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14233425 No.14233425[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

would you consider alcoholism?

>> No.14233433


>> No.14233434

fifths: 7
12 packs: 84

>> No.14233909

If you drink more than 2 bottles a week, you're an alcoholic. If you drink 2 bottles a week, you're on the verge of being an alcoholic.

>> No.14233951
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If you drink a pint of liquor in one sitting you have a problem

>> No.14234615

a bottle per month is my threshold

>> No.14234678

Can you drink cooking sherry?

>> No.14234682

I down half a bottle every friday/saturday/sunday night and could go without it for 10 years if i wanted to. Not becoming chemically dependant is all about knowing your own body and controlling it.
Oh, and before you guys say, idgaf about muh liver damage, i'd rather die soon having had lots of happy moments here and there than living 90 years of the boringest life imaginable.

>> No.14234790

4 bottle a year

>> No.14234848

How does that much alcohol make you happy? I shake if i have less than a beer every three hours, and cry uncontrollably if i drink more than two.

I used to drink more but i was addicted to drugs and i wanted the drugs to kill me but they didnt they just made me retarded.

>> No.14234902

I don't have a problem.

>> No.14234910

>How does that much alcohol make you happy?
It makes me drunk, and then i can just find a lot of fun and joy on the simplest shit and just not care for a few hours.
When i'm sober i am just like a fucking robot. No feelings at all, bad or good. Don't know what kind of mental problems i have but i was also like this before starting to drink. When i'm alcoholized is the only time when i feel something.

>> No.14234949

everyone feels like that while sober, most people are just better at hiding it

>> No.14234966

Alcohol is wrong. Wake up people

>> No.14234976

If the unit you're working with is "bottles [of whisky] a week", you're an alcoholic.

>> No.14235016

I drank 3 handles last week

>> No.14235028

The amount of alcohol you drink has nothing to do with addiction. What makes an addiction is when it becomes a problem in your life and you have a desire to quit but can't.

>> No.14235029

>Does it fuck with your life in any noticeable way?
>Would you have a hard time going without for a couple of months?
>Is it likely to kill you in 10 coming years?

>> No.14235041

You gotta go to rehab

>> No.14235045

More than 1. Even one is more than a normal person would drink.

>> No.14235079

I can tell you're not normal so your opinion is invalid anyway.

>> No.14235132

Anon most people don't go through a bottle a week you have a problem.

>> No.14235149

If you're drinking to the point where you have to ask yourself "do I have alcoholism?" then you're an alcoholic.

>> No.14235159

So it's wrong to question things, gotcha.

>> No.14235164

Why are alkies always such catty little bitches?
How is alcoholism even a thing? Literally just don't drink lmao.

>> No.14235170

Depends on how cheap the bottle

>> No.14235173

So you have no empathy and have binary thought, gotcha. >>>/r9k/

>> No.14235177

Amount matters a lot less than the effects your drinking behaviors have on your life.
If your drinking is causing problems at school, at work, in family or romantic relationships or if you are suffering physical or psychological health problems related to drinking habits, then you probably meet some criteria for an alcohol use disorder.
Alcoholism is a meaningless term, btw, its completely outdated and inaccurate know that we understand the biological mechanisms behind alcohol addiction rather than the moral depravity and bs that 12 steps spout.

>> No.14235185

>a bloo bloo y don't you feel sorry for me
Nah go beg someone else to enable you, faggot.

>> No.14235193

Question not trying to br a judgy prick because I was a heavy drinker in my early 20s. How the fuck do you feel good after drinking? I Cannot handle alcohol anymore and I am nearing 30, anything more than 3 beers(big ones) I get bad headaches and feel like shit.

>> No.14235210

Empathy is the ability to understand how someone else feels. Sympathy is feeling sorry for someone. You can empathize with someone but still disagree with them. But you're a robot still running on a 1985 processor, so i understand.

>> No.14235411

As soon as you think you can drink amd drive, that is true alcoholism.

>> No.14235656

>if I wanted to
but you just don't want, right?

>> No.14235742

If you have to ask, you already are

>> No.14236107

Why? I'm not an alcoholic, there is no chemical dependence. I've gone months without the thing without any physical symptoms or consequences at all. It seems to me like your definition of an addict is kinda twisted.

>> No.14236125

Every single other poster in this thread is retarded.

>> No.14236140

the later you drink, the less dependent you are.

>> No.14236163
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Are you an al/ck/oholic if you finish a handle per week between you and your wife? I feel like it's not too bad but it feels like a lot when you say it

>> No.14236165

alcoholism is more of why you drink, your ability to control how much you drink when you drink, and whether you know you will commit regrettable actions if you drink. You can be a drunk without being an alcoholic, tho usually you are probably an alcoholic. Not always tho. You can also be an alcoholic without drinking. You can be an alcoholic without ever taking a drink in your life, and you would never know. Alcoholism is funny. You can be born with it, or you can develop it over time, or from trauma, whatever. A guy in my old aa meetings was a paramedic for years and snapped after having a call for a drunk driver who killed a whole family. He cried almost every session. I don’t go to meetings, and I do drink every now and then, but for me the issue was more in my head. I don’t drink a lot when I do drink, and I only drink at times I can’t get in a lot of trouble. I know I shouldn’t drink, but fuck it. I’m just waiting to die anyway.

