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14219487 No.14219487 [Reply] [Original]

Breadsticks. What’s the point?

>> No.14219488

I enjoy bread

>> No.14219491


To find a use for dough scraps

>> No.14219505

It's for fatties that don't feel full after eating an entire pizza.

>> No.14219519

If its glaric or cheesy bread then maybe some people enjoy that ya know, this is like asking why does any food exist why don’t we just survive on nutrishake vitamin sacks optimized for energy I mean really what the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.14219550

>why dip bread into sauce
Cause it's fuckin good you piece of absolute garbage

>> No.14219575

... and yet, if this showed up alongside pizza you’d have a thousand little goblins here objecting

>> No.14219580

Wait, do Americans really eat breadsticks alongside pizza?

>> No.14219601

>Breadsticks. What’s the point?
The pizza is low profit/loss leader priced.
Breadsticks are ka-ching, and only uses the same dough! That's the upsell "do you want fries with that?" of italian pizza takeouts.

>> No.14219606

I'm getting more of a seared bite

>> No.14219611

Breadsticks with spicy nacho cheese and marinara sauce.

>> No.14219624
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Oh goodness gracious yes

>> No.14219636

truth, they upsell the marinara at a premium too.

>> No.14219690


>> No.14219720

Breadsticks are only good if they have cheese on top of them, and even then I'm not ordering them unless free or heavily discounted

>> No.14219744

imagine being american and ordering plain bread for take out to stuff your face with

No surprise the general respect for your country is fading so, so quicky

>> No.14219756
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>I'll have some extra bread along with my bread disc

>> No.14219782

Sometimes I wish they offered gravy instead of marinara for a dipping sauce. I mean, you dip bread in gravy at Thanksgiving.

>> No.14219799

You can tell a food is unnecessary when no one makes it at home.

>> No.14219813

>no one makes bread at home

>> No.14219821

>I mean, you dip bread in gravy at Thanksgiving.
Nobody I know does this, the gravy goes on the mashed potatoes, turkey and stuffing.

>> No.14219824


>> No.14219845

Then you know some weirdos.

>> No.14219846

Breadsticks. Not just any kind of bread. You deliberately misreading shitheel.

>> No.14220003

Making you thirsty and buy more drinks while your food comes

>> No.14220011

Stupidity + obscene profit margin.

>> No.14220044

They're supposed to be seasoned. Plain breadsticks are retarded.

>> No.14220099

Leftover dough from making other things that normies will eat.

>> No.14220115

>used to have a pizza hut on college campus
>ate 4 dollar breadsticks for dinner half of the time
good times. was still so skele no girl wanted me. maybe I should have eaten more back then

>> No.14220120

to make you fat

>> No.14220130

anyone who charges me for bit of extra sauce should get bent. I'll give an extra big tip for free sauce but if you charge me for sauce I won't ever return

>> No.14220136

>you dip bread in gravy at Thanksgiving.
what the fuck? No, I don't. No one I know does.
Actually, you're the weirdo. Sorry you had to find out like this, gravy freak.

>> No.14220142

more like "I would like garlic buttered bread with my cheesy meat bread" tyvm

>> No.14220190

literally everyone does this but you

>> No.14220211

Gonna have to jump on the bandwagon here. I’ve never even heard of the concept of dipping bread into straight up gravy at thanksgiving.

Sorry friendo. You and your family are a bunch of weirdos.

>> No.14220226

Biscuits and gravy is LITERALLY a classic american dish.

I don't use dinner rolls to dip in gravy personally, but I do put gravy on my stuffing which isn't really that far off.

>> No.14220393

Stop pretending.

>> No.14220533

Those look really dry. Doesn't Papa John's also offer ones that are covered in oil and cheese?

>> No.14221243

Easier to dip into tasty sauces, Mr. Seinfeld.

>> No.14221268

>bake bread
>cut into sticks

>> No.14221368

Correct. No one does that at home.

>> No.14221379

Sticks of bread

>> No.14221387

>no one cuts bread lengthwise and dips it
Don’t be obtuse

>> No.14221438

Sugary marinara on carbs?

Whats not to love?

>> No.14221447

No one MAKES bread then cuts it lengthwise and dips it, all at home. You're the one being obtuse.

>> No.14221469

I have made breadsticks at home.

>> No.14221470

Restaurants got some spare dough. Make stcks. People love to stick Phallic stuff in theit mouth while have a semi interesting conversation, sublimelly suggesting blowjob later in the evening.

>> No.14221481

Prove it.

>> No.14221696
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They're just deconstructed pizza. Completely retarded

>> No.14222022

My ex used to order a Little Caesar's plain, cheese pizza and cheesy bread (which, if you don't know, is just a slightly thicker pizza dough with the same cheese used on the pizzas melted on top). She would ask for a side container of the marinara sauce, which was just the same sauce that they put on the pizza.

She'd put both on her plate and take a bite of pizza, then dip part of the cheesy bread in the sauce and bite that, then return to the pizza.

