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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 815 KB, 980x652, lobsters-oysters-mussels-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14242744 No.14242744 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw allergic to shellfish
This is way worse than any other food problems including inflammatory bowel disease and pancreatic cancer.

>> No.14242755

I am allergic to white people.

It's the nonstop racism and constant violence.

>> No.14242761

I admit it would be annoying but I probably wouldn’t miss shellfish that much

>> No.14242769

If you think they're bad, wait until you find out about negroes.

>> No.14242792

Massachusetts anon here.
I would legitimately kill myself if I couldn't eat shellfish anymore.

>> No.14242805

Move to a flyover state and you'll be okay. Get some hearty country corn pussy for us anon

>> No.14242808

>This is way worse than any other food problems

Celiac disease here. I'd be willing to trade.

>> No.14242812

Bread is bad anyway. Plus there are gluten free versions of everything everywhere now.

>> No.14242987

>worse than inflammatory bowel disease
bitch i have inflamed bowels and because of that i can't eat shellfish, lactose, spicy foods, processed foods, anything in the nightshade family, chinese, thai, indian, or mexican otherwise i spray asspiss for 12 hours

fuck you, you entitled piece of shit

>> No.14243026

>being allergic to something is worse than cancer
Kys you stupid faggot

>> No.14243042

You are getting far too many (you)s with this. I'm giving you this one in the hope it's enough and you don't keep making these threads.

>> No.14243096
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Posts like these are what cause anons to start reposting threads daily you retard.

>> No.14243108

Shellfish is probably one of the easiest things to be allergic to, it isn't in much. And it isn't any good

>> No.14243109

>i have inflamed bowels
So stop earing carbs then. Keto cures ulcerative colitis and crohns. Do you really need to keep eating twinkies that badly?

>> No.14243154
File: 314 KB, 638x359, disabled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Using diet to "cure" IBD

>> No.14243177

tried it you fucking faggot. keto isn't magic.

>> No.14243186

>muh panacea
i hope you develop NAFLD

>> No.14243204
File: 270 KB, 1190x906, bd8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are keto-posters always so stupid? I guess since its one actual use is suppressing brain activity for drug resistant childhood epilepsy that might explain it.

>> No.14243233

God forbid you run into Jews, you will gradually begin to hate them

>> No.14243243
File: 27 KB, 600x327, IBS-IBS-EVERYWHERE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too

>> No.14243255

IBS isn't IBD.
That's like comparing the common cold to ebola.

>> No.14243377

I used to love sea bugs until one day I was eating a half lobster and the epiphany dawned on me as I was picking out the desirable bits that i'm just eating a bottom feeding insect. Haven't been able to touch them since.

>> No.14243395
File: 59 KB, 500x507, 1edl1l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's so sad. I just realized Chiron was the guy from both posts. I can relate to what he went through. I almost died within the last two months from the same shit he went through. Peritonitis and all. I think the hardest part was watching the medical professionals (doctors and nurses) reeeeeeee all over the place like they had double digit iq's, when the problems weren't difficult to answer.

I'm pretty sure hospitals aren't meant to heal anymore in 2020, they're just there to profit off of your inevitable death. They're only powers are to give you antibiotics or to cut "it" out of you. Anything else seems to be beyond the capability of a bunch a single mom nurses who graduated from no name community college.

...but I digress.

>> No.14243424

dear god i hate most ibs patients, them and fucking fibromyalgia shitheads think they have their own unique disease state that no doctor understands. every single person i've seen go into colectomy tried all the trendy microbiome-correcting diets/supplements, and still found no relief. by all means try everything, most doctors will encourage basically anything that helps after a certain point if it avoids surgery, but you'll be one of the lucky ones if it works

>> No.14243436

I hope you never need to go through IBD OP. It's way worse than just not being able to enjoy seafood.

>> No.14243444

For many people with celiac disease their colon is so compromised, it's easier to lost foods that don't irritate them. Even gluten free foods like dairy and rice can cause episodes with a leaky colon.

>> No.14243446

Getting AIDS has a better chance of curing IBD than changing your diet. It's an autoimmune disease.

>> No.14243451

Have you met the chronic Lyme disease people yet?

>> No.14243454

>Getting AIDS has a better chance of curing IBD than changing your diet.
Please don't say things like that. After the COVID-19 hysteria and mass murders committed by people like Cuomo forcing nursing homes to accept known infected patients and immediately putting everyone on ventilators I no longer trust doctors to not start pushing retarded treatments of that sort just to be more progressive or something.

>> No.14243459

I'm allergic to onions and have Crohn you insensitive hack.

>> No.14243466
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>not allergic to shellfish
>can't eat them anyways because the texture makes me gag
i die

>> No.14243467

>ibs patients
That's IBD, not IBS. Completely different. IBD (Inflammatory Bowel Disease i.e. Crohn's or Ulcerative Colitis) is what you get colectomies for because you're shitting torrents of blood 30 times a day. IBS is just you have mild diarrhea or constipation sometimes and doctors don't see any actual evidence of a serious cause for it.

>> No.14243474
File: 71 KB, 623x750, affe1ecbbd5bacaeac754e804f8f1291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those people should legitimately get reimbursements for life from the United States government since it was the C-I-GAY who let it escape from Plum Island Animal Disease Center. Lyme disease is an experiment gone wrong, it is United State's equivalent to the Chinese manufactured coronavirus.

>> No.14243481

Department of Defense

>> No.14243489

>I almost died within the last two months from the same shit he went through. Peritonitis and all.
Yeah, I recently had an intestinal rupture which led to the swollen abdomen infection deal where it burst open and left a giant hole because of all the flesh there getting dissolved by the intestinal contents / digestive enzymes flowing out of the rupture.
Also had the kidney failure mentioned, although that was something that happened on a different ocassion for me. I was given a bunch of high dose antibiotics for an abscess and that's when the kidney failure happened. Fortunately I didn't get bad enough for dialysis and never had any heart attacks like that guy did. Heart attacks sound pretty terrifying since you can feel them, you know they're killing you, and you have no way to get away from it like you can with most any other problem.

>> No.14243551

lactose intolerance (specifcally the one where your body produces yeast and you have to poison yourself to get it out)
especially since soymilk is being phased out for coconut milk. i can't even find soymilk ice-cream that isn't just vanilla, much less local.

though for some reason safeway has neapolitan from so delicous; something not listed at all on so delicous's website.

>> No.14243557
File: 204 KB, 500x673, dude-its-fine-they-said-no-homo-1951384.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many threads posted on /ck/ within the past few weeks really opened my eyes to how many of us have Crohn's/IBS/IBD/and other gastro issues. I never could have imagined, kind of makes sense though since most of us are starving and deficient in nutrients... looking at food is the best next thing I can do since I can't always eat it

Love you guys

>> No.14243572

>soymilk is being phased out for coconut milk
What? No it isn't. You can still buy a hundred different brands of soymilk from Amazon or Walmart.

>> No.14243581

I guess I more meant soy ice-cream than soymilk on it's own.