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File: 12 KB, 400x600, voda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14239040 No.14239040 [Reply] [Original]

Isn't vodka just about the healthiest of alcoholic bevs?

>> No.14239044


>> No.14239046

I would say Wine is, actually.

>> No.14239238

Wine is technically better but ill toast to your drink of choice. Long live vodka.

>> No.14239286

>least unhealthy*

>> No.14240718

Tequila is the healthiest "mainstream" liquor (or at least 100% blue agave tequila is).

>> No.14240737

alcohol isn't healthy

>> No.14240740

>healthiest of alcoholic bevs?
Any of the main, 40% liquors (rum,tequila,whiskey,vodka) that don't have anything added to it after distilling are the same in terms of "health"
If you get into nitty gritty little differences that absolutely make no difference but will get wine moms to click your clickbait article, tequila (real tequila) is the healthiest, as it has trace compounds of some shit another that's protective
Now, if you move outside liquor- red wine appears to have some healthy properties, so order of "healthiest" is probably
-red wine
everything else
*in general*, the rum making process is okay with added sugars (its considered fine), so some rums have added sugars to them, so if we're making sweeping generalizations rum might technically be a little below the grouping of vodka/whiskey/whatever, but there are a shit-ton of rums that don't have added sugar

>> No.14240743

Vodka ruined my life

>> No.14240745

no you did. vodka was just the vehicle

>> No.14240816
File: 242 KB, 1280x1280, pbw-peanut-butter-whiskey__76571.1569505789[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14240846
File: 59 KB, 900x900, wheatley-vodka-1.75__87872.1530213977.1280.1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it's Wheatley.

>> No.14240858
File: 218 KB, 559x479, 1468964584-schnapps-campeny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fur me, ze schnapps is ze absolut bestest.

>> No.14240908
File: 88 KB, 768x768, 1436286198150.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's certainly the cheapest. I can get a 1.75L bottle for $15 and get drunk off my ass. I don't recommend that you drink the whole bottle, it'll kill you unless you're a high tolerance alcoholic and drink it over the course of an entire day.

>> No.14240930

Wow, how insightful. I never knew any of this stuff about vodka! Always great to hear from an expert like you.

>> No.14240936

Anon must be drunk you faggot, learn to be nice to people.

>> No.14240958

useless skill

>> No.14240967

Mastered and used in moderate quantities (emphasis on moderate) it gets you pussy.
You probably wouldn't be a virgin if you didn't act like a bitter passive-agressive shit all the time.

>> No.14240994

I'm not a virgin. Stop projecting.

>> No.14240996

>*I blame my car for getting into car crashes*
Not my fault you couldn't handle the controls.
Complainer bitch with a victim-hood mentality.
Prove me wrong.

>> No.14240998

It's the way you talk, dude. Gives it away.

>> No.14241088

The way I talk causes you to make false assumptions? Easy on the vodka.

>> No.14241121


Even the "healthiest of alcoholic beverages" is still extremely unhealthy. Not to mention, alcohol is 7 Calories per gram, and that's not even counting the extra calories form the sugar in those drinks.

For reference:
Carbs = 4 Calories/gram
Protein = 4 Calories/gram
Alcohol = 7 Calories/gram
Fat = 9 Calories/gram

>> No.14241136

Was expecting to see that pasta about vodka

>> No.14241145

Yes and I plan on getting hammered tonight drinking it. I just hope I don't say anything too awful online while drunk.

>> No.14241437

it's online who cares

>> No.14242206

strangely enough, its not. unaged tequila is.

“Quality tequila (made from 100-percent agave) comes in at my top pick for the healthiest hard liquor,” Friedman says. “Unlike most other hard liquors, tequila doesn’t spike your blood sugar, which means even people with type 2 diabetes can drink it — in fact, it may even lower glucose levels and increase insulin production.” Tequila is also relatively low in calories. “One shot of tequila contains only 63 calories, compared to the 96 calories in a shot of vodka,” Friedman says.

Tequila is also one of the more gut-friendly hard liquors, according to Friedman, since it contains dietary fiber and probiotics (although both studies and experts emphasize that tequila is absolutely not a good source of probiotics). “Tequila also contains fructans, which have potent immune-boosting properties,” Friedman explains, adding that fructans have been developed into drug-carriers that help treat various colon diseases. Friedman also mentions that tequila is gluten-free, since it contains no wheat or barley.

The most surprising part? “One of the best attributes of tequila is its ability to minimize hangovers,” Friedman insists. “The primary cause of hangovers are called congeners, which are byproduct of fermentation and aging, making them more prevalent in barrel-aged spirits (such as brandy, whisky or wine). Tequila made from 100-percent blue agave, however, has fewer congeners than brown hard liquors.”

>> No.14242272

jesus. Even cheap vodka here is $60 for 1.75L

>> No.14242838

You used the word projection, definitely never had sex mate.