>> No.14236220
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here’s the actual medical answer:

>> No.14236286
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>yes, yes, yes, yes

>> No.14236290

One bottle a day.

>> No.14236306

likewise, big yikes

>> No.14236370

I still drink but not as much as when I was young. When I was really bad I would always go to /hooch/.
If you can relate to more than 25% of the posts there you got a problem

>> No.14236388

Pretty sure if you're going to the cooking sherry and mouthwash you're definitely an alcoholic.

>> No.14236413

Found the pseud, this is the gayest definition imaginable. It’s the same kind of subjective horseshit qualification the woke mob uses to destroy careers and ruin lives. Kys

>> No.14236481
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Talk about pseud...

>> No.14236491

>using google in 2020
your opinion is meaningless

>> No.14236500

Oh, it's the schizo that keeps spazzing out in every thread. Hey there buddy, it's time to take your meds.

>> No.14236501

I don't drink at all

>> No.14236503

You’re a fucking idiot and a sheep. Functional alcoholics are all over the place

>> No.14236504

>only people who sit at their desktops are allowed to speak on the internet
ok fatty

>> No.14236565

seconding the other anon, you need help brother

>> No.14236584
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750 ml bottle? One. That's over two shots per day.

>> No.14236586

This seems backwards, I feel things a lot more vividly sober. Getting drunk lets me forget about bills and shit

>> No.14236622

This. I drink pretty heavily i though and drink maybe 8 shots a week and maybe a few beers. You shouldn't be binge drinking and you shouldn't drink every day

>> No.14236651

shake like withdrawal symptoms? you might have kindling bro www.hams.cc

>> No.14236723

You obviously don't know what that phrase means. They are "functional" during daily life, but the amount they drink is destroying their bodies, yet they can't stop drinking. Now go take your meds little guy.

>> No.14236731
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Here you go anon. Once you're back on your meds and stable again, you can educate yourself a bit.

>> No.14236738

>two shots a day
That makes you an alcoholic according to the underage redditors in here

>> No.14236741

>only people who sit at their desktops are allowed to speak on the internet
No, do whatever the fuck you want, nobody cares. Although your opinion is significantly less valid on 4chan if you are posting from a zoomerphone.

>> No.14236768

Actual BCBA here, there are 2 aspects to addiction. First the behavioral: addiction satisfies one of the behavioral functions, and this can be different for each person. Some drink to ESCAPE, some to AVOID, and some drink for SENSORY STIMULATION. In other words, an alcoholic is reliant on the effects of alcohol to satisfy a behavioral function.

The second part of addiction is chemical/physical addiction. An alcoholics brain and body are reliant on alcohol chemically to function normally. This is why there are withdraw symptoms when trying to stop.

>> No.14236775

I got caught drinking and driving and had to go through a D&D education course for a year. They taught us the 1-2-3 rule of drinking moderately. 1 drink an hour, 2 drinks a day, 3 on a special occasion.

>> No.14236793

This. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a fucking moron who needs to go back to high school health class.

>> No.14236806

came here to post this

>> No.14236811

At what stage does it become pathologic?

>> No.14236812

>1 drink an hour, 2 drinks a day, 3 on a special occasion.
>2 drinks a day
Do you only weigh 100lb?

>> No.14236821

Addiction is a disease, so at the point you become addicted.

>> No.14236827

I didn't say that's the bare minimum requirement for not negatively effecting your health.

>> No.14236842

Nice circular logic

>> No.14236874

I think you don't understand the meaning of "pathological". "Pathological" has two primary definitions. So you're either asking me "at what point does alcoholism become a disease?" And the answer is that alcoholism IS a disease, so at the point you become addicted. Or you're asking "at what point does alcoholism become an obsession?" And the answer is that alcoholism is synonymous with obsession, so again, at the point you become addicted.

>> No.14236879

Sorry meant to say "addiction is synonymous with obsession." But alcoholism is a type of addiction so basically still right.

>> No.14236887

I'd honestly say 1/2 a handle a week is pretty much the borderline of alcoholism. Anons saying 2 bottles are fucked, 2 bottles a week is deep into the red zone

>> No.14236915

How can one tell if one is an alcoholic?

>> No.14236929

If you find yourself regularly disregarding other aspects of life because you want to get drunk, see if you're able to stop for a couple of months. If you find yourself feeling you need to drink alcohol, well there you go.

>> No.14236936

See >>14236768

>> No.14236942

Forget whole bottles, if you drink hard liquor every single day, you are an alcoholic. So I'd say even 1 bottle a week for 1 person is alcoholic tier.

>> No.14236954

So what, do you need both? Do you need a certain level of just one?

>> No.14236985

Only if you're drinking alone.

>> No.14237033

>Only if you're drinking alone.
That's such a dumb meme. Why would a man not enjoy a drink on his own?

