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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14239799 No.14239799 [Reply] [Original]

If keto works why do people who don't eat meat tend to be so emaciated? I've always had a hard time eating enough to gain weight and the best approach to fighting that has been eating more non-carbs, not fewer. Living off ramen noodles makes you concentration camp thin, but frequent trips to Sonic for meals with lots of eggs, cheese, and meat gets you gains.

>> No.14239808

Keto works for people who are already muscular and want to reduce body fat. It's not the optimal method for gains.

>> No.14239815

That actually makes sense. Thanks. I guess I'm in the minority with the obesity epidemic instead driving most of these nutritional ideas getting more visibility and popularity in recent years.

>> No.14239942

teach me how to stop being a fat fuck

>> No.14239952

eat less

>> No.14239953

For me, I've been underweight all the way through to my mid-thirties now and mostly attribute it to being too lazy to keep up with eating lots of food all the time consistently every single day for the rest of my life.
I really enjoy sleeping and always prefer continuing to stay in bed rather than getting up and trying to prepare food to eat or ordering delivery if I'm already comfortable and have nowhere I need to be.

>> No.14239966

but food is tastey and I like it
that's kind of a sad life actually, I don't like that very much

>> No.14239989

Exercise daily and eat a bit less/eat less calorie rich things.

>> No.14239996

>that's kind of a sad life actually, I don't like that very much
Digits checked. And yeah, there's no magic solution. Everyone's lives are bad one way or another. If there were a way to not be fat that wasn't also depressing for other reasons then most people wouldn't be fat.
That said cigarettes / drugs are the standard "things to do instead of eating that keeps people thin" approaches that have been in place since forever.

>> No.14240043

keto doesnt work
the only way to lose weight or body fat is to eat less

>> No.14240056

That's why keto works though
you end up eating less in the end, because the food you do eat is very filling

>> No.14240079

it comes at the cost of an increased risk for dozens of disorders and diseases
just have some willpower fatty

>> No.14240087

Most people don't eat entirely meat, dumbshit
You have to eat <50 MAX grams of carbs a day to stay in ketosis, meanwhile the recommended fda value is like 300g of carbs a day
You have to actively try in order to stay in ketosis

>> No.14240090
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>you end up eating less in the end, because the food you do eat is very filling
That's not true. You eat very little when all you're eating is shit like ramen noodles. You enjoy food and eat lots of it when it's fatty and has nice meat and cheese stuffed into every bite.
If you want to do a satiation maximizing diet carb heavy boiled potatoes would work best.

>> No.14240294
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Imagine doing keto while even women go bald on keto lmao

>> No.14240301

>If keto works why do people who don't eat meat tend to be so emaciated

If X, then why Z???

What you asked doesn't make any sense

>> No.14240807

Imagine caring about hair

>> No.14240812
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>imagine being me

>> No.14240826

>If keto works why do people who don't eat meat tend to be so emaciated?
because arbitrarily limiting your diet usually results in you eating less

>> No.14241509
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>can't decide if I want to build muscle to be more masculine, or lose more weight to be more feminine

>> No.14241549

>If keto works why do people who don't eat meat tend to be so emaciated?
Keto isn't about eating meat, you could do vegetarian/vegan keto. It's about not eating carbs. People who don't eat meat have harder time building muscle though, even vegetarians usually have slightly less muscle mass than omnivores even if they eat a lot of cheese and eggs. And vegans generally have the lowest amount of muscle mass because plant proteins are harder to digest.

Carbs also don't turn into body fat as easily. Something like 80% of the calories from carbs can turn into body fat with the rest being burned off or unused, while 90% or so of dietary fat can be converted to body fat. So yeah mostly eating carbs will make it harder for you to gain weight but the issue is still overconsumption in general of anything.

The best thing to do is probably just have a normal balanced diet and fast once in a while if you notice you're gaining weight. Fasting is supposed to have a bunch of health benefits if you do it moderately once in a while.

>> No.14241592

Hooray for socialism.

>> No.14241627

>Most people don't eat entirely meat
>Keto isn't about eating meat
You guys are being a bit autistic about this. Most people who say they're "doing keto" in practice eat lots of meat and cheese in place of carbs like bread.
And generally speaking it's really difficult to gain weight if you're not eating meat. I'm sure it's technically possible to get really overweight while eating nothing but bread and potato soup but it'd be surprising if I ever saw anyone who did reach 300 lb that way. I've seen very fat vegetarian girls before but they all got fat before becoming vegetarian and probably also do "cheat days" or otherwise sneak nutritionally substantial meat back into their diet.

>> No.14242670

hair is quite genetic