>> No.14242853

It makes zero sense for tequila to be healthier than vodka.

All hard liquor is just ethanol and water with very small amount of cogeners. Vodka has NONE, it's literally just ethanol and water.

>> No.14243683

the only real stance in this article is the fact that vodka has more caloric content and less probiotics and fiber and shit compared to tequila. vodka is not 'worse' by any real margin.

>> No.14243697

It depends on your definition of healthy. It's healthy in the sense of delivering the fewest calories per standard drink, but it also delivers no other nutrients. Red wine is possibly the alcoholic beverage with the highest quantity of antioxidants. Maybe that makes it the healthiest? "Healthy" really is a rather vague term. The only certainty is that alcohols themselves are unhealthy chemicals to ingest (but quite a healthy form of surface disinfectant.)

>> No.14243708

Alcohol is a group 1 carcinogen
Handguns are the healthiest firearm for getting shot

>> No.14243735
File: 2.99 MB, 960x1124, Guy Party Drinks Entire Alcohol Bottle In Seconds.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really anon, its too easy to drink too much because it's so concentrated and most people drink with either a chaser or mixed.

I'd say red wine is a drink i'd never abuse so its probably the healthiest

>> No.14243741

Based Russian

>> No.14243753

alcohol is poison, in any amount

>> No.14243783
File: 88 KB, 960x952, Vidya Red Dead Redemption Just 1 Or 2 Alcohol Drinks, 5 Hours Later.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so are women but eh, can't live with em, can't live without em

>> No.14243927

t. that guy who never was invited to hang out and have some beers with the buddies because nobody likes him

>> No.14243932

I didn't know fiber can be distilled.

>> No.14243935

Is it true that red wine is healthier than white?

>> No.14244026

Why do alcoholics get so defensive all the time? Is it the pressure that comes with watching your life irreversibily falling apart?

>> No.14244044

>thinks someone is an alcoholic with his life falling apart just for having some buds with the buds on friday nights
Lmao, no wonder you have no friends outside of the internet. You sound like a massive fag

>> No.14244081

>t. absolutely crumbling while putting on a brave face
kudos to you

>> No.14244322

i would go to parties in highschool and drink an entire bottle within an hour or two now i can't smell vodka without gagging

>> No.14245159


>> No.14245200

I once posted "around blacks don't relax" to my facebook

>> No.14245204

I posted a Nigel Farrage meme and someone filed a complaint to my boss.

>> No.14245230
File: 21 KB, 405x289, 1587830398799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once posted an Anal Cunt song to my facebook saying something like "this song title sums up my politics". Some coworkers saw it and we had a laugh about it. I was still pretty embarrassed though.

>> No.14245237

i heard wine was good for the heart or some shit. but might just be wine lobby research

>> No.14245253

a lad from my town once drank a pint of vodka for a dare and he died that night

>> No.14245257

The thing in wine that has health benefits is a red pigment found in the skin of grapes, so red wine, which is made with grape skins is better than white wine

>> No.14245320

How much had he drank before the dare? I could do a pint of vodka just fine as long as there's no extra alcohol in my body beforehand.

>> No.14245605

Red Wine has tannins in it that give it its pigment, which have a plethora of health benefits.

>> No.14245619
File: 72 KB, 780x520, kadyrov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop drinking, kafir.

>> No.14245625

t. Protestant

Jesus drank wine, and alcohol is objectively good for you in limited amounts. (they used it as an antiseptic, to treat colds and flu, and it also helps deter ulcers, and the romans soaked bandages in wine before applying them)

Cope more, alcohol-let.

>> No.14245637

Gives me the worst hangovers.

>> No.14246793 [DELETED] 

reported and saged 4

>> No.14247003

Stouts and heavy trappist ales feel the healthiest to me, vodka always makes me feel bad both the buzz and the after-effects mentally after a binge. It just makes me feel like killing myself if I drink too much of it. If you're talking calories I don't care since i'm skinnyfat and good beer is nourishing to me.

>> No.14248015

>no such thing as moderation.

Wew lad

>> No.14248125

Not to sound like a degenerate alcoholic, but what a bitch.

>> No.14248129

Maybe not healthy, but the cheapest in dollars and the cheapest calorically. Beyond that, because it's so damn cheap you can easily get blasted and ruin your body, which is much more unhealthy than something like beer which will just make you fat and piss a lot.

>> No.14248183

Yes, it is. It has more anti-oxidants by a huge margin, but not as healthy as actual grapes.

>> No.14248193

Depends how you define healthier.
Not too much bad stuff (besides alcohol)? Then probably blanc tequila.
Lots of goods regardless of bads? Probably red wine or some whiskies. I can't recall which, but some whiskies actually have compounds in them that makes them relatively healthy.