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14236123 No.14236123 [Reply] [Original]

How old are you, what do you drink and how often do you drink? Be honest.

I'm 21 years old. I used to only ever drink once a week (sometimes every two weeks) but since the coronavirus lockdown, I've been drinking 3-4 times a week. I drink Bushmills whiskey and Budweiser beer.

>> No.14236139

33. I drink mainly just Miller Lite sitting around the house, 10+ a day when working, more during corona. When I'm out, I drink mimosas, nicer beers, gin and tonic, jagermeister, and other shots as the group is going.

I drink daily. Yes, yes, I know I'm an alcoholic and this won't last. Whatever.

>> No.14236142

33, 1-2 drinks a night. I don't like getting drunk, I'm just a whiskeyfag.

>> No.14236160

Bushmills is the go-to amongst my family (American-Irish) but the upgrade to black bush is more than worth the cost

>> No.14236531

27, mainly beer (usually craft) or the occasional whiskey or gin and tonic. I drink most days of the week, but only get drunk once every few months. I had a terrible habit of binge drinking in my early 20s, but have since turned that habit into more of a hobby.

>> No.14236535
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No more than 210g a week anon.

>> No.14236539

23. used to find it really hard to go without a drink for at least two nights but now i only drink when i'm with other people. i do prefer it but i'm worried about falling back into bad habits once bars start opening up again

>> No.14236547
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Got my first beer as 10 yo. Started heavily drinkink at 27.
Still breathing

>> No.14236558

40, mostly eau de vies from regional distillers, preferrably apple or cherry, 4-5 days a week. Rarely more than 3 drinks per night.

>> No.14236571

29 straight taaka by the pint every two or three days depending on the workload of the next day been doing it for a decade, much heavier the first couple years until hangovers started getting bad. It’s always been taaka cause it’s what my parents drank

>> No.14236577

I'm 30, I drink vodka+juice or tequila+juice and wine, I hate my life, I drink all day either saturday or sunday and I abstain the rest of the week

>> No.14236588

23, usually beer or whiskey. I've cut back to 1 drink a night sometimes every other. Was hitting 4-5/night for a few months.

>> No.14236603

31, right now fridays and saturdays probably 6-8 drinks?

mostly beer (I am a brewer), whiskey, tequila, wine. going to have some margaritas tonight with tacos

>> No.14236623

26, a six pack, a liter of spirits (mostly gin and vodka) and a glass or two of wine every week

>> No.14236627

20. Drink almost every night. Somewhere between 8-14 units.

>> No.14236634

Don't consider myself a problem drinker but wondering.

>> No.14236659

26, 1/2-1 bottle of red wine a night

>> No.14236745

The delusion is fucking retarded here. You drink in a night what's recommended to limit yourself to for a week. Yes, it's a fucking problem. Just because your body could survive off of battery acid at your age doesn't mean you aren't going to fuck yourself later.

>> No.14236763

Im 37.Since I quit doing Drugs witch I did for 15 years i Drink almost every Day. I Drink mostly beer some Times Whiskey or vodka.

>> No.14236826

Lol you were s cute kid

>> No.14236869

41,female. I drink wine and mead (homebrewed for some of it). When I was super overweight I couldn't drink much without feeling like shit so I didn't for a few years. After losing 85 lbs it doesn't cause me to feel like crap while drinking.

I now have a glass or maybe two a week on average. I have two jobs and lots of hobbies so I'm usually too busy to drink. Since it messes with my concentration I really don't drink much at all anymore.

>> No.14236882
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I turn 34 next week.

I never drink at home, but I go out to the bar 1-3 times a week.

Depending on what bar I'm at and whatever special is going on, I'll stick with a cheap beer and shot of whiskey, gin and tonic, whiskey coke, or a local microbrew.

I usually drink til I can't stand up. Last night I think I had 8 double whiskey cokes, then ended up at another bar and had 2 Millers and 2 shots of whiskey.

Usually forget most of the night. Go on bizarre rants to my girlfriend. Smoke til my chest hurts.

I don't consider myself an alcoholic, but I'm definitely a binge drinker. The hangovers are starting to really take a toll on me. I was just furloughed too, so I need to start saving money.

But fuck me, it's a lot of fun going out and getting obliterated.

>> No.14236890

>craft beer (anything besides the milkshake meme IPAs) + Hamms if i'm feeling cheap
>Buffalo Trace bourbon
>a bunch of fancy red wine i can't pronounce, my gf's dad sends it to us

1-3 drinks/day, 4-5 days per week, mostly beer. It was heavier towards the end of college but i cut back bc anxiety

>> No.14236896
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30, I drink 1 shot per week.

Amaro Montenegro is my drink of choice.

>> No.14236903

20. Calvados and tons of cocktails. My issue is that I can go months without drinking, I did for the longest time. However, during weeks where I'm overwhelmed between college and work, I'll go for one day when I overdrink, and then I have to slowly build down from there. I'm in one of those build downs right now. I wish I didn't like booze so much.

>> No.14236981
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Bicentennial baby.
Every day.
4 units.

>> No.14237025

33, used to drink 750 ml of vodka every other night.
now i dont drink. i woke up one day and decided i had enough.
its easy to quit if you want to.

>> No.14237098

before lockdown I used to drink a 26 and a case of beer a week,
Now I have a couple beers after work on fridays.
I also stopped all other drugs since lockdown too.
Tanqueray Gin and any beer from Unibroue for me

>> No.14237156

25. Vodka and gin. I limit myself to a bottle one month, but used to down a few a week back in college.

>> No.14237164

damn you're 200 years old that's wild

>> No.14237707

There's no way anyone who drinks this swill every day isn't an alcoholic.

>> No.14237711

I have drank every single night for the last 6 years
Down to a pint of Evan Williams a night

>> No.14237766

I usually have at least 1-2 beers a day, but the past few it's been 4-5 a day. A lot of it's been from post-shift sample tasting sessions at work just turning into binge drinking with the rest of BoH.

>> No.14237851

Guinness and IPAs
Before corona, 1 six pack once or twice a month.
During corona, 1 or 2 six packs a week depending on how shit the week was.

>> No.14238638

25. I'm struggling to keep myself to 3 litres of 40%/80 proof a week and it often topples over. This was before the lockdown too. I'm on a horrible slippery slope - I've shown strong willpower before, I have stopped myself from drinking several days in a row and have fully quit (illegal) drug use - I'm just hoping I can start a career before I end up on the streets somewhere.
My loves are animals, food, and technology, so I'm hoping Zoology, maybe a culinary school leading into work (have worked in the industry before and know how to cook from life experience but I'm struggling to get into a real restaurant), or I'd otherwise be happy just working in an office or admin for the comfort of it.
Easier said than done of course.

>> No.14238652

see here, but I'm 40

>> No.14238668
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since the lockdown started i've been really into watery macrolagers like coors lite, miller lite. perfect summer beer and i like being able to drink 2-3 a day without feeling completely trashed
then if i want to get tipsy i add maybe a half bottle of nice wine on weekends. good life these days

>> No.14238674

29. I drink beer, spirits and cocktails (very booze forward ones). I tend to stay dry most of the week but then drink for a long period of time on the weekends while also smoking. Mostly drink traditional British style ales, bitters and stouts, but I'll also have Belgian trappist and sours and German wheatbeer as well. Booze wise I tend towards various scotches with a bit of bourbon and rye (but I usually use them for cocktails) as well as gin both neat and for cocktails.

