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14204433 No.14204433 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone who enjoys McDonald's pickles needs to be tarred and feathered.

>> No.14204474


>> No.14204492

What's so special about their pickles? Aren't they just regular pickles? I've never had them.

>> No.14204510

Tar me up, baby.

>> No.14204522

>Anyone who enjoys McDonald’s needs to be tarred and feathered.
Fixed it.

>> No.14204529

agreed, and you cant just take them off , because the "pickle sweat" leaves a taste on the burger(especially if it's a mcdouble). You gotta specifically say NO PICKLES

>> No.14204539

mcd employee here, everytime someone orders something with "NO X", i go out of my way to spit in their food. you wanna feel special? i'll give you "special", faggot.

>> No.14204541

jokes on you, you work at mcdonalds

>> No.14204549

their burgers smell like stale farts

>> No.14204551

They're just pickles, mate. Who gets this emotional about them?

>> No.14204567

pleb filtered

>> No.14204570

McDonald’s pickles are tolerable, unlike Wendy’s shitty bread and butter pickles.

>> No.14204571

and you eat my spit, we all win

>> No.14204578

Fuck you cunt they ruin the burger.

>> No.14204587

hard agree, they are disgusting

>> No.14204652

>Anyone who enjoys McDonald's pickles needs to be tarred and feathered.
Why? They are not the best pickles out there, but it is not the worst one either.
What kind of pickles do YOU like?

>> No.14204673
File: 129 KB, 1024x1023, 1486958949721m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the fuck are they compulsory on their burgers? Hardly anyone likes them.

>> No.14204706


they're some of the worst pickles out there, but still pretty good honestly. pickles are great

>> No.14204762

You can literally just ask for no pickles. It's not the law.

>> No.14204782

I shouldn't have to do that, the degenerate that enjoys McDonald's pickles should have to ask to have them put ON the burger.

>> No.14204787

>contaminating someone's already bad food because you have to do ONE extra thing

>> No.14204802

Funny thing is that he's actually doing less work.

>> No.14204807

The pickles are the best part of the burger. If you don't like them, why even bother getting a burger?

>> No.14204890

That doesn't look like mcdonalds. They use flat-cut pickle slices and they taste fine. Europoors are just jealous that our cheap food is better than theirs.

>> No.14204898

Is this a meme or something or are zoomer brains all fried? Pickles are a standard topping and go great on burgers.

>> No.14205177
File: 69 KB, 810x553, McRobot-810x553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not when you're a mindless automaton that just slaps whit together in the same way all day. that little hitch of "NO X" throws them off of their programming and trips them up.
You could EASILY write a program that mimics the average fastfood worker's thought processes. That's why automation is is going to be such a huge deal when it hits. machines don't act like pissy faggots just because they had a GOTO command inserted in the middle of an IF/THEN statement.

>> No.14205186

*shit together

>> No.14205442

I never trust a man who doesn't like pickles, or an eunuch coward in your case.

>> No.14205516

Fuck off. In place of pickles I put pickled jalapenos instead, tastes way better.

>> No.14205542

good post and nice digits

>> No.14205558

McDonalds is absolute bottom tier fast food. They were pretty good until they changed their menu up to appeal to the healthier crowd. I even preferred their frozen patties.

>> No.14205560

Remember the jalapeno mcdouble in 2014? That shit was the bomb. Tons of jalapeno, both fried and pickled

>> No.14205563

Pickled jalapenos are a million times worse than pickles, fuck off.

>> No.14205566


no you don't

>> No.14205580

i love pickles on burgers. it's the huge amount of sweet ketchup they put on it that the pickles sit in that bothers me.

>> No.14205594

>McDonalds is absolute bottom tier fast food
check out Burger King

McDonald is definitely the lowest tier, and priced accordingly, but it is genuinely less shitty than other things on its tier

>> No.14205610

With an opinion like that I know you are scum of the earth, kill yourself.

>> No.14205617


I would say burger king is better than McDonalds. Only bad thing I have to say about burger king is that their fries taste like complete ass if you don't eat them within 5 minutes.

>> No.14205629

Same to you, fuckwad. Mushy vinegar shits don't even deserve to be called pickled.

>> No.14205651

haven't we already automated a lot of this shit? they make frozen pizzas and burgers in factories why couldn't they just make fresh products?

>> No.14205832

My pickled jalapenos are crunchy as fuck, once you open a jar keep them cooled.

>> No.14205856

Those aren't McDonald's pickles tho

>> No.14205910

troll post

>> No.14206143
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>> No.14206803
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>> No.14206822

They're actually testing it out in a few locations, just like self ordering is slowly replacing cashiers.

>> No.14207192

ultimate plebian

>> No.14207234

Getting rid of fast food jobs overnight would damage the economy.

>> No.14207498

When did McDonald's switch to fancy cut (crinkle) pickles from smooth cut?

>> No.14207551

They didn't, notice something else strange about OP's image?

McDonalds does not put their condiments and salad beneath the patty on the bottom bun....they put it on top of the cheese. OP image is either from a foreign (non USA) McDonald's, or it's not McDonalds at all.

I can't really tell, but it also looks like that burger is wrapped, and in the US at least, a cheeseburger always comes in a yellow wrapper, and if that is indeed the wrapper folded back, it's white.

>> No.14207557

>hating pickles this much
What’s actually wrong anon?

>> No.14207601

the quality of a burger at mcdonalds is only related to the amount of those shitty rehydrated onions they give you. A shit ton=great. very little=garbage.

>> No.14207604

what if i add x3 all the free toppings

>> No.14207743


>> No.14207751

I always ask to remove pickles at any fast food place I go. The absolute bottom of the barrel are White Castle pickles. White Castle is actually okay, but the pickles ruin the experience. You absolutely cannot get them down your gullet without getting a chemical burn in your esophagus.

>> No.14207757
File: 813 KB, 613x848, screen-shot-2014-04-18-at-6.53.20-pm_custom-0ec0d1fdf183e08020153d51bd1efa757c4c88fb-s800-c85.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calvin got a job!

>> No.14207759

What if I request "no spit"?

>> No.14207775

>tarred and feathered
I prefer breaded and deep fried.

>> No.14207801
File: 118 KB, 600x600, WhiteCastleHQ_18a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14207802


>> No.14207943

you need to be fucked in the ass by niggers

>> No.14208070

I'd love to see that.

>> No.14208746

Anyone who enjoys McDonald's <strike>pickles<strike> needs to be tarred and feathered.

>> No.14208787

saying you don't like popular things don't make you interesting

>> No.14208798

>t. tastelet

>> No.14208817

mcdonalds pickles are the only ones i like

>> No.14208920

If covid has taught us anything, it's that "damaging the economy" isn't a real threat.

>> No.14209050

Yeah thats bullshit, mcdonalds kitchens are too small and open to get away with that.

>> No.14209234

fuck you, i like pickles, and now i need to buy some tomorrow

>> No.14209315

Come to think of it their pickles are kind of meh. I guess it's because heats lamps or some shit the pickles are warm and limp.

>> No.14210284

They're just regular ass pickles you stupid bitch