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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 202 KB, 234x730, steel-reserve-211-42-oz-plastic-bottle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14210149 No.14210149[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>That 2nd Steelie of the night

>> No.14210153

Stopped drinking 40s after they went to the shitty plastic bottles

>> No.14210167

i drink 4 a day

>> No.14210169

How’s life

>> No.14210174


>> No.14210196

How is your stomach lining?

>> No.14210199

Nearing the end, by the sound of it.

>> No.14210201

When did they start selling beer in plastic? Haven't had alcohol in 7 years.

>> No.14210203

good i guess feels the same as it ever has

>> No.14210220

its just most 40s not the smaller ones happened like 4 years ago

>> No.14210274

>cold when blue
Have americans really lost their sense of touch?

>> No.14210278

what chu know bout dat?

>> No.14210281

Can someone explain to me what high gravity beer is?

>> No.14210321

malt liquor

>> No.14210325

Unironically, this is about where I was when I went into rehab. Godspeed, anon.

>> No.14210328

Extra gravity, pretty self explanatory, it comes from the center of Jupiter

>> No.14210331

Just 4? Thats it? Thats fucking nothing. But glad you got help

>> No.14210332

im getting there almost at 3 a day tell me ur story

>> No.14210356

Not them but 4 40oz steelies is well over 20 standard drinks of alcohol, each one is about 6

>> No.14210369

Didn't drink until 21, but always went overboard and drank alone a lot. Preferred liquor to beer or wine but pounding two 40 oz. of OE a night became a regular stress coping habit. Eventually, upped the dosage and started drinking G&T's or white russians at the same time. Whole deck of cards inevitably fell out when the alcohol, depression, and anxiety all completely locked me up from being able to function day-to-day. Checked myself into the 28 day detox, which insurance mercifully covered, and my life essentially went on hold for 6 months while I recovered and did outpatient. This was some years ago now, and I'm in a much better place shitposting on 4chimp all day.

>> No.14210374

Do you use anything to cope? I noticed alot of ex alchs pound diet coke and smoke cigs instead

>> No.14210384

We couldn't even have caffeine in outpatient treatment, so it was a pretty clean break for the most part. Personally never touched cigarettes. I have gone back to drinking a lot of caffeine and I get on kicks where I feel addicted to soda - especially coke - but I'm also probably a video game and internet addict, so those are my main go to's. I never had the oral fixation a lot of /alck/s struggle with.

>> No.14210409

it is amazing how many people drink this
it's often not even a matter of wanting to get drunk for cheap. i think people just genuinely enjoy drinking it

>> No.14210410

Where in the hell do you people live that malt liquor comes in plastic bottles?

>> No.14210414

>Has to mention his hate of Americans during every conversation

>> No.14210433

There's been a lot of government regulation at the state level over 40 oz liquor containers like OE and Steel Reserve over the past decade or two. Some places, like Florida, outlaw their sale at that size altogether. Others have mandated the plastic bottles for 40 oz in an attempt to curb broken glass. America is a messy patchwork of weird liquor laws.

>> No.14210438

Probly nothin

>> No.14210462

>i think people just genuinely enjoy drinking it
Think again.

>> No.14210467

I'm in Ohio. The gas stations around here sell King Cobra in glass, then Old English, Magnum, and Steel in plastic.

>> No.14210476


>> No.14210500

I'm in Kentucky, and travel back and forth to Colorado a couple times a year and I've never seen any beer or malt liquor in plastic. Weird.

>> No.14210521

Been to Kentucky a couple times. Went camping in August a few years ago which was a bonehead move with the temperature and humidity. Nice spot and friendly people. Guy next to us was a fucking cornhole champion and great at playing the guitar. Can't recall where it was. Been across the river into Newport several times for the aquarium and Hofbrauhaus.

>> No.14210524

Sounds like land between the lakes.

>> No.14210601

what did he mean mom was being weak?

>> No.14210627

fyi the steels gave me the diabeetus

>> No.14210642

doubt it

>> No.14210667

do you know how many carbs are in even one 40 of steel let alone 4

>> No.14210682

You would have to be eating like shit too

>> No.14210687

Holy lightweight, kys

>> No.14210688

This, the only one I'll have is mickeys sometimes or I buy tall boys.

>> No.14211395

how much u drink then

>> No.14213008

Not him, but I drink a bottle of whiskey a night. Steel reserve is only 8% alcohol, no it's not 6 drinks each More like 2.

>> No.14213028

Imagine bragging about this. Thank fuck I have enough sense not to destroy my mind and body while bragging about it

>> No.14213284

>You would have to be eating like shit too

If you're drinking plastic forties of steel reserve, you're eating like shit.