>> No.14238810

What are you talking about you projecting retard?

>> No.14238834
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24. Usually once or twice a week. Sometimes, it'll be a 700ml bottle of vodka, other times I'll have a couple bottles of white wine along with a couple cans of cider or beer. I haven't had a drink in over two weeks but I'm gonna drink tonight. I don't have any physical dependence but it's definitely been on my mind. Not a good sign.

>> No.14238863
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I like my rum how I like my women
>12 years old

>> No.14238996

Usually 5 beers after work these are half a liter each.

>> No.14239004

26. 1-3 times a week. From January up until Early May I was drinking a fifth every night. Cut back though since I was starting to not be able to handle it.

>> No.14239007


27, i'll drink a gin and tonic after work every once in a while, but i haven't had a drink in months.

>> No.14239043

I'm 26. Left to my own devices I'd drink one per day. But generally I forgo that and drink 12 with some mates on a Friday night.

At home I have Benromach/Benriach peated and Glenfarcles 12. Generally this serves as a cache to bring to a mates place so I can buy on sale exclusively, but I've been dipping into my stocks during the quarantine.

Last night I went to said mates place and had Glenfiddich 15 cask strength, Henessy master blenders no 3, plantation overproof, blantons, jura 10, talisker distillers/dark storm/port ruighe, redbreast 12, connemara cask strength, gin lane rhubarb, aberlour abunadh, clynleish 14 and ailsa bay.

Should that friend be occupied I go to a bar and drink a couple of beers, the house red and white, a rum and coke, and a whisky and dry. Depending on company we follow that up with a trip to a whisky bar where we share half pours and try 20-30 new drams or we go to clubs and have a bad time not dancing and getting ignored by girls.

It's all pretty routine by this point.

>> No.14239068

Don't do what i did and end up with an inflamed pancreas and liver damage. I'm only 21 got heavy into drinking around 18 and went hard until 20. Moderate your self as you'll be surprised at how quickly alcohol will damage your health.

>> No.14239073

Not him but I've been going harder than that for nearly a decade every single night. For some reason, I just won't die. I wish that process would hurry along a bit faster.

>> No.14239103

If you want to die that bad, just hang yourself. Dying from liver failure, cancer etc isn't quick.

>> No.14239109

I don't really want to die, but my life is extremely boring and I wouldn't really care if it happens due to my vices since I left no litter behind. I do enjoy drinking, though. That's definitely one highlight. I just don't really understand how so many drunkards are having their organs shut down when they haven't stressed them nearly as much as I have for as long as I have. Hell, I've never even had a kidney stone and I'm in my mid 30s.

>> No.14239115

Maybe you're lucky enough to be naturally resistant to those kinds of things. Then again, it might all come back to bite you at once one day.

>> No.14239116

I think it runs in the family. My grandfather was a drunkard for 57 years before he finally quit. He has a ton of health problems right now but then again, he is in his 80s.

>> No.14239144

68, have to drink every 8 hours or the DTs kick in. Shakes, anxieties, literal nightmares. Really just kicked in in the last 6 weeks.

>> No.14239147

28. Depends what mood I'm in. Sometimes decent but cheap beer, sometimes some fancy pants Trappist shit, cocktails be (mainly stirred), mezcal, tequila, scotch, or bourbon, for spirits. I drink about once a week.

>> No.14239151
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>68 year old alcoholic
I assume you look something like this.

>> No.14239305

Some go so quick as to not build up a tolerance.
Some are missing some of the mechanisms that keep you alive (vomiting, passing out).

>> No.14240433
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24, currently wageslaving at a liquor store. I get a nice discount so over the past few months I put together a nice liquor bar for myself to make cocktails at home, but I see so many degenerate alcoholics at work that it's really put me off drinking outside of social occasions, and now it's pretty much just a decorative collection of bottles that I never open.

>> No.14240470

Do u have any stories from working there.

>> No.14240476

46. A jug of carlo rossi burgundy lasts me two nights.

>> No.14240555
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Once some coked out thirty year old in an old Pontiac drove full speed backwards through the parking lot, backed into a spot and came in asking for a handle of tequila because he thought it was an aphrodesiac that would make him better at fucking, told me to drink it before sex if I wanted to fuck like a bull. Other than that it's boring as shit, it's in a nice neighborhood so it's 90% menopausal housewives coming in twice a day for bottles of chardonnay and on the weekends their fat husbands loading their pickups with 30 packs of cheap light beer, and the occasional whiskey faggot looking for expensive bourbon that we never have in stock.

>> No.14240588

>1 shot per week
Whats the point lol

>> No.14240600

25. Either 2 bottles of wine OR 2 six packs of beer a week. With some random pre/after dinner cocktails occasionally. Probably get drunk like 2 nights, but then may have between 1-3 drinks another day or two. I try to have three days a week where I dont drink. Used to drink every day when I was living in Japan because Strong Zeroes.

>> No.14240605

25, 2 drinks per day at most, 2 dry days a week. Sometimes I have 3-4 if its a holiday/my birthday/celebrating.

>> No.14240684

>telling a guy who drinks 60-80 units of alcohol he has a problem
boy are you a fucking moron. learn what words mean before you use them.

>> No.14240709

29, 2-4 beers a week, like just 1 a day from thursday to sunday if I'm staying in.
I usually drink one kind of alcohol at a time and change every few weeks. I've been drinking stouts for the past month, before that was various IPAs from a local microbrewery, and before that I was trying out some fruit liqueurs.

>> No.14240724

I rarely drink on weekdays or Sunday. Mostly Friday and Saturday night, normally 4 or 5 liquor drinks or a six pack of beer a night, can get really fucked up still as I've decreased my tolerance.

I'm cutting back to get my body fat to 9%.

>> No.14240729

38. some kind of cheap blended scotch or Evan Williams bourbon, usually. every day. nearly a gallon a week.

>> No.14240793

From 18-28, I drank all weekends, and during some of those months, I'd drink daily too
so 1 -10 drinks a week
But now I rarely drink at all. On a fitness kick, lost a lot of weight, don't really enjoy alcohol as much
my friends and I went from bar hopping to board game/movie nights at each others places
I drink maybe 1-2 drinks a month now

>> No.14240870

I drink a beer or a glass of wine every weekday
I drink 3 on Saturday
None on Sunday.

>> No.14241176

34. 1 glass of rum and coke 7 days a week during quarantine.

I actually change what I drink almost daily, sometimes a beer does it for me, at the start was whisky (scotch, despite I like bourbon more) and more rarely Pisco.

>> No.14241187

24, i live in a country with very fine and cheap wine so thats my go-to, but sometimes i get me some whiskey or bourbon.
i used to be a heavy drinker, 2 years ago i got myself together and started to be more conscious about it, so i drink once or twice a month now

>> No.14241195


>> No.14241209

Really old, beeer, now and then, i am honest.

