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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 662x445, big-gulp-soda-3.jpg.696x0_q70_crop-smart[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14202154 No.14202154 [Reply] [Original]

Why do am*ricans make a daily trip to the fast food store just to BRING HOME a supid mug like this?
Seems like it's much easier and cheaper to just get a pack of big bottles from the grocery store once a month.

>> No.14202178

>he doesn't know the pleasure of a freshly poured fountain drink
Typical Euroshit

>> No.14202203

>freshly poured
>he doesn't know
That shit has been sitting there for a week, and comes from a slab of concentrate that's been sitting there for a month

>> No.14202207

Yes, I am aware how soda fountains work anon

>> No.14202220

That's what makes it so good
Just like chili gets better after sitting in the fridge for a day or two

>> No.14202221

>soda fountain
do amerifats really have a giant fountain of soda in the middle of every town square

>> No.14202227

>a day or two

>> No.14202230


>> No.14202235

>freshly poured
apparently you don't

>> No.14202238

I don't understand why these threads aren't deleted on sight

>> No.14202247

I didn't pour it a week ago, it's freshly poured you dope

>> No.14202249

I don't understand why your father wasn't shot on sight.

>> No.14202250

No, it was poured in to a big tank a week ago, then a pump pumps it into a nozzle when you press a button

>> No.14202253

uhh buddy? I think you're wrong here.

>> No.14202255

When the concentrate meets the water, that is when the fountain drink comes into existence. Thus, the fountain drink is freshly poured.

>> No.14202265

>When the concentrate meets the water
I.E. 1 week ago in the buffer tank

>> No.14202266

And yet, when the mix ratios are perfect, they taste 100 times better than any bottled or canned soda.

>> No.14202274

doesn't matter, it could sit in their for a year, if it is poured from one vessel into the next it will be a separate pour, if your awareness exists in the proximity of this event within space time this pour could be considered fresh

>> No.14202275

The syrup gets mixed in on-demand, almost at the nozzle

>> No.14202296

The ratios are strictly set by coca cola or whoever.
The only reasons it tastes different is:
1. gunk built up in the machine makes it into your drink
2. the restaurant is trying to jew you out by using more water and less concentrate
3. it's a different temperature than your fridge
4. placebo

>> No.14202302
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>> No.14202309

my bad, I type without thinking so sometimes my fingers type a word that sounds similar to the one I actually want to type

>> No.14202311

>The ratios are strictly set by coca cola or whoever.
>2. the restaurant is trying to jew you out by using more water and less concentrate
Interesting. So the ratio is always correct, except when it isn't?

>> No.14202313

>I type without thinking
no need to let me know, it's obvious

>> No.14202315

>have no valid arguments
>attack grammar
Backed into a corner, eh?

>> No.14202322

is this an insult? That doesnt mean I think without thinking therefore I think the argument I thought about is still valid

>> No.14202384

>I think without thinking
see >>14202313

>> No.14202386

>american reading comprehension
it means burger hut doesn't mix their own unique tasting cola for your pleasure, the only reason they would fuck with the flavor is due to jewery and hoping cola doesn't catch them doing it.

>> No.14202388

lol u tk him 2da bar|?

>> No.14202404

No shit. Nobody is under the assumption that restraunt chains develop their own soda recipes or whatever. The point was that when the ratio is correct, it tastes better than canned or bottled soda. In reality, the ratios are rarely correct and are certainly not "strictly set". Work on your own reading comprehension before you decide to be a retard on the internet again.

>> No.14202408

that doesnt even make sense

>> No.14202413


>> No.14202425

>you fool, you're drinking from nozzles and pumps!
>n-nozzles and pumps are bad b-because... reasons...
yeah didn't think so bitch

>> No.14202432

>doesn't think before posting
>is also obvious newfag
Who’d a thunk it?

>> No.14202450

see >>14202296

>> No.14202455

I never said I dont think before posting, in fact I said the opposite, I just dont think while I type

>> No.14202459

>oh no muh gunk!
you mean syrup? Wow... so horrible. Would hate to get syrup in my soda... oh wait. But I'm sure you'd rather have the authentic experience of some jackoff teenager carefully stirring with his unwashed hands after using the bathroom to really give it that authentic, hand crafted taste of piss and saliva. It just can't be replaced!

>> No.14202467

>I never said I dont think before posting
However you demonstrated it clearly

>> No.14202481

I urge everybody in this thread to calm down with a freshly poured soda from the local fountain.

>> No.14202494

How could I even process your post and then form an answer if I didn't think?

