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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14206650 No.14206650 [Reply] [Original]

hey i bought some bacon yesterday but forgot to put it in the fridge. Can i still eat it?

>> No.14206653

You gonna heat it up right? Then its no problem unless it literally stinks

>> No.14206656

yeah i'm gonna cook it. it doesn't stink.

>> No.14206723

Incredible thread op

>> No.14206724

Best thread this week

>> No.14206731

this is a thread!

>> No.14206732

This thread made my day. Thank you op

>> No.14206749

Funny threads like this one are the reason I come to/ck/.

>> No.14206833

I have a mate who did fieldwork as a paleo-botonist in the arctic circle. Camping, no refrigeration but even in summer it's pretty cold so not a huge problem.
His team got caught by some fuckup on the way out to the field and their supplies, including a lot of frozen meat, sat on a runway on a hot day for a bunch of hours. Once they got up to the arctic circle, they did an inventory and had to throw away nearly all their meat except what they could cook immediately and except for the bacon.
By day 3 the bacon was the only meat they had for a 3 week field trip so they made it last.
By week 2, they were scraping mould off it but they're botonists so they're like "eh, pretty sure that strain of white mould is ok". By week two, they're like "I don't like the yellow stuff, think that's a bit toxic, scrape it off and cook it really well", by week three they're looking at it and decide not to risk the green stuff.
What I took away from this is that any bacon that isn't actually putrid or mouldy should be fine to eat so long as you cook it pretty well.
The real danger in poorly cooked pork is salmonella and parasites, not mould. The curing process will kill all that stuff so it's really going to be fine, what you're worried about by that stage is e. coli colonisation from being handled by supermarket or meat-packing dudes who didn't wash their hands well enough, it won't grow while it's frozen or chilled below 4c but once thawed it will come to life. That stuff you can wash off the exterior and just cook it well enough to kill it.
Most bacteria can be killed with cooking, the only real danger is botulism which is because the bacteria isn't toxic, it produces a toxic by-product which isn't deactivated by heat. Botulism comes from soil though so it's not going to be in bacon anyway, it's usually found in garlic where some soil got inside the bulb while growing.

>> No.14206959

>The curing process will kill all that stuff
I don't know if that works with bacon since it's usually just injected with salt water, it's not like a traditional cure where it's rubbed in salt and left to sit.

>> No.14206968

is this pasta or not i cant tell

>> No.14207180

Bacon isn't pasta you idiot.

>> No.14207384


>> No.14207810
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>> No.14207817

who hurt you incel? yikes, oof

>> No.14208145
File: 31 KB, 502x497, c93c950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a fellow redditor I agree that people who dislike bacon are incels. The narwhal bacons! Haha xD