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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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14204794 No.14204794[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being a vegan

>> No.14204796
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Imagine not being 233lbs PURE MUSCLE

>> No.14204810

imagine being such a walking meme that you have to post online to a bunch of strangers about your diet to alleviate your insecurities

>> No.14204812
File: 98 KB, 800x680, ca loc nuong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thanks my brother. One of the delights of life is finding news ways to cook new animals, or the ones you have.

>> No.14204825

Vegans are retard but that steak does not look good

>> No.14204907

>roiding for this

>> No.14204914

It looks perfect to me

>> No.14204960

>surrounded by non-rendered fat
>no seasoning

>> No.14204962

i cant afford steak :(

>> No.14204973
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Imagine being a meatcuck

>> No.14204976

The fat is the best part fag.

Go chew a cock

>> No.14204984

This. Pretty embarrassing.

>> No.14205016

Yeah, the fat is the best part. Which is ehy you dont eat it fucking RAW with overcooked meat in the middle

>> No.14205024


>> No.14205040

Dilate with a bunch of celery you frail freaks

>> No.14205046

That's not a steak.
Not all cuts of meat are good for eating bleu or rare, there's no way of telling if it's overcooked by not knowing the cut.

>> No.14205056

Not op but the meat is fine. Its perfect medium rare, what are you on about

>> No.14205140

>Imagine being a vegan
oh, oh god, I'm week and tired, and oh shit I have gone 5 minutes without telling someone I'm vegan and brow beating them over things that don't matter. Now I'm stuck on a desert island with only starfish to eat. waiter I need to waste evereyones time making sure that all the items on the menu are vegan or have options because I have an over developed sense of morals, but I have no problem killing roaches and using hundreds of everyday objects that were made from animals and I am to addled to figure that out. I'm so malnourished I shop in the boys section of walmart.

>> No.14205156

Your comment unironically seems more like anti vegan complaining more than a vegan does. Oops

>> No.14205169


>> No.14205174

but it is true.

>> No.14205176

I'm hungry as fuck now

>> No.14205196
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Literally cant imagine it

>> No.14205217

I would demolish that shit ngl

>> No.14205226

No I won't

>> No.14205285

the only thing more retarded than vegans is anti-vegans

vegans are at least pseudo-right with their carb based diet, although they ignore the fact that you need animal micronutrients and some tryptophan once in a while

anti-vegans are just completely wrong and suffer an early death from hemochromatosis, bowel cancer, and go bald at age 23.

>> No.14205303

>eating meat
Can't make this up

>> No.14205322

No that's due to shitty genes

>> No.14205326
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Well, fuck you. Rate my breakfast

>> No.14205334


>> No.14205372

little dick/9

>> No.14205389
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>> No.14205557
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>giving yourself a heart attack to own the libs

I can't wait till you people are all dead

>> No.14205583
File: 33 KB, 573x535, images (24).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well Im a May guy and I dont need your aproval

>> No.14205587

There's no apparent sugar, flour, or vegetable oil on that plate.

Heart attacks are a result of the standard American diet being 70% plant-based.

>> No.14205632

The problem is not so much plants but all the sugar. A single american consumes more sugar than a whole family in most parts of the world

>> No.14205663

It's probably mostly vegetable oil if we're picking a single culprit. But Ancient Egyptians got heart disease from flour, and sugar is obviously a huge contributor.

So to be accurate it's sugar, flour, and vegetable oil causing modern chronic disease. All of which are plant products.

Basically all processed food is made from varying configurations of sugar, flour, and vegetable oil.

>> No.14205668
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You're gonna have to wait a while. Carnivorous peoples have been around for millions of years.

Pic is the Maasais smoothie of choice: blood and milk.
These people will kill lions with pointed sticks,

>> No.14205749 [DELETED] 

But anon... Theyre niggers

>> No.14205761

Don't need to, I'm already vegan. I'd eat eggs and honey if the chickens and bees were well taken care of and respected though.

>> No.14205764

>sugar, flour, and vegetable oil causing modern chronic disease

Just say carbs.

>> No.14205789

imagine not knowing how to cook meat

>> No.14205836
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Your point?
Some people kill lions with pointy sticks, others kill polar bears with pointy sticks.

Either way, they are superior to "civilized" urban vegan faggots.

>> No.14205842 [DELETED] 

>posting ice niggers


>> No.14205864
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Question: How come it's okay to eat food from land thats mistreated and kills billions of animals and causes them to go extinct, but it's not okay to quickly kill a cow or a pig that will not go extinct as long as it's symbiotic relationship with humans are maintained?

Why is it not ok to eat honey but it's okay to eat almonds? Did you know in winter 2018, 50 billion bees died from almond production in California alone?

You shouldn't focus everything on ethics. Eggs from well raised chickens isn't about the fucking ethics. its about the fact that the eggs are rich and vibrant and when they are scrambled in high quality butter the eggs taste like custardy cheese as opposed to the pale, rubbery industrial egg that gets no sun or grass. How sad is it the vegan must take it a step further and bring chemical sprays, soil desegregation, wildlife habitat loss, heavy petroleum use, and irrigation. Just to create a more disgusting product than even the most miserable of battery cage hens could produce.

But if you want to eat for ethics, you should produce your own food. All industrial food money goes into Monsanto's pocket, vegan or not.

Flee the city you human livestock slave.

>> No.14205878

wtf that's fucking raw

>> No.14205897

Don't know and don't care. I eat vegan for health reasons and because I don't think it's right to exploit animals. Oh, also because I don't have it in me to kill a living animal.

