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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14212984 No.14212984[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Oh no, we almost forgot to say grace!

Anon, can you do the honors?

>> No.14212989 [DELETED] 


>> No.14212994

I wonder where they stole that food

>> No.14212997

your reverend donated it to them

>> No.14212998


do they even sell whole turkeys at Target?

>> No.14213000
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Is that Papa Klump?

>> No.14213030

Why am I sitting at the corner of the table and where is my plate?

>> No.14213063


Ich schwöre bei Gott diesen heiligen Eid,
daß ich dem Führer des Deutschen Reiches und Volkes
Adolf Hitler, dem Oberbefehlshaber der Wehrmacht,
unbedingten Gehorsam leisten und als tapferer Soldat bereit sein will,
jederzeit für diesen Eid mein Leben einzusetzen.

>> No.14213067
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rub a dub dub thanks for the grub

>> No.14213069

Good drink
Good meat
Good God
Let's eat.

>> No.14213077


>> No.14213080

Yay, God!

>> No.14213081

Dear lord, thank you for this meal, may it nourish our bodies that we may continue to give thanks, and thank you for the fine company I find myself in.

In jesus name we pray, kill trannies

>> No.14213086

Well, I have to be honest I haven't said grace in a coons age. I can do it though.

Dear heavenly father, please bless this meal and this family. Let us be nourished body and soul so that we can carry on your good works. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Let's eat!

>imagine not being able to come up with a prayer on the spot.

>> No.14213103

Did you know? Medals from the Spanish Civil War were the only ones German officers were allowed to wear in front of their own medals, including the Iron Cross

>> No.14213115
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imagine being this much of a christcuck

>> No.14213139

After losing two wars i too would hide my metals

>> No.14213143

>being this butt blasted by a simple prayer
You cannot possibly fathom the levels of christ cuckery I am on my dude. You will be in my prayers.

>> No.14213146

Our Nigga in heaven. Thank you for this food, and for letting us eat this without dying.

Let's dig in brother.

>> No.14213147

Thank you God for all the delicious yum yums. Amen.

>> No.14213150

(sign of the cross)
Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy bounty. Through Christ, our Lord. Amen
(sign of the cross)

>> No.14213156

good food good meat GOOD GOD let's eat!

>> No.14213157



You ruined this country

>> No.14213162

oohhhhhh dasss right mmmmm hmmmmmm shit dissum good ass turkey oh yeah thanks ya g sauce fo deez viddles rite cheah
>daddy can i
lil bitch wees prayin right now shut it up fo i bus your ass right here befo the load jesus

>> No.14213164

>Anon, can you do the honors?
no. is what I always say.

>> No.14213165

>ʾašhadu ʾan lâ ʾillâha ʾillâ -llâh, wa-ʾašhadu ʾanna Muḥammadan rasûlu-llâh

>> No.14213174

hello imaginary skyman can we just eat already?

>> No.14213176
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>> No.14213178

Itty dakki masshu

>> No.14213208

And a "Iä! Shub-Niggurath!" to you too, young lady!

>> No.14213315

That bird doesn't look very seasoned

>> No.14213322

Youre actually sitting next to the bald guy, the kids blocking view of your playe

>> No.14213405

>all the children are lighter

>> No.14213423

>CPT is so off that these niqqas celebrating thanksgiving in June

>> No.14213450

You misspelled Jew.

>> No.14213456

Mazel Tov!

>> No.14213465

>Allah, Buddha, Jesus too. Who loves ya baby? Time to chew. Amen.

>> No.14213466
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best thread I've seen today

>> No.14213467

rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub

>> No.14213477

okay, chink

>> No.14213489

Miatyank kivagy a mennyekben jojjon el a te orszagod! Amen

>> No.14213505

hey god im about to eat some food yum amehn

>> No.14213529
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My sociology professor Dr Goldstein told me Christianity is a fundamentally racist immoral religion and to hate my church community and nuclear family.

So no, I will not be saying "grace". God I hate my white parents.

>> No.14213575


>> No.14213579

nigga u in the naughty corner

>> No.14213614

May jesus kneel on the necks of our hunger

>> No.14213634

Why is this website so racist

>> No.14213646
File: 50 KB, 447x456, 1i7rqc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw black and i'm probably responsible for half of these posts on this board

>> No.14213649

After spending some time on red boards i understand why they refer to blueboards as reddit pt2

>> No.14213653

You have mistaken the majority of the world. You can also pretty much say anything here.