>> No.14213448

How did you take that as bragging. I was correcting him.

>> No.14213463

I enjoy it desu

>> No.14213478

I will say im a little confused why they did this. Its not saving any time and doesnt really make anything more convenient.

>> No.14213516

a stupid gimmick like the vortex bottle and other shit

>> No.14213576

>this is actually a fairly small amount of food for an averaged sized person

>> No.14213582


How often do you shit your pants?

>> No.14213590

how did they get steel reserve so right?
>normies hate it
>fairly manageable hangovers

>> No.14213592

Diabetic neuropathy stops sensation in American extremities.

>> No.14213599

Its basically a better promoted st ides

>> No.14213607

what does the S/R mean on the 24 oz cans?

>> No.14213618

In 2012, Steel Reserve 8.1% ABV received the Gold medal in the category of 'American-Style Premium Lager or Specialty Lager' at the World Beer Cup.

>> No.14213730

We are talking about 40 oz; we're alcoholics not illiterates, 12 fl oz of 4-5% is roughly a standard drink, so roughly triple the amount and underestimate doubling the alcohol. You're not smart

>> No.14213795

I mean in his defense he did say he drinks at least a bottle of whiskey every day; his math skills are probably not the sharpest at any given point in time.

>> No.14213844
File: 125 KB, 556x702, sleep tight steeler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14213890

>early 20s
>hanging out with friends
>stop as gas station
>friend running inside
>ask to get me some cheap beer
>friend comes out
>hands me brown bagged single drink
>this nigga
>meant like a 6 pack of whatever the fuck they had
>get to where we're going
>open drink
>spit out
>wtf did you get me?
>this shit tastes like the air in a dirty steel mill
>open bag
>steel reserve
At least they didnt fuck up the name.

>> No.14214169

lmao do americans really

>> No.14214208

>stillbirth memes

>> No.14214488

sleep right steeler

>> No.14214546

used to love these things but often times I would forget to brush my teeth and wake up with the most dry foul taste in my mouth. almost made me throw up smelling my breath in the morning. the only thing I drink today is labatt max ice. goes down smooth, extremely tasty when freezer cold, and 8% but doesn't feel like it. gotta try it

>> No.14214826


>> No.14214885

Ya the steel morning breath is vile

>> No.14214910

This. Obviously.

>> No.14215757
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Hey what's goin on crew? Chillin, bout to go to work, hangin out.
Thursday morning, think I might drink me a brew, get through the day. L'see what's goin on here.
Last night, my mom was bein weak. Had to beg my sister for a Steel Reserve, 211, 8.1
Watch u no bout that? Probably tons.

>> No.14215791
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40's are pretty good, they're good

Hurricanes and Four Loko are some strange magic. I'm a pretty frequent drinker. I remember arriving to my friend's house after around 10 hours on the road with the boys. Of course, it's road trip mode. Our diets and shit were all fucked up.

The next night we get the local specialty (Springfield, MO. shithole) pizza hut and as many four lokos that you can fit in a wal-mart bag without it breaking. I drank 2-3 of them and skipped the drunk stage. It fucked me up in seconds and I was just laying down listening to Have A Nice Life trying to ride out the four loko rape.

Never had that kind of experience before.

>> No.14215908

Its weird af for me to hear spirits in the US can come in plastic let alone beer.

>> No.14215952

Basically meaning it has an increased density, I don't know if it refers to the beer before or after its been brewed, as in home brewing I've only ever referred to the gravity of a beer as a comparison between pre and post fermentation.

>> No.14215998

>americans unironically believe this somehow is a lot of booze

>> No.14216013

Was this before or after the formula change?

At any rate there's something about malt liquor that really gets me zooted. It's not just the sheer volume of alcohol, something about the way it hits. It's like an instant buzz and I get silly. Steel Reserve is my go-to feel good drink.

>> No.14216021

In australian units, this is 40 standard drinks. I spent several minutes wondering how I fucked up the math when I didn't.

This would take your regular drinkers liver ~40 hours to process

>> No.14216026

this was november 2019, so i assume after.

granted, i probably had an empty stomach (or close to it)

>> No.14216092

you're talking around 4.5 litres of 8% beer. that's fucking disgusting to drink daily

>> No.14216100

Where do you people even buy this stuff? I can't find it anywhere.

>> No.14216132

It's everywhere in Ohio. Where do you live?

>> No.14216391
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Question: what's you record for 40's you've drank in a night? mine is currently 6, but i also had a pint of beam.

