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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14223024 No.14223024[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The patrician’s BA host
>doesn’t afraid of anything

>> No.14223028

Filtered. Carla is the true patrician's BA host.

>> No.14223032

>fake front teeth
>has severe only-child-syndrome

>> No.14223038
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>doesn’t afraid of anything

>> No.14223084

She fears the SJW: Sohla Justice Warrior

>> No.14223091

Why did Adam only ever star in videos with Molly?

>> No.14223095

She seems to be dumb as a pile of rocks and not a very good chef, either. Almost certainly knows (((someone))).

>> No.14223101

5 reasons why i'm love molly:
1. she's cute!
2. jewfu!
3. tunas her dog!
4. molly!!!!

>> No.14223147

5. big titty

>> No.14223160

She’s not a Jewess

>> No.14223171

not a video but he did the BA podcast with carla

>> No.14223178

Pretty sure she is, with that shnoz and last name

>> No.14223181

Saw Molly and Claire deepfakes recently, wasn't ready for it

>> No.14223183

Her husband is Jewish and that's his last name.

>> No.14223184

Nah she’s German. Her husband is a kike tho

>> No.14223202

Has anybody thanked her angry mob for attacking the oppressive elitist Jews yet?

>> No.14223230

Pretty sure her family heritage is Syrian Christian isn't it? I think she's semitic not georgian.
She's the only one who actually started as a line cook and worked in kitchens her entire career. They worship her because of that fact.

>> No.14223234

(((German))) maybe

>> No.14223256

I like Priya now because she has big hips and tits

>> No.14223271

She has specifically commented in the past that her husband is jewish and she is not and that she learned about jewish stuff from him.

>> No.14223354


>> No.14223429

i'm guessing they're awful but i'd also like to see this

>> No.14223470

Yeah they love making the distinction that they are not spiritually Jewish just ethnically Jewish. Judaism is just a religion didn't you know?

>> No.14223492

She's said things like, "I celebrate Passover because my husband is jewish." She is not of jewish descent. Have you seen her parents? They're also white and clearly non-jewish.

>> No.14223630

I have nowhere else to post this but Rappo has been cancelled by Black Lives Matter.

>> No.14223646

Old news fag now it's onto Delany getting canceled

>> No.14223760

Stop arguing with a poltard. He will never not believe that Jews arent behind it all.

>> No.14223766

Damn, Charlie Chaplin is a fucking gangster.

>> No.14223767 [DELETED] 
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Holy shit you weren't joking. KEK

>> No.14223770

Educate yourself, and you will similarly, be unable to forget that fact.

>> No.14223777

I always knew he was BASED.

>> No.14223778 [DELETED] 
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And it looks terrible like a child's attempt at baking hahaha these are the Pro Chefs this board worships

>> No.14223813

literal witch hunt

>> No.14223822

jesus christ it's not like he said "kill all blacks, dixieland forever". literally just "i'm going to miss my friend who is moving down south" and it was like 10 years ago. i don't even really like delaney but this is ridiculous. the ""brown face"" guy probably has enough money that he'll be fine, delaney isn't some hot shot who can just retire if the lynch mob ends his career

>> No.14223833

>some girl messages brad saying they should do an internship for POCs
>brad posts a screenshot and says it's a great idea
>makes another post where he mentioned he had permission to post the screenshot of his DMs
>a dfferent girl says to brad "it's gonna be a paid internship, right?" and brad has to grovel and be like "yes! yes! of course it will be paid!"

he has literally 0 control over whether they follow through with this, he is digging his own damn grave for when it doesn't materialize. he needs to follow suit with claire and chris and just shut the fuck up and stay off social media for a bit until this quiets down. our boy is severely SHOOK

>> No.14223869

>non-whites think they are ENTITLED to a job in your private company
I would probably take advantage of the current political climate too if I wasn't white, but it's all such bullshit.

>> No.14223962

I hate her so much

...except for her big naturals

>> No.14223973

she's such an asslet though, I think it actually goes in instead of sticking out.

