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14231552 No.14231552[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who would've known that after years of BA test kitchen shilling this bitch would come to save us.

She really is the hero we all need but don't deserve right now

>> No.14231573

>get hired based on your skin color and not your experience at a failed restaurant
>have the balls to complain

She should have never been hired to begin with. Diversity quotas are a mistake.

>> No.14231578

based pooinloo

>> No.14231579


>> No.14231581

Kek sometimes the ends really do justify the means

>> No.14231584

I actually liked her content, but it's not BA's fault that she
>agree to a shitty contract that you're now unhappy with
>Refuse to say 'no' when you're employer tries to give you extra work that you're not comfortable with
>fail to use your growing popularity as a negotiating tool

>> No.14231586
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>> No.14231592

BA is garbage and their retarded chefs can't cook.

>> No.14231599

Twitter is pure cancer, what is a BIPOC anyway?

>> No.14231605

This bitch better be looking for a new job or start living off of a crowdfund site. Cannot stand this opportunist. I don't buy any of her "I was silent for so long because I didn't know I was internalizing this oppression" bullshit. And I was starting to like her vids with Brad..

>> No.14231610

Black, Indigenous, and People of Color

isnt 'Black', 'People of Colour'?
also doesnt this leave out chinks and indians and shit? bretty racist if you ask me.

>> No.14231617

Black ingenious people of color using this opportunity to crush the whites

>> No.14231636

So we’re back to calling them coloreds now lmao, leftists are truly mentally ill

>> No.14231644

People of color = empowering

Colored people = racist

>> No.14231655
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Biopic, short of biographical picture
movies about real people

>> No.14231665


>> No.14231671
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What is a running gag?

>> No.14231689

apparently asking for advice from BIPOC is considered white privilege now

>> No.14231692


>> No.14231693

She's one of the best there, she's the first to admit salting your eggs during the scramble is a meme and it doesn't when you salt them alongside also being the only one who can temper chocolate.

Brad is all personality and you can tell he's worked in a real restaurant but he's too laid back to have the skillset Sohla has.

Claire seemed cool but during lockdown it's become apparent she has absolutely no sense of humor and is to busy being a control freak over her cats rather than being entertaining.

Chris is still cool and quite obviously mentally unstable.

Molly remains S tier.

>> No.14231707

man im really enjoying this drama

>> No.14231712

>hire someone as an assistant
>REEEEE when asked to assist

>> No.14231714

dumb bitch failed her way into a lucrative do-nothing job and had the audacity to complain

go back to running actual restaurants into the ground if talking into a camera is too "oppressive" or whatver

>> No.14231720

Everybody should be payed for their shitty cameos at the channel. That being said, she is a psychotic bitch.

>> No.14231730

I want Sohla to fig me with an organic ginger root buttplug and spank my ass until it's raw and red

>> No.14231747

>lord farquaad haircut
>problem glasses
>sleeve tattoo
The blame is entirely on who hired her. Should've known better.

>> No.14231752

Seriously. That's the problem with diversity hires, I hope the jew overlords over at BA have learned their lesson.

>> No.14231753

>sleeve tattoo
the grossest part of all.

>> No.14231757

idk guys but i kinda feel like they are acting a bit condescending to sohla when i watch old videos

>> No.14231765
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>tfw you were smart enough to drop her before she could do this shit to Serious Eats

>> No.14231768

It's because she's the fucking new kid, of course they'd come off kind of condescending

>> No.14231774

Try having a job sometime.

>> No.14231779

the fk is lord farquaad you absolute manchild

>> No.14231783


>> No.14231785

Considering they probably knew her past they might have had to walk on eggshells around her.

It's not my job to educate you, sweaty.

>> No.14231808

have you ever head of the concept of reality TV?

>> No.14231820

>it's ok when its a brown woman

>> No.14231823

Wish I could be black or indigenous so I could exceed everyone else's low expectations of me with no effort and get priority with diversity hiring and affirmative action.

t. seething Asian

>> No.14231827

Don't know how you extrapolated that from what I wrote. Work on your reading comprehension.

>> No.14231828
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>white colleagues
>such as (((Claire Saffitz)) and (((Adam Rapoport)))

>> No.14231835


> be Asian
> apply to university
> can't get in because they have too many Asians already

such is life in America.

>> No.14231836

lol too bad ur the wrong kind of colored

>> No.14231857

holy flyover

>> No.14231863

It makes me feel really good knowing I make as much money as 3 of these diversity fucks. It's like a modern 2/5ths doctrine.

>> No.14231876

>apply for tech jobs
>"are you hispanic or latino"
>pick "asian"
>application gets sent to the bottom of the stack
literally what i imagine happening every time i click the submit button

>> No.14231883

Where is it legal to ask that question? Inferior races are supposed to be filtered by interview.

>> No.14231885

Those aren't even Jewish names, you absolute mongoloid 16 year old Kekistani

>> No.14231889


just say yes, and when they challenge what you said you say you're mixed

>> No.14231899

pretty much all of them ask it in ca

>> No.14231908

>she's the first to admit salting your eggs during the scramble is a meme and it doesn't when you salt them alongside
what does that mean?

>> No.14231913

Are you baiting or just retarded?

>> No.14231916
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