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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 109 KB, 750x1000, 1591922435599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14235998 No.14235998 [Reply] [Original]

Would you eat at this fine establishment?

>> No.14236012

Where is the booze? And the complexity in the dishes?

>> No.14236014

really shitty font choices

>> No.14236018

please tell me those are priced in Canabucks, ‘cause no fucking way I’m paying those prices for “home cooking”

>> No.14236019

Very boring for Brooklyn

>> No.14236021
File: 83 KB, 694x530, parallels193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nearly 60 dollars for a chicken

>> No.14236022

yes i'll have the $60 whole chicken for brunch

>> No.14236038

the pork belly is the only thing that's good there

>> No.14236044

I only want any of these so long as I can get an 'ethnic twist' in line with the ethnicity of the chefs.

>> No.14236048

I'll have the deep fried burrito

>> No.14236049


>> No.14236050

mac & chhhsh

>> No.14236055

>16 bucks for a fucking cheeseburger

>> No.14236060

>$11 avocado
No thanks. I've had my share of overpriced hipster breakfasts.

>> No.14236066

This isn’t nuts for NYC. Nothing special though

>> No.14236067

all these posters are racist

>> No.14236070

is that in USD? that seems so expensive.

>> No.14236085

shouldn't you be appearing and helping the jews in their very successful shows for free?

>> No.14236090


>> No.14236130

$16 for a burger? Get fucked. It better be pretty god damn good.

>> No.14236133

I dont eat at closet racist (liberal) establishments.

>> No.14236134

no thanks. I'd rather go to waffle house

>> No.14236146
File: 107 KB, 728x1296, 7AA7A3BD-1A54-499E-8FCB-199C06751C3F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>housemade American cheese
What? Isn’t processed cheese only made in big factories with lots of chemicals?
>a couple google searches later
Thanks anon, you helped me reform my ideas about American cheese and challenged assumptions I didn’t even know that I had.

>> No.14236155

14$ for shaved raw mushroom

>> No.14236178

Thanks for admitting you're a retarded Eurofag

>> No.14236203

>Isn’t processed cheese only made in big factories with lots of chemicals?
American cheese and processed cheese are totally different things.
American cheese is a mild cheese resembling cheddar. It is not artificially processed by default, though some brands are. If it doesn't say "process" on the label then no, it's not made in a big factory with industrial chemicals.

>> No.14236217
File: 182 KB, 666x463, remiliathink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Charred grbbns

>> No.14236232

>implying this isn’t OP both times
I know you’re correct, but you didn’t have to be this huge of a faggot about it

>> No.14236233

In my city there’s a sad amount of brunch places that cost this much even then this menu is pretty bleak looking. The only thing that sounds appetizing is the grilled shrimp

>> No.14236256

Everything is pricey as shit and I'm not even poor.

>> No.14236257

Hot fried sasso chicken, half bird. Split that and charred greens with gf

>> No.14236263

I thought everyone in new york had at least one gay friend who knows graphic design but apparently that is not the case

>> No.14236277

I do the turkey club, no mayo

>> No.14236279

>Turkey Club
>add bacon $3
Uh, bacon is already a required item to make it a “club” there is no adding of it. Their standard $13 offering is merely a turkey sandwich.

>> No.14236284

shit. i can get a whole chicken for $5 at Marianos

>> No.14236285

>the font is so bad its impossible to spellcheck the menu

>> No.14237846

Hi I'll have the MAC AND CHHHSH and the CHARRED GRHHNS, please

>> No.14237861

I'm sorry sir, did you mean the charrhd grhhns?

>> No.14237867

Maybe. Hard to judge from that. What's on the adult menu?

>> No.14237893

why so expensive?

>> No.14237907

in the not even full year this place was open i wonder how many $60 chickens were ordered there. Ditto for the $13 fucking eggs and bacon platter. At my local greasy spoon of choice that breakfast platter would run me $5

>> No.14237911

>deep fried burrata
dear god

>> No.14237927


those prices are dogshit so no.

>> No.14237930

What did the 3rd-worlder mean by this

>> No.14237936

How the fuck is the capital E written in that motherfucking ass font???

>> No.14237944
File: 132 KB, 1280x1024, iu[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans are a fucking cancer.

How in the ungodly name of the fucking fuck can you go from THIS


>> No.14237949

11 dollars for a fucking avocado?

>> No.14237950

This whole menu looks like it was created for a class assignment by a child. Peel and eat grilled, and glazed? You would glaze the shells? No, you wouldn't. Bolivian hot dog? Grilled pork belly with red eye gravy? No. What are anchovy crumbs? What is housemade american cheese?

>> No.14237953
File: 136 KB, 1200x800, 382764091010917hailmaryburrata-13-jpg.width-1200[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The cheese comes to rest on a sauce made of hand-crushed, canned San Marzano tomatoes; toasted garlic, "cut Goodfellas-style"; some Calabrian chili; and a handful of chopped parsley to finish.
>It's topped off with a final shaving of Pecorino cheese and a drizzle of Spanish olive oil, inspired by El-Waylly and his wife Sohla's favorite pizzeria, DiFara's.

They turned a gift from God in a mutt piece of shit (pecorino on mozzarella??).

>> No.14237960
File: 62 KB, 640x640, 97295700_759856037883071_2875742671234577488_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She really is an ugly little troll, right?

>> No.14237965

> "cut Goodfellas-style
Now who's the cultural appropriator.

>> No.14237966
File: 42 KB, 640x425, iu[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It just fucking hurts reading these things.

>"We wanted to take a spin on a super traditional diner mozzarella stick but make it a little more interesting," Hail Mary owner Ham El-Waylly says of his creation.
>"Everyone seems to love burrata these days. It just seemed like a perfect fit."

