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14214694 No.14214694 [Reply] [Original]

I can’t get drunk from beer. Anyone else have this problem?

>> No.14214700

wtf is this real

>> No.14214705

Drink faster pussy

>> No.14214708

I can get drunk off of IPAs because they're stronger
But if it's anything below 5% ABV then I may as well be drinking water

>> No.14214713

you have a problem, i can have three beers and i'm ready to torch people

>> No.14214714

Why would you want to slam 6 shitty watery beers when you could just do a few shots of liquor for the same amount of intoxication with considerably less liquid involved?

>> No.14214717

>Drink anything
>Rum, vodka, whisky, etc
>perfectly fine
>Have one beer
>Get sick
>Massive headache and stomach cramps
>difficulty breathing

>> No.14214722


>> No.14214723

you don't drink fast enough because you're a bitch

>> No.14214725

An entire bottle of liquor will send you to the Shadow Realm. If you're a true alcoholic, you don't stop until you pass out.

>> No.14214789

getting drunk off 3 beers is way more of a problem desu

>> No.14214794

I knew this was an underage thread. For many alcoholics, portion control is difficult and the higher liquid volume of beer as well as the calories help to avoid drinking a disgusting excess of straight/chased liquor and knocking you on your ass. Imagine the difference between a single 5% beer and 12 ounces of 40% vodka chased by say 6 ounces of a soft drink, consumed in the same timeframe. One might buzz you, the other one will have you assuredly tipsy.
I can pack away a lot of beers, but the lower alcohol content allows me to get very drunk without blacking out short of going to sleep.

>> No.14214797

how do i train my cat to do this lol

>> No.14214799

You are allergic
>I am a doctor
>you are a fool

>> No.14214809

Nah, I'm with the other guy, and I drink way more alcohol than you should though I'm a far cry from a drunk. I found that your tolerance to alcohol plateaus at some point and then begins to come back to Earth, so that while for a while a six-pack may be the minimum to get you drunk, eventually you're back to two or three beers, possibly because you subconciously consume them quicker.

>> No.14214828

>buy 30 pack of beer for $20
>have ability to get drunk for $2/night
ok anon

>> No.14214881

The entire point of beer is to maintain a mellow buzz.

If you want to get fucked up then drink some hard liquor.

>> No.14214891

It's not, OP is a macho faggot.

>> No.14214988

I know this is /ck/ but u guys must have been to a social gathering at least resembling a party where being the guy ripped off of three beers makes you an asshole and a pussy or you're underage in which case

>> No.14215051

If the beer is above 7% then just drink faster, you should be fuzzy by the time you pass out. If you mean blackout wasted then might I suggest hard liquor

>> No.14215111
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>It's another beer vs liquor post.

>> No.14215556

You are literally the one with a problem.

You probably are allergic, I was allergic to hops for most of my life and only recently found that I was no longer.

You're not supposed to get drunk off beer.

>> No.14215566
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>> No.14216096

I used to have it when I was eating a high fat diet. I could drink a 6-pack, no built-up tolerance, not even remotely drunk

After switching to high carb, just one beer gets me tipsy.

>> No.14216216

I've noticed something similar, sophomore year of college I could kill ~12 and still need more, whereas now I can sometimes be where I want after 8 or 10 (still varies hugely though)

>> No.14216239

>being an alcoholic

nobody cares what you think, drunkie. just finish poisoning yourself so we don't have to hear you crying.

>> No.14216247

Yes, but beer makes me sleepy in the middle of the day while hard liquor doesn't. Also enough with that stupid cat.

>> No.14216361

yea, i have to drink 7% or above to do so. but it's useful at parties since i can remember everything while everyone else is hammered.

>> No.14216364

I have this problem. The solution is to drink strong beer or only drink beer on an empty stomach (warning, this is dangerous)

>> No.14216402

>projecting this hard

>> No.14216419
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>> No.14216481

Your livers might be failing. And just comes with age or course.

>> No.14216486

Bros... we've been bamboozled...

>> No.14216576

I don't drink beer any more just because I got sick of having to deal with all the cans and it was making me fat. Drinking beer is fun though and I do miss it. Liquor is just more convenient. I can sip on it through out the day to maintain a buzz, I can throw back a glass full after I get off work to get drunk fast, and I can carry it around in a flask if need be. Honestly though anyone who says they can't get drunk from beer aren't trying hard enough. And I've always preferred aggressively drinking lighter beers to going with strong beers. That shit sucks. No one wants to drink a six pack of heavy unfiltered beers that are going to make you feel like shit and make you want to vomit. All of my worst hangovers were from nights spent drinking strong craft beers. If I'm going to get beer drunk give me a 12 pack of something cheap and light, maybe a case if I'm going all night.

>> No.14216648

Sulfite allergy friendo, you'll find you have the same problem with ciders and wines.

>> No.14216658

>Drink 4 to 5 times a week for 6 months straight
>Get to the point where I'm drinking a 700ml jack before going out to town
>Kept all my receipts from a big night
>Between 5pm when i started drinking and 2am when i stopped I drunk 70 standards

I should be dead right?

>> No.14217086

>a six-pack may be the minimum to get you drunk,
>eventually you're back to two or three beers

Are you a twelve year old girl? I'm 180 pounds at 6'2" and a six pack is a slight buzz.

>> No.14217120


This has to be fake

>> No.14217134

Yes but mostly because I'm an hard liquor alcoholic
I don't think there's even enough room in my body to fit the amount of beer it would take to get me drunk