>> No.14241216

Peruano, at least we got to choose between aromatic and non-aromatic. (Non-aromatic are better btw)

>> No.14241218

>How old are you, what do you drink and how often do you drink? Be honest.
54, titos or patron silver with a chaser, maybe once a year.

>> No.14241226

24, drink on the weekends when i go out, otherwise it's a few cans of beer/red wine per week.

>> No.14241302

I used to not drink more than 1-2times a month, but since lock down its been 2x a week, and since my father died week before last Im drinking whenever I can get away with it. Im buying Aristocrat vodka cause its 11$ for a 1.5 liter.

>> No.14241311

based. aromatic is for the weak throats

>> No.14241328

Sorry to hear that anon. My condolences.

>> No.14241350

25, I don't.

>> No.14241533

Epic. For. The. Win.

>> No.14241809


Pre corona was beer or a gin greyhound 1-2 nights / week

Now it’s 2 whiskey and cokes e’rry night - sometimes a beer afterward.

>> No.14241858

I drink 12-15 beers a weekend. used to be a lot more but I don't really go to bars anymore just chill at home or with a buddy

>> No.14241917
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Bottom shelf gas station liquor and coke zero. Chu know about that? Probably nothin

>> No.14241926

It’s an average, sometimes I drink 2-3 shots per week and I can go another week or two without drinking.

It’s not a habit, also I prefer sipping long drinks with rather than something that it’s finished in 10 seconds

>> No.14242011
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> How old are you,


> what do you drink

Bell’s Two Hearted if I can get it at the bar, otherwise some other microbrew IPA.

> and how often do you drink?

During football season, my buddies and I get together every Sunday to watch the Lions and I’ll have 2-4 beers but in the off season, I only drink if I get together with friends.

>> No.14242510

>i've been really into watery macrolagers like coors lite, miller lite

That's called alcoholism

>> No.14242804

Alcoholics drink things with good price to quantity of alcohol ratios. Light beer certainly isn't where it's at.
Try goon. Not that many other countries have such biased alcohol typed taxes.

>> No.14243694

45. Probably average between 1/2 a bottle to 3 bottles of wine daily. No days off. Was a lot less pre Covid..

>> No.14243789

22. I drink 3 nights a week anywhere from 1 to 4 beers.

>> No.14243800

24, pilsner whiskey or schnapps. pretty much every day at least once a day unless im hungover or busy

>> No.14243801

Based. Nice to know we have some legit oldfags here. Hope you turn out alright. I'm only 25 and have been through DT myself, you can get through it, just take care of yourself, take your vitamins, eat properly and don't let the withdrawals get too severe.

>> No.14243811

>1.75l a day
>died from kidney failure
>have seizures if I don’t drink
>approaching seizure number five
If I had my meds and I wasn’t on tour with my fucking band I would try to stop. But seriously, don’t go this fucking hard, guys.

>> No.14243815

>died from kidney failure
Sorry for you dude, nice to have you back though. How's the other side? Does everyone get to meet Jesus or is that only for Christians?

>> No.14243820

There is nothing on the other side, sorry to break it to you. I was dead from anywhere from 45 minutes to 2 hours. It’s a miracle that I’m sentient.
It’s like one long blink.
Dialysis fucking blows, glad to be off that.

>> No.14243838

>used to get super drunk on whatever 2 or 3 nights a week
>now drink a glass of wine once every few months

>> No.14243853

Keep that up.
When I was 20 I only drank boxed wine, so you’ve got one up on me.
Drink as a reprieve after a hard day’s work. Once you start embracing “the hair of the dog” daily, you’ve got a problem.
It’s fine if it’s a “imma take a shot before we go to Waffle House” thing on a Saturday, but if it it becomes normal- tread lightly.

>> No.14243856

25. Around 5 or 6 bottles of vodka per week. Can anyone beat that?

>> No.14243861

Are you too drunk to read?

>> No.14243887

I’ll take that as a yes.

>> No.14243948

>on 4chan

How do I avoid ending like this?

>> No.14244003

I'm 36 and never drank any alcohol. Is this bad?

>> No.14244020 [DELETED] 

well la di da get a load of joe straight edge over here. it's not a big deal anon, you're good.

>> No.14244823

25. Drink beer, mostly pilsner and lager, some Belgian. Drink wine with meals. Drink amaro, negroni, or campari soda with aperitivo. Occasionally drink extra dry cider. Sometimes drink mezcal or cognac when I can afford it. Probably drink every 3 days. Used to drink every day but have managed to curve that.

>> No.14244833
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Crown Royal Black + Dr Pepper + Lime
Every fucking day.

>> No.14245116

29, weekdays a half pint of vodka and a 6 pack of whatever I feel like for the day. Weekends, usually a pint plus a 6 pack or bottle of wine. Started having severe stomach issues about a week ago. Started with a fifth a night when I was 22.

>> No.14245579
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32, I was drinking about about 1-2 pints of hard liquor a day during lockDown and before that it was pretty bad too. I've gone to AA, done cold turkey, and even went to live on a farm where there was no store for miles to buy booze and had the house lockup the liquor cabinets but I still relapsed as soon as I got back the city.

I don't like the word "alcoholic" because AA treats it like I'm some powerless sinner about it and that shit does not work for me. I did recently find an online doctor on Monument to just prescribe me some naltrexone and it's worked like a charm. Only been a few days but as soon as I took it I lost pretty much all desire to drink day one. It's kind of a miracle. If I do have a beer or something I don't just immediately want to pound 6 more and my doc told me I can drink whatever I want on the meds. I have a half empty can of pic related just staring at me that I couldn't finish last night.

I'd really give this is a shot if any of you anons have problems and don't want to be totally strait edge and abstinent.TALK TO A DOCTOR THOUGH FIRST THOUGH ANON IS NOT A QUALIFIED MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL

>> No.14245589

>wasting your college years on this site instead of getting pussy in your prime and then shitposting in your 50s

lmao at your life

>> No.14246802 [DELETED] 

reported and saged

>> No.14246821

12 pack of miller light or coors banquet 6 days of the week. Frequent tequila/margarita binge lately. Sometimes craft shit. When I was poorer i would pound 40s of miller highlife.

>> No.14246850

Beer, either cheap 8% shit at home or expensive stuff at a nice pub. Rum if we're getting crazy. That's about it.

>> No.14246868
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18, pic related is me and my drank

>> No.14248091

pre lockdown i usually drank maybe 2-3 days a week, during the lockdown maybe 4-5 days. pretty much just beer though, no hard liquor.

>> No.14248096

thirsty boy

>> No.14248191

23, drink rarely, like once a few months ill have a glass of wine or some beers or whatever. Last few weeks i kicked up my drinking a bit. On average maybe 2-4 beers a week i think.

Favorite beer: weihenstephaner hefeweissbier. Looking to find some others that i might like. Been checking out stouts recently, but im generally unimpressed. Guiness draught was pretty flavorless. Warka strong (not sure if it was a stout, but was dark and coffee flavored) was good. Any recs? People told me to try founders but no sources nearby.

