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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.40 MB, 3000x2250, cherry-cobbler-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14217040 No.14217040 [Reply] [Original]

I'm constantly impressed by the stream of quality cooking videos coming from Bon Appetit
Claire Saffitz (pictured here) has, on numerous occasions. made delicious gourmet homages to classic snack foods - has anyone here attempted any of her recipes?

>> No.14217054 [DELETED] 
File: 91 KB, 750x1066, EZ_x3PPXYAczCMN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also their editor in chief resigned for a "brownface" photo and not paying their diversity hires properly
feel free to discuss this related tangent within this recipe based thread

>> No.14217066

No, just buy the original snacks. They'll always be better.

>> No.14217075
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>> No.14217141

BAsed Sohla naming the jew.

>> No.14217147

I really value their videos. The diversity keeps me coming back for more.

>> No.14217442
File: 19 KB, 589x229, dd547b9bd0601bd3f004960b49d16613.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is who got Adam fired.

>> No.14217461

are we supposed to know who that is

>> No.14217493

Yes I just told you

>> No.14217520

adam who

>> No.14217541

google bon appetit dipshit

>> No.14217551


>> No.14217651

literally who

>> No.14218020

Why do you guys love this generic average woman? I'd much rather Sabrina from chopstick travel.

>> No.14218026

Does the bon appetit PR team actively shill here? Surely its not an economically viable endeavour

>> No.14218047

Dude, I do not know what it is. I get plenty of women with no trouble but I want to fuck her so badly that it is unreal.

>> No.14218316


why the fuck would BA need to shill /ck/, one of the slowest boards.

>> No.14218323

Dude they call it a cooking show but there's no cooking. :^)

>> No.14218431

bro sohla isnt being paid

>> No.14218435

>no black chefs
why is BA so racist bros?

>> No.14218446

No one is going to watch fried chicken recipes every week...

>> No.14218450

You sound like my grandpappy

>> No.14218452

I can think of one demographic group that would. Yet BA seems to ignore them. Why?

>> No.14218455

They don't buy magazines or count for add revenue?

>> No.14218476

I came here from /k/ because my wife makes me watch this bullshit some times... What happened to the other thread? The whole thing gonna go tits up because some Americans feel slightly less American than others and demand special treatment.

>> No.14218484
File: 39 KB, 780x439, adam-rapoport[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he deserve it?

>> No.14218494

the guy is an arrogant asshole and i cant stand to look at him, but no that's just dumb as fuck.

>> No.14218501

Bon Appetit was getting boring anyway. Brad's heart wasn't in it anymore. Claire got too cocky from her fans

>> No.14218504

It's because le random brown girl that says her food is poopies xD is being oppressed by that jewish guy wearing a guido costume ten years ago

>> No.14218518

wasn't just that, they also paid their non-White employees like shit, including Sohla who has years of professional experience.

>> No.14218519

>years of experience
So she got a bad deal because she sucks despite "experience," not le ebin racism against poor brown victims

>> No.14218527

what she found out she doesn't get paid as much as claire and brad? Maybe if she was as talented / entertaining she'd be paid more

>> No.14218530

Not just them, she's being paid less than rando White editors who don't know shit

>> No.14218535


also like >>14218518 said, a black lady got paid $400 to be in a video lmao, claire gets $20k per vid, sohla doesnt even get paid


>> No.14218538

Everything Condé Nast touches is soulles. Your being spoonfed forced characters and human relations. I would spit on their soulles "magazine", but I'm not stupid enough to buy one.

>> No.14218575

They would have to be retarded to shill during a controversy

>> No.14218618

>16 year old photo
I don't like him but wanting to ruin his career over it is dumb. I'm glad he's just getting a (presumably minor) demotion rather then being fired. Also while I'm sure Sohla is being comparatively underpaid, without actually knowing how much the others are paid it's kinda hard to know how mad to be. She's relatively new to the channel and doesn't have her own section yet. I'm sure getting that comes with a big pay-bump and potential renegotiation of their contract.

>> No.14218629
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Everything she makes is gross and I hate it. All the foods she makes are recreations of gluttony and none of them should even exist.

She looks so gross. I have hated the way she looks for a couple of years, ever since ck made her their waifu. She really genuinely looks like she smells like cottage cheese and I hate it. Her body type and genetics repulse me like nothing else and can't even fully explain why.

>> No.14218651

>pastry chef who can't even temper chocolate

>> No.14218802
File: 510 KB, 558x725, claire fat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have a garbage taste in women

>> No.14218832

I have an aggressive urge to rawdog the shit out of this chick

>> No.14218871

What's stopping her from re-negotiating her contract? She could start her own show for all I care, I'm sure people have reached out to her about it. It's not BA's fault she took a bad deal

>> No.14218894

It's not just her, it's multiple people who have worked for BA like >>14218535 mentions, it's a widespread issue.

>> No.14218921

Who is she?

>> No.14218932

Brad and Claire could start their own channel together and they'd be millionaires in a year.

>> No.14218935

because she's brown, next question

>> No.14218979

>sohla doesnt even get paid
sohla should be paying bon appetit if anything, who the fuck wants more screentime of her?

>> No.14218999


>> No.14219001

imagine never having had a job like this simp

>> No.14219012

that's what she is about to do
except she has far more leverage now
pretty smart move by her 2bqh

>> No.14219019

His wife.

>> No.14219055

this is actually true
claire is a decent presenter
brad has the internet personality bland white dudes want to have
if they threw in sohla and the older lady whos kind of a milf from BA it'd be a hit

also why is it so hard for these mfs to hire poc in NYC lmao

>> No.14219067


There's complaints about both a lack of black staff and a lack of diversity in the types of cooking they're doing. I understand the former complaint but not the latter. They're a brand that's trying to do appeal to what people want to cook.
I mean... they have 3 videos of somali cooking on their channel and I have no interest in clicking on any of them. They're not wrong.

Watching Chris fail to understand what fucking gumbo is would have been a perfect opportunity to introduce some black chef with creole experience in an attempt to increase diversity in their channel.

>> No.14219314

Claire posts a video making skittles that gets 12 million views. She has a dozen videos with more than 5 million views
Hawa's vids made 500k views.

Pay is derived from views, so I understand them paying clare a lot, when she makes their most popular content. That being said, you also don't have Hawa making "mainstream" material. All of her videos were african cooking, which just might not appeal to such a mainstream audience.

Look at Andy's vids to compare. Andy makes bolognese and gets 2 million views. Andy makes a persian fritata and it gets 300k views.

BA needs more diverse talent. But they aren't incorrect when they say that certain types of diverse cuisines aren't as interesting to viewers.

>> No.14219397

They already have diversity coming out of their ears for fucks sake

>> No.14219427

god i want to fuck carla and claire

>> No.14219470

>making skittles
did I read that right? Did she made those things from scratch?