>> No.14216398

oh my god what happened to my bretty brincess? she's an uggo now

>> No.14216453

I had 3 Colts but started to feel sick from the sheer volume before I could get particularly drunk

>> No.14216457

Long Island

>> No.14216464

What a fucking boring story. "I had a Steel Reserve once. It tasted like shit." THIS NIGGA XD

>> No.14216482

Only guy I've met drinking Steel Reserve used to live in the same apt complex by me, he'd smoke by the dumpster and one day I saw him fall over int he snow and crawl on his hands and knees. Weird really tall old skinny fucker, super strung out

>> No.14216488


>> No.14216503

yea that's a little strange, I've found it pretty much everywhere i've lived, even when i was stationed in hawaii

>> No.14216520

This has such an amicable and friendly quality to watch, how is that possible.

>> No.14216525

>one steelie = 42 oz @ 8.1%
>standard beer = 12 oz @ 5.0 %
>3 steelies = 17.01 standard beers
sleep tight steeler

>> No.14216714

how does colt 45 compare to steel reserve?
where I live the only high % beers are colt 45, and faxe, but faxe is 10% and really high in corn syrup

>> No.14216745

never realized how gross it is to watch others drink

>> No.14216753

colt is not bad, and a can be a fast drunk if it's the only malt liquor you have available. but steeles are better obviously.

>> No.14216761

it's better than cobra or OE at least

>> No.14216795

Doesn't taste that great, but fuck it right? Gotta get the day started.

>> No.14216812

sleep tight steeler

>> No.14217070
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Bow down, piggy. Daddy's gone use your candy ass.

>> No.14217106

>alcoholic pretends that his drinking is normal
“Everybody’s going it” is a fairly common excuse

>> No.14217117

This is the worst. Never want to be a snob with alcohol but my buddy offered me a beer once and gave me this. Took one sip and just let him have the rest. Ice house edge is another wretched malt.

>> No.14217129

I quit drinking and smoking and now my mouth constantly has a weird taste it in it all the time. It is weird to describe but it kinda just always tastes like... spit?

Was I just so drunk 24/7 that my mind forgot what the taste of my own spit was like?

>> No.14217131

Rofl, retard. 42 ounces at 8.1% is like 5 and half Australian standards.

>> No.14217159

It’s the always the little things, isn’t it? I for one haven’t been smoking for long but I’m already losing my sense of smell. Maybe I should just stick with the vapes

>> No.14217244

That's the 8.1%
What you know bout that?
Probably a lot

>> No.14217256

underage b&

>> No.14217275

I'm a 33 year old alcoholic.

>> No.14217308

that 12 years to realize a mistake

>> No.14217349

sleep tight steeler

>> No.14217449

Prolly tons

>> No.14217483

that's my biggest problem, My stomach just can hold the volume, and I sober up and never get properly smashed.

>> No.14218543

What did he mean mom was being weak

>> No.14218715

Sometimes I miss them, but remember how shit my life really was.

>> No.14219697

Glad to hear you were able to get help, anon.

>> No.14220241

this is funny shit. it took him 10 minuites to drink and pukes on himself lol. I can down a 40 of sr in like 1 minuite and feel great

>> No.14220270


Truly kino

>> No.14221403

> that second straight gin shot of the night
for me

>> No.14222181

>what high gravity beer is?

higher percentage of alcohol due to more sugar usually from corn. Taste like shit, gets you drunk for cheap.

>> No.14222205
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>that first blackout of the seven day work week

>> No.14222231


If this guy was from pittsburgh pa we could all say 'sleep tight pittsburgh steeler'

>> No.14222290
File: 1.69 MB, 3537x2047, 0E2BAF5E-643C-4D97-9033-1898E103DEEA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All right you Steel fags won. I finally tried it today and it was just fine. I don’t know why some of you shit on it so hard.

>> No.14222370

A 750ml bottle is 25oz; 40% of 25oz is 10oz, the same amount of alcohol as two 40z at 8%. So someone drinking four steelies is drinking literally twice as much as someone drinking a bottle of whiskey.

>> No.14222400


Schlitzs bull > steel reserve >> natty daddy >>>> isopropyl alcohol and club soda >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> icehouse edge

>> No.14222674

Leaf here, my Aunt brought some of this back from the states, found it pretty decent.

>> No.14222683


>> No.14222688
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Been drinking pic related recently. I find it pretty decent but my roommate pointed out that it tastes like sugary fruit, like molasses and prunes and now I cant not notice it.

>> No.14223830

a bottle of whiskey is 22 standards you cretin

>> No.14223837

>I was just laying down listening to Have A Nice Life
been there myself, good times

>> No.14223991

Those are actually 24 oz cans, like 3.75 standard drinks each

>> No.14224014

long island bro. can't find 40's anywhere...

