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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 82 KB, 1280x720, babish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14212374 No.14212374[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why does this board hate him?

>> No.14212380


>> No.14212382

because he is popular

>> No.14212383

Because they're the same tryhard contrarians that infest every other board and don't actually want to have fun or care about food. Someone will reply to this post with a wojak.

>> No.14212386

Overrated hipster/faggot and kosher salt. Happy?

>> No.14212388

Btw I'm gay I'm not sure if that matters

>> No.14212403

This, honestly can be applied to everything in this forsaken place.

>> No.14212406
File: 325 KB, 1079x1126, NH9YaRR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Someone will reply to this post with a wojak

>> No.14212408

For me it's because he's repetitive as fuck and does all these "quirky" things. Pretty sure I once heard him say "let these flavors get to know each other" 4 times in the same video.

Not only that, the premise of his channel is making food from the dying medium that is tv shows and films like Friends, Parcs & Rec, Frasier, Seinfeld and anything Marvel. Just so he could bank on pop culture.

He's pretty much the equivalent of The Big Bang Theory, but for cooking shows.

>> No.14212412

I watch him because he's entertaining.
But he has minimal cooking skills.
Seems like 50% of the time he is cooking a recipe for the first time and just parroting somebody else's method.

>> No.14212416

How much longer until a "boot licking" video, where shows us how to season his black room mate's feet before kissing them?

>> No.14212427

I used to like him a lot in his earlier days when videos were really just purely about recreating foods from pop culture. But now he has become a commercialized faggot that just flex's his success. Oh look at my gold rolex, look at my new hot girlfriend Jess! Look at my new book, win a trip to Italy with ME, look at me being so kind and humble buying a car for my brother, look at me paying for some bourbon tour for a dude who has cancer or some shit. He's just totally insufferable now. It's not the fact that he's successful that bothers me. I'm not some bitter loser who is envious towards others over petty things. It's his lack of humility. Dude clearly sold out and his throwing it in the face of his audience. I also can't stand his quirky humour that has become more pronounced over the past year. Fuck Babish. I am still subscribed to him because I hate myself.

>> No.14212440

>I'm not some bitter loser who is envious towards others over petty things.
>only criticism is about him having more success than yourself

>> No.14212443

that one video he uploaded where that dying kid wanted to meet him was cringe.
i think the kid wanted to die even more realizing how big of a simp he was irl

>> No.14212495
File: 427 KB, 976x603, FAGGGGGGGGG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why does this board hate him?
he is the embodiment of soy.
>bald because scared of hairline
>still has soybeard to signal low-t beta status

>> No.14212496 [DELETED] 

nigger-loving sodomite

>> No.14212532

more like memeing with reddit

>> No.14212559

No my primary criticism about him is his lack of humility. Learn to read.

>> No.14212568

This so much. Holy fuck anon I do not want to be bald but my hairline is already receding. I'm gonna fucking kill myself if I don't get a hair transplant lol.

>> No.14212569

start wearing baseball caps constantly

>> No.14212577

>spends thousands of dollars helping people and giving to charity
>he just has no humility
ya its obvious you are just a jelly loser desu, you would complain no matter what because you are a typical 4chan contrarian

>> No.14212578

he's not a real chef
he's not had any real professional culinary training
he's a clumsy retard who bumbles through his videos
then he started the "basics with babish" series where he acts like he's experienced enough to teach people about cooking
and he's flanderised his own character far too much

he's like a more subtly annoying ragusea, and he doesn't even have the saving grace of admitting he's a clueless jerk like ragusea

>> No.14212620

>he's not a real chef
he never claims to be
>he's not had any real professional culinary training
he never claimed to
>he's a clumsy retard who bumbles through his videos
so do most of the foodtubers, its for show
>then he started the "basics with babish" series where he acts like he's experienced enough to teach people about cooking
any retard can teach people how to cook, teaching someone how to cook is 99% just showing them how to follow recipe. cooking isnt some ultra complicated thing
>and he's flanderised his own character far too much
so does every other eceleb

>> No.14212622

He's a massively overrated tryhard, he's also a manlet. He stole Vinny from Brad as well.

>> No.14212659

just accept it. my hair was turning gray in my 20s ive never dyed it.

>> No.14212662

Can't speak about his cooking cause I'm not a good cook but his episode on cocktails was mortifying. Also leddit etc etc

>> No.14212687

>Spends thousands of dollars helping people and giving to charity in order to make videos where thousands of people will praise him and give him more money, not to mention the money he gets from ad revenue.

If they were genuine gestures he would be humble and not a self promoting twat going "looook at meeeeee look at how nice and specal I am for helping out these poor folks!" The videos are nothing but a pathetic flex to shape and bolster his public image. It's like Epstein starting college scholarship funds. It doesn't mean shit. Speaking of shit, feel free to eat mine, dumb faggot.

>> No.14212688

>"boot licking" video
Fuck, don't remind me.

>> No.14212691

>Make a Wish kid wants to see BWB
Now this is just sad and pathetic.

>> No.14212695

That back to back cooking video with the amazingly great communicator, Carla...
he bungled everything so badly. I was kind of surprised at his utter lack of common sense and comfort in the kitchen. It really makes his giant chef arm tattoos even more poser wannabe street cred. I think some of his shakiness is drugs or side effects from psych meds. /sad

>> No.14212704

but he literally did not do that, you are projecting so hard onto him

>> No.14212759

I like Babish. I hate that josh weissman

>> No.14212809

Suck his dick some more faggot

>> No.14212812


>> No.14212836


seethe harder tranny

>> No.14212879

You're a fucking tranny enabler.