>> No.14219513

That's the whole point of that show ffs

>> No.14219529

maybe I'm missing some context as a non-american but how is this "brownface"? he doesn't seem to be wearing any makeup, dude just looks like a early 2000s wannabe gangster like Ali G or something

I get the impression nobody at BA liked this guy so they were all eager to throw him under the bus

>> No.14219535

Can someone link me the older thread? Missed me some drama.

>> No.14219546

fuck you clearly he was talking about gabby not that annoying cunt carla and her band of autistic kids. Also lost respect for brad for having turbo autist kids.

>> No.14219562

could do a show where poc chefs show someone like brad how to make their native cuisines
brad+a black chef doing a trip to africa would be a huge vid ez

that way they introduce the new chef to the audience, rather than them getting stuck making recipe vids no one watches

>> No.14219564

Why would Brad wanna be in africa though?

>> No.14219574

>has a grievance with her boss/salary
>doesn't talk about it with her employer
>immediately goes public with it on social media

She did this at her last job too, why the fuck would anyone in their right mind hire sohla after this?

>> No.14219579

>Turbo autist kids
You mean less than four year old children? Damn I hate you faggots

>> No.14219583

Nah, they did a Brad and Priya vid, and it was shit.

>> No.14219584

Aren't you mixing up your indians here, I thought it was the terrible Pryia who bitched about shit on twitter

>> No.14219595

That's because Priya is shit

>> No.14219609

every time

>> No.14219619

thats cus it was just fucking yoghurt instead of:
>brad on safari
>brad cooks with native tribesmen
>brad does a taditional dance with them
>brad in a hot air ballon
>brad tries bush meat
>brad poaches a rhino horn

>> No.14219621

I mean can you blame her, this is like the perfect opportunity for a guaranteed substantial pay raise

>> No.14219633

>I don't eat this non indian food
>I don't drink this non indian drink

>> No.14219651

Nah leave Sohla out she's awkward in videos. And that whole 'I have more experience hurr durr' is beyond stupid, a lot of youtube cooks aren't even trained.

>> No.14219660

They're selling Claire as a pastry chef, she did two internships I think and that's it.

>> No.14219683

You don't need to go crazy and send people to africa. The video where Chris and a bunch of other wypipo were making gumbo was a disaster.

>> No.14219698
File: 27 KB, 320x320, Sohla-El-Waylly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This brown braphog single handedly destroys your BA cooking kino by accusing a Jew of beeing racist and greedy on social media

>10+ year old halloween costume
>People who do shit cuisine frome shithole countrys will get less pay because of less clicks
>sohla has litterally all wrong opinions about cooking unlike rick who is an animalfat chad
>even worse than Gaby Melian who barely speaks any language known to humans

>> No.14219700

>why the fuck would anyone in their right mind hire sohla after this?
because if they don't hire her she'll call them racists

>> No.14219719

TBF sohla just out jewed the jew by not letting any controversy go to waste. Some sperg on twatter found his diego spic costume and she just dogpiled on it.

>> No.14219732

So it was actually her and not the other indian? And here I had thought she was the levelheaded of the two.

>> No.14219749

do people actually pay for ba's magazines? my dad gets one free every month and he doesn't know why.

>> No.14219750

I dont even like rapaport but who gives a shit if he put on a chain, yankees shirt, and pencil goatee. How is that offensive?

>> No.14219758

the whole test kitchen hates him they were just looking for a way to get rid of him in my opinion

>> No.14219778

Nah. Priya is based. The only women who pull this shit are ugly and/or fat.

>> No.14219779

What an insane way to do it. Hes forever labelled a racist when he was really just a shitty boss. The BIPOC BA people dont get paid as much because their videos arent as popular. Claire and Brad are the face of the channel

>> No.14219781

Nothing based about a woman wearing a 'smash the patriarchy' shirt and bitching about the poor, poor people of colour at BA on twitter

>> No.14219817

BA is fucked at the point. The vids with brown hosts always get low views. SJWs always clamore for more representation. Harsh it maybe but people prefer white hosts. Go woke, go broke as they say.

>> No.14219829

oh shit i was trying not to jerk off today

>> No.14219831

>unsub a few days ago
>ba goes down on flames
I guess I was the one holding it all together

>> No.14219837


>> No.14219860

i'm in a good mood and this post made me snort laugh while smoking and now my fucking throat hurts

>> No.14219901

You deserve it for snort laughing. S o y trait.

>> No.14219910

They should hire you

>> No.14219912

Claire left BA and and works freelance. There's obviously a reason for that. She regularly gets them on the front page of Youtube, and they have to pay her on her terms. Honestly, that was a pretty bold move for a young recipe writer.

The video content Sohla made with Stella Parks on Serious Eats was really good IMO. And her writing was good too. Unlike pretty much every other person in the BACU, she already had a small web presence.

>> No.14219914

Or I could watch brad and matty matheson go noodling and actually be entertained.

>> No.14219929

Ironically I bought the magazine this past weekend. Good recipes I might try but the writing is cringe. They call shit like ham sandwiches "ham sandos" in an article.

>> No.14219939

top tier finesse imo
getting your dickhead boss fired and a payrise all with one little tweet

i love a good hammie sando, maybe with a brewski and a slice of za

>> No.14219950

They also called komboucha "booch". But it's 7 bucks and has great photos and is actually packed with recipes.

>> No.14220053
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>> No.14220074
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>> No.14220076

They HAVE a black chef, but she's only appeared in a few recipe videos and they're all incredibly unpopular.

>> No.14220091

Guess most people just aren't super impressed with a pot of goo from Somalia

>> No.14220144

they also have that one black staff member with the fucked up face

>> No.14220199

How did he get that seamen demon? They look like a good fit in that picture with him as a Puerto Rican but he's actually a soft faggot.

>> No.14220324

>seamen demon
>zero tits
>weird nose
>masculine chin
>eyebrows thinned to shit
>seamen demon
Yeah, okay.

>> No.14220356

If BA had any balls they would fire Sohla on the basis of defamation

>> No.14220359

Much like slander and libel, It's only defamation if it's untrue.

>> No.14220382

Has she stabbed her boss in the back yet over his "blackface"?

>> No.14220386

She's a fellow tribe member why would she do that?

>> No.14220387

I don't know if they're really shilling here right now, but I do know they're retarded.

>> No.14220400

>claire gets $20k per vid
Is that why she constantly fucks up and overcomplicates shit, to pad for time in the videos and now to separate them into parts? Maybe she's smarter than we're giving her credit for.

>> No.14220443


>> No.14220449

Seems like everything Sohla mentioned is pretty reasonable

>annoyed that she's getting payed less than white editors with less experience
>annoyed that she gets pushed in front of videos as a display of diversity, not even her job in the first place, then doesn't get paid for it

Honestly, it sounds like BA just has terrible management structures and techniques in general. Stop being shitty to your employees and maybe they won't use their huge followings to lampoon you.