>> No.14248316

>21 years old
oh so like a child?

>> No.14248335

miller high life 18 pk with 16 oz cans is a great deal. its equivalent to a 24 pack of 12 ozs but for the price of an 18 pack

>> No.14248479

22, 10-15 units per day. been drinking like this since i turned 18. drink white mostly cask wine goon, but i fucking love beer, VB is piss from the gods heheh. no real health issues other than when i was 20 i would vomit randomly while sober cus tummy was upset at for burning it with alc.

>> No.14248705

It’s to the point where when me or my gf walk into the liquor store and the friendly Indian dudes just have a handle waiting for me.
I do things like take blind people to the grocery store and buy birthday cakes for kids that can’t afford them (nigga that’s just last week), but I am straight up headed towards and early grave.
At least I got my corner store to start ordering red appple Arizonas.

>> No.14249261

My girlfriend says she’s going to leave me if I don’t stop drinking, and frankly I don’t really respect her problem with it. Like honestly, to me, so what? What’s the problem? The only problem is that she yells and gets angry. I mean I think I’ve found the psychology to give it up today, but honestly the notion that I’m supposed to sit there sober all day is a bit nonsense.
Like, I get it, it’s unhealthy and no way to be a parent and whatever, but we don’t have kids yet, and I manage to work to pay for the entire apartment, cook every day, clean, we go out, have vacations, and everything, she just goes apeshit when I go to drink. I don’t know what to say, at this point I have evaluated how I use it to quit life and distract myself from the constant anxiety of looking at the clock tick away your precious seconds of life, the rest of it sold to some business, and I could probably do without drinking at this point. At the same time, I really don’t want to talk to her about it and do take it as basically banning a source of enjoyment for my entire life based on, honestly what seems like vague conditioning to avoid alcoholism rather than any specific problem I’ve caused

>> No.14249289

sounds like you need to quit your job

>> No.14249317

Actually yes, I hate my job and am very underemployed. It’s definitely true that I drink to maximize the time I have away from work and also to forget that every second brings me closer to having to go back. You’re actually pretty astute

>> No.14249332

>airport bars are closed
Its rough brehs

>> No.14249339

34. Usually have a drink every day after dinner. Mostly brandy, rum, vodka, red wine or good beer. Sometimes I just go and drink a bottle of vodka a day, or couple of bottles of wine. But not often.
Honestly, I just like to taste new things and get a little buzz, but sometimes I just like to get properly drunk and get absorbed in something.

>> No.14249349

42. I didn't start drinking until I was 33, but now I have 15 standard drinks a day as quickly as I can so I can pass out as soon as possible and be sober enough to drive in the morning.

>> No.14249354

33, blackout drunk nearly daily, boxed red wine.

>> No.14249360

How fat are you

>> No.14249517

Where are you going out to drink when its lockdown?

>> No.14249829

22, I only drink with friends, I can't meet with my friends because of quarantine. So I don't drink.

>> No.14249837

24, don't drink, kratom is my doc

>> No.14249841

Also alcoholism is no joke, living with an alcoholic really turns you off from even one glass of red.

>> No.14249844

Why do people say you shouldn’t drink alone? What’s the meaning of that? You have people out there who say if you drink alone ONCE, you have a problem while doing it. What’s the idea? Oh okay ‘it’s a social thing’, I mean sure I get that, but are these people really such extroverts that they cannot conceptualize taking the effects of something alone? Bizarre to me

>> No.14249855

it's a matter of making habits and social pressure to prevent over consumption. Same thing with the "its too early to drink" thing. A lot of people would indeed go off the rails if they didn't have habits and social pressure.

>> No.14249873

Age: 28
How much: 2-3 bottles of wine a week, shared with GF. Sometimes few beers as well
What I drink: Italian reds usually, been getting more into some Portuguese Douro valley reds. For beer usually IPAs or pales. Sometimes a goze or Belgian ale.
How often: 2-3 nights a week. Sometimes more if the weather is nice.

>> No.14249879

That fair, but it doesn’t explain the people who treat you like an antisocial alcoholic for saying you’ll do it

>> No.14249881

I wish my gf drank but yeah I have to basically be sober forever now because noooo you can’t just drink

>> No.14249895

Social pressure can lead to overconsumption tho

>> No.14249898

did your parents give you that whole thing?

>> No.14249915

I only find it truly easy to turn down a drink if there's someone else trying to convince me to have it, like as long as it's their impulse it's effortless to
>just say no,
but when I'm by myself and it would make zero difference to my enjoyment of my time whether I have a drink or not, I need to start making cups of tea and do whatever else to distract myself. Weird shit

>> No.14249917

It's more that for people with poor impulse control, keeping drugs/drink as a strictly social activity serves as a good barrier for abuse. Sure there are people who abuse these things socially every weekend, but it's a lot easier to fall into the addiction trap if you're happy drinking alone, it can be a real test even for those who thought they had good impulse control.

>> No.14249923

Sure it can. But the particular pressure we're talking about is one which prevents over-consumption.

>> No.14249926

I drink alone every day and frankly it’s a good time

>> No.14249931

This is why I drink alone to focus on my spirit and get maximum enjoyment. People who take a sip here and there while chatting away are not responsible drinkers.

>> No.14249939

>06/15/20(Mon)17:47:32 No.14249926
>>>14249917 (You) #
>I drink alone every day and frankly it’s a good time
I enjoy drinking alone too, but somebody asked the reason for the rule and there it is. It's a bad idea to rely on a substance for any occasion, even social ones, but it's better to limit it to occasions that occur less frequently than existing in your home, so it's definitely a helpful social pressure to have.

>> No.14250017

210g is way too much. Shouldn't be more than 21g a week.

>> No.14250038

24. the only time I've ever gotten drunk was on calvados during an /a/ group stream, don't drink in general.

>> No.14250039

Rum and coke is my goto. I drink until I run out of alcohol.

>> No.14250106

I do this but then I go buy more from the 24 hour shop and drink until I pass out.

>> No.14250181


The shit you get to see when you grow old enough. 21% booze passed off as vodka. I guess you learn something new everyday.

38 years old and I drink when I feel like it. Usually a few drinks on the weekend. I tend to avoid heavy drinking whenever because my shrink told so. Beer and light stuff for me only from now on.

>> No.14250212

170lbs, 6'2.

Can see myself getting fat as fuck though since I eat like a horse when I'm drinking

>> No.14250251


Eating fast food while drinking hard stuff is the bomb. I love it but my body gets gross over time.

>> No.14250270

21, just about anything but I'm partial to bulleit rye and Myer's rum and cokes. I try and keep it under 12 drinks a week but I've been going hard the past year owing to personal tragedy and covid

>> No.14250271

28 years old, every day around 400ml of gin. Very occasionally drink vodka. I just mix them with water.
Even though I drink this amount I don't remember the last time I got drunk, probably over a year ago.

>> No.14250274

>21g a week

>> No.14250288

who the fuck measures liquids in grams?

>> No.14250373

21, I used to drink a couple of beers a day and bing drink about three nights a week when we went clubbing, but since lockdown I've been back at home with no money so I haven't drunk anything harder than tea in six months.