I tried to explain that this was like eating a ham and swiss sandwich (no condiments) with a side of crackers topped with ham and swiss. She didn't understand how that was an apt analogy and she doesn't understand why we broke up, either.

I helped her with grocery shopping, a few times, so she wouldn't have to go out during quarantine. Her grocery lists were 80% candy and I had to subtly make suggestions of actual food.

She's surprisingly slim, too. God knows how that works.

>> No.14222202

I'm going to disagree with >>14219821 and >>14220136. I won't put gravy on my bread, but, if there's gravy left on my plate after I finish the turkey and potatoes, you can bet that I'll be sopping it up with my roll.

On the other hand, who pairs gravy with pizza? Gravy isn't even a faux Italian thing. They'd be better off offering some kind of pesto dip or olive oil and a grated cheese (parmesan or asiago or something). That would be a more appropriate pairing and wouldn't be as redundant as something tomato-based.

>> No.14222768

it's when pizza places realized they could make money from leftover pieces of dough.
the dumbass fatty falls for it, buying essentially pizza crusts.

>> No.14222778


>> No.14222903

Sorry, I don't keep a photo album of everything I cook.

>> No.14223035

My ex would order this for her nephew that was like years old and sweet iced tea because she thought they were healthy alternatives lol. When I explained to her that she was retarded she got mad as fuck

>> No.14223045

>what kind of dipping sauce do you want?
>its free
>I don't use the dipping sauce
>b...but its free
>No, thanks.
>ill just give you the ranch
Wtf? This has happened to me twice

>> No.14223050

it's the completely inane concessions people throw onto this board while discussing the McChicken that make it truly special.

>> No.14223051
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you wot, mate?

>> No.14223056


>> No.14223185
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>Dinner rolls or biscuit and gravy.

>> No.14223197


The point is to make a few bucks off of uneaten pizza crusts in the garbage can.

>> No.14223231

savoury breadsticks are alright if you mix in a bunch of extra garlic and generic italian seasoning, pile on a bunch of cheese and serve them with olive oil or marinara to dip.

sweet breadsticks are also a point, mix in a bunch of extra sugar, and some cinnamon and boom, you got yourself a tasty dessert.

>> No.14223318

>have to input a sauce in the register to complete the order
>all those inputs get tallied up
>compared with stock
>if there's a surplus of sauce, wagie gets yelled at for not doing orders right

>> No.14223375
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bread good

>> No.14223730

Most pizza places make them from a whole dough patty. So, no. The point is to offer more options to the consumer without requiring even the slightest bit of effort or extra ingredient.

>> No.14223817

Why refuse free food? If you dont want to eat it you can throw it out.
Dont cause so much trouble for people.
We live in a society accept the damn ranch like a good Christian.

>> No.14223826

breadsticks aren't food unless your throwing them to pigeons or seagulls

>> No.14223834


bread good

>> No.14223839
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>> No.14223846


good good bread

>> No.14223854

i dip my rolls in gravy also

>> No.14223893

I worked for Papa Johns for a bit and the regular bread sticks were absolutely nonsense. It was just straight bread, no sauce, no cheese, fucking nothing. It shouldn't even be on the menu. But hey, if you want to pay for bread I can't stop you.

>> No.14223914

Regular bread sticks as opposed to what, extra special bread sticks?

>> No.14223938

As opposed to garlic or cheese bread sticks.

>> No.14223948

Oh that comes across as extra special indeed.

>> No.14223974

When they're a little greasy they're good to chew on

>> No.14224253

You’re the freak. Everyone I know does this

>> No.14224296

I enjoy Domino's cheesy garlic bread

>> No.14224551
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Anon, these are the only breadsticks I eat. Dip them in my tea or coffee. Try them if those style are not giving you joy.

>> No.14224568

Damn, no offence but I hate that Brits call those things breadsticks. They're crackers, essentially. Nothing like American style breadsticks which are soft and doughy.

>> No.14224577

Normally I'd pwn you, but you're actually correct this time.

>> No.14224594
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So what do you call pic related in the States?

Seems a bit redundant to have something soft and doughy with pizza which has a similar texture.

>> No.14224608


>> No.14224624

Those are crackers, too. I don't think we have a word for what you call breadsticks. They're not gross or anything but I hate feeling excited for a few seconds at the word and then memory kicks in.

>> No.14224633

we feel the same about what you would call biscuits

>> No.14224647

I don't fuckin dip them straight into the gravy or anything like that, but I have been known to load up a roll with some mashed potatoes and gravy and eat it like that
shit's great man

>> No.14224657

they're fucking pretzles
shitty pretzles, but pretzels none the less

>> No.14224659

Ha, I know. People give me bizarre looks for mentioning biscuits and gravy. I don't even bother explaining anymore. They can look it up.

>> No.14224711

Still pointless. You can have that added to the crust itself these days. Nobody needs that much bread.

>> No.14224725
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a way to sell bread for 1000% markup.
if they add garlic/cheese to it like crazy bread though, it's worth it

>> No.14225179

Honestly I don't anyone with a BMI less than 25 who eats them