>The burrata's flown in once a week from Puglia (yes, in Italy) from a purveyor whose only creation is this cheese.
>"He doesn't know we fry it, [but I think] he'd be fine with it," El-Waylly laughs. "He's super proud of his burrata, so I didn't have the heart to tell him that we fry it."

Deep down they know they're subhumans but still go ahead with their shit.

>pic related: it's them

>> No.14237977

Almost certainly going to be sued. For her sake, I hope she doesn't have an employment contract because that's just going to double the inevitable pain coming her way.

>> No.14237978

I'm never going to change my mind about how beautiful I find her. She's stunningly gorgeous to me.

>> No.14237980

why is it all so expensive

>> No.14237983

What I don't get is how she can screech about 'racism' when she's basically used Christian references in an insulting and blasphemous way to name her fucking restaurant and cocktails and shit.

Why is nobody calling this cunt out on shit like this?

>> No.14237987

I don't think your cheese set.

>> No.14237996

> no hijab
> culturally appropriating our tattoos
> culturally appropriating our dress
> culturally appropriating our cooking

Seriously, though. Who is this fucking uppity cunt?

>> No.14237998

Maybe, but i bet they core out the business through cancel culture and make it unprofitable to the point of taking her to court a waste of their time and money.

Diff strokes for diff folks. I'll take molly or chris... Or carla for the weird mother-like relationship.

>> No.14238009

that font is the absolute worst

>> No.14238010

A Christian, I hope, or the restaurant name is culturally insensitive.

>> No.14238033

I'm pretty sure she isn't. That name is pure Islamic.

I don't think so. She's very firmly in serious defamation territory from what I can make out. And that's not counting whatever breaches of her terms of employment contract she's signed. She better hope and pray they seriously crash and burn, but if she thinks any other similar business will touch her after she's single-handedly destroyed one, she's clearly more of an ignorant cunt than she already appears to be.

>> No.14238038


>> No.14238040

not a fan of the dish name font

>> No.14238042

I already like burrata. Now I have to try it deep fried.

>> No.14238045
File: 31 KB, 600x584, efd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>like 5 different fonts on one page
>main font is hard AF to read

>> No.14238047

I might open up a vegan restaurant and call it "Muhammed Peas Beet Upon Him".

See what happens.

>> No.14238064

I always got the feeling from her appearances in ba videos that she had nothing but contempt for her colleagues and the last few days have vindicated that feeling.

>> No.14238077

I read her completely wrong, I was one of the people that thought she was "so chill" and "laid back" and was ready for her own series, but now after digging into her past and Hail Mary I like her less and less

also i'm gay.

>> No.14238085

> $58
> £46
This is the brunch menu for Smith and Wollenskys in London (very famous for its American-style food).

Nearest thing I can find to that price is a USDA 320g steak (£48). The one chicken dish they have (whole baby chicken) is £16.

This bitch is having a laugh. Fucking scam artist.

>> No.14238088

Link: https://www.smithandwollensky.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Brunch-edit-11.02.pdf

>> No.14238091


i don't eat at any establishment. absolute waste of money

>> No.14238098

Well that steak plate works out more expensive than a whole breaded chicken with piles of salad at her place. Enough food for three or four people.

>> No.14238103

You're missing the point. That's one of the best restaurants in a city that's comparable to New York, and not some shitty little 'neighbourhood diner'. And the closest dish to what this stupid cunt was selling is literally one third of the price she was offering.

I bet you'd pay £58 for a prime sirloin steak at an equivalent restaurant in New York, too.

>> No.14238106

>ready for her own series
Had she waited out the lockdown, she probably would have gotten her own series.


This one-off video did fairly well, it's comparable to an average It's Alive episode. She's the only one in the whole kitchen talented enough to pull off the experimental dish, and it's easy to think up of other dishes one could make 3 ways. Hell, it doesn't even seem that hard to produce the show at home.

>> No.14238116
File: 697 KB, 768x980, screen-shot-2020-06-09-at-9.49.38-am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thing is, if you read the comments on the youtube videos, they're very clearly all in her favor, along with the other diversity hire. People are acting like they're victims because they agreed to the negotiated rates. Should BA pay more for one-off hosts? Maybe. $400 seems pretty reasonable though(I mean thats how much an unknown porn star would make on their first studio scene, and i can guarantee those people are working harder and longer for those 15 minutes of usable footage)
Its really left a bad taste in my mouth, as a white guy too... Like, so much of this shit is predicated and built upon the idea that white people are praying on these weak people of colour... Fuck that! What i see is people of colour with delusions of their value playing the race card to fucking RUIN anyone(white, black, jewish, whatever) who has anything of value.
I mean that editor who got fucked over and fired was a jew who wore a *bit* of bronzer(not even enough to give a "bad" tan) to complete his costume as a jersey-shore type person. Pic related, they're calling that black face... like get over yourselves...

>> No.14238124

the first time i saw this picture I honestly thought someone misposted, thats how brazenly unoffensive this image is. surely this can't be the picture right, they said he was in brownface! nope, surprisingly this is enough to get cancelled in 2020

>> No.14238254
File: 85 KB, 826x620, capon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah if this bird isn't a heritage capon finished on homemade sourdough made with organic eincorn wheat and fresh camel milk then this price is fucking horseshit.

>> No.14238260
File: 88 KB, 750x1334, sohla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was one of the people that thought she was "so chill" and "laid back" and was ready for her own series
It seemed to me that they were priming her for her own series and they just needed to find a niche that would catch. It's funny about how you were one of the people who thought that she was chill and laid back since that's what all the comments about her tend to say. They even called her the bob ross of ba in that recent video. And I'm thinking "are we watching the same videos?" because that wasn't the vibe I was getting at all.

I'm also gay btw.

