain is hell. I would kill myself if I didn’t have kids, but I do so I can’t...

>> No.14244784

It's banned in my country thanks to the WHO.

>> No.14244796

>or a shitty diet
you do know what board you're on right?

>> No.14244802

Name your country

>> No.14244820

No goddamn pol threads. Talk food or harm yourself physically.

>> No.14244877
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>> No.14244890

they taste like shit now

>> No.14244902

far more than some ignorant shitbird like you

>> No.14244912

>they're being paid by vitamin companies
>they still can't prove vitamins work.

use your fucking brain.

>> No.14244976

>Do multivitamins actually work?
The answer is that there is no proof (journal articles/stances from medical associations), that daily multivitamins do anything for you but get pissed out unabsorbed. Just because there isn't a real pro or against study, doesn't mean that they won't be helpful to some people though. There's always the placebo effect to consider, too! They're not a substitute for food with its various enzymes, amino acids, and micronutritets, fiber, etc.

Many vitamins are tricky to absorb through stable forms they can put into vitamins vs what happens when they hit your stomach acid, you see. Vitamin D, vitamin C, calcium and other supplements, however, have plenty of their positive studies. Overdo C and calcium and there can be kidney stones.
Vitamin E has some negative associations in studies of stroke. A, E, D have fat storage and overdose concerns.

If you are incubating a fetus or just beforehand? Folic acid shortages can cause neural tube defects. Women should watch that in child bearing years. Menses and blood loss can contribute to not enough iron in the diet as a woman? Anemia. Too much iron in the diet as a male? Increased heart disease. (Be careful overusing cast iron and red meat, and donate blood monthly).

So, my advice? Take it when you feel like you're under attack from a virus, traveling, need energy, or times of emotional duress or stress at work. And, the flipside is don't feel like forgetting to take it means a damn thing. You can take your Vitamin D once a week even.

>> No.14245071
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>Chronic pain is hell.
Not him you're replying too, but I know that feel, only difference being I take at least a week break sometimes to lower my tolerance. Means I save some money at the cost of feeling like I'm falling apart like a jigsaw puzzle all day. Have you tried vaping? Cleaner than smoking and less smell, but not as nice as smoking out in the garden. I recommend smoking sativa, vaping indica. And fuck uppers, fine when you're on them just afterwards is shit.

>> No.14245091

No one's reading this shit, shut up

>> No.14245096

the scientists working for the vitamin companies say they work because they were paid to. the scientists who aren’t being paid by the vitamin companies will be honest. the difference is that the vast majority of scientists are not being paid by outside sources to test vitamins. are you really this fucking thick headed? do you think everything in life is black or white? no one is this ignorant without a tremendous amount of effort and mental gymnastics. fucking retard

>> No.14245098


Depends on whats in them? its kind of like saying "Does eating at a buffet make you fat"? It entirely depends on what they put in it and at what amounts.

I don't like multi vitamins as I generally don't like a huge mix of things. I take vitamin d,magnesium everyday, amongst other supplements. Those two are proven to work, backed by science for various things.

>> No.14245102

I read it all just to spite you.

>> No.14245122

Does work if you take one ocassionally.
The thing is though, it contains A LOT of fat solluble vitamins which can cause cancer in long term so don't pop them like gummy bears.

>> No.14245154

yes. Do a full test before and after taking multivitamins.
your body will have much higher levels of the vitamins.

>> No.14245155


It also depends how the vitamins are taken in - vitamins in natural food forms will have higher bio-availability than that in pill or drink form.

>> No.14245314


>> No.14245618

What about cod liver oil and malt extract? That's already in a food form so it's got to have more uptake than tablets right?

>> No.14246012

>shitty diet

>> No.14246306


>> No.14246388

>doesn't know about impact factor

>> No.14246954


>> No.14247023

Don't take vitamin C supplements, you will get kidney stones. Just drink or eat an orange.

>> No.14247411

I take vitamins to make up for the nutrients I lose from chronic masturbation

>> No.14247438

A regular daily multivitamin shows to help with a few chemical processes in the body. Those fancy ones are a waste of money, you shouldn’t spend a lot on a daily multi.

>> No.14247442

only yummy gummies work

>> No.14247447

I take a mutli everyday along with 2 grams of NAC to keep my liver alive. I eat relatively healthy but I never work out and I drink at least a pint of whiskey each night. I'm still alive. I'm a fat fuck but I have normal cholesterol levels and a low resting heart rate.

>> No.14247456

learn to do cartwheels like chris farley you piece of shit, it will save your life one day

>> No.14247481
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What if you vape the multivitamin?

>> No.14247496

Bruh even taking those "For men" gummy multivitamins from Target improved my biology. I don't know if it's the Magnesium or whatever bit it unironically help improved my bloodflow/sexual shit personally.

>> No.14248235

That says that you suck at eating healthy.
Use cronometer.

>> No.14249293


>> No.14249707

The real hard hitter of thread

>> No.14250441

Most vitamins taste like shit with exception of A and C, maybe they started to add the real stuff ?