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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 307 KB, 1200x1800, french-fries-44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14231929 No.14231929 [Reply] [Original]

How bad are they for you, really?

>> No.14231938

not as bad these dubs

>> No.14231939

Mmmmm big plate of carbs
What do you think genius

>> No.14231944

Hahaha you are a baby! check these out!

>> No.14231948

british fags thrive off them so i think they're pretty shit

>> No.14231960

Nice dubs.

>> No.14232012
File: 74 KB, 934x625, 1544399649953.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oldfag confirmed

>> No.14232117


>> No.14232121

>carbs bad
Carbs and protein have the same kcal per gram.

>> No.14232129

>Pretending to dislike a food just because your conquerors like them
The seethe on this negro, holy shit

>> No.14232266

Is this a dubs thread now?

>> No.14232270
File: 29 KB, 400x400, wrong-number.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

get got

>> No.14232273

Fuck you kill yourself you suck
Good double

>> No.14232281
File: 61 KB, 540x523, 1546118724719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally drenched in oil
>unreasonable amounts of salt
>lathered in condiments that usually contain shitloads of sodium
I don't know, you tell me

>> No.14232317

>salt is bad meme
post pictures of your goiter

>> No.14232332

>sodium bad
>carbs bad
Are you literally a boomer? Only someone 50+ could still be falling for ancient propaganda.

>> No.14232349

Carbs aren't inherently bad. Just don't eat a shit load of them and make sure to get your other macro/micro nutrients. Don't be a fat shit!

>> No.14232352

>carbs good
'scuse me?

>> No.14232358
File: 12 KB, 407x286, 1582967314696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once read that some nutritionist recommended that you should only eat 6 fries in one sitting. Thoughts on that?

>> No.14232362

you literally need carbs you dumb fuck. the only reason people think carbs are bad is because they eat massive amounts of them and wonder why they're fat

>> No.14232451

what a g

>> No.14232546

apparently it is

>> No.14232971

>sit down, eat six fries
>get up
>sit back down, repeat

>> No.14233027

>what is hypertension?
ok, fatty

>> No.14233134

>thinking carbs are automatically bad
>thinking fries are a carb food and not a fat food
Fries typically have more calories from fat than from carbs. If you really think potatoes are unhealthy you're a fucking idiot

>> No.14233142

Impressive, very nice

>> No.14233341

laughed so hard imagining some pencil pusher telling you that

>> No.14233983

Keto and fasting faggot here
Carbs serve a purpose and are necessary for us to function. Don't limit yourself just because you read carbs were the devil. Learn about carbs, insulin, blood glucose and suit the knowledge to your personal needs. Fries alone won't kill you, but the context might.

>> No.14235408

Not bad in itself. It's portion size and how great a proportion it makes up of your diet. Your body will show the results of the way you eat over time with a bit of leeway for disorders, which are rare.

Bear in mind that you can't stop the oil getting into and around them even if well drained. The thinner the cut the more oil retained. Oil is highly calorific and so is potato and so is the sauce. So as long as you don't eat a large portion size, don't eat them that often and they only form a small part of your diet (you eat a lot more fresh fruit, veg etc.) then they're fine.

>> No.14235463

Just run. You can eat shitloads of carbs and salt then.

>> No.14236757
File: 70 KB, 700x512, Check em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and checked

>> No.14236994

Pretty bad. Carbs, fat and salt. None of which are good for you.

>> No.14237064

Except for the part where you'd die without them

>> No.14237275
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>> No.14237283
File: 17 KB, 300x400, larry obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat and carbs are good if you need them.
most americans dont need them
also is this a dubs thread??

>> No.14237346

Vegetable oil is poison.

If you fry them yourself in a decent fat like duck fat, tallow, etc. than they're bad, but OK as a treat.

>> No.14237411

Sounds like a dubs thread

>> No.14237449

uma basado
Also you can literally live off potato only diet fuck out of here OP.

>> No.14238115

anon's brain is clearly deprived of glucose

>> No.14238140

Not worse than all the vodka I drink every night

>> No.14238193

It's all about moderation. Eating that entire plate of fries would give you half of the carbs you need for the whole day.

>> No.14238563

Jesus christ, this is even worse than those who say you're an alcoholic if you have more than 4 beers a week

>> No.14238625

>fried well and appropriate portion size

>> No.14238792

>being alive means you're healthy

>> No.14238991

Lol I remember having a shitty addiction over these. I don't that addiction anymore though.

>> No.14239153

that's good!

>> No.14239669

They're right, sitting up and down will burn enough calories to make up for those fries

>> No.14239681
File: 402 KB, 1030x545, impressiveverynice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

impressive, very nice

>> No.14240444

Those are the saddest, most pathetic looking fries I've ever seen, they look like the skin off an onion.

>> No.14240459

really depends on the oil theyre fried in. some oils healthy some are just toxic

>> No.14240823
File: 145 KB, 830x513, 1559031112307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lots of salt
>covered in oil
They're unironically great for you. Only fat fucks, old people, keto weirdos and faggots think they're bad. Sodium is honestly the most slandered against nutrient on the planet. Most people are underconsuming it, if anything and it is absolutely vital to a human. Negative effects are only possible if you drink a liter of it in one minute.
Fat is also really really good for you. Make sure its drenched in sunflower/olive oil and ur good.
Carbs are a staple for every non retarded human being. Best source of energy. So you should USE that energy, as long as you are fairly active ur good bro. I still reccommend homemade fries because the quality can always be consistent i dont trust those blacks at fast food joints.

>> No.14240834

Oh the absolute irony.

>> No.14240867

based and dub-pilled