>> No.14224012

It obviously was a sort of anti-racist joke, like "HAHA you're moving to redneck land." And yeah he said some douchey bro shit that most adolescent males say-- just like when he 'sprung fuck, marry, kill' on Brad in a video recently. He hasn't done anything worth being fired over. And neither did Rapo, who is generally creepy and repulsive. Imagine being the boss and calling a meeting and some new employee demands that you resign over a 15 year old Halloween photo. He should have kicked her to the curb and told her to pack her shit instantly. Sohla left Serious Eats calling everyone racist, her restaurant closed in less than a year not because it sucked but because "whites are racist" and now she does this. She even said she knew that she would get a better contract soon-- but she just couldn't contain herself. Now everyone at BA's job is fucked. Nice work. The lesson is: don't pander to quirky, resentful race agitators with a score to settle because they will always be a conniving little goblin.

>> No.14224019

>They're also white and clearly non-jewish.
Man I thought for sure she was a mischling princess. But it's true her parents didn't look Jewish at all.

>> No.14224053

Molly is okay. She is smart but acts flaky.She's up for anything and is a trooper. She is a princess, though, with her 15 pairs of $500 boutique jumpsuits..

>> No.14224062

She really stuck a knife in the side of the company. Their youtube show is gonna die sadly as they now rush to jam in mosquito burger african bullshit. Imagine going to work in that atmosphere.

>> No.14224076

They were fucking

>> No.14224079
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>> No.14224081

I was shocked to find out he was straight. He was always kinda pissy with Andy and I was convinced they were screwing.

>> No.14224083

Sauce on her restaurant closing?

>> No.14224086

He made a post saying how he has no control over these things and can only voice his opinion to higher ups then posts that
It's over for Brad

>> No.14224093

If you google there's a whole big article about how it failed because white people didn't want to eat white people food cooked by brown people. Because it wasn't an 'ethnic' restaurant those white racists didn't want to eat there.

>> No.14224106

>I was shocked to find out he was straight.
Same. And of course Chris. Dude even worked at Vogue before BA. Only thing not gay about him is his fashion sense.

>> No.14224119
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this is the menu for S*hla's aborted race project of a restaurant. Im glad it failed, it must have been a shitty place

>> No.14224120
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Today I will remind them

>> No.14224137

>tfw no molly gf

>> No.14224145
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Literal Judas. She complained about a $50k salary while I'm sure Brad and others were making the same at the same level. And how would one know whites are getting paid for pop-in appearances? Is salary a regular topic of discussion at BA because everywhere I worked it's not.

I ended up on the BA subreddit while reading into this and how monstrously retarded they are. This show won't exist in a year and I'm sure Brad and Claire are looking to gtfo as soon as possible.

>> No.14224167

yes. judas. now every time i see a brown person on the thumbnail on a BA video, i'll know whats up, why they are there. the show is now effectively ruined for me, every time a brownie or darike makes a cameo in a claire vid, i'll know why. the seemless and easy atmosphere is now ruined by the aires of greed and race

>> No.14224182

what a boring fucking menu

>> No.14224192

And I thought she was better than Priya... Disappointed in myself honestly

>> No.14224197

I see Sohla has chosen the "Anton Chigurh" fade

>> No.14224204

Did you see the shit about her wanting the GoFundMe money donated to an organization for black transvestite chefs? JFC.....people are fucking crazy

>> No.14224215
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BA is totally reddit-tier.

>> No.14224228

imagine being a white no-one in the test kitchen now

>> No.14224340
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It's all fucking connected.

>> No.14224347
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lets fucking goooooo

>> No.14224354

>americans will try and crowdsource someone's salary themselves before they hold a billion dollar corporation responsible

>> No.14224355

I miss the old BA where it was 10-15 minute episodes of brad with good but minimal editing. It's too much now and the other personalities are grating.

>> No.14224368

Someone should make an archive of their videos before they start nuking them.

Feel bad for Brad as he has a home and 3 kids. He's obviously fighting to salvage what's left. Chris and Claire I imagine are pissed. All because of a couple of cunts.

>> No.14224371

Brad with Hunzi can survive outside of BA. Dunno about the others though.

>> No.14224385

they can just move back in with their millionaire parents

>> No.14224401

>I know it doesn't cut it, but I am truly sorry
nigga, it was just a fucking cake. the people who care need to be euthanized.