>> No.14250379

Oh and I'd drink chimay, outlaw dried tangerine peel beer, duvel because it's sold literally everywhere. For clubbing I'd drink baijiu mixed with coca cola (if in China) or vodka mixed with self-hatred (if back home).

>> No.14250443
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Straight vodka, half a litre every week or two
drink about 150 ml in one sitting
Occasionally beer too
I vomited blood once, went to the ER, had an endoscopy done, was assured that I'm fine
They pumped my stomach before the endoscopy so they'd have an easier time finding the bleeding spots. The nurse was really disappointed in me when I told her about my habit (which comparatively isn't that bad I suppose)

>> No.14250478


Half a litre and you're bleeding? How strong was the vodka?

You shouldn't be bleeding from just half a litre a week, unless something is very wrong with your stomach lining.

>> No.14250481

The regular 40%
It probably doesn't help that I do it on an empty stomach a lot

>> No.14250491


You should eat something first before or during the vodka. Right now I am doing shots of 50% and eating olives at the same times - food makes a great difference. Also it enhances the flavors of the food.

>> No.14250524

Just visit your doctor

>> No.14250533

If I quit drinking for my gf, then I am definitely going to be a spiteful recovered alcoholic. Not that I’d be foul all the time, but when the issue comes up, my mood will be like ‘yeah that’s when I gave up my entire hobby and sense of personal time for this family’

>> No.14250542
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What if I drink a 6 pack 3 days a week?

>> No.14250582

wait so you drink a full six pack 3 days in a week?

or you make a 6 pack last a week by drinking 2 beers on 3 days out of every week?

>> No.14250612

that stuff is always overpriced and is only 21 percent..what a rip

>> No.14250633

Anon I think you should go to the doctor about this. I drink almost half a litre a day and I've never vomited blood.
Even if your habit is "comparatively not that bad", everyone's body is different and can handle different things. Especially if you're female, or a low weight (and even if you're not).

>> No.14250904

dude you'll just resent her and then do shit like sip whiskey when she's not looking and turn into a secret drunk. I've been down this path before, don't ever change for someone other than yourself. If you aren't like pissing your pants or beating her and you're paying the bills you have every right to enjoy a drink but if you think it's a problem by all means look for help but fuck whatever a "gf" wants she's not even your wife

>> No.14250913

i don't drink

>> No.14250970

She actually just told me she doesn’t mind if I drink I just can’t drink too much lol, I mean yesterday she snapped at me for having a drink then I drank more when she slammed the door almost out of pure spite. But yeah I’m going to play it sober for a couple days then keep it under control.

>> No.14250981

Also yeah I’ve been resentfully sipping liquor secretly already lol. I do a lot of alcoholic stuff which is honestly no good but at the same time there is a really repressed relationship with alcohol and substance in general.

>> No.14251519

25, almost daily ranging from 1 to 3 drinks
Usually drinking beer, red wine, gin drinks, scotch, or armangac
Bought a bottle of decent sherry for the first time today. Amontillado. Very good will be adding Sherry to my usuals

>> No.14251742

Haha for the love of god Montresor!

>> No.14251744
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currently I go through at least 8 beers a day, usually at the end of it over the course of an hour. every other day i drink around 200-300mL of vodka or whiskey.

it wasn't as bad when i was 20-24 when i would go through a handle (1.75L) of plastic bottled vodka every few days and if i stopped i would get delirium tremens. rarely had beer or anything but hard liquor. at the time i was high functioning, drinking 350-450mL in a day (sometimes twice) and wake up completely fine the next morning with no hangover or late dry heaving. sometimes of course sometimes i would drink > pass out > wake up > drink for days. my liquor tolerance is abysmal compared to when i was younger.

>> No.14252163


i had that same fucking book during my dui classes.

>> No.14252166

so you know its legit

>> No.14252307


of course it's a legit book but the content in it is mostly garbage in regards to your average drinker.

if you ever go through the DUI process (which can happen to anyone who isn't a teetotaling faggot) here's what to expect:
1) "you should feel bad about yourself forever" because you could have killed some nigger family in their oldsmobile and spent the rest of your existence in prison
2) the state will do whatever the fuck they can to extract as much money from you so expect to pay on average about 2 thousand dollars per beer that you drank on all sorts of shit including a lawyer, court fees, MADD attendance, Counseling/therapy, breathalyzer/interlock, SR-22, house arrest, drug tests, and transportation to all of these things because you wont have a car.
3) those books and all of the programs are designed to treat you like an 8 year old and say dumb stuff like "if you drink more than 2 beers a day or 6 beers a week you are an alcoholic." They are books directed at people who literally can't stop drinking a pint of vodka a day so all of the 'advice' is overblown and garbage.

that being said I'm 33 and i go through periods of heavy drinking and dry spells, sticking primarily to shitty macro beer and occasionally shitty wine. I haven't drank in a bout a week but when I do i usually crush a 12 pack of yuengling and repeat 3-4 days later

>> No.14252331

>if you ever go through the DUI process (which can happen to anyone who isn't a teetotaling faggot)
How can it happen to anyone? Don't you have to drive while over the limit of alcohol or be under the influence of another drug to get a DUI?

>> No.14252356

>8 shots a day

>> No.14252407

10-15 standard US drinks a night

trying to cut back but also have been trying for the past 4 years

>> No.14252431

It sucks, I'm fat even though I eat around 500 calories a day of actual food. And I don't even get to be drunk.

>> No.14252478
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Who else has been drinking increasingly since the coronavirus started? I've been spacing mine out less due to the increased noise making it hard for me to study and the stress of a claustrophobic household. I wish everyone would return to their jobs already, no more neighbors landscaping every hour of the day, no more loud family. I want to scream at everyone to be quiet and fuck off. All I can do is crack open a beer or pour a double to sip on and try to regain a feeling that I am alone for a little bit so I won't lose it. How worried should I be?

>> No.14252508

his point is that the 'system' is really structured like anyone who makes this mistake is some serial alcoholic trying to kill kids with their cars and needs to undergo the most ridiculous baseline idiot re-education and mandated counselling in addition to being subjected to very heavy financial penalties.

yes, you have to have drunk enough to have a certain blood level alcohol, yes you have to get caught - but all sorts of people make mistakes and theyre are subjected to the harsh penalties designed to be severely punitive. what might have been considered as a deterrent really is a fucking hole some folk have a hard time getting out of

>> No.14252517

i partied deliciously for the first month.
now i probably drink less than before the shut down simply because i choose to take care of myself.
however - i would like to down a fucking bottle of whiskey for kicks.

>> No.14252549

How does that not make it a deterrent though? Isn't that the whole point, that it really fucking sucks to get caught driving drunk? I don't see how making it less annoying to get caught drunk driving would be a good idea. If you're so poor that a DUI puts you in a hole you should probably learn how to make better life choices.

>> No.14252554

I was actually drinking less for the first month because I was worried there was going to be a massive booze shortage and things weren't like this yet, then my dad starting working from home, my mom lost anything to do besides facebook and be loud and whiny, my brother quit his job thinking he'd get unemployment stimulus bux but he didn't so he's just been home stoned every goddamn day screaming at fortnite, the neighborhood is louder with people out all day long with power tools, children screaming. I just want to study my accounting in peace.