>> No.14220509

>BA needs more diverse talent


>> No.14220556

The only part that bothers me is her not considering that her white peers might simply be doing a better job than her, regardless of experience. I'm all for her creating havoc in BA, though, don't get me wrong.

>> No.14220582


I suppose that's not something entirely possible for us to know. That being the case, salary doesn't typically increase with how good of a job you do, but with position, and she was hired as an assistant editor. My interpretation is that she's frustrated to be assisting people who are younger and with less experience, and who also get payed more than her because their titles doesn't involve the word "assistant," which I think is reasonable, and I wouldn't be surprised. I've seen that so many times, where the people doing the brunt of the work are the ones with the shit title and shit pay.

>> No.14220584

Adam Rapo? I was under the impression that he was still working there.

>> No.14220643

Can someone post what Sohla or Wawa (Hawa) actually said? Was it a Tweet or an interview or what?

>> No.14220664


>> No.14220673

He announced his resignation yesterday on instagram.

>> No.14220684

They're going after Delaney now because he baked a cake with a confederate flag on it when he was 17 and said fag on twitter also 7 years ago. Can't make this shit up.

Brad and Delaney need to start their own channel and leave BA to implode. Everyone else is pretty much worthless.

>> No.14220691

I don't know who this Delaney guy is but he sounds pretty based.

>> No.14220697

Who is they link faggot

>> No.14220712

>posts virtue-signaling post about racism
>posts black square with BLM and black charities
>announce resignation for being racist
Nobody is safe.

>> No.14220720

No to NY wokies Delaneys persona non grata. Brad wont go anywhere near him after this

>> No.14220754

Where's the proof that brown employees aren't getting paid?

>> No.14220762

That appears to be the case for Sohla and Alex Lau and a bunch of people. They were frustrated with certain policies they thought were racist and tried to change them, but in Alex's case he just accepted they didn't care and left. Sohla and Priya and others were hired for certain tasking, and management thrusted them on screen to "be more diverse" but paid them like shit.

Apparently shit pay has always been a problem, and a bunch of the original print editors like Carla and Claire had to threaten to quit and become contractors to get proper compensation. Admist all the shit going on, that news hit the air and Sohla, Andy, Rick, and others called bullshit on being given additional duties for the sake of "diversity" with no compensation.

>> No.14220765
File: 98 KB, 640x1138, bonap1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's delaney responding to the confederate flag pic, the tumblr post is gone but it was just a pic of a cake with the flag on it.

>> No.14220772

here's solha's instagram story where she mentions she isnt paid as well

>> No.14220777


wew lad, big mistake Delany
you just admitted to being racist
have fun being cancelled
when will e-celebs learn the only thing to do is just ignore woketards

>> No.14220781
File: 668 KB, 728x455, andy baraghani-1571057081573.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck is this faggot allowed on the show? You just KNOW he's utterly fucking catty and insufferable IRL. Who are even his fans? Everytime he's in an episode I cringe.

Also, based pretty Sohla owning the kikes.

>> No.14220794

Trips of truth but the circle that Delaney operates in doesnt forgive or forget. Hes dead whether or not he apologizes

>> No.14220796

What the fuck is with digging up skeletons from everyone's past and forcing them to apologize? If you're 30+ right now you're basically not even the same person as when you were 17, so why the hell should anyone even care what you did back then?

>> No.14220799

>50K with 15 years of culinary experience
Why would she ever take that as an offer in NYC of all places? You can make more than 50K working in a slow ass bakery in Long Island for that much.

>> No.14220802

>still simps for average bitches

yep, it's an virgin post

>> No.14220824

because she has a history of failing, check this article where it talks about how her old restaurant she created failed because "running a restaurant is hard, and running a restaurant as a chef of color is even harder." lol

>> No.14220841
File: 230 KB, 620x413, extralarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think he's down-low? Is his wife pozzed unknowingly?

Or perhaps she knows but lets it slide "for the sake of the kids".

Or maybe she's got a bigger case of denial than he has.

I always wonder how family gatherings go. Everyone just KNOWS she married a gay guy. Isn't she embarassed?

How did he get it up to make kids with her? Does he fuck her on her birthday, and anniversary? Out of obligation?

>> No.14220846

>...she said she was asked to perform duties not listed in her job description without additional compensation.
Call me a NEET but can't you just say no to this?

>> No.14220859

This is how you get put on your boss's shit list and lose chances of promotion. Sucks but so does everything about working.

>> No.14220860

Never paid for any. I did steal some vintage BA recipe books.

>> No.14220862

Eh, not really. There's fear of sowing resentment among the people in charge of you and ending up on shit lists that make you the first person to go in a lay-off situation, hurt your chances at promotion, and lower your raises.

>> No.14220864

Ive always thought he "married" a woman for image sakes, like for his parents and professional reputation, maybe to seem stable?

>> No.14220929

maybe he wouldn't be so highly strung if he just came out of the closet
kinda feel bad for him now
trapped in a lie, trying to keep up appearances

while Andy prances around the kitchen, and Chris is quietly stirring his stock
wishing he could toss Andy on the counter
tear his tight jeans off
sniff deep in Andy's bleached hole
pull his apron up
stuff a dish cloth into Andy's mouth
and tenderize his booty like a cut of prime rib

>> No.14220931

No. As usual this entire thread is a mental patient talking to himself.

>> No.14220942

>nooooo don't sexualize me i'm super insecure about it!!!!
fuck off andy

>> No.14220946

She's the only Puerto Rican food editor in the US or something like that.

>> No.14220948

He may have just grown up in a house hold with lots of sisters and no father figure. I know straight dude irl who talks like a huge flaming homo but as far as I know has never been into getting his fudge packed

>> No.14221040

holy shit I didn't expect I'd make more than youtubers. I mean I made more than them six years ago with my first entry level office job in a less expensive area. wtf Bon Appetit has to be making crazy money off this shit

>> No.14221047
File: 100 KB, 960x801, 4CC042A3-E882-48EC-AE1C-1B6A0893CB5A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting the cake

>> No.14221084

The plot thickens.

>> No.14221101

It's an outrage that my coworkers aren't getting fair treatment. I think I'll stay in my family's gigantic Cape Cod mansion and think about it for a few days.

>> No.14221114

They're not really YouTubers, they're magazine editors whose magazine puts them in YouTube videos.

>> No.14221128

BA's videos get like 1 or 2 million views for a good one. Sohlae's videos get like half a million views.