>> No.14224293
File: 34 KB, 500x500, trunek_27_org[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't have these in England but we do have strong lagers like Oranjeboom Black, Karpackie Mocne and Kestrel Super. They're pretty based t b h but they have a bad reputation.

>> No.14224439

withdrawal symptoms suck. im going thru it right now, trying a fast taper.

>> No.14224464

>Karpackie Mocne
it got nothing on 12% Halne mocne in a plastic bottle at 4 zł a litre

>> No.14224467


>> No.14225908


>> No.14226622
File: 35 KB, 500x500, artworks-000211615363-1lfhmi-t500x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Malt liquor is fucked, especially Steel Reserve. It's like they go out of their way to make it taste bad.
We heard you the first 6 times, autismo. Can this tard's handler come pick him up, he's getting ornery.

>> No.14226685

Holy shit taste, kys.

>> No.14226689

I've acquired an taste for the ice house edge, it's the cheapest one and my gas station always has it, when it's cold I might like it even more than Steele. Underrated as fuck screw you.

>> No.14226703
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>> No.14226714
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>that first sip of the day

>> No.14226717

I work at a hospital and you always see someone with one of those in their hand outside A&E.

>> No.14226730

I glad you kicked it anon im in a shitty situation and look up to you

>> No.14226742
File: 49 KB, 573x335, 1565202760406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope your joking

>> No.14226754

sleep right steeler

>> No.14226759

I drink tons of malt a day and it's fucking my stomach and putting a huge wedge and fights every night between me and my gf. I look up to him too and I hope we both can stop this madness someday

>> No.14226949

I honestly believe steel helped me and my gf break up from the blackout fights wed get in

>> No.14226968

I remember the room being a lot messier than this pic for some reason.

>> No.14226992

Absolutely the worst sorry mate. Usually it's just me drinking them everyday and getting defensive or aggressive with her, but when she downs a couple of them it's a guaranteed screaming and throwing things fight. I function well enough and never miss work and stuff, but the fights and crying my drinking causes is killing me. Fuck. Fuck.
I used to drink vodka, that got bad, I "fixed that problem" and just switches to "beer" amd she was very happy about that, but the weak beers turned into steelies and I'm getting myself smashed every night in them. God I hate myself.

>> No.14227024

The spaghetti wasn't ready

>> No.14227048

I live 10 mins away from Newport, happy to hear that you enjoyed it. Also can confirm that everybody here is a cornhole champ

>> No.14227079

Ya I’d get trashed and bring up shit from the past and throw it in her face she would get defensive and than we would throw stuff etc

>> No.14227112

back on the sauce lol

>> No.14227119

I drink a bottle every other day, can't imagine going the full bottle would be too much a stretch

>> No.14227149
File: 49 KB, 295x246, BA993289-255C-4E17-B442-8E19EFBBDA81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes I like to relax on my couch while listening to Steely Pan, how did you know?

Here’s my favourite songs

>black cow (wagyu)
>bacon blues
>bone at last
>my old stool
>bad snickers
>dorito again
>only a fool would fry that
>kid champagne
>the ‘za
>the cakes of altamira

>> No.14227162

Also recently got trashed and left her a Mel Gibson like voicemail and she saved it and played it to our co workers

>> No.14227193

>Mel Gibson like voicemail

Did you rant about the Jews?

>> No.14227211

Just called her a stupid cunt, and told her her pussy stinks and enjoy ur ibs etc... called her family white trash told her i hope her car catches fire etc

>> No.14227219

what? WHAT!?
>those FAKERS

>> No.14227233
File: 59 KB, 576x507, B3897E50-9C32-49F0-8305-9AD54A2538DA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I porkek

>> No.14227242

>that shameful yet relieving feel of bringing out a trashbag full of empty plastic 40's to the curb at night on garbage day

>> No.14227473

>no Nikki Don't Booze That Number

>> No.14227499

Gas station here sells 3x 25 oz Natty Daddy for $2.99.

>> No.14227509

>Rikki don’t burn that butter

>> No.14227553

I know that feel

>> No.14227698

great value

>> No.14228734
File: 31 KB, 355x350, Steel Reserve sixer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is $4.99 at Walmart. Cheap way to get a buzz.

>> No.14229208

Fuck just slammed a 3 pack of tall boy natty daddys and have work in an hour

>> No.14229234

whatchu know bout dat?

>> No.14229444

you're one of us now

>> No.14229835

Haha, I used to drink Old E 40 oz in the early nineties. Do people still drink that shit?

>> No.14229839

>tfw mom's not being weak

>> No.14230151

This shit is vile imo. Pure tramp juice.