>> No.14238281
File: 79 KB, 750x1334, EaAxnMgXsAIE8lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it takes someone with a certain ego and sense of entitlement to come to work for a highly successful publication, and specifically get invited into their hugely popular online video presence, which became a sleeper hit and is essentially lightning in a bottle, and instead of negotiating a raise you throw your colleagues under the bus and demand the EIC resign after working there for all of TEN FUCKING MONTHS. I mean it seems to be working in her favor at the moment, I have to give credit where it's due. I can't imagine anyone who would want to work with her going forward.

>> No.14238300

No. Terrible hipster shit.

>> No.14238302

I mean it's surprising anyone would want to work with her after her prior endeavors but here we are

>> No.14238333

I'd get the duck egg and never return as if I'm going to eat bacon and eggs I'll go to a fucking diner or an ihop where i can order without getting overbilled for simple ingredients in every produce aisle.

>> No.14238382

Not at those fucking prices

>> No.14238415

not at those prices

>> No.14238433

By demanding this she may have sunk the YT channel and lost all the "BIPOC" jobs. People will get weird vibes knowing that the fake we are all friends having fun gig is up. Atleast it ruins it for me anyway

>> No.14238439

have they put out any videos recently?
I unsubbed like a week before it blew up

>> No.14238441

no and they never will after this

>> No.14238447

They posted like a week ago. Improving store brownies or something

>> No.14238457


>I have never been to NYC

For Manhattan this is nothing. For Brooklyn it's ehhhh.... You'd have to light the world on fire - talent alone doesn't keep restaurants open. Gordon Ramsay is without a doubt the world's most successful restaurateur and even he has had to close restaurants.

>> No.14238472


>not Priya

>> No.14238475

New York is great and weird for food. Lots of places like this and lots of shitty stands selling food for less than 5 dollars

>> No.14238481
File: 718 KB, 707x468, COMP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Must be a childhood holdover

>> No.14238482

She's a hottie and you're a faggot so..

>> No.14238491

She looks like she has hepatitis from mainlining drugs and fucking homeless bums through her 20's.

>> No.14238492

Lol so fucking jealous. Take out the trash and get back in the pit.

>> No.14238506
File: 31 KB, 720x406, EZXXZdBXkAIxHAT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice racism and trump stan, redneck

>> No.14238514
File: 70 KB, 1280x751, 206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except that's not at all true

Sad little man

>> No.14238518

Same people posting the same shit in these threads

>> No.14238618

>$16 for a burger
no, i'll just take my happy ass to a fast food place.

>> No.14238623

House dog

>> No.14238628

I know it's 100% true because I have done lived that life. I just don't have some anonymous faggot to come to my defense when people become visibly uncomfortable after looking at me.

>> No.14238632

I would much rather get a $15 burger at the Cheesecake Factory than a $5 shoe sole in a bun at McDonald's. If I'm eating a burger, I'm eating a BURGER, not a fucking worthless, tasteless shoe sole. You're not saving $10, you're WASTING $5.

>> No.14238643

I'll have the whole fried chicken, feet attached of course

>> No.14238665

>the only fast food burgers are mcdonalds
I live within a mile of a braum's, a freddy's, a five guys, a jack in the box, and many others. If I want a burger I'll got to braum's usually.

>> No.14238686


Cool story bro

>> No.14238689

Thank you for confirming all fast food burgers are garbage.

>> No.14238701
File: 227 KB, 598x754, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, right? The outrage is so over the top.

Oh, anybody got the video where she made Indian food and the Indians got mad and then BA baleeted the video?

>> No.14238707

>he's never been to a braum's
I pity you.

>> No.14238710

those "E's" are triggering my 'tism.

>> No.14238714

Go be a jogger somewhere else, you immense faggot.

>> No.14238719

Enjoy waiting an hour for your burger at CCF

>> No.14238727

racist trash doesn't belong on 4chan friendo

>> No.14238729

every 4chan(nel) board is /pol/-lite these days. get with the program gramps.

>> No.14238734

So this is what happens when talent devoid Jews run a diner?
Oy vey.

>> No.14238735

>get with the pogrom

>> No.14238742

I unsubbed as soon as they started posting shit about BLM and one of them posted something about "food being political"...I can't even enjoy comfy food videos these days without wanting to murder cunts

>> No.14238745

enjoy losing the white house, the country, the culture war, and any hope you had of having sex, racist SOBs

>> No.14238746

Go fuck yourself with a grill brush, incel

>> No.14238751

>leftists' side on the culture war is separating people by nothing else but their skin color and putting in "affirmative action" (aka tokenism) everywhere

>> No.14238757

that was good, and i'm not afraid to say it

>> No.14238759

I support this post. But white supremicists should be totally used to losing. They'll learn nothing, except hopefully to keep their racism to themselves until holiday dinners, where only their own families will have to suffer.

>> No.14238765

>he's still using talking points from 2005 bush admin era
lmao, haven't you moved onto jews and posting crime statistics yet?

>> No.14238775

Haven't they already won though when everyone just tacitly admits that whites are so unarguably superior and the only topic of conversation is how to help non-whites survive in the world?

>> No.14238783

>shat the Amerislave on a foxconn botnet enabled spyware pc/smartphone
your salty tears when chinks and africans steal your industry

>> No.14238784

Huh? Non-whites are only allowed to exist as pets at this point in history. They're not going to steal anything because everything the know has been given and (barely) taught to them by whites.

>> No.14238785

1 week ago was there last upload. how fucked are they?

>> No.14238791

she could always set up a go fund me and simps would donate

>> No.14238793

Look at it this way...yeah we could go in and exterminate all of the baboons or whatever...but it's more interesting and fun to keep them around so we can visit the safari and see them throwing poo at each other. If you think non-whites pose any real threat you are smoking something really strong.