>> No.14202510

that's why you're doing it so poorly, newfag

>> No.14202530


>> No.14202534

even doing it poorly would require thought, you are talking in curcles

>> No.14202536

When your brain is still a virgin and cant automatically gloss over grammatical errors.

>> No.14202552

This is so desperate. I know not even you are stupid enough to take everything 100% literal. Why are you even trying to defend yourself on an anonymous cork-board maintenance forum?

>> No.14202615

I am not defending myself I am merely engaging in serious discussion

>> No.14202632

There is one family here, both parents are mentally handicapped, yet they still had tons of kids. They are all morbidly obese and mentally handicapped and every single night they all pile into their minivan and get those super big gulps. Last time I was in the store at the same time as them, one of them was in line behind me, like 6 feet away cause social distancing rules and I could very strongly smell his body odor.

>> No.14202647

My Pepsi faucet stopped working so I had to have a plumber repair it and he damaged the hose threads so now I can't even hook up my soda hose to fill my car's soda tank. I've been driving around without use of my soda tank for a week now.

>> No.14202684

>They are all morbidly obese and mentally handicapped
It's 2020, please stop using this hurting language, we have all agreed to call these people "Americans"

>> No.14202690

>fast food store
you mean convenience store, right?

>> No.14202695

>Pepsi faucet
That's what you get for cheaping out. Should have gotten a coke faucet and hired a registered coke tech. Of course some random crack-baring pipe-twister is going to ruin your soda hose. Meanwhile my car is full to bursting with delicious coke and I can refill every day...

>> No.14202699


>> No.14202713

Speaking of which. How are those home soda stream machines?

>> No.14202742

It’s often diluted in my experience

>> No.14202751

You wouldn't be able to tell the difference in a blind taste test. They spend millions perfecting this shit. You're not special.

>> No.14202761

Spending millions doesn't stop Joe Franchisee from physically watering down the syrup, brainlet.

>> No.14202768

The formula is shipped directly to them. You take it out of the box and put in the machine. They aren't "making" anything themselves.

>> No.14202824

My soda guy hasn't come in over a month and I'm running dangerously low on mountain dew. When I call the emergency hotline I'm sent to voicemail. No response in 3 days now. Fuck this stupid pandemic.

>> No.14202827
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>emergency soda hotline

>> No.14202856

Enjoy your time off, anon

>> No.14202879

The water is Alex Jones quality. Actually better than tap.

>> No.14202883

I hope English isn't your first language because this is exceptional

>> No.14202903

Pretty sure you can adjust the machine's water to syrup ratio

>> No.14202906

Europoors don't have 1800-FILL-ME-UP? what do you do in sodemergencies?

>> No.14202908

0/10 for me, 10/10 for all of the retards itt. This board is so fucking easy to bait. Watch, they are all going to call me you. Also rent free, obsessed etc.

>> No.14202949

OP here, not bait, genuine question. I've never seen anyone do it where I live

>> No.14203873
File: 12 KB, 229x220, pop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing better than a refreshing Polar Pop on a hot day.

>> No.14203889

we do?

>> No.14203900

Wait, europoors don’t have buy a gallon of soda get a shotgun for free?

>> No.14203951

The Polar Pop near my apartment was calibrated strangely, the generic cola they have was so sweet it made my eyes water. It's like drinking acid. So yeah it's 9/10.

>> No.14203992


The concentrate is probably changed out every hour for the cokes. Fanta and HiC type stuff probably every day or so. The boxes aren't that big, only a couple gallons for most with coca cola having a five gallon thing, and the traffic is heavy on em.

>> No.14204007

I actually do get a large diet coke from jack in the box every day (my dad brings it to me)
I like the ice, and it's a guaranteed 40oz of liquid a day
Something about homemade ice ruins the carbonation of canned/bottled soda

>> No.14204013


The concentrate and C02 are stored separately. The concentrate in boxes with a vacuum sealed bag. The carbon in a plan old gas tank. The fountain draws from both and mixes the water, H2O, and CO2 at the delivery end. There's also a nightly purging of all the lines as part of the clean up at least I hope there is. I do not miss having to service the damn things.

>> No.14204014

Some do. I threw a penny in my local soda fountain today and wished for more soda.

>> No.14204027

>There's also a nightly purging of all the lines as part of the clean up at least I hope there is.
Anon I....

>> No.14204162

Not all places are trying for equal quality, I know, it's what we did dammit. And we we're proud of our cleanliness.

>> No.14204188

Lmao what mudhole are you from
It's mixed immediately before the nozzle.
You can. Usually the big plastic sign on the front flips up and there's a PLC or a small WinCE controller where you can adjust everything. In my experience the password, if there even is one, is 0000.