>> No.14252939

kek im so sorry.

>> No.14252953

its not a deterrent because no one is sitting there looking up and mapping out the consequences
i hope you are never in the position to need some empathy or mercy

>> No.14252971

the problem is that it's the same fine regardless of your income. If it was determined by the judge that would be one thing but if you're a rich celebritiy in CA and you drive drunk $10k and a lawyer is nothing while to normal people it's devastating. I'm all about punishing drunk drivers but it needs to be a fair sentence.

>> No.14252997

I still don't see how it's not a deterrent. The fact that there are serious consequences is what stops most people from drunk driving.
I agree with this. I doesn't seem fair to hit people disproportionately.

>> No.14253072

the fact that is unsafe and morally wrong stops people.

no one knows what the fines are nor that they will get mandated into months imbecilic education

>> No.14253226
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26, typically I drink 2 42oz steelies a night

>if you ever go through the DUI process (which can happen to anyone who isn't a teetotaling faggot)

Or you could just not drive after drinking.

>> No.14253341

nice glass house, guy

>> No.14253414

Nice reading comprehension you braindead ESL faggot. I'm no better than anyone here but anon's claim that "anyone who drinks at all can get a DUI" is false.

>> No.14253423

What's that like, anyway?

>> No.14253452

lots of nits to pick there you fucking mongoloid with a glass house

>> No.14253453
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I drank way more before coronachan shut everything down actually. I was a fat shit (still am) that loved bars and loved beer and basically drank 3-4 days out of the week. Typical American lagers of the "lite" variety y'know? Shots of whatever was cheap here and there.

Since the shut downs I've dropped the urge to go to bars and prefer to drink at home. Since I started drinking at home I only do it on the weekends (Fri/Sat and maybe Sunday if I feel like it but not always). I also ditched beer and mostly drink gin cocktails and hard seltzers (white claws, they're good blow me) now.

>> No.14253455
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lots of nits to pick there you fucking mongoloid with a glass house

>> No.14253482
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vastly ineffective

ps i have your bear

>> No.14253486


>> No.14253492

might as well knock back a few beers bud

>> No.14253498

>how often
4 nights of the week, sometimes more, sometimes less
>how much
8-12 standards per night usually
hard cider or wine

>> No.14253780

A whole bottle of chardonnay probably 2 to 4 times a month.

>> No.14254206

Dude, it’s truly disgusting but there is no better feel than when you can sit down with a fresh handle and a stupid amount of pizza/fast food.
It’s max comfy.
Don’t get me wrong, if I’ve got the day off I like to get drunk and cook, but I’ve worked in kitchens all my life and as soon as I’m done making a real meal for some reason I don’t want to fucking eat anymore.
Being a garbage person is cozy, sometimes I just want to slam liquor and burgers and watch my fucking stories.

>> No.14254208

Nigga eat something before the wind blows too hard and you have to change your fucking address again.

>> No.14254219

That feel when you’ve never gotten a DUI because you actually obey the road laws and you know how to talk to the police politely.
Stop fucking ruining this for the functional portion of us you god damned idiots, I would wager you’re shitty drivers in the first place.

>> No.14254222

rip your life
sorry m80

>> No.14254242

Turning 30 this year, started drinking at 16, had a borderline alcoholic, now I drink twice a week and get drunk maybe 3 times a month.

My go to is Jameson. I rarely drink alone, but when I do it's usually one or two glasses without ice. I swig bottles with friends, or shots if we don't trust each other's hygiene. Even at parties, I go for whiskey shots.

Beer, definitely Beck's, I tried budlight in America and it was really good and went down too nice that it scared me thinking I could drink it like a coke or juice, so gonna stick with Beck's.

Wine, merlot, I don't care if it makes me look like a fag, it's the only one i can tolerate and you are fag just for drinking wine so fuck it.

As an arab I have to like arak, but it's only really good on a hot day with a bbq.

Vodka, if it's properly distilled I can go for shot or with a chaser usually lime, mixed maybe redbull.

Fuck craft beer, I never bought a 6 pack and enjoyed the same beer after 2 bottles, expensive scotch is expensive and the rest is trash (maybe a few cocktails and jager).

Damn, when it comes to booze I am talkative, that's not good...

>> No.14254254

I try not to drink because once I start I tend to drink until blacking out.

>> No.14255138

Why am I always feeling bloated guys? Have rekt my gut through binge drinking? I take some days off now, mostly the week, but I used to be a very consistent drinker.

I've noticed lately if I do partake on the weekends I get so bloated by the last day of drinking. Like by sunday I feel more full than drunk.

What is happening to me. I am holocausting my gut microbiome?

I don't drink beer just spirits.

>> No.14256095

29. Captain & cola or ginger when it is hot, pinot grigio or sauvignon blanc when it is cold, beer when it is free

>> No.14256214

Go through about 30-50 beers a week. I slowed down and haven’t had a drink in 5 days and it’s starting to rustle my jimmies

>> No.14256252

thank you anons, I will do my best not to destroy my liver. today is quiet so far which is nice.

>> No.14256285

I’ll go for a few Pilsners and maybe some random liquor that caught my eye at the store, about once or twice a week. Starting to feel bloated especially when I get drunk drunk so I think I’m gonna stop tbqh

>> No.14256303

every day
before lockdown : 25 drinks/week
after : about 35

>> No.14256346

>white claw
Bud light seltzer is great and is cheaper than white claw.

Me? It’s mango bud light seltzer

>> No.14256381

About 5 drams a week.

>> No.14256415

How do you people do this so casually. If I drank this much I would be fat, have terrible skin, super dehydrated all the time, would probably feel like shit every morning.

>> No.14256421

Are you white or slav?

>> No.14256429


>> No.14256436

What country lad? How tall?
What colour are your eyes?

>> No.14256480

IMO those things shouldn’t matter if you’re pounding like 30 drinks a week. It’s gonna age you
>ethnically gr**k

>> No.14256556

22. I usually go through a bottle of liquor or wine once a month. It's not spaced out responsibly through the month though, I buy it and then finish it in the span of 3 or 4 days and then get sick of drinking for the next month.

I like cheap wine and alcoholic seltzers. Nobody likes plain vodka, but Stoli is something that I can tolerate enough to drink straight. When I'm out, I'm all over gin and tonics. It's probably the only drink that I actually legitimately like the taste of. I recently got Four Roses bourbon and it's fucking horrible. Maybe I just don't like bourbon, but I'm halfway through the bottle and I might just pour the rest out or give it to a friend. Drinking it really just makes me want to vomit.
This. The amount of times that I hear someone say, "They aren't strict enough on DUIs!" is ridiculous. My dad got a DUI last July and he is STILL going to classes, doing therapy, using an interlock, etc. and he hasn't touched a drink since his DUI. Like I get that it's fucked up and there should be consequences for unacceptable behavior, but Christ, it's fucking nuts how much they drag you through the mud for something an astonishing amount of people have done and without even causing a collision.

>> No.14256589

you're a wog mate. niggers cant drink.