When I was doing youtube 2 years ago, my best videos got 200k views, I made about 100 bucks from each one (for like a week of work). Not sure why you think the average youtuber makes significant money

>> No.14221133

man I went to school for Journalism and started looking for more tech related jobs once I realized I'd be making $35k a year in pittsburgh if I was lucky, but I never expected someone for a major mag to get stiffed this bad.

>> No.14221138

>50k in fucking NYC
jesus christ
Also, 35? Based on how she acts I would've guessed she was in her mid to late 20s or something

>> No.14221143

based Delaney

>> No.14221144

> Not sure why you think the average youtuber makes significant money

I guess I assumed they'd get additional kickbacks from sponsors / product placement since they're a major magazine and have that sort of clout. I mean look at Babish, dude averages a few million views per episode and has multiple rolexes, drives an audi s5, bought his brother a tesla, just bought a really nice house, etc.

>> No.14221153

got me

>> No.14221164

/ck/ isnt that slow anymore

>> No.14221166

Kek, saying how disgusted he is with Rapports costume in one post, in a few more posts he's apologizing for the same shit
They always eat their own

>> No.14221168
File: 18 KB, 340x227, MSB_S1_E10_046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

boy that really is the icing on the cake

>> No.14221175

>I guess I assumed they'd get additional kickbacks from sponsors / product placement since they're a major magazine and have that sort of clout.

im sure they do, but that has nothing to do with the youtube channel.

>> No.14221177

>I guess I assumed they'd get additional kickbacks from sponsors / product placement since they're a major magazine and have that sort of clout.
Yes, I'm sure that Bon Appetit does get all kinds of sponsor money. But why do you think they'd give it to their workers?

>> No.14221182

holy shit you sound like a complete simp

>> No.14221183

is that not consistent?

>hey my boss did something ignorant so I am going to call him out
>yes I also did something ignorant and I am apologizing for it but that doesnt make it right.

>> No.14221185

Because he was most likely on board with him stepping down or getting fired, now he's doing whatever he can to save his own skin for something that's way worse than what he condemned his boss for

>> No.14221191

>Dressing like a cholo
Goddamn this world is fucking gay
Next time I see a brown person wearing a suit I'm gonna tell him he's appropriating my culture

>> No.14221203

>But why do you think they'd give it to their workers?
I think the issue here is that they were giving it to some and not others. They should've had a structured system where you were compensated based on how many videos you were in / take account for videos where you're the primary feature.

Without leaping to much to the defense of internet celebrities I don't know at all, I feel like Delaney's shit would be worse if he was in a position where he was actively fucking people over. Rapo was underpaying most of his video hosts, and that's the main issue-- the photo was just a really easy 'this is what the fuck I'm talking about' bit of evidence.

If Delaney had endured tons of criticism in the past about how he allegedly supported racist movements or if he'd gotten black editors fired / removed from assignments, then a cake with the confederate flag would fuck him worse. But then again the whole world is on a fucking tear right now so he'll probably get canned.

My biggest shock is how these people have so much shit on their fucking social media. After the James Gunn shit in 2018 I scrubbed all of my social media and was pleasantly surprised that there was not much to actually remove.Went trigger happy and removed all instances of 'cunt' and 'bitch' just in case some psycho tried to me-too me, how the fuck do people just have this shit stagnant on their social media for so long in {currentyear}

>> No.14221204

>Because he was most likely on board with him stepping down or getting fired

everything I have seen is that its mostly sohla and priya who were asking him to resign

>> No.14221211

not because of that photo tho - he deserved for just generaally being a cunt

>> No.14221212

>why is dressing like a stereotype of a trashy poor person offensive? the next time I see a minority wearing a suit I'll say they're not allowed to because only white people can be successful

Actually please do that, I'm sure it'll go over well

>> No.14221214
File: 33 KB, 480x430, avmpi92rr5141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>icing a cake with the image of a flag is a bad thing
Amerimutts crack me up

>> No.14221217

>Rapo was underpaying most of his video hosts, and that's the main issue
He was probably paying them all what they deserve
Sohla deserves 50k (which she makes more than now). She fucking sucks

>> No.14221222

>She fucking sucks
But she doesn't. She seems like she was constantly a resource for other people in the Test Kitchen to go to when they were fucking up, and unlike a lot of the kewl youtube celebrities she actually seemed to have some solid cooking knowledge. What does she suck at, I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.14221226

Why are you stereotyping them as being trashy and poor? Who the fuck said that.
Reminds me of when Musk said who do you think controls the media and everyone was like did he just name the jews? No, you guys did

>> No.14221231

Her videos get less views. The entire reason BA is even popular is Claire mostly, and Brad

>> No.14221233

on her instagram she did

>> No.14221232

>Why are you stereotyping them as being trashy and poor?
The cholo stereotype exists to portray them as being trashy and poor. It's the same as someone putting on blackface, sagging their pants, grabbing a bucket of fried chicken and saying "AWWW SHEEEIT I LUBS ME DAT CHIKEN"
>'no no no that's not racist you're the racist one for seeing it that way!'

>> No.14221241

>Why are you stereotyping them as being trashy and poor? Who the fuck said that.

no one you schizo, recognizing that something is a stereotype doesnt mean you are saying the stereotype is true.

>> No.14221245

>Her videos get less views.
There are practically no 'sohla makes' videos, and then you're in the chicken/egg situation of 'why aren't they letting her be the feature in more stand-alone videos when they shove her into everyone else's as a token brown person'.

She wasn't even hired for this shit, just to be an associate editor. Then they started piling this shit on her without compensation. Seems shitty.

>> No.14221249
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>> No.14221250

really wonder who still watches claire's 30 minute abominations

>> No.14221255

she has like 3 videos total and 2 of them have more than a million views

>> No.14221264

it'll be consistent if he steps down also. I dont care regardless, I just find it hilarious that they are eating themselves.

>> No.14221282
File: 138 KB, 949x1600, EaGqtbeU0AA67_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based brad fighting the normie mob

>> No.14221283

He wasn't dressing as a stereotype of a trashy poor person, he was dressed up as a SPECIFIC PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL PLAYER you fucking ignorant cunt. Society says we should treat minorities equally and look up to them. Well, guess what? Part of that will be that people will want to imitate them, such as in a halloween costume. This isn't some generic racist shit like dressing up as an indian chief, it's dressing up as a baseball player you like. It's not racist, it's not offensive, and it's fucking stupid hypocrisy to say it's good to admire minorities and then turn around and call expressions of that admiration racism.

>> No.14221295

hope they cancel him

>> No.14221302

I hope they're paying Christina well
She's beautiful and I love her

>> No.14221307
File: 3 KB, 92x137, got em.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14221313

How do faggots like you exist on 4chan? He dressed up in a harmless costume making fun of beaners who probably don't even care
I dressed up as a Mexican gangster with my (Mexican) friend before on halloween, should my life be ruined
Eat shit and die nigger

>> No.14221314

>I didn't sign her contract, she did
beyond based

>> No.14221315

i dont think the cholo stereotype is poor. I would agree on the trashy thing tho. But honestly, would it be different if he went as a redneck? They are essentially the same and he definitely didn't do "brown face" or whatever in that photo. Looks like a regular skin tan to me.

