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File: 233 KB, 2000x2000, just-mayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14204171 No.14204171 [Reply] [Original]

For me it's Just Mayo, the better mayo.

>> No.14204178
File: 59 KB, 641x1024, 1591038637059m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who doesnt use hellmans has a terrible relationship with their family

>> No.14204196

that stuff tastes awful. number 1 ingredient is canola oil, fuck that

>> No.14204225

7-11 a while back switched all of the mayo on their sandwiches over to that stuff
The way I found out about it is the sandwiches started tasting like shit so I inquired as to what they changed about them

I think they are currently now using a blend of actual mayo and that stuff, so clearly it wasn't well received

>> No.14204264

False and homosexual

>> No.14204270

notice how they aren't legally allowed to call it mayonnaise

>> No.14204274

Notice how I'm legally allowed to call you a homosexual

>> No.14204306

I can't eat food that has been sacrificed to idols, now what numbnuts?

>> No.14204359

Says mayo right on the front. And it tastes exactly like Hellmans.

>> No.14204556


>> No.14204579

My 10/10 girlfriend also can't tell the difference and she's a master chef.

>> No.14204610

but that's just mayo

>> No.14204687


>> No.14204700

If its egg free, why have a pitcher oof an egg onna front??

>> No.14204766

Heinz mayo is fucking delicious, so creamy

>> No.14205165

that shit turns to runny jizz in about 2 weeks.

hellmans and best food are the same thing.

mayo is not mayonnaise according to the FDA.

ooooh shit she must really suck.

to trick you in to buying it.

>> No.14205185
File: 181 KB, 1500x1500, 184839[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're going to buy fake mayo at least get the good stuff

>> No.14205212

>For me it's Just Mayo, the gayer mayo.

>> No.14205229

>not doing tour own mayo at home

Dude, It takes literally seconds

>> No.14205250

But tastes worse. Good job.

>> No.14205263

>It takes literally seconds
that's what she said, isn't it?

>> No.14205277

literally takes seconds for your mom to get undressed, the slag

>> No.14205297

>fucking up mayo

Go back

>> No.14205321

>thinking your mayo is good

go black

>> No.14205423
File: 202 KB, 2000x2000, the realness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't have Whataburger mayonnaise readily available
Imagine not being born in Texas

>> No.14205435

my 7/10 autistic girlfriend can and she can't cook worth shit

>> No.14205463

Based autismo girlfriend

>> No.14205490

homemade mayo is infinitely better than any store bought you retard

>> No.14205506

What's your bull think?

>> No.14205508

reminder if you like mayo you are white and like the taste of cum

>> No.14205515

How do you know what cum tastes like?

>> No.14205544

I'm Mexican and mayo is the chad sauce, nigger.

>> No.14205951
File: 435 KB, 768x1024, istockphoto-172666938-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a nice thread. Be nice. Or I'll curse you.

>> No.14205967
File: 2.28 MB, 4320x3240, km.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14205984

>using anything other than Blue Plate mayo

>> No.14206051

>Logo is an egg
>There's no egg in it

Their corporate office should suffer an unfortunate, uninsured, accident.

>> No.14206075

the lack of Duke's Real Mayonnaise is offensive, and all of y'all are deserving of a painful death

>> No.14206077

Is that a threat? They are the front runners for cultured meat and will likely be the Amazon of food. It's estimated that >50% of store bought meat will be cultured by 2040 due to it using very little resources to produce.

>> No.14206174

I don't even think they are producing it anymore and they changed the recipe and put garlic in it which made it absolutely foul and left a nasty aftertaste no matter what you did to it. They did the same damn thing to the hellmans vegan mayo switching up ingredients which introduced more funky aftertaste.

>> No.14206199
File: 100 KB, 1024x1011, 1588266725203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotten a shitty jar before that had a metallic taste. Did you get a bad batch too? Walmarts and Whole Foods have it in stock.

>> No.14206250

I don't think a bad batch I always got hellmans from target and at some point it started always having a metallic aftertaste. These days it's Veganaise for me but I can only find that at small health oriented grocers.

>> No.14206291
File: 42 KB, 500x375, wpid-20130609_172130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude Whole Food went fucking nuts on the vegan shit last year. They got all their own products and they're all pretty good. Not horribly expensive either. Most places charge you double for the niche products to keep them in stock but WFs doesn't seem to. Even their cheese is decent. Not as good as Miyokos though. I only mention this because I never did like Veganaise much.

>> No.14206362

>Just mayo
>Not actually mayo
At what point can we start crucifying vegans?

>> No.14206365

This. Make it without industrial seed oils, or fuck yourself.

>> No.14206385

or I could whip a couple household ingredients up for a quarter

>> No.14206389

All plant oils are seed oils. There is no such thing as vegetable oil. It’s seed oil from palm,corn, soy, cotton, and/or canola. I wish they could legally change the name. But no one would willingly injest cottonseed oil.

And if they used non industrial seed oil they’d have to charge even more retarded prices than they currently do.

Just make your own fucking Mayo.

>> No.14206412

>tastes exactly like mayo
>smells exactly like mayo
>looks exactly like mayo
>triggers antivegans
I'm going to go buy some right now

>> No.14206427

But why do that when you can pay so much more to fuck up the environment buying industrially processed seed oils shipped long distances burning fossil fuels and pollute the planet with more petrochemical plastic containers? Your logic doesn't add up.

>> No.14206431
File: 73 KB, 505x431, confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just mayo
>no eggs

>> No.14206486

All food is industrial, idiot

>> No.14206496

yep meme mayo is the best.

>> No.14206857

What is in it?

>> No.14206861

let me borrow ur gf
i wanna impress my family by showing i can pleasure a woman and am gonna use some of Just Mayo to do it

>> No.14207034

The only oils that are unacceptable for mayo is olive and avovado.

>> No.14207296

Female orgasms mostly

>> No.14207309

Canola is ultrabased.

>> No.14207330
File: 176 KB, 1300x956, 58A57CB3-D5AA-4D8D-BC23-144E38B599B3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With all these vegan shit products coming from Cali it doesn’t surprise me any more than when I drove through the state it was just canola fields. It’s like the corn of the Midwest but fucking rapeseed.
This once beautiful, diverse, and fertile land is just becoming a monoculture to feed the urbanite vagan consumers.

>> No.14207379
File: 65 KB, 492x356, 1584746848704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>born in the south where duke's mayo is king
>move to the west coast for job
>no more duke's
help me

>> No.14207401

>egg free