>> No.14224405

people have A LOT of time on their hands right now and everyone is trying to score points with the blacks and twitter virtue signaling is something you can do from home

>> No.14224410

honestly this whole thing is fucked
like i knew the whole "cancel culture" thing existed but it seemed peripheral
now it seems like a literal witchmob, not just at ba but at the new york times, philadelphia inquierer, etc
is this the social media reckoning?

>> No.14224414

it's mainstream corporate propaganders being affected. i'm not losing sleep over it.

>> No.14224417

This. Liberals eating themselves alive here.

>> No.14224437

im not buying into that

>> No.14224516

REALLY makes you think

>> No.14224524

Is Bon Appetit dying? Thank God

>> No.14224596

It's over. Racial resentment suicide bomber Sohla killed it. Killed everyone's cushy gig. Maybe she thinks the whites are going to grovel before her and the other ethnics in the tk, and everything will be great? If they dont end it outright they may try to turn it into some godforsaken diversity panderfest, and that will end it soon enough.

>> No.14224646

>be Sohla
>force insert yourself into every fucking video
>Sohla stop, that's not your job
>I didn't get paid lol

>> No.14224650

She really hammed it up in front of the camera for those fake relatable quotes.

I highly doubt any of them were making six figures, and in a place like New York City, that is awful.

>> No.14224682

>highly doubt any of them were making six figures, and in a place like New York City, that is awful.
It was fairly low, like 50k for the first year salary, but presumably more money if you were good enough to get your own show and a cut of your video views-- like Claire who was getting 20k a video because her views were so high. Also very easy and lots of exposure for whatever else you had going-- for nothing. Everyone agreed that Sohla was good, and it sure looked like she would get her own show, and god forbid you might have to pay a few dues showing up in racist white peoples' videos in your first six months on the job. But I guess those racists just had to be dealt with, so now nobody will have a job.

>> No.14224694

>20k a video

>> No.14224719

Dunno. I saw it somewhere. Prior thread here or on plebbit.

>> No.14224722

it sounds like they’ll be going the way of the buzzfeed yt channel
>hire producers to make videos
>let them participate in others’ videos to emulate a cool working environment
>they actually get treated and paid like shit behind the scenes, but they get a ton of exposure
>a bunch of them leave for better gigs or start their own channel
>buzzfeed hires new faces

>> No.14224736

I ask because everyone else is saying the same thing with no proof and it doesn’t align with the compensation and view counts of Hawa’s videos.

Hawa: 550-600k average views for $400 per video
Claire: 5-6m average views on Gourmet Makes for $??? per video

>> No.14224754

didn't claire """""quit""""" when her popularity was rising so she could become an independent contractor for more money
we'll probably never know the details unless they come out and explain everything and someone pulled the 20k figure from their ass

>> No.14224777

Maybe there were other metrics at work, like driving other views? Or maybe she got more period because she was the most famous. Maybe both. Who knows. Maybe that was just her contractor payment.

>> No.14224842

White people literally don't give a shit about who is making the food. We know that it's all mexicans in the back anyway.

>> No.14224847

Look at that Adam’s apple

>> No.14224848

I'll admit it's nothing special. There's nothing unique about fancied up diner food, but I'd refuse to go there based solely on the font choices.

>> No.14224853

>take time to conceive of a measured thing to write and get slammed for being slow or complicit
>write immediately and get lambasted for decisions you have no control over beyond giving your support

>> No.14224858

>date billionaire heiress
>be loved by internet people

I know which one I'd choose.

>> No.14224867

Is she independent? I head she ended up working directly for Conde Naste. Maybe that's part of the contractor thing.

>> No.14224888

"Let's cut before I say something stupid"
-Brad, in Doughnuts part 2

>> No.14224894

>dude just wants to make pickles
>has to defeat racism instead

>> No.14224911

such is life in 2020

>> No.14224921

brb buying her cookbook

>> No.14224932

We're probably not too far off from randomly being accosted in the street and being forced to voice our loyalty to <cause of the day>. You aren't allowed to have private opinions any more.