>> No.14221322

Brad is too good for this world.

>> No.14221323

Oh fuck, this is going to be ouchie. Hopefully he just says fuck it and makes his own jewtube channel.

>> No.14221329

>He dressed up in a harmless costume making fun of beaners

>> No.14221330

>They call shit like ham sandwiches "ham sandos" in an article.
Sounds like some molly bullshit.

>> No.14221333

Based and he's totally right
She put her name on the contract, she should be mad at herself for getting fooled. Literally interviews 101 is to ask for way more than you think you deserve, no company is gonna give you what you "deserve," they're gonna give you what they can get away with

>> No.14221337 [DELETED] 

fuck jannies

>> No.14221341

>I'm gonna prove that you're wrong in insinuating that I'm racist by making a bunch of racist remarks and telling you to die
this is why you're an incel

>> No.14221353

I'm definitely racist, never tried to deny that

>> No.14221367

He's not gay, he's just an autist.

>> No.14221370

I mean I'm not saying he should've been fired for it, but I'm not surprised that he was. I'm 30, and throughout middleschool and highschool I was constantly told to not link my online persona with my real name. Throughout highschool and college I was told that "your employers are going to comb through your facebook, and if they see ANYTHING that is offensive they won't hire you / will fire you." I didn't need them to tell me, I've been on this site long enough to know the dangers of having personally identifiable information linked to you on the internet. I'm more just shocked that so many people didn't seem to get the message.

>> No.14221386

That's lame, man. There are plenty of good reasons to hate someone; blanket hating them based on their race is a bad reason.

>> No.14221394

Some people are just dumb or naive about this kind of thing. I had a friend who went to an interview they asked her what she would need to be paid to accept the position. She told them and they accepted it with no argument. Afterward she was pissed about it because, "I expected them to offer more." I told her she should have asked for more than she wanted so they could negotiate down, but "I shouldn't have to do that, they should have known I was worth more than I asked and offered more."

>> No.14221400


>> No.14221413

>mfw I got hired for a position on contract, and then after being offered the job my recruiter said they were going to be paying me an extra $2 on top of what they already offered
always argue for more money unless you don't and it works out anyways

>> No.14221422

women are especially bad at this in my experience. They have no salary negotiating skills

>> No.14221430

She has no regular show, but the few recipe videos she did actually did quite well. She's probably the most popular person at BA without her own show.

>> No.14221434

anyone that has more social media than just a linkedin is not going to make it

>> No.14221440

brad is such an innocent likable guy. he better not catch any heat from this bs. if there was a draft of the BA personalities he would be first overall and second place wouldn't even be close

>> No.14221443

doing brownface on your linkedin profile is a good bit

>> No.14221461

You got lucky, they must have recalculated something and realized their pay offer was off. The only time I've not asked for more money or bartered my pay in any way was when I got my very first minimum wage job with zero experience; I truly had no argument as to why I should be paid more than minimum wage. But every single job after that I have NEVER accepted the first offer and it has ALWAYS paid off. Even when I was applying for promotions within the same company. The first offer is always a lowball, you gotta ask for a little more than you think their maximum would be, if their counter is below what you asked for (as in, they don't just accept your request) then that means you successfully extracted the maximum pay potential.

>> No.14221462

poor Brad, he has no idea just what he got himself into

>> No.14221498

Yeah it was really strange. They offered me $38/hr for this position, which was actually at the high end of what I was looking for salary wise (40 hrs * 52 weeks), and then after they offered me the job they said they decided to pay me $40 instead. Shit made no sense but I wasn't about to push back

>> No.14221517


>> No.14221529

A lot of big corporations use esoteric math calculations to figure out the salary value of a given position. Could have been they messed something up or used an old calculation that didn't account for current inflation or they looked at what they're paying their other staff and realized the baseline should be higher. Something like that. It does happen, though it's pretty rare.

>> No.14221533

Poor Brad watch him get torn to shreds when they see who he follows and see infamous Neo Nazi Joe Rogan

>> No.14221543

Chair humper and comedy expert

>> No.14221546

brad noooooo don't engage further

>> No.14221549

They love him for his hick-like charm, something they'll also begin to hate him for
Shut up

>> No.14221644

Shouts out to my fellow cumbois

>> No.14221658

king shit

>> No.14221685

that bitch wants more money BECAUSE she is brown, which is the absolute definition of racism

>> No.14221698

exactly what happened and using the tidal wave of “muh racism” to justify it is fucking disgusting; I’m not watching any more of their dogshit “fat girl make gourmet tootsie pops” garbage anymore....except morocco’s stuff cause I’m pretty sure he’s a closet queer which is hot

>> No.14221714

>brad has the internet personality bland white dudes want to have
hit the nail on the head

>> No.14221726


>> No.14221727

no way; the other dot-not-feather is super traditional, arranged marriage type and would never step out of line; currybrap on the other hand is acting out against that strict upbringing hence the tats and behavior

>> No.14221759

I honestly didn't think they were dressed up. I thought that's just how Americans dressed. He just looks like a baseball player

>> No.14221764

>super traditional, arranged marriage type
She has a live-in, non-arranged white boyfriend, though.

>> No.14221798
File: 366 KB, 1936x1936, EaGK531XQAAwp-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyre still going after delaney on twitter rn

>> No.14221826

No one even fucking cooks here

>> No.14221830

He's from fucking New Jersey isn't he? And he's making a confederate flag cake? gtfo. his foul is even worse than rapo's

>> No.14221834

https://twitter.com/Schmagel1/status/1270457393357508610 he is definitely getting cancelled for this

>> No.14221838

My dad used to pay for them. He'd cut out the recipes and glue them on paper and made a recipe book out of them. I'll look through it from time to time, there's some good recipes, some pretentious.

>> No.14221839


imagine inscribing your retarded thoughts on Twitter to be viewed by all for all eternity

>> No.14221855

didn't people go back to work already?
how they still have time for this shit

>> No.14221862

not the unemployed losers lol

>> No.14221900

Thank fuck I never got into twitter and deleted my FB years ago

>> No.14221904

He's using the word in the proper context tho

>> No.14221909

>Gaby Melian
>Watch a video with her in it
>Can't fucking understand what she's saying
>Apparently they turned a street empanada sales lady into a manager

>> No.14221919

if you said "Obama is a niggardly person!" you couldn't just handwave it away by saying "WHAT!? It means cheap! You're the racist one for jumping to that'd conclusion!" People don't go for that cute "oh did I say something wrong? :)" defense any more

>> No.14221925

It's basically a glorified janitor that also orders groceries it's not that amazing of a job

>> No.14221939
File: 153 KB, 828x1792, EaA-OOdWAAATVoB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure you aren't all talking about Hawa?