>> No.14238799

careful Cletus, you just lost cpc social credit score when that post hit, you wouldn't want to anger your chinese masters or you'll be put in your fema camps and injected with flouride

>> No.14238803

It's just a distraction...the CPC is the next sucker to be stuck holding debt that they will never be able to collect.

>> No.14238809

65 IQ Massa Race

>> No.14238816

>enjoy losing the white house
I'm not a republican or a Democrat you NPC brainlet. Trump is the jewiest.
>He still believes in the false dichotomy of the left-right paradigm
What's it like going through life with 100iq? Is it bliss?

>> No.14238818

>Be muslim
>Named Ham
Fucking lol

>> No.14238821

why do you think he is muslim? dont they hate tattoos?

>> No.14238823

Look at this guy everyone, he is being very edgy right now and most definitely triggering the MAGAs. Very nice job edgy boy! We love you!

>> No.14238842


I know we can all just buy a rotisserie chicken from walmart/publix/costco for only $5 to $7, but people do go to steak restaurants and spend $110 for a steak.

Why shouldn't they be able to charge $60 for a whole chicken if its cooked artisan style?

>> No.14238850 [DELETED] 

>be /pol/
>lose the white house and screech as the Overton window shifts irreversibly to the left as their generation becomes the last to even see white nationalism as a political choice
>destined to shit about on the chinese built keyboard ported through mexican installed broadband cables
can't imagine a sadder fate

>> No.14238852

Fuck this hipster shit I can practically see the dude's skinny jeans and fussy little fag beard while selling you a $60 motherfucking chicken this soy sucking bitch needs to die.

>> No.14238855

Anyone who says "friendo" should get back to their home on reddit.

>> No.14238860

Imagine there's countries, just full of whites, that aren't the USA. Wouldn't that be something?

>> No.14238862

>If you don't believe Hitler did nothing wrong you are reddit

>> No.14238869

>their generation becomes the last to even see white nationalism as a political choice
Israel is the white nationalist ethnostate, and it isn't going anywhere shitskin.

>> No.14238874

racist trash belongs on reddit, FRIENDO

>> No.14238876

>If you hate kikes you love Trump and Hitler
Imagine being this brainwashed sheep...
Top useful idiot posting m9.

>> No.14238882

schizo racist samefag
inb4 sh00ps

>> No.14238892

Nobody said that you illiterate. Learn to read. Quit sperging about /pol/

>> No.14238899

I don't trust anyone that tears down others to build themselves up. She's ruined two jobs in a row now. There will be a third at some super leftist establishment that will hire her because of the headlines.

These people (and I don't mean skin color) do not change.

>> No.14238901

>neurotic Jew getting triggered this hard on a Tibetan throat yodeling board
What's it like being an antichrist? Is it as empty, hollow and hopeless as I imagine it?

>> No.14238929

>resorts to schizo LARPing as soon as he's reminded of his waning place in society and culture, destined to never enter meatspace with his worthless BTFO'd ideas about traditionalism, gays, and race

>> No.14238936

Can't wait for someone to sack your shithole city and burn it to the ground.

>> No.14238943
File: 296 KB, 900x1200, Coubq4aVUAAx--5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making the jewiest posts on 4chan
You don't even understand that I don't care about any of that. You're a kike who is going to burn in Hell, and this world was made to be burned. I don't care about the his place I care about people. You help your father the devil lead souls to Hell. I try and help lost sheep by warning people about you both.

>> No.14238957

Looks gay

>> No.14238972

so expensive and i doubt it is filling

>> No.14239024
File: 42 KB, 680x636, gigachad13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You rang?

>> No.14239063

blow it out your ass, kike
> t. pajeet

>> No.14239135
File: 26 KB, 594x675, 1585226238474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More proof new york is worse than LA

>> No.14239154

American cheese is absolutely processed: it's cheese that's been blended with an emulsifying salt to increase shelf stability and to make it melt better.

>> No.14239477

Fuck off niggerkikefaggot

>> No.14239783
File: 1.23 MB, 1111x736, Screen Shot 2020-05-29 at 7.08.01 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>60 dollars for a whole chicken

>> No.14239786
File: 127 KB, 1000x667, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder why the restaurant failed. Is it because of white people?

>> No.14239807
File: 149 KB, 1000x659, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That'll be $13. Thanks.

>> No.14239827


>$60 for a whole ass deep fried chicken foot

Is there anything funnier than liberal arts students who turn to cooking and think people are going to willingly pay for their art projects?

>> No.14239834

I have no fucking idea what the context is here. What did the owner do/say? Clearly it's something that's riling up people up

>> No.14239846


Overpriced, shitty hispter restaurant belonged to one of the BA cooks who last week spearheaded her boss' cancelling/firing because she didn't have the backbone to negotiate a new salary

>> No.14239854
File: 750 KB, 756x960, 1590227926963.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When are people going to realize that when you eat at one of these trendy, hipster restaurants you aren't paying for the quality or the chef's "vision", you are paying for their rent.

>> No.14239884

She's actually a talent in cooking and writing but for some reason thinks she should be paid as much somebody who's been there longer. Yes, she is the "better" chef but she didn't have the views yet. If she had waited it out for 6 months or something, she might have even gotten her own show since her popularity was increasing. Now, she's just known as the person who ruined the channel that hired her. Which big company will hire her now? I really doubt Serious Eats wants somebody so problematic back.

>> No.14239922

Interesting rant but why did you include a photo of you and your boyfriend?

>> No.14239926

This faggot argues about cheese on the internet lmao

>> No.14239949


She'll probably end up taking a job at tasty

>> No.14239958


>> No.14240022
File: 30 KB, 1875x173, haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14240040


Minorities don't tip

>> No.14240046

There are Muslim places like Dubai where women are allowed to drive and Muslims drink alcoholics.
Even they are not immune from the eternal subversion of the long nosed people + globalism.

