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File: 221 KB, 800x450, 4504840_101718-dd-dunn-in-n-out-burger-houston-vid[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14195814 No.14195814 [Reply] [Original]

In n out is extraordinarily overrated, it's literally the same tier as every other fast food restaurant. I'm pretty sure somebody sold their soul to get this place the reputation it has

>> No.14195828

stop making fast food threads you fat faggot

>> No.14195832

>food