>> No.14221940

This. "Test Kitchen Manager" is not an actual managerial position, it's the person who needs to make sure the kitchen is fully stocked up, orders equipment, etc.
She's not the boss of anyone who's working there.

>> No.14221947

"burn it down" damn the somali is showing her true nature

>> No.14221969

Hope Sohla feels like shit. Just wanting some more money and Rapo out and now she's got the mob hungry for blood that Delany is up on the chopping block

>> No.14221973

Unironically this
Also... If you people all this obsessed with drama please go back to twitter and stop shitting up the board

>> No.14221974

They could've bargained for higher pay. These people are chickenshits trying to use the power of the mob instead of negotiating directly
Delaneys a goner

>> No.14221977

why do so many adults act like rotten children on twitter?

>> No.14221978

Yeah Delaney is done lmao. He was simping hard and was the second or third person to go full bitch mode over a 16 year old picture of rappo. Karma I guess. He'll probably become a full time alcoholic now

>> No.14221983

>I never been with the shits
>I was paid $400 per video

Does this woman know what freelance is? She's a non contracted cook without a big name coming to do a video with the hope that the video could potentially lead to big exposure and a contract. Her videos got 500k on average, which is below the average for BA.

When Babish went to do a BA video, I guarantee you he wasn't paid 400 dollars, because he has the clout to command big money

>> No.14221994

nah there's a black guy with like keloid scars all over his cheeks
think it's jesse sparks or something like that

>> No.14222005

This bitch is full of shit. I've lived in NYC all my life and if you can't operate an ethnic restaurant in NYC than she's horrid.

>> No.14222042

But she didn't operate an ethnic restaurant.
>People frequently walked into the restaurant looking for foreign or exotic ingredients because of the couple’s cultural backgrounds.The El-Wayllys went so far as to pacify the most stubborn of customers with small fibs. “Sometimes, depending on the clientele, we just lie and say that there is cumin in our burger because that is what makes them happy, that is what they are looking for,”

>Despite cooking way more challenging food in the past, the El-Wayllys found the biggest obstacle was trying to cook American staples like burgers and grilled cheese. They constantly faced having to meet people’s expectations for “cultural” twists on the menu. Unfortunately, the media and customers expect a certain amount of “ethnic-ness” from chefs of color

>> No.14222065

because why would an ethnic try to do the white staples. They should have just served up kraft grilled cheese with campbell's tomato soup.

>> No.14222084
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>> No.14222086

i went on some bone appetit contributors ig yesturday and she linked to that black guy with the mole on his face that is very rarely shown on the youtube channel jeremy or jessie i think.

he had a fairly typical response to everything, but what surprised me was that he said his main goal working there was to bring bipoc/lgbt issues forward. He didnt say he loved cooking food/sharing recipes, or showcasing food. he didnt mention food at all. what the fuck.

>> No.14222097

Holy fuck this woman is totally retarded
>The customers will pay more for cultural foods or American foods with ethnicty twist
>Nah, fuck that, I'l going to be sell hamburgers (In a city of a 600 McDonalds and a litany of culturally ingrained diners) and grilled cheese.

And she did this in fucking Brooklyn and, not just in Brooklyn, fucking Greenpoint. Sky high property costs in Greenpoint.
Brooklyn has a litany of restaurants owned by ethnics, especially in Crown Heights, East Flatbush, Bed-Stuy, Carnasie, and they all are successful.

She's just stupid,

>> No.14222113

How much seething did Claire do when Sohla said she was hired to assist white editors with far less experience than her? You know she hates not looking like the smartest person in the room.

>> No.14222149

>Sometimes, depending on the clientele, we just lie and say that there is cumin in our burger because that is what makes them happy, that is what they are looking for,”

I don't understand, if you see people are happy when you say that you put cumin in the burger, why just put cumin the burger for real and market that fact?

>> No.14222172

>“Sometimes, depending on the clientele, we just lie and say that there is cumin... even though there was nothing actually in there but salt and pepper”
So they were shit chefs on purpose? Jesus. People ask for the ethnic food you bitch about making for "muh ~BIPOC~ diversity," and you do a 180 and make plain food?

>> No.14222184
File: 109 KB, 750x1000, menu1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a brunch menu, say something nice about it.

>> No.14222220

A whole fried chicken for $58? LOL wtf are these people on medication?

>> No.14222230

Wow a bunch of hipster fad foods available at 200 other places. Really pushing the boundaries eh

>> No.14222235

60 bucks for like 8 pieces of fried chicken lol

>> No.14222237

This looks terrible .

>> No.14222260
File: 35 KB, 550x400, 1523304935397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$14 for an egg

>> No.14222316

They do that with Andy already. He goes to ethic restaurants, and leans to cook from their chefs.

Also glad Adam is gone, he seems like a slimeball, and is repellent on-camera.

>> No.14222318

When will it end? When will the cancel culture meme be over?

>> No.14222338

Who was responsible for this flop?

>> No.14222337

Plus Sohla is easily the most competent chef in the whole test kitchen.

>> No.14222363

Sohla and her husband, this is from their failed restaurant "Hail Mary"

>> No.14222378

When only Andy, Priya, Sohla, and Molly are left at BA. But Andy probably had race preferences on his grindr and Molly probably said chink while abbreviating a word so they'll be gone too.

>> No.14222398

I miss the BA coomer threads...But I do like the drama.

>> No.14222437

lmao based Delaney, he used to be so cool

>> No.14222441

idk how anyone could be attracted to these toasty coasty roasties

>> No.14222444

RIP Bone Ape Tit
It was a good channel while it lasted. No way Brad, Claire and Chris survive this. I hope they start their own channel and leave these other faggots to die

>> No.14222448

Kek do people have no idea how business works?

>> No.14222477

Hawa's videos were just the worst. She has no charisma whatsoever. And that's what most people come to the BA YouTube channel for.

>> No.14222478

I blame all this on the angry ghosts of the world trade center

>> No.14222483

lol they are fucked, someone with a brain should have realized this was going to happen when they were paying the white people 20k per video and the brown people 50k per year.

hawa seems like a bitch though.

that being said... they accepted the offers they were given and did nothing about it themselves. that's not how you get more money.

rip in pieces delaney, this is why you don't tweet shit

>> No.14222490

How fucked are we all when Discord DM's from our childhoods get leaked 20 years from now?

>> No.14222509

I don't have anything incriminating outside of my posts on here. The internet when I was a teenager is basically gone.

>> No.14222527

Maybe a poster like NarutoFan69 calling people fags and posting tranny porn doesnt deserve to become the pope in the future.