>> No.14256605

Trust me, I've done the math.
That garbage liquor scores a 157, while two Steele 211s only score a 114. By my bum standards, that garbage and coke is better in taste and intoxication.

>> No.14256798
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Russian Standard, Guinness and Stella. Nothing less and nothing more.

>> No.14256834
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i drink a half gallon of Kessler every day. 31 years old

i've spent AT LEAST $60k on Kessler over the past 10 years

>> No.14256859

How do you keep yourself hydrated?

>> No.14256864


by drinking water. lol.

and i eat a lot of fruit.
eating a box of blueberries right now.

>> No.14256866

Surely your stomach must be sore as shit in the morning?

>> No.14256890


there are health problems. yes.
sore stomach? never.

>> No.14256894

>homebrewed beer and red wine on sunday
>I typically have 1-3 drinks on the weekend

>> No.14256916

Literally every blood-alcohol test (and therefore medical literature).

>> No.14256918

Lucky cunt. Spirits rip my stomach to ribbons if im not careful and over do it

>> No.14256924

>Drinking straight vodka
>His vodka makes him vomit blood
Found the slav.

>> No.14256937

Used to drink like once or twice a week at best, sometimes not at all, but the last few months it's been several times a week, usually. Mostly beer, I can handle harder stuff but I just don't like it much, though I've been enjoying pertsovka in small amounts every now and then.

>> No.14256963

Old enough to be your mom.
Because I am your mom.
Bring your laundry downstairs or you don't get tendies for dinner.

>> No.14257658

>tfw go through phases of drinking 6 - 8 drinks every weeknight, and bare minimum 12 on weekend nights, followed by brief total stops
>it's been 48 hours
>never get shakes, no real withdrawl symptoms
>I'm just mind-numbingly fucking bored and don't even feel like doing anything
Don't tell me to play vidja because I'm jaded and don't like vidja anymore. I'm not going to lift because I have to take more time off drinking nightly before I do that, otherwise I get tendonitis.

>> No.14258342

the bud lights are far superior yeah
whiteclaw tastes chemically

>> No.14258484

Go to college.

>> No.14258808

Everyone keeps saying this but as a college student, nah. Drinking without my friends just isn't the same. That said, I'm having a blue moon right now. A beer once or twice a week is the move.

>> No.14258887

I'm 25, drank sociably before lockdown (usually quite often too) and started drinking hard in lockdown. A while ago I quit after drinking a bottle of Vodka and not even feeling drunk, realized I was on my way to alcoholism.
I'll ease myself back into social drinking when I can, probably with Guinness or neat scotch

>> No.14258942
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Usually beer (usually stouts in the winter and wheat beer/pilsner in the summer), sometimes rum or whiskey.
One beer at the end of the day most days, will have a glass or two of liquor at the end of the work week, tbqh I've never actually been drunk in my entire life.

>> No.14259244

I was slowly becoming an alcoholic, but then I learned I was going to have a baby. Haven't touched alcohol ever since (8 months)

>> No.14259254
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since lockdown
>3 days a week
>2 bottles a week
before lockdown
>1 day a week
>0.65 bottles a week

>> No.14259258

How long does alcohol bloat in the face and neck take to go away if you cut the booze? I've never really timed it before because it never mattered much but I've been drinking out of boredom and now I'm being invited to see some people I haven't seen in a while and I don't want to look terrible.

>> No.14259270

By volume most intoxicated drivers with crashes involving death are illegal aliens with no license that smash the car and just fuck off after they get out of jail for the night. Thus, we need hyper strict laws for people who actually have a part in society and will actually answer for their crimes to make up for the fact that the majority of the issue is simply totally unaddressed (and unwilling to be addressed)

>> No.14259282

2.5 handles of vodka a week
Started getting the shakes in Jan
Now I sleep either 4 hours or 16 a day depending on what happened
Being unemployed might kill me

>> No.14259291

>Why am I always feeling bloated guys?
Because your body is hanging on to more water since alcohol dehydrates you.

>> No.14259388

>3l of 40%
>no career going on
>I have shown strong willpower
no you didn't

>> No.14259446

>What’s the problem?
physical and mental health, addiction. alc also makes you fatter and uglier.
>the notion that I’m supposed to sit there sober all day is a bit nonsense
alky logic.
>but we don’t have kids yet
everyone says they could quit their drug of choice if they had to. it's a massive cope and noone actually can.
>to avoid alcoholism rather than any specific problem I’ve caused
There are enough people out there that can shoot up or snort a few lines without causing trouble for anyone else. doesn't mean it's not a terrible choice they made.

>> No.14259524
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27 or 28 or some shit. amaro-heavy cocktails, faggy tiki drinks, last word variations and shots of jeppson's malört, fernet branca and just pure celery bitters when i'm out of ice. binge two nights a week; which nights specifically varies. tonight's one of them

>> No.14259531

27, mostly 2-3 drinks per night. I’m a whiskey fella myself, usually make myself an old fashioned or a julep or if it’s quality I drink it straight. Currently enjoying some Yamazaki 12 year and reading a book.

>how often

Pretty much every night, although only enough to get a buzz and then go to sleep. Mom is from Ireland and pretty much everyone in my family is alcoholic so I try to guard against overconsumption but during these trying times it is admittedly difficult

>> No.14259702

If your still here how does your liver feel? I'm the guy who had the inflamed pancreas and liver damage. If i drink i get various levels of discomfort coming from my liver area. It can range from a slight itching on my bottom right ribs to full on soreness and stabbing pains. I had quit the drink till lock down. Now I've been drinking a moderate (4 to 8 units) amount every 2 to 3 days and the pains are getting more frequent. Going to try quit once work starts up again. It really pisses me off because i haven't drank heavily for a year and yet I'm still having problems. I guess i need to stop for good or at least a few years.

>> No.14259789

I can predict the future Anon. If you pursue a career as a cook you will be an alcoholic and waste all the good years of your life until you are bitter and full of regret.
My only tip is since you like technology, try to find a way to get into the field, make money and use the money to fund cooking and pets. Money buys happiness especially if it causes you to clean up your act in obtaining it.

>> No.14259794

Patrician tastes.

>> No.14259813

I drink a glass of champagne to celebrate New Year's, other than that I very rarely drink a bit of wine or beer to help me fall asleep. Overall I have alcohol maybe five times a year.

>> No.14259860

>mostly pilsner and lager
Pilsner is a lager

>> No.14259866

28, I go through 1L gin every 2-3 days

>> No.14259867

are you guys who drink every day fat?

>> No.14259870

It used to be a sixpack a week. But then I stopped drinking along with eating ice-cream and fat food.

Gained too much weight.

>> No.14259896

eastern ontario or montrealish quebec?

>> No.14259997
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>Mostly beer (usually weissbier), with the occasional vodka or whisky every now and then
>Drink about 3 times a week

>> No.14260668

Im ethnically Irish and German and still can't hang. I can get hungover on two drinks. I went out to dinner and had two 12oz Budweisers and was slightly hungover the next day, That said, my body seems to have some weird issues with staying hydrated so maybe that's part of it.