>> No.14213656
File: 532 KB, 619x629, 1589040426513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based, fellow king.

>> No.14213704


>> No.14213741

>Anon, can you do the honors?
Basic etiquette and life skill. Don't let the weight of your sinful or inexperienced prayer life sway you from taking up the honor of praying for everyone. It's the least you can do.
Are you uncomfortable when you have to talk on the spot like this in general? Make yourself a simple checklist for thankfulness, a formula, and then just hit each of your bullet points, can be 3 or more, up to you. If you are headed to something superimportant, you might even think ahead of something, google something. Or else you need to memorize some old irish blessing.

Let's see, like a letter, there is always an opener and closer:
1) Opener
Dear ______. The safe bet is to say God or Lord, and if you wish add a Heavenly or Gracious in front of it, pick one.
2) Blessing of the food
..bless this <complimentary adjective> ex, beautifully prepared food before us today on this occasion of reunion or day of the week ________, and for the hands that fixed it/shopped for it/planned it. May we be grateful for this _______ opportunity to gather today in ______ honor. Feel free to go down the list of the good people if it builds up their self-esteem or adds some love.
3) Thankfulness or extra concerns/prayers for this group today
...and bless Grandpa on the occasion of his 100th all alone in the nursing home or Aunt Edna who couldn't be here/passed away on this day as we enjoy his favorite things
4) Request
...and continue to keep safe all of our family in our minds today __________ from covid, their safe drives in this weather, their cancer remission, etc.
... In Jesus's name. Amen." Squeeze some hands, smile all around, accept your compliments on a nice prayer, and then maybe wait or point out to a young child, that the patriarch or matriarch oldest at the table, or the host, should start first to pass or go fix a plate. Sometimes on buffets, it's better to move to another room, pray in a big circle, then free-for-all.

>> No.14213763

This is what people think when no one knows their name (aka they don't hide their true self).

>> No.14213781

THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANK YOU JESUS for this food we're about to eat. May it NOURISH us so that we may CONTINUE to live on and walk in your light, and that we may NEVER take for granted your GLORIOUS BOUNTIES you have bestowed upon us. Now... can I get an amen? I SAAAAAAAIIIIID: Can. I Get. AN AMEN?!

>> No.14213784


>> No.14213865

>ive done everything you've asked from me
>please untie us and let me and my family go...

>> No.14213893

>at friends house
>everyone passes food around.
>I wait until everyone is ready to eat/has their plates full because I was raised that way (considered rude to eat before everyone has their plate ready)
>everyone is ready
>grab my utensils
>"Anon...we say grace in this house before we eat"
What the fuck kind of way is that to treat a guest that has been otherwise polite? You can't skip grace one time as to not single out your guest and make it awkward like that? These people are the type of Christians that only go to church at Christmas or funerals. Im also Christian, btw. I just don't say grace before I eat.

>> No.14213894

>basic etiquette to be an hypocrite
I won't pretend to believe when I don't. Isn't this in their religion too ? Don't call the lord's name in vain or something ?

>> No.14213908
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>No Cayenne or fresssshly ground black pepper in sight

>> No.14213950

Me: Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law!
Me: What is thy will?
Guests: To eat this meal.
Me: To what end?
Guests: That I may fortify my body.
Me: To what end?
Guests: That I may accomplish the Great Work!
All: Love is the Law, love under will!

>> No.14213961


>> No.14213969

Dear Allah. Praise be his name.
Akbar the haram pork before us today on this occasion of eid ul asha and for my nrighbours only wife (kek) that prepared it. May it be up to our expectations or she shall be stoned to death.
I want to express my gratefulness of your nation in paying for me and my 7 wives and 72 children to come here and slowly genocide you.
In the name allah (praise him)

>> No.14214017

Blessed and based

>> No.14214222

"As we gather for dinner, I'd like to thank god I'm not a nigger."

>> No.14214241

Enjoying the spoils of a successful home invasion.

>> No.14214245
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>> No.14214433

God is great, God is good, for he brings his bounties to the hood. Amen.