>> No.14240153

I like regular Burrata I am intrigued about deep frying it.

>> No.14240174

Don’t laugh because this restaurant will make money and people will queue outside to eat there in the same way they to this to eat at the “300 dorra” sushi places and 2 star Michelin “300 dollars for one bite of food and a glass of wine” restaurant, all while you’re (righteously I add) pointing your fingers at the scam.

They will always win, it’s the same formula all around the world: they initially are literal nobodies with a talent or not, they grow up and at some point they acquire fame through hard work or by chance becoming YouTube celebrities but in the end they always go the same path and open restaurants where they serve extremely expensive bland and scam food with over complicated names and preparations so you can finance their luxurious lifestyle. And people are HAPPY and feel so privileged to be part of this, they can literally wait months to reserve a table there.

So, again, don’t laugh because they will be drowning in fame and money while you’re here seething in your bedrooms. We can agree, though, that at least we get to keep our souls.

>> No.14240179

Why don’t you deep kill yourself instead?

>> No.14240187

>Don’t laugh because this restaurant will make money

He doesn't know.

>> No.14240218

I know and I know better than you because you don’t understand.

The restaurant will make money not expressly by bringing new customers in but with the advertisement and reflected fame of its owner(s), bonus points if we’re talking about minorities who yelled at manufactured racism.

You have heavily tattooed brown liberal people living in a melting pot hell surrounded by white Americans who feel guilty and kneels for niggers and every kind of invader just because the media told them to do this, what could even they possibly fear?

If the restaurant doesn’t kick all they have to do is post one simple line on all their social media accounts:

>”White people are so racist, they avoid eating at our place because of the systematic racism #stoppoliceracism”

That’s it

>> No.14240334

>LoTs Of ChEmIcAlS?

Water is a chemical you anti vax boomer

>> No.14240359

This BA damage control.

Well done.

>> No.14240369

Oldfag here. There was a burger truck at warped tour in my area that was selling $16 burgers without sides or a drink. They were selling like hotcakes because mother fuckers just love getting ripped off at because of muh convenience

>> No.14240371

You first

>> No.14240473

he wasn't even wearing bronzer or anything like that

>> No.14240497

You act like I'm not finna smash both of these.

>> No.14240499

>Turkey Club
>The bacon is separate

>> No.14240508

Too bad they didn't get the racial sympathy crowd while she still owned a business. Now all she can do is sick her twitter attack dog on her employers.

>> No.14240529

What the fuck, why is the foot attached?

>> No.14240543

It's a gourmet diner.

>> No.14240671

You can still find some old reviews online, chicken was dry! Lmfao

>> No.14240692

So you're assuming just because they're brown they know how to make fried chicken? how racially insensitive

>> No.14240829

They can sell it for $60 because people will pay $60. But a Sasso chicken is nothing special. Its the same chicken that anyone who doesn't raise their poultry in a dilapidated pole barn raises. But since this one came from the French countryside, it's automatically more expensive.

>> No.14240861

Assuming they don't know is more racist than assuming they do friendo. As a black man I'm offended by your insensitivity to my people.

>> No.14240881

Anon this restaurant closed in under a year....that's why we're talking about it

>> No.14240921

It’s the exception that confirms the rule, she tried but failed thus confirming that it’s always their first choice to do so

>> No.14240931

Yeah. In all honesty their prices were so high because of how artisanal their ingredients were. Ordering cheese from Puglia Italy to deep fry it. The concept of altering luxury foods works for YouTube but not in practice.

>> No.14240953

Deep frying an artisanal Burrata from Puglia aka the state of the art of mozzarelle (think of it like if it was the wagyu beef of its category) it a stupid repulsing idea because at that point you might even use normal mozzarella (the real one not the dried shit).

Stracciatella (the godly buttery core inside the Burrata) has to be eaten without warning it otherwise the fats separate from the liquid generating a mess.

You have to eat it with quality bread or even better a focaccia

>> No.14240971

You are correct. These ingredients are being misused. It is like ordering a fine whiskey mixing it with coke and chugging it.

>> No.14241008

two orders of the grilled shrimp and a nice cold sprite. 7 up will do if you don't have it

>> No.14241803

The hipsterism of this bullshit is so off the charts I thought it had to be white people before I looked it up.

>> No.14241810

>Ordering cheese from Puglia Italy to deep fry it.
Christ wept wtf.

>> No.14241821

Price is the ultimate flyover filter

>> No.14241836

It comes from Wisconsin no Italy

>> No.14241841

brad threatening to walk if delany is fired

>> No.14241857

Well it doesn't come from anywhere now that the place failed even in Brooklyn.

>> No.14241887

>duck egg
>Bolivian style
That’s no midwestern restaurant. Disgusting for stomach

>> No.14242062

She blamed white people for it failing though. Haha.


>> No.14242074

That's the Indian milk truck. I haven't seen any positive feedback about her other than dudes wanting to motor boat her.

The other girl ripping BA apart can cook, but she has little charisma and no business sense. She's stuck in this cycle of getting hired cheap then eventually getting fed up and burning her employer.

It's not worth it on your record. Just be up front about what you need to continue working for a company. Then if they offer no compromise you can move on.

>> No.14242097


>> No.14242098

How do we solve this white people problem desu?

>> No.14242103

They need to move to the North Pole with Santa.

>> No.14242160

Na, send them all to the south pole with the rest of the nazis.

>> No.14242161

>brad threatening to walk if delany is fired
Nah, that's just what that unhinged Tammie person on Twitter is trying to spread. She's already said that, walked back on it, said it again, etc... She and her creepy little Twitter cult are actually mad that they haven't found any actual dirt on Brad.

