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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14231193 No.14231193 [Reply] [Original]

Selling by weight should be illegal. I lost at least tendies to these crumbs.

>> No.14231208

Those crumbs are from your tendies. It’s like weed shake. It wasn’t in there when they filled the bag. Falls off in transport.

>> No.14231220

Then you'd end up getting bags with nothing but small tendies. You could buy your own raw tendies and bread them yourself, but even with that they're sometimes pumped with brine to increase weight and then shrink by like 50% when cooked.

>> No.14231262
File: 193 KB, 398x376, 1560639579765.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't eat the tendies dandruff

>> No.14231278

>bite tendie
>dip tendie in crumbs to cover the white part
>new tendie

>> No.14231290
File: 74 KB, 400x387, 0529 - EVYxaHY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14231323

Eat the crumbs anon, right NOW

>> No.14231998


>> No.14232017

Using the word “tendies” and frogposting should earn people permabans on all boards besides the Reddit containment politics board. Why do newfags need babyspeak nicknames for everyrhing?

>> No.14232024

>leave one tendie for last
>coat it in egg
>cover in tendie crumbs
>fry in oil
>double breaded tendie

>> No.14232038

Half the people on 4chan literally have asberger‘s. Maybe don’t be a cunt to them?

>> No.14232057

>le autism! XD funnay funnay aspergers mememememes XD
Maybe go back to >>>/r/eddit

>> No.14232062

I forget that there are unironic women on this board.

>> No.14232068

He's serious. A decent size of the userbase is near the middle of the spectrum.

>> No.14232069

ur positively diagnosed

>> No.14232079

>you don’t like my unfunny reddit-tier baby talk you must be a woman
Newfags go back.

>> No.14232265


>> No.14232278

Cringey redditranny fuck off nobody cares about your posts and your dad thinks your a nonce

>> No.14232605

definitely not based, quintessentially cringe and almost negroid in nature.