>> No.14212902

Eat shit Babishnigger

>> No.14212970

Holy shit you're a fucking faggot dude

>> No.14212986

Reminder that the videos where Andrew fellates himself about how generous of a person he is and that he uses his "platform" responsibly are monetized.

>> No.14212996

you can get mad all you want but you are still a faggot who only hates him because he is popular and when asked to explain your hatred you blatantly lie rather than just admitting to be a contrarian retard

there are plenty of real reasons to not like babish and it is fine to not like him but you are literally just lying for no reason like a spiteful woman, kill yourself

>> No.14213014

>just lying for no reason

>> No.14213022

but you are, you made a bunch of claims about him that are just false or grossly overstated

>> No.14213024

Shut the fuck up Andrew.

>> No.14213029

lel, i like how you cant even defend yourself because you know im right

>> No.14213035
File: 94 KB, 266x243, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's not a chef, telling people how to make things.
It's clear that he's only doing things for pop culture references.
He's privaledged, and doesn't mind flaunting it which is auto hatred for alot of people.

It's also clear he is running out of ideas.

>> No.14213107

>Andrew is a self-fellating dork
>NUH UH!!! LIAR!! U MAD?!?!
There's no argument to be had.

>> No.14213120
File: 140 KB, 564x789, straw2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lel nice strawman fag

>> No.14213121

Get neck-kneeled, retard.

>> No.14213127

>seething faggot

>> No.14213133

Incorrect. I only hate him because he comes on here and I hate his shitty threads, Larping about how he's some regular /ck/ user, and exposing his manlet ass for the retarded upstart that tried to insult chef John by mangling almost all of his recipes.

Basics with Babish, is absolutely disgusting. And should be mass flagged and removed for plagiarism and copyright infringement upon Chef John's old recipes.

He's the antithesis of my ideal cook. Not humble, can't cook anything well, insufferable, and yet still somehow he's successful, even though KFC makes better chicken then him.
This aswell.

>> No.14213159

It's not that he's a bad person, I hold absolutely nothing against the man personally, it's that he goes above and beyond to make his videos appeal to the reddit style of humor that makes me cringe. The 'nerd' jokes, the pacing and quick cuts, etc.

Being on this site since 2009 has made me develop an involuntary disgust reaction to leddit.

>> No.14213179

It does matter anon, and so do you.
Wanna touch dicks later?

>> No.14213438

exactly this. he used to be interesting and now he's turned in some pseudo pop icon of culinary culture for halfwits. his basics can suck a dick. it's not success, it's him. and that fucking golden rolex. fuck him

>> No.14214021

Are you saying Andrew Rea comes to /ck/? How do you know?

>> No.14214037

He saw a niche in the market and took the opportunity to fill it and make bank.

Sure, hate him for his quirks, or the fact he's not a fantastic chef, but it just comes across as jealousy when you go after him for being smart enough to recognize and fill a niche.

>> No.14214051

Not him but its either
1.Reddit tourism shilling his shit
2.He intentionally comes here to shill his own shit
/ck/ is a low activity board, it´s not rocket science anon

>> No.14214055

Oh I thought Andrew Rea might have admitted it in a reddit AMA or something.

>> No.14214213
File: 23 KB, 470x481, 1589324062440.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he's popular and successful. As a rule, 4chan users are self hating incels and anyone who is successful and makes something of themselves reminds them if how little they have accomplished so they lash out.

>> No.14214239
File: 145 KB, 869x793, 1590772642076.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe harder

>> No.14214307

He doesn't commit to the recipes he chooses then he half asses with the substitutions he made, if not completely missing his own point of why he made the substition in the first place. He doesn't have the first hand experience with pop culture to understand the meme food he's trying to produce and isn't a good enough cook to try to make a palatable version.

>> No.14214329

how ironic

>> No.14215319

yeah, i'll wear my favorite pair of panties for you

>> No.14215374

this is a chef john board

>> No.14215408

>tries to recreate a recipe of boxed mac and cheese
>still ends up making it all fancy.

>> No.14216131

I don't want to be all /x/ on you anon but there might be another explanation for why such divisive threads are posted regularly on /ck/, one of the most trolled boards on 4chan.
If you look at the catalog during any Australian peak-time, 80% of the threads are blatant bait-posting and Babish is another of those.

Shills don't go to 4chan, nobody wants that attention and nobody wants 4chan as customers. The answer is always that you're being trolled and when you post in those threads, giving them (you)s, you're taking the bait and ensuring it keeps happening.

>> No.14216176

And I just thought it was well edited clickbait cooking from an insufferable soy boy. It feels good to know my hatefuel is justified.

>> No.14216236

I don't hate him dude's making bank playing to plebs who fucking wouldn't want to do that. What I can't stand is literally every fucking person on the internet sperging out over "epic new meme dish from X cartoon/show/movie" every time one drops.

>dood did you see babish made the Dagwood sandwhich! Holy fucking shit
Yeah tons of people have made it before
>Holy shit he mad sandwhich from the regular show! Did you know you could actually make that?
Yeah they tell you how to make it on the show

Proceed to hear shit like this for the next few days

>> No.14216262

I was actually wondering that

Do we have a reliable method of estimating how much he's pulling in from youtube alone?

>> No.14216270
File: 261 KB, 900x900, jw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*is based in you're path*

>> No.14216304
File: 91 KB, 1234x886, Screen Shot 2020-06-08 at 7.09.09 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit.

This is with a conservative estimate of his CPM too so it's probably higher

>> No.14216659

Bro he bought a fucking new york brownstone recently, dude is making piles.