She's pretty much just posting whatever the fuck she wants now. Delany is apparently linked to Epstein, Brad is a rapist, she has his nudes, so on and so forth.

Probably going to get the shit sued out of her once this all cools down.

Sohla also cried racism about leaving Serious Eats. Kenji and co. obviously didn't want to deal with her shit.

>> No.14242187

Tammie really, really hates Delany because she wants his job. She's tweeting about him several dozen times a day. It's not normal.

>It's not worth it on your record. Just be up front about what you need to continue working for a company. Then if they offer no compromise you can move on.
This. Claire was in a similar position (underpaid editor job who isn't paid well) and then her show took off. She left BA and strong armed them into giving her a good per-video pay as a non-salaried contractor. I think I've read the same about Brad doing the same and leaving his role as TK Manager (and getting Gaby that job) to focus on It's Alive.

Sohla signs up as a newbie editor with shitty pay, looks at the channel stars making bank and the senior editors making more than her after they put in years of work, and then threw a shitfit. The sad part is, she was becoming popular and probably would've gotten her own show if she just put in the time like everyone else. But apparently her failed career at SE and failed restaurant made her feel she was better than everyone else and that she deserved more.

>> No.14242199

in order to be racist you have to have power over a group of people.

>> No.14242204

You don't get to define racism you white nigger.

BIPOC need to be celebrated and in charge of all things.

>> No.14242228

Who the fuck is Tammie

>> No.14242240

The person who initially leaked the “brownface” photo of Rappo. AFAIK they were a cocktail writer who did occasional work for BA. Now they’re pretty much leading the social media fight to get all the whites at CN fired, and they make liberal use of unsourced info from “insider sources” and DMs. They come off as pretty crazy.


>> No.14242261

>Restaurant failed? RACISM!
>Previous job didn't work out? RACISM!
>As a newb, not getting paid as much as somebody there longer? RACISM!

Holy shit. I actually liked her before all this bullshit. I really want to know what happened at SE. I mean with Kenji being hapa and all...

>> No.14242265

Maybe if I could read more than half the menu. Where's Gordon Ramsey when you need him?

>> No.14242276

Why would I tip you for doing your job? I didn't come here to socialize with the servant. The more you talk the less you get.

>> No.14242285
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>> No.14242294
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>> No.14242311

BA can't compete toe to toe with shows where the chefs are masters. So the best BA series tend to have monomyth in the episodes. This provides a degree of unpredictability in the show.

She could have made a show about her failed restaurant and say converted that to attempting to start-up a food truck, cart, or catering service. Present it in a more documentary style. Test her dishes against people on the street and other local offerings. Maybe offer some transparency about the financials of her failed restaurant.

idk that's a left brain kind of show. BA rather just bastardize someone else's dishes and show how happy and diverse the staff is.

>> No.14242322

Supposedly, at Serious Eats, whenever there were comments on her videos/recipes that Sohla found to be racist or hurtful or whatever, she’d flip a shit and get on a soapbox about it. She was told to just grow thicker skin and ignore it, which I guess she didn’t. So they pretty much just kind of shuffled her into fewer vids and into the background, and her career there stalled, so she quit.

She does have more/better actual culinary experience than a lot of the people in the Test Kitchen, but she basically signed up for an entry level job. She knew what her contract was going in - that’s her own fault. I guess she just couldn’t stand the fact that an ex-dishwasher like Brad was making bank while she was being forced to wait for an opportunity to make more.

>> No.14242330
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This makes me laugh every single time.

>> No.14243696


>> No.14243704

shut up whitey

>> No.14244014

$58 for a roast chicken? who the fuck is paying $58 for a chicken?

>> No.14244019

why are the font choices such an eyesore? choose either arial or italic, goddamn hippies

>> No.14244046

Had she waited for a few months more and she would be the third star of BA along Brad and Claire

>> No.14244053

>granola and fruit
hipsters are so retarded

>> No.14244149

Too much work.
Just hand over the gibs

>> No.14244317
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>> No.14244585

She looks like anton chigurh

>> No.14244619

$58 for a whole fried chicken....that is just fucking stupid. Better be some rare french hen.

>> No.14244659

No, fuck catholics

>> No.14245050
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>> No.14245054

She did it for free. An inspiration for all janitors


>> No.14245128


She could have just not done it. Instead, she opted in willingly and now wants gibbies.

Children going to be children.

>> No.14245177

Yeah, let her not do her job so that Jew Naste can replace her with another brownie janitor who will work for free

>> No.14245185



>> No.14245325

I know you're probably baiting. but i still hate this argument.

People who say lots of chemicals are talking about additives, stabilizers, preservatives, artificial coloring and flavoring, and you know this.

>> No.14245350

>People who say lots of chemicals are talking about additives, stabilizers, preservatives, artificial coloring and flavoring, and you know this.
They are cherry picking whatever they feel like sounds bad because they don't understand biochemistry at all

Like the current favorite buzzword on household products "no harsh chemicals" like WTF is a harsh chemical, how is that defined? Why are your chemicals not "harsh"

>> No.14245525

Fucks sake bro. Millenials/zoomers love to present as “down to earth” & nerdy but in reality are pretentious yuppies who will pay a premium for the sake of appearance. I seriously need to brainstorm & capitalize on the current demographics.

>> No.14245541

she recently said she did not get paid a salary to make videos

>> No.14245548

I hate this argument too, why is something bad just because its an 'additive' or 'preservative'?