>> No.14260965

I don't know a great deal about beer

>> No.14261855

28. Evan Williams and coke (shitty I know but it does the job and is cheap). I daily drink 4-6 cups of whiskey and coke with half a shot to shot in each? I don't measure it, I just know what level in my cup to pour to with both.

>> No.14261991

44. Used to drink regularly on weekends(anywhere from 5-6 drinks to a fifth a night). Moved to a different state where I have no friends and I basically quit. Drink maybe one cocktail a week at most. I like my whisky and gin.

>> No.14262160

>used to get loaded on Smirnoff and absinthe every few months
>wouldn’t eat all day so I’d get drunk faster
>unsurprisingly felt like absolute dogshit afterwards
It got old quick. Haven’t had a drink in almost a year. These threads remind me that calling it quits was the right decision.

>> No.14263128

42, whiskey (about half Wild Turkey 101 and half whatever catches my eye at the liquor store), daily with rare exceptions

>> No.14263133

are you wtbro?

>> No.14263283

I'm a wtbro but not the wtbro

>> No.14263772

I don't have a definite taste yet because I'm quite young - 21 years old to be precise. I like wheatbeers like Weihenstephaner's, Paulaner's and Benediktiner Weissbier. I also like dark Belgian ales like Rochefort 8 and St. Bernardus' Abt 12. I also liked brews like La Trappe tripel. Lately I've been trying out various local beers and a brewery called Flying Monkey caught my eye. They make a nice triple IPA (I don't know if that's an actual term or just a marketing thing) and I bought a "barrel aged Russian Imperial stout" from their online store. Should arrive tomorrow. I drink on weekends or when I feel like it. Usually once or twice a week. I only drink a bottle or two because I'm a lightweight.

>> No.14263780

i'm 23 i drink beer socially but at home i drink nothing else than red wine, don't drink it too often though once a month max

>> No.14263879

>Beer 95 percent of the time, but I generally keep a bourbon, a scotch, and two cooking bottles of wine.
>I've been drinking more lately than I have in a year or so. That's still only 1 beer a day, 2 if I'm feeling really frisky. I just ran out of a 6 pack of Shiner and I'll probably wait a week to get more beer unless I find some reason to go get some Rochefort.

>> No.14263883

tits or gtfo. (assuming you're not a monsterous trans woman)

>> No.14263926

>St. Bernardus' Abt 12
I tried it like two weeks ago and it was great. Thinking of taking a trip to get some more Trappiste ales pretty soon.

>> No.14263927

This is me exactly. Except 1 bottle to 3.

>> No.14264806

28 years old and drinking very rarely. On birthdays or big events. Other than that, Radler or similar low-alcohol beverages when BBQing

>> No.14264808

fuck off American cunt, there is nothing Irish about you.
piece of shit.

>> No.14264828

Irish American here
i will personally fuck you into the ground while not spilling my beer and then crack the damn bottle over your face until you apologize

>> No.14264840

I'm a college graduate making just above 6 figures.

>> No.14264981

Cringe. You're just an ugly white trash retard.

>> No.14265024

im an urban, two degree holding, ivy league, farming winemaking chad
suk me

>> No.14265216
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22 and I'm upset about it
right now, some cheap wine my mom got with some vodka added in. i try to skip a day or two usually but this is my third time drinking in a day
i'm not from around here but i needed to be around an active thread. i'm not drunk enough yet

>> No.14265219

i mean 3rd day in a row drinking, sorry

>> No.14265331

33. Maybe twice or thrice a week ever since lockdown, and alternating between half a glass of scotch whiskey or a gin and tonic. I recently had the cash and time to finally try out and enjoy an Ardbeg 10. It was nice, and I'll maybe try other Islay scotches once I finish up the bottle.

>> No.14265337

3-4 beers a day

>> No.14265691
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What should I pair this with?

>> No.14265939

The guy didn't say anything about whether his drinking was bad or not. He just stated how much he drinks. Learn to read you absolute mongoloid.

>> No.14265973

based. 19 here, only drrink goon. goes well with mixers, red = coke and white = OJ.

>> No.14266002

28, have a few drinks a week. Mainly beer, I do some homebrewing so think that is why

>> No.14266051
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38 next week, I drink everyday and have done for maybe 15 years. I homebrew as well. Usually at least 2 litres of beer or cider a night some times with wine. It's not unknown for me to drink a 2l bottle of cider then a whole bottle of wine. Usually dont start drinking till 5pm. If I go to the pub I might drink 8 pints.... doing my best to cut down but it generally creeps back up again.

>> No.14266071

holy shit are you me

>> No.14266493

just regular brown beers
every weekend with my boomer dad

>> No.14266526
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25, I drink about a fifth of vodka on the weekends with coke or monster as a chaser and abstain on weekdays

>> No.14266572

this negro

>> No.14267119

That's based as heck. I wanna party with this frat boomer.

>> No.14267755
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>4 times a week on average

>> No.14267882

I drink beer primarily, occasionally cider. I'll often mix in a couple of straight spirits - rum, cognac or whisky.
I've managed to stick to drinking only at at weekends even through lockdown, so generally two nights a week.

>> No.14267903

What a feast

>> No.14267952

beer. everyday for the last 10 years, dont even have a beer gut

>> No.14268033

Port and a couple similar-ish liquors, also cognac/armagnac sometimes
A couple small glasses about 3 evenings a week.

>> No.14268898

Go to college again.

>> No.14268941

>after rent and state taxes, he makes as much as burger king shift manager.

>> No.14268949

Living the American Dream™

>> No.14269205
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> How old are you


> what do you drink

Bell’s Two Hearted

> how often do you drink?

During football season, every Sunday at the bar with friends while watching the Lions but in the off season, only if there’s some kinda get together.

>> No.14269514

34, and I drink around 5 pints of beer in a year mainly around Christmas period. Don't enjoy being drunk, so it's really easy not to drink.

>> No.14270255

31, drink of choice is Jim Beam

Been drinking daily for years, but decided to give it a week off and see how I feel. Don't really have the urge to pick it back up, which is strange, but I might drink on my day off just to see how I feel.

If you had asked me a week ago if I would ever quit, I would have said "when I'm dead." Not sure why the urge just sort of evaporated.

Anyone else ever feel like this?

>> No.14270645

Well in retrospect you hopefully have good genes. Some people are legitimately unable to do any kind of drugs.

>> No.14270711
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Old enough and pic related, dataminer

>> No.14270741

>all talking about food on a food board is data mining
/pol/ and /x/ conspiracies have deteriorated your brain

>> No.14270757

>asking age and how often people drink isn't datamining
Internet survey addiction fueled by narcissism has rotted your brain.

>> No.14270761

I don’t do internet surveys ever. Your confirmation bias is showing

>> No.14271094

Guy from

Yeah I get tired of it all sometimes. Especially these past few months when I've not been able to just go out whenever I feel like it. So more recently I've been taking breaks.

Haven't drank since Saturday night. I might drink tonight, I'll see how I feel. I haven't missed it.

>> No.14272055

24, almost every day with one on weekdays and a whole lot more on weekends. I drink almost any beer and my liquor of choice is gin