>> No.14222534

>rip in pieces delaney
what'd he do?

>> No.14222544

this is what happens when you try to make personality-driven content in a place known for people having shitty personalities

>> No.14222549

Made some cake with a confederate flag years ago for some friend who lived in the south and people looking way back in his twitter to his edgy joke phase every dude goes through except this time he's a fucking WHITE MALE in CURRENT YEAR on a successful youtube channel so he must pay

>> No.14222585

>i know it doesn't cut it
Its fucking crazy that democrats have brought us to a place where apologizing for some tiny tasteless you you do as a kid isn't more than enough

Like every single millennial didn't do countless things that today are considered wildly inappropriate but weren't something we thought twice about then. Like using 'gay' to mean 'bad' and shit, every single millennial did that

>> No.14222595

>They call shit like ham sandwiches "ham sandos" in an article.
sounds like the way Molly talks in every video, the rest of them don't really do that stuff except when specifically making fun of molly

>> No.14222605

Can we just make Brad the next Anthony Bordain (besides the death part)?

>> No.14222606

Racist crackers never heard of sando de panda huh

>> No.14222616


>> No.14222682

>youtube cooking show host making barely enough money to live in NYC
these are not equivalent

>> No.14222684
File: 548 KB, 386x400, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brad quits
>reteams up with vinnie
>has a show where they go around
>hunzi does editing

>> No.14222715

Brad was spotted at Netlix hq a couple months back. He probably saw all of this coming.

>> No.14222750

Genuinely hope all these cancel culture faggots end up killing themselves

>> No.14222758

they filmed this shit on a Banker Burial Ground

>> No.14222784

I watched about half of one of her videos because it showed up in my Youtube recommendations. I dropped it because she was just trying things seemingly at random. She appeared neither competent nor entertaining, so why bother watching?

>> No.14222794

>Brad was spotted at Netlix hq a couple months back
any more on this?

>> No.14222820

No deal was reached because Brad wouldnt have sex with Whoopi Goldberg to further his career.

>> No.14222829
File: 671 KB, 1080x1108, 1585805023912.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh... the joke is literally a play on words. It's shock humor. You think he's being homophobic but then you see stick bundles and it's funny. God what the fuck has gone wrong with humanity?

>> No.14222842

Shock humor is cancellable anon. Keep up.

>> No.14222867

So, what, if Airplane released today would everyone call for their heads?

>> No.14222927

I'm a zoomer I don't know what that is

>> No.14222936

>Delaney outed as "redpilled"

Always knew something was off about him.

>> No.14222944

Only one of the most classic comedy films of all time. If your parents didn't expose you to it then they've failed.

>> No.14222954

>people with differing opinions or ideas than me deserve to be unemployed and shunned from all of society
When did the concept of professionalism die? You know, that simple idea where you go to work and leave your politics at the door and get along with everyone because you have jobs to do and then go home to your family and friends and give no care to what your coworkers think or do outside of work?

>> No.14222960

the 20k number was pulled out of someone's ass
why would anyone reveal their contracted rate? no one would know that figure but claire, hr, and upper management

>> No.14222962

when social media became a thing

>> No.14222978

I very specifically do not add coworkers to any social media of mine and do not spend any time with them outside of work. I do not tell them about my personal life, either. Coworkers are acquaintances, not friends.

>> No.14222988

I thought he was gay because of his mannerisms at first but after a few videos I started to think he just grew up in the liberal gay areas of New York so acts in certain ways without actually being gay
Then I watched the Chris/Brad Andes Mints video and that pretty much confirmed it for me, when he interacts with Brad he plays off him a lot differently than when he’s surrounded by women or fags
Brad and Chris I will be sad to see screwed by this - everyone else can fuck off

>> No.14222990


>> No.14222994

fuck off with that apolitical fairytale. people were literally being rejected over skin color, gender and the letter on theit ballots just 20 years ago. politics always mattered.

>> No.14222996

The real pro move is to just not use social media at all.

>> No.14222999


Ugh your dumb fake friends are not your real friends kill ur idols

>> No.14223006


Oh no that did it... I'm gonna, I'm.... COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMING

>> No.14223025

Skin color and gender are not political, and your vote is private unless you voice it.

>> No.14223031

This is also a wild guess, but if Hawa got $400 for both of her videos with around 600k views each, then Claire may be getting around $3-4k per Gourmet Makes video on average. Considering the series has gone on for 3 years and only has 44 videos, it's not that much in the grand scheme of things. I doubt any of them are making 6 figures, and that's pretty fucking shitty in a high COL area like NYC.

>> No.14223046

the gay meme appetit people fucked up too and had to make a statement that they are pro bipoc and are reposting black peoples food pics


>> No.14223142

It's a shitty movie anyway. Juvenile, and not clever juvenile.

>> No.14223204
File: 117 KB, 458x576, 1551385400128.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's really no defense for the 'dressing up as a different ethnicity but it's for Halloween lol' . It's a cop out because you were either looking to mock or shock with it. The people fanning the flames of this shit are the same fucking emotional purse clutchers that think the word crazy is 'an ableist slur' and say 'latinx' . Its their preffered ammo and they live to make someone in a position of power succumb.Delaney is gonna get the Gunn treatment cause he's a white dude with dumb muh soggy knee in Twitter. At this point it's his fault for not cleaning up the 'ebin smart aleck' shit. Claire left and renegotiated her shit and probably got a rate higher than anyone except Brad so her solidarity play probably will be rescinded since she's in a different tax bracket. Honestly, they should have just made a base rate for all involved, even if it's not your name on the title of the vid and you help out you get a helper fee. I feel like at some point they embraced the fun collaborative nature and didn't want to bring up money so as not to make it awkward. But now that people are driven to direct action due to the social climate it becomes exploitation. Shame.

Nothing in this world would make me happier than for Sohla to nearly suffocate me with her big warm caboose after I spend all day treating her with dignity and respecting her agency

>> No.14223214

Nice blog faggot

>> No.14223284

Fuck you are gay

>> No.14223326
File: 747 KB, 1200x795, 8A66257B-277E-4FC8-B28E-2382198C98CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jews look like this too . But if “BIPOC” want to insist that being poor and trashy is a “brown” thing , they can have it


>> No.14223372

Real sad part is even without a twitter or any edgy posts Brad will get shit on once Delany gets axed because they are good friends and were room mates
>omg Brad how could you EVER room with such a raging misogynist?!?!

>> No.14223391

idk if anyone still cares about this but sohla revealed her current pay is $60k and after she called out the company was offered a $20k increase so she'd be at $80k but she said that she was appalled and insulted by that number

>> No.14223406

Where did you read this?