>> No.14245559

>nerdy but in reality are pretentious yuppies who will pay a premium for the sake of appearance
YEah, boomers and their thinking Olive Garden is a luxurious night out are so much better, just the genuine love of shitty chain restaurants that Millenials are killing because we are so pretentious or whatever and like eating good local things

>> No.14245563

No, she said she didn't get paid bonuses for appearing in videos, she never was not being paid a salary, she started at 50k, and was soon up to 60k, which is pretty solid for a young journalist

>> No.14245791

The purpose of a salary so the company doesn't have to itemize every fucking thing you do nor pay you hourly. That's why salaried workers tend to work 60 - 80 work weeks because the company wants its money's worth.

>> No.14245801

Looks like a typical neighborhood diner.

>> No.14245804

>That's why salaried workers tend to work 60 - 80 work weeks
They absolutely do not "tend" to do this, it definitely happens some places some weeks, especially in NYC, but if this is a general expectation and not laid out to you before you accept the salary that is not normal and you are getting fucked (unless your salary is quite high of course)

>> No.14245819

Probably the pork belly or the fried chicken. The prices are a bit high though, I mean, $16 for a goddamn cheeseburger?!

>> No.14245948

She was even offered $80k when this all started and already had her own show in the works, which would have almost certainly led to a more profitable contract (like it did for the others) if she was just patient, and she turned it down and went nuclear instead.

>> No.14246596

That's pretty good pay for just being one of "the good chefs" on the crew.

>> No.14246614

>58 dollaredoos for a fucking chicken
Is this bait?

>> No.14246632

DUDE i just LOVE the hustle and bustle of the big city, it’s so DYNAMIC and makes me feel like i’m in one of my favourite TV SHOWS. you should totally come on down to my studio apartment, it’s got EXPOSED RED BRICK walls and everything, we can crack open a nice hoppy ipa or three and get crazy watching some cartoons on adult swim! and dude, dude, DUDE, we have GOTTA go down to the barcade- listen here, right, it’s a BAR where us ADULTS who do ADULTING can go DRINK. BUT!!!! it’s also an ARCADE like when we were kids, so we can play awesome VIDEO GAMES, without dumb kids bothering us. speaking of which megan and i have finally decided to tie the knot- literally -we’re both getting snipped tomorrow at the hospital, that way we can save money to spent more on ourselves and our FURBABIES. i’m fuckin JACKED man, i’m gonna SLAM this craft beer and pop open another one!!!

>> No.14246677

>Jew gets cancelled

It hurt itself in the confusion

>> No.14246707
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The chick who started all the commotion just wanted to use outrage culture to make money. The stupid people at BA ate it up and threw their co-workers under the bus.

>> No.14246709

But it has the claws on those are worth at least an additional $50. Think of all the extra work it took this negro to not cut them off!

>> No.14246715

>fried chicken
>white food
this nigga cray

>> No.14246733

As an Indian I wanna lynch members of my race who come to America and start acting like white liberals

Fuck BLM thugs

Honestly rather follow the CPC than the Democratic Party

At least the CPC flattens rioters with tanks

Enjoy your riots

Did I just earn a nigger word pass?

>> No.14246776

She's Bengali. Although but she doesn't tip so that makes her an honorary black.

>> No.14246804

whaf do you think that word was supposed to be anon

>> No.14246926

was the hail mary chicken not good anon?

>> No.14246949

14 for a fucking egg?

>> No.14247080

apparently not, we have more good local restaurants than ever before (pre-virus), but the quality of restaurants has just skyrocketed just in my lifetime thanks to millennials

>> No.14247290
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i look at this and just remember that the mexican place down the road sells a grande quesadilla stuffed with chicken, cheese, peppers, and onions served alongside chips, salad, rice, and guac for 11 dollars. their sheer existence mocks this menu

>> No.14247435

People frequently walked into the restaurant looking for foreign or exotic ingredients because of the couple’s cultural backgrounds.The El-Wayllys went so far as to pacify the most stubborn of customers with small fibs. “Sometimes, depending on the clientele, we just lie and say that there is cumin in our burger because that is what makes them happy, that is what they are looking for,” Sohla said. “They’ll taste the burger after being told that and be like, ‘Yeah! I knew that’s what it was,” even though there was nothing actually in there but salt and pepper,” added Ham.

>> No.14247463

the idea that people are genuinely aware of the race of who owns restaurants is fucking insane

>> No.14247492

the real question is why the chef didnt bother to clip the talons off the feet. as a cook, that chef is just trying to be edgy keeping the feet on. that could have been potential bone broth ingredients.

>> No.14247501

Its certainly just because it is unusual and will get people to remember the dish

>> No.14247506


yeah, why not

>> No.14247508

I bet she made that shit up. Unless they were super famous or something, who the fuck even knows who the chef is?

>> No.14247523

I've got bad news for you.

>> No.14247537

>Adds salt to pasta
>salt is now an additive
I see your point.

>> No.14247540

>“Sometimes, depending on the clientele, we just lie and say that there is cumin in our burger because that is what makes them happy, that is what they are looking for,” Sohla said.
They probably lie about the spit and cum in their food too. I know when a restaurant admits they lie about what they put in the food it really encourages me to show up and pay $99 for a drumstick with a fucking claw on it.

>> No.14247547

Why is all of it so expensive? I could order the full Waffle House menu for half the price of one meal on this menu.

>> No.14247563

Check your privlege, not everyone has the luxury of being blind to the ravages other races inflict on white society.

>> No.14247575

>I'm pretty sure she isn't. That name is pure Islamic.
Her parents are Indian. Her husband I believe is Egyptian and she took his last name.
>The couple is one of the most prominent names in restaurants.

>> No.14247588

Go to bed, Duckor.

>> No.14247594

>after they put in years of work, and then threw a shitfit.
She's been working food for 15 years. But the others at BA have put in years more work than her *at BA*. She's probably just mad that her experience didn't transfer or whatever.