>> No.14230617
File: 1.71 MB, 884x1390, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awww this is so cute, little baby thinks he's safe now

>> No.14230890

Damn that was the first beer I ever bought legally. I find it way too sweet/malty now.

>> No.14231880


>> No.14231887
File: 482 KB, 640x482, 1567900088176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on my 7th drink and it's 130pm ama

>> No.14231907

Oh, herro. You are great dishonour to famry.

>> No.14232174



>> No.14232175

Who else lost a gf or wife due to malt liquor?

>> No.14232176

god i'm so racist but it just feels so right you knwo

>> No.14232179

i lost everything and then i found malt liquor

>> No.14233292

she wouldn't buy him alcohol, and he had to ask his sister, he's underage.
the whole thing is pretty sad imo, he doesn't seem happy at all.

>> No.14233302

are you guys like 250 pounds

>> No.14233321

I'm 515 but I carry it well. Everyone thinks I'm only 350.

>> No.14233345

why would anyone actually drink one of these

>> No.14233366

because they remained true to these streets

>> No.14233392

Because mom was being weak.

>> No.14233403
File: 384 KB, 600x600, large_b4ef513e-b18b-4bf4-88a6-baf176c98f10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


St ides still comes in the classic shape with glass bottle though

>> No.14233518

who the fuck cares? this is /ck/

>> No.14233539

It's called being social, you fucking wet end.

>> No.14233647

Hurricane reporting in, I pick up a 4 pack every time I'm able to hop the border for gas. $1.50 CAD for an 8.1% tallboy is obscenely cheap by Leaf standards.

>> No.14233712

Working 7 days a week? What gives

>> No.14233718

Thats sk based. U mowing?

>> No.14233721

Theres a larger pic, it shows his whole room, more emptied wine boxes etc, and the bright sun bleeding through his blackout curtains. He was a wow addict

>> No.14233879

Sleep tight steeler

>> No.14234798

All the alcoholics in this thread, disgusting.
Smoke weed you fucking subhumans.

>> No.14234938

I hate "people" who smoke weed. Absolutely vile culture. Grow a personality.

>> No.14235545


>> No.14235551

Post wojak edit

>> No.14235573

You don't belong here Dan, go see your kids.

>> No.14236578


>> No.14236614
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>> No.14236713
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>The breads of Altamura

>> No.14237211
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>tfw live in europe
How does malt liquor taste like? How would you compare it to a continental strong beer?

>> No.14237282

Whats the worst thing you have done while drunk?

>> No.14237331

i killed myself

>> No.14237415

all the alcohol flavor none of the actual interesting notes. absolute garbage, you aren't missing out

>> No.14237563
File: 32 KB, 612x612, 428b08ca-f73e-4b85-9b2b-350415dd696d_1.b5b45e8891b87dd9abe739695a6c48ff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best cheap-ass beer

>> No.14237568

It’s fucking gross

>> No.14237576

my old go to until i discovered natty daddy

>> No.14237577

Text/social media posts. If you get drunk just hide the phone. You will regret alot the next morning if you don't.

>> No.14237883
File: 845 KB, 1455x966, cvgjnhgcjhg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 7-11 stopped carrying Modelo Lemon and salt Chelada so instead of my daily 3 PBR(for effect) +1 Modelo(for flavor) tall cans it's now four PBR's which carries me over the threshhold of feeling good and buzzed to tired and bloated.
So I tapered down to 3 PBRs and may just quit altogether.

>> No.14238043

i burned so many bridges by drunk texting, drunk fb messages etc

>> No.14238050

It tastes like shit. I drank it for years but I can't do it anymore since the very smell of it makes me instantly start gagging. It made me switch to Evan Williams which should tell you just how bad that it is.

>> No.14238059

Can't argue with this. I say the most horrible things online when drunk lmao.. Maybe it means I'm a naturally bad person.

>> No.14238068

Not those anons, but I make surprisingly coherent posts when I'm properly drunk. I've made some cringy ones, but for the most part they make sense oddly enough.

>> No.14238070

I lost a job, friends and a 2 year relationship from drinking steel and drunk posting and texting

>> No.14238138

prolly tons

>> No.14238167

what did he mean mom was being weak?

>> No.14238191

I fapped for 100 minutes last night. And it was Steel Reserve.

I don’t ever want to do that again.

>> No.14238197

He had to beg his sister for a Steel Reserve.

>> No.14238204

if mom was being weak woouldnt she have got it

>> No.14238224
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>> No.14238229

probably because it's warm

>> No.14238261
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>> No.14238344

Glock needs to be replaced with a Hi-Point.

>> No.14238513