>> No.14223420


>> No.14223439

I make $58k in AZ and I've only been working in my field for 6 years. That's an absurdly low amount. In my opinion, she's being taken advantage of. I get that she has 15 years cooking and had a failed restaurant, but in NY that is still a low as fuck pay.

>> No.14223445

If people start pointing out the difference between white and (((white))) this shit show can be real fun.

>> No.14223450

>According to two current employees, Bon Appétit used to have a hyper-masculine atmosphere. Rapoport used to swing around golf clubs while chatting with staffers about their stories, sometimes breaking light fixtures, the employees said. They also added that some remnants of that culture remain: Those in the in-crowd call each other by their last names.

God what a faggy article. I guess I understand being annoyed with not getting that youtube star money on top of having to do all the magazine shit that you know Brad and Claire don't work on but still the greed is just outstanding. She may single handedly kill that channel

>> No.14223452

What's your field?

>> No.14223455


>> No.14223459

Were you apart of those literal communists who went on strike in 2018?

>> No.14223465

This. 35-yo Claire never had a real job in her life before the BA jews gave her a six figure salary

>> No.14223468

She can have a real job sitting on my face. I'll pay 55k entry level.

>> No.14223471

Lonely incel in flyover country so even a hideous fat yenta starts to look fuckable

>> No.14223479

There's people like my parents who have a BA magazine subscription and don't know a thing about their online presence at all, since only zoomers know about their YT channel. How much of their readership is actually like that?

>> No.14223483

Claire only gets a lot of views because the tribe gave her a clickbait series. A series idea they straight up stole from other youtubers

>> No.14223489

Because if she didn’t go public nothing would happen. The Adam guy is an obvious fucking creep and obvi got off on screwing over gentiles

>> No.14223496


>> No.14223508

my first job in nyc at age 23 was 45k at a small non-profit as an entry level employee. sohla is a low self esteem bitch. i can't imagine being that old with that much experience working for a company with a billion dollars in revenue and being paid that little.

>> No.14223513

That quote makes Rapoport sound like a cartoon character. I can't stop picturing him doing that smarmy smile and talking to people while casually shattering fluorescent lightbulbs..

>> No.14223517

It’s called jew media in nyc. It’s all like this. You really think it’s a coincidence Claire is the face of BA?

>> No.14223523

Dude is undoubtedly a douche he just oozes smug liberal sleeze every time he's on camera but the pussy "i'm literally shaking" reaction to men calling each other by their last names is just rage inducing

>> No.14223527

Are you referring to RedForEd?
So when I was hired, I was told that I would get growth in my salary. That was a fucking lie. My pay was frozen for the first 5 years because my state refused to restore educational funding to 2008 levels after the recession and did some shady shit involving how state lottery money was supposed to be used towards funding education. I mean I ran into old teacher who were frozen since I graduated high school. After the protests, I got like a $10,000 raise. Keep in mind, during that time, my rent increased by 25% in a 2 year period but flattened a little bit, and I don't get a classroom budget. I spend about $1k - $2k a year on my classroom to keep things running smoothly. Also, I have student loans to worry about. On top of that, my pay only reached what it was because I did coaching on top of that. It would bring my work week up to 90 hours. So yeah I protested, you can call it communism, but you're probably a NEET so I don't really care. I just don't think that people with Master's degrees or Bachelor's should have to live in slums hoping for millionaire/billionaire crumbs to barely survive.

>> No.14223530

Literally this. They could both carry a real show on food tv

>> No.14223547

1000000% faggot. He went to a faggot college, studied French, and he worked at fucking Vogue after college

>> No.14223551

At least he suppressed his homo urges and procreated like he's supposed to

>> No.14223576

>make $50k at 35 being a food editor
>or make over double that at a tech company straight out of college
sucks being a foodcuck lmao

>> No.14223614

Isn’t his dad a rich lawyer? Why were his teeth so fucked up?

>> No.14223642

It’s ok, most of their parents are loaded, like Claire’s, so they can dick around studying art history and French in college and spend their days fucking around in a kitchen for a low-income level salary.

>> No.14223648

Claire was acting genuinely (not her fake act) super broke / cheap on one episode with brad. I got the impression she’s not rolling in the dough. But who knows. She has a book deal? That could be worth some coin I guess

>> No.14223674

Where she was asking him for money for fair food? I think he was just in charge of their video money and like a good jew she wasn't going to spend her own money on fried butter when the chumps at BA can do it for her

>> No.14223736

yeah she's (((broke)))
>asking if she can "keep the change" on camera
imagine having this little shame

>> No.14223947

get another job then you bitch

>> No.14223949

Parapa the Rapaport

>> No.14224164

>$20k per vid,
this is all over the internet and every time you ask no one can tell you where they heard it or provide a link.

>> No.14224201

Imagine being a no-name completely uninteresting person complaining about getting 400$ for following a pre-written recipe on camera, resulting in a boring 10-20 min video with absolutely no entertainment value. Diversity destroys everything it touches.

>> No.14224214

Uh, hello, BASED department?

>> No.14224252

Clair deserves to be paid more, shes the only reason anyone watches it

>> No.14224257

>Be 35
>Take job for $50K
>Complain that you're only getting paid $50K

Bitch, you negotiated that salary and accepted it.

>> No.14224559

Brad has a house, wife and 3 kids. Kinda hard to start from the ground up now. Neither have experience editing, or making hip videos with good audio/effects. Brad's recent videos had him taking expensive trips to exotic places that leveraged Conde Nast's large network - he can't do this on his own. Claire is utterly inept and quits easily.

Yeah I'm thinking they're done.

>> No.14224570

They are already going after him because he's listening to Joe Rogan.

>> No.14224578

They were roommates when? Hasn’t brad been married for like 10 years?

>> No.14224582

Zero chance that yenta bitch is paid $20k a video. The apartment she was filming in was a shitbox

>> No.14224590

>Those in the in-crowd call each other by their last names.
So Delaney is in the in-crowd? The plot thickens!

>> No.14224601

Claire ruined the channel. It used to be a respected high brow food magazine. Her clickbait shit is worthless garbage catering to low IQ and ruins the brand BA built up over 50+ years. Greedy soulless jews

>> No.14224737

>i got paid $800 for 2 days of work
>oh woe is me

>> No.14224749

no one was watching it before

>> No.14224835

that was pretty obvious. he appeared to not do much of anything and got the cushy travel hits

>> No.14224840

Brad should just steal the diners driveins and dives show idea from that fat fuck Guy Fieri. brad traveling the country in an 80s Jeep Wagoneer or 70s Ford Bronco visiting small restaurants

>> No.14224844

lol at all these obvious closet homos in nyc media

>> No.14224849 [DELETED] 

Food TV has shows hosted by diversity hired blacks and they're all stereotypical garbage. it's super cringe content. the hosts are not good, the recipes are dogshit. and a couple of the men are obvious "down low" brothers