>> No.14237040

>Do you need both
It depends on the person. That was just a general and literal definition, but there are other factors that pertain to each individual that make their situation different. That's why it's important to talk to a doctor before self diagnosing. And some addictions are different, like as gambling addict is in part due to the endorphins released, but the behavioral side of the addiction is usually much stronger than the physical.
>Do you need a certain level of just one.
Again it depends on the person. If you drink one beer a day, and rely on that one beer to stay functioning, then regardless of the alcohol content you are reliant on that beer.

Maybe a simpler way of saying it is: addiction is a reliance on a specific action or chemical to function normally. While at the same time, that action or chemical is significantly disruptive to a part of your life or your health.

>> No.14237043

Go to rehab

>> No.14237046

I do enjoy drinking alone. But its probably problematic.

>> No.14237053

I wish someone showed this to me in college

>> No.14237119

Thanks. If I'm delusional, then I can't self-diagnose. I can have just one or two drinks. I keep bottles at home and can forget about them. I don't rely on alcohol in everyday life. However, I rely on it in specific social contexts where it's always disruptive to the one or two days follow that night. My problem is, passed a certain amount, I don't feel the sensory stimulation anymore and keep going anyway.

>> No.14237146

That seems more like part of an underlying mood disorder. I can't really say more than that because I'm not all too knowledgeable about psych, but if you're relying on drinking to 'get you out' of certain social situations then that's different than doing it recreationally. All I can say is, make sure your life circumstances and the people around you aren't making you feel so shitty that you need an escape.

>> No.14237297 [DELETED] 

BCBA anon here that you were talking about before. >>14237146 meantioned that you are using alcohol as an escape during social situations. In psychology we can't make a diagnosis on symptoms alone. Some doctors do because they are bad doctors. But the frequency of the behavior as well as other factors need to be recorded for a disorder to be diagnosed. Is drinking to cope with social anxiety healthy? No. Does it make it an addiction, not always. It's definitely considered to be an unhealthy coping skill or in my field we call it the "Target Behavior", and that's because it's hurting you in other ways. But everyone has bad habits and shit, talk to a psychiatrist who practices ABA, it's the only form of behavioral therapy that uses 100% evidence based methods. It's currently considered to be the standard therapy, but a lot of doctors are stuck in the past.

>> No.14237374

When you are at the point where "bottles per week" is a thing you count.

>> No.14237386

>Can you drink cooking sherry?
It's salty as fuck, I wouldn't recommend, but it's cheap.

>> No.14237388


>> No.14237393

If you have to make this thread, you already know that you're an alcoholic. Just embrace it, man.

>> No.14237398

How the fuck do people take a shot or drink a beer when hungover to steady their nerves? Even with my lightest hangovers, the mere thought of more alcohol sends me gagging.

>> No.14237433

alcoholism morning nerves are different from a hangover. you're still drunk and nervous about what happened the previous night, physical consequences be damned

>> No.14237446
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what this anon said
if you have to do mental gymnastics to convince yourself you're not an alcoholic then yes, you are an alcoholic

>> No.14237472

Is drinking a fifth in one weekend a sign of alcoholism?

>> No.14237476

try 3 handles a week
t, no visible symptoms so am not an alchie

>> No.14237486

>no visible symptoms
Not yet...it takes time for the liver damage to set in

>> No.14237498

As an isolated case? More a sign of bad decisionmaking.

>> No.14237508

Meant withdrawal symptoms, I don't need to drink I just enjoy it. The liver thing is probably catching up to me since it takes at least 5 drinks an hour to feel it.

>> No.14237549

It was easier when we were younger. At the very most now I will drink 6-8 beers on saturday and 2-3 beers Sunday through Monday. Getting old sucks

>> No.14237667
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I wish there was a pill you could take to die in your sleep peacefully

>> No.14237698

I can't keep track, so I guess I'm fine.

>> No.14237709

for me, it was 2 1/2 handles of everclear a week

>> No.14237762

there are plenty of those. speaking of that, i will say to anyone, who like me, was an alcoholic because of terrible, life-long insomnia, that there is a cure: ambien. miracle drug imo. i stopped drinking as soon as i got a prescription. now i sleep the whole night through every night. i have never felt better. it's been 5 years since i started it and my life has changed for the better in every respect.

>> No.14237819


>> No.14237836

femanon here, i drink 3 bottles of creme de menthe per week

>> No.14237849

>Doesn't know that that's worse

>> No.14237856

Why? You are a woman. You have no reason to drink that much at all.

>> No.14237894

Anon, she has a dick.

>> No.14237904

Where I come from she would have to drink that much to keep up with her peers.

>> No.14238181

Fuck off already, can't you goddamn drunk faggots check the catalog and post in the other fucking 20 goddamn alcohol threads?

>> No.14238252

Someone got beaten by their drunk dad. Or was it raped?

>> No.14238253

al/ck/ies are the ponyfaggots of /ck/
no one really wants them but they just won't fuck off

>> No.14238266
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>> No.14238961 [DELETED] 

To get it straight, I'm not socially anxious, I don't use to cope with situations. I just get wasted with a certain group of friends on occasions. Once a month or so.

>> No.14238989

Gotta give up substances and intoxicants bro, your body will thank you. Puts you on the 8 fold path too, if that's something you want to pursue