>> No.14247605

Nah, pay attention to what she's actually said/accused people of. She hasn't outright attacked anyone publicly, only stated what's being done by 'the company' (unequal pay) and then demanding certain people step down. She broke the flood gates by demanding Rappo step down, but she hasn't actually made any substantial character attacks.

>> No.14247612

That was before all of this started happening I think.

>> No.14247619

Looks like good chicken at least. The foot adds nothing though. If you meant to eat them you have to slow cook them for a long time before giving them a flash in the fryer. So it’s just there for the meme. It’d be cool if they served them properly prepared instead of just for looks

>> No.14247625
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>raw corn

>> No.14247628

Burgers were probably good too

>> No.14247634

>So you're assuming just because they're brown they know how to make fried chicken?
We assumed that they know how to make friend chicken because they own a restaurant serving fried chicken.

>> No.14247635

Yeah that's for presentation. Plus now you can pick it up but the bottom of the leg without fucking anything up.

>> No.14247653

Why the FUCK would you fry burratta? Why would you want to warm the curds and whey? That would not be appetizing and I question the chef making that decision. It’s like melting ice cream to make a crepe anglaise. WHY?

>> No.14247655

yah by itself they gotta come down like 5$ on that for me to even consider it, if there throwing in some sides like maybe some that house mac & cheese, potato wedges or fries i might consider it.

>> No.14247665

>Where's Gordon Ramsey when you need him?
Is he known for his reading skills? I thought he was a cook or something.

>> No.14247666

I grew up surrounded by corn fields. I've never tasted better corn than fresh picked.

>> No.14247668

Yeah probably. The shaved mushroom is the only thing that seems super weird, like I have no idea what I'm about to eat. I'm torn on the salad. I appreciate the idea of having a salad being seasonal but not listing any ingredients AT ALL is asking a bit much of the customer and the server. Like I don't even know if I'm going to get a tomato or a crouton or anything.

>> No.14247693
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I grew corn behind the garage and woodpile growing up, attracted fucking deer into the suburbs unfortunately. I still cooked it Satan.

>> No.14247743

>we advertise our cultural backgrounds everywhere And anywhere
>people expect that your background must then have something to do with your food because why the fuck else would you mention it.

This is all horseshit. They didn’t happen to mention the real reason why they closed:
They couldn’t get asses in seats because their food was too boring and expensive.

That’s space could have been a cheese and wine bar and made hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Who would want to invest in something that makes no money?

>> No.14247745

I'd cook it too, but fresh is so sweet and jucy. Maybe the ones around me were a different species, did you know there are over 12,000 species of corn? The soil and nearby contamination makes a huge difference, so growing in town where there's cars and shit and around a dirty garage isn't great.

>> No.14247759

Also, according to the reviews, the service was slow as hell. Even if you're the only person there, it takes an hour for your food to arrive.

>> No.14247763

Aw yeah fresh sweet corn from the green cradle of New Hampshire

>> No.14247766

we'd like to split the cheeseburger and scrambled eggs, then the burrata as a starter

>> No.14247782

Because they didn’t have a wad of cash to pay for workers for the first few months. Their menu is designed around a 3 person crew excluding a dishwasher. 2 cooks and a server.

The following people made a bunch of money:
Restaurant furniture Supply

This should have never happened

>> No.14247785

Did they have a dinner menu or did they only serve brunch?

>> No.14247801
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>> No.14247887

I just read a review in their yelp page by a guy named “ Char C” that is absolutely 100% written by the restaurant. It reads like an advertisement

>> No.14247888

it's not tasteless bro I get extra mustard

>> No.14247905
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This is my favorite one. To date, still her only review.

>> No.14247911

It's a city filter too apparently since this was in a city and failed.

>> No.14247936

Reading these is giving me life

>> No.14247943
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>> No.14247955
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This is what a racist looks like.

>> No.14247958

>small menu with too little people pleasers
>reliance on checking ascetic boxes instead of thinking about what people want to eat
>numerous instances of being out of in demand products
>majority of clientele are lured in by le giant cake

Ugly bitch gets a restaurant to piss away but my mom worked as a fucking lunch lady.

>> No.14247960

You gonna get turned out little cracker bitch and your mom loved getting dicked down by the brown janitor only reason she stayed working there the dumb bitch

>> No.14247964

I am the janitor who dicked that guy's mom and I am white, I just have a tan.

>> No.14247965

She also stayed for the health insurance

>> No.14247970


>> No.14247971

Janitor had the alphabet of hepatitis so that's all she could do besides eating a bottle of tylenol

>> No.14247972

I would politely eat there once and then never come back again.

I bet that expensive food tastes mediocre as all fuck.

>> No.14247976


>> No.14247982

Puerto ricans aren't white you dumb piece of shit

>> No.14247988

Whiter than you, Muhammad.

>> No.14247992

We started civilization in the fertile crescent and you are a net drain on humanity barely being supported by superior races

>> No.14247997

You aren’t part of a “we”, anon

>> No.14248002

How so? Everything important like intellect and libido is inherited through our genes.

>> No.14248006

>the foot was attached oh no
holy shit what a cuck

>> No.14248016

Oh why aren’t you happy then?

>> No.14248018

Eating is a five sense activity, if I'm paying 60 american dollaryoos for a chicken it better both look and taste good and apparently it didn't even do the latter very well.

>> No.14248021

I am happy as a clam I fuck like a champ I have three wives and twelve daughters

>> No.14248027

>0 husbands
>0 sons


>> No.14248035

I'm only talking about my sex life I'm not into men like the americans. Allah has blessed me with many sons though.

>> No.14248037
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She honestly seems insufferable.

>> No.14248207

I used to laugh at this pasta but then I started working with a guy who's girlfriend was actually named Megan but who referred to her as his "partner" and always talked about their 3 dogs.

Now I just kinda feel depressed for him in an "it's all so tiring" way

>> No.14249491
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