>> No.14224955
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I'm surprised that Delany has fared so well during all of this
Not only pic related, but people are getting angsty about a vine he did

>> No.14224958

it's not even an opinion or a statement, it looks like he was just in some makeup to look like a mexican banger for a halloween party

>> No.14224960

People have realized that 100% of politicians are and celebrities are shit, so it's no fun digging up dirt on them. So, they've all decided to start fucking up the next tier of public figures.

>> No.14224976

Are togas racist? That's literally going to be the only option.

>> No.14224987

I just read that mommy Carla walks around the office barefoot...

>> No.14224995

togas are a little too close to klan regalia better steer clear

>> No.14225038

good point...
>literally anything ever worn by white people
Nope, white people are bad
>anything ever worn by non-white people
That's cultural appropriation
Why haven't we banned costumes altogether?

>> No.14225073

but still, at least she doesn't mention her family or india every 5 seconds - so she's still better than priya, I'd argue

>> No.14225079

Did Delaney kill Epstein?

>> No.14225104
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There is an article in business insider with lots of juicy gossip, pretty much everyone is a racist in the test kitchen
>rapapport swung golf clubs inside the office breaking shit up while talking with staff
>rick was brought to do exclusively mexican recipes in videos because of his heritage and his looks
>priya advised for more diverse cuisine in videos but was denied because "it would confuse white readers", producing more videos of "gourmet makes" and "100000 ways to cook an egg"
>carla prohibited 3 staffers from entering the test kitchen, 2 black women and delaney, who kept doing it and never was reprimanded for it
And of course priya and sohla who did videos for free

>> No.14225111
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>> No.14225126

togas are racist if you are not a greek persn

>> No.14225137

Only Brad and Claire's shows have identity. They're going to try some crazy stuff and it's either going to work or not. Either way the audience wins.

I honestly wanted to see Sohla make by developing a show like theirs. Her experimental cooking skill is high. I doubt this underhanded move is going to pay off in the long run, justified or not.

>> No.14225151
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>> No.14225161

It's far from over. BA will do whatever they have to do to appease or remove Sohla. Then they'll raise the main hosts pay to keep them from leaving. There will probably be several months of new and improved diversity BA shows before youtube view count determines that they suck.

>> No.14225167

i don't think the stuff scales linearly, but yeah there is no way she's making 20k per video unless they have some separate sponsorship thing she's getting a cut from

>> No.14225173

she's a "contributor" now, which basically means she's freelance. lucky for her, her videos are popular enough that she doesn't really have to worry about getting stead work though since BA will always want more of them

>> No.14225187

It’s not just about direct revenue. I read some stat that as a result of BA’s virtual presence, print sells went up 600% in one year. If you’re their biggest e celeb/influencer, you have a lot negotiating power

>> No.14225189
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>BA hires a bunch of non-whites
>non-whites turn on each other
oh me oh my who could've seen this coming?
I do feel bad for the TK staff. I hope they don't purge old recipes or videos. Brad, Claire, and Chris are decently good cooks. I could see each one of them starting something without BA, like with america's test kitchen or even a youtube channel. I give it a year and BA will be shit. they are devouring each other.

>> No.14225193

Bros I'm legitimately getting depressed over this whole situation. Why did this bitch have to do it? I was fine with Rapo getting screwed but all the other non darkies? It's all so tiresome

>> No.14225197

>didn't do my part to fight racism today
>not woke enough to watch any new vids

>> No.14225203

honestly the content was getting shittier lately anyway so I'm pretty whatever about all of it.

>> No.14225213

It's not like BA or any Conde Nast publication going die. Even if they loose a few subscribers they'll always have their caucoid fanbase to peddle hummus recipes to.

>> No.14225235

Everyone's content has gotten shittier because they moved to doing at home content thanks to the virus. It's a good time to get off YouTube and be a little more productive.

>> No.14225241

Good for Sohla for popping the bubble. I thought it was weird how recently in most BA she'd be featured in some way or someone would go to her for help on things like tempering chocolate or some shit. Funny how quickly this place switched up on her.

>> No.14225251
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Statement on bon app mag Instagram . Basically making a promise to accelerate the careers and pay of “BIPOC“ and prioritizing a brown editor in chief.

>> No.14225261

am i crazy for thinking that a food magazine shouldn;t have to provide a comprehensive world view. if you want somalian food as an editorial priority start your own afro centric food magazine.