>> No.14205929

how would vegans feel if I just bought some vegan-offset credits for the meat I ate?

>> No.14205933

Eat all the meat you want, I don't care.

>> No.14205940

Based fellow vegan. This retard also thinks bees aren't used to commercial feedstock which uses hundreds of times more water, bees, and land for a tenth of the calories as almonds. Also almonds are what they always pick because they're very wasteful in comparison to most plant foods. Look up the water usage of a burger vs an eggplant and compare.

>> No.14205970

I don't care about the current narrative that instagram vegans follow. I just go with my own morals and that be that. Eat whatever you want, I can't force you to do otherwise nor would I want to.

>> No.14205980

You exploit bees for honey, you exploit the land and the animals who made it their home for crops. The land used to be grassland, which fed livestock and wildlife together. You think it's healthy to eat plants, even though mainstream humans have only been able to be vegan due to expansion of industrial ag.

You have it in you to kill an animal, even if you are far removed from your natural habitat and fed a steady diet of propaganda telling you that you wont kill.

Disney came into your life as a child and anthropomorphized animals for you. Christianity said 'thou shall not kill', even though you later became 'athiest' (which is still a religion, btw) Peta came and showed you their propaganda animal torture porn and told you to "go vegan if you REALLY love animals".

Animals are not humans. And if you REALLY loved them, you would want to be around them and learn the truth about them.

You would learn the horrible truth that animals may be sentient, but they are not sapient. And you would also learn ALL life, including plants and fungi, and even the soil, suffers and thrives. Just like us.

Veganisim isn't healthy. It's a diet that by default is deficient. Even the American Dietetics say that you need to supplement (and God only knows how pharmaceutical supplements are made). That's why most people quit it. If veganism was healthy this wouldn't exist

Produce your own food. Stop being a consumer slave and wake up. The oligarchs want you weak and dependent on them.

>> No.14206038
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The papers you are looking at for these statistics have so many confounding variables its not even funny.

You know nothing about industrial, postmodern, post Earl Butz agriculture. And you probably assume I support it.
You will run to the whole "well animal feed is worse than human feed" argument all the time.
Most of the subsidized cash crops grown are primarily for humans.
Ethanol, corn syrup, corn oil, processed foods, maltodexterin, etc all corn products for HUMANS.
These products will produce a byproduct inedible to humans. Those go to feeding livestock.
And I don't even support surplus artificially cheap cash crops. They cause acidosis in cattle and make poor quality meat.
I know about these things because I live in very close proximity to farmers and actually decided to become a subsistence farmer/homesteader instead of a useless consumer like you.

And honestly, if having more land for grazing livestock means more land healing, instead of thousands of acres being destroyed all the way down to the bacteria, I'll take that.

I bet you are so ignorant you think cows actually kill grass.
They don't. They prune grass, and when the herd moves the grass grows faster, and the soil organic matter becomes more diverse and sequesters more carbon, because the cow pisses and shits all over the pasture. It's a perfect symbiotic system that has worked for millions of years, and vegans want to destroy it.

>> No.14206066
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Imagine this much mental gymnastics just so you can continue to pay people to abuse animals

>> No.14206096

I'm sorry you spent so much time writing that response but I will continue doing what I'm doing and I hope you will continue to follow your own diet. Have a good day.

>> No.14206103
File: 49 KB, 620x410, w620-e548b2c2e105c1ba3597f55f30e5f29a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck am I paying?

I raise my own livestock.

If you wanna be ethical, grow your own food.

Learn the objective truth, you are being used by the global elite. Just look at the picture you sent me, and really take a look at your life. Vegan.


>> No.14206113

Finland is such a beautiful country

>> No.14206114
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Hey, it's like you said several times before, you don't care.

>> No.14206189
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>killing that which does not want to die when it is optional for you to survive
There is no debate that being a carniturd is ethical. At all.

>> No.14206223

Amen and God bless brother. May these demonically possessed Satan worshippers burn in hell. T. Fellow rural farmer.

>> No.14206230

Please keep baiting these newfags. This board is too easy.

>> No.14206525

Imagine being so retarded that you make posts like this because other people’s eating habits upset you. Meat eaters complain about vegans far more than vegans talk about being vegan.

Enjoy your erectile dysfunction & heart disease, dicks.

>> No.14206536

My penis is hard for hours multiple times a day vegan soi cuck. I make enough Semen a day to impregnate 10 women.

>> No.14206704
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>> No.14206712
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True. It is undeniably morally superior to veganism.

>> No.14206860

Reminder that soy protein is actually pure estrogen, it dissolves muscles instead of building them.

>> No.14206867


>> No.14207490
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>> No.14207904
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just imagine op... just imagine

>> No.14207953

Liar, it's phytoestrogen

>> No.14207968

>muh bees
Imagine unironically being a vegan. What a pathetic existence.

>> No.14208022

I can't be one, I'm at high risk for kidney stones and most common vegan ingredients(nuts, soy, beans, wheat) would ruin me. I can still eat vegans, though.

>> No.14208174

Glad we can agree that vegans are pathetic.

>> No.14208415


>Burned on outside
>Non rendered fat
>Raw on the inside

Nice b8 thread. Take the (you) so you don't kys

>> No.14208463

I'm already anemic, I'd die without heme iron

>> No.14208571

he's certainly fucking up his kidney

>> No.14208693

Imagine being an urban retard

>> No.14208753
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Why are some meat called 'blue'?
I've never seen blue meat!