>> No.14204296

There was once a great pizza chain in the American mid-west the had a Pepsi fountain mix combined with pea ice. No can or bottle could compare.

>> No.14204612

That just puts the question to your dad instead. Why doesn't he just get a big pack from the grocery store?
Is he a fatty fat fat who also buys food there every day?

>> No.14204633
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Is everyone just pretending to be stupid?

>> No.14204655

It's easier to exist in the world if we assume that.

>> No.14204668

Why do Americans get so butthurt?

>> No.14204675

those dead fucking eyes
as expected of americans
nothing in the head, you see

>> No.14204676

That was not an american
Americans hate mods deleting shit.
That fucker loves the queen

>> No.14204684

>Asshurt mods will delete "Rent free" posts in these threads, but leave the threads up.

>> No.14204686
File: 13 KB, 338x435, images (20).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Euros dont like ice in drinks because it hurts their teeths

>> No.14204695

Do Americans drive to a fast food place for every meal? So when you wake up, you drive to a fast food place and eat breakfast. Then you do the same for lunch. And the same for dinner?

From all the American vloggers, streamers and people I have seen living in America, it seems really common and normal for them. They also seem to know everything about the menus in every fast food store.

>> No.14204698

American here. Yes, this is a very common thing.

>> No.14204707

Do non americans do nothing but think about america every day? When youw ake up, do you go to your computer and talk about america? and the same for the afternoon? and the same for dinner?

from all the non american vloggers, streamers and people I have seen not living in amercia, it seems really common and normal for them. They also seem to know everything about the news from every news channel.

>> No.14204714
File: 122 KB, 1024x1024, get your own life.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone so obsessed with us? It's fucking hilarious. We don't think about any other country like this at all, so why are they so focused on us??

>> No.14204720

i figured this was commonplace? lmao do u live in africa or something? yeah there's a line around every mickey d's, every morning, for folks to get their mcbiscuits.
what, do you go get eggs from a chicken? harvest grain from a farm? no you go to a mcdonalds...

>> No.14204721

Because you get butthurt every single time. Just look at your own passive aggressive post. Like clockwork.

>> No.14204722

Yes, it's nice to have a place to look down at

>> No.14204731

Is it more common to eat fast food than homecooked food?

We do actually. Thousands literally went to the streets recently in support of the American protests, even after we literally destroyed our economy by quarantining ourselves for 3 months. The government threatened with sending the military on people who wanted to chill in their cabins during the lockdown. Now thousands gathered in the street because they are obsessed with America.

I myself have been glued to the screen watching all the looting and stuff, it's pretty entertaining.

We also spend way too much time obsessing over Trump. We even have a talk show called Trumps World that literally just discusses Trump every day, his tweets and American politics. It makes me disgusted and embarrassed at how obsessed we are with America.

>> No.14204734

No we're both skinny. I live alone but he visits me every day and picks up a soda for me on the way cuz I asked him to.

>> No.14204738

>Is it more common to eat fast food than homecooked food?
Definitely. Hardly anyone in America actually cooks and when they do it's basically just reheating canned or frozen food. 99% of Americans eat out all of the time. Many do it for every meal.

>> No.14204744

What even is America if we're not doing this

>> No.14204749

I'm not butthurt. I'm amused at how your weak-trolling hobby revolves around us. Like you're jealous or obsessed with what you wish you had.

Not sure what third world hole you've crawled out of, but I can assure you that the effort is NOT reciprocated. Seethe more, twink.

>> No.14204775

>Trump's world
Godamnit even the Euros are Americaning harder than America

>> No.14204868
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>> No.14204871

Why u mad tho?

>> No.14204901

Based father son soda bond

>> No.14204967

>We don't think about any other country
He says while posting about other countries kek get fucked retard you're seething.

>> No.14205103

>didn't name a single country

>> No.14205113
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>> No.14205675

because we can.
you commie fuck.

>> No.14206295

>I'm not buthurt, that's why I keep replying to every post

>> No.14206303

You can definitely tell a big brain American wrote this. It's barely written in English.

>> No.14206330

See I get it if you're also eating out, because you can't buy a microwave dinner that tastes the same as a "fresh" burger. But people who get a huge soda and then just sit at home drinking it, need to be shot*

>I live alone
>dad visits me every day and picks up a soda for me
you don't live alone, your parents have 2 houses.

*Probably gonna happen, considering often they be american and go outside

>> No.14206350

>fast food store

>> No.14206404

I know, it's worse... you got mad at them all.

>> No.14206998

Why do hungry europoors make threads on american websites all day expressing how jealous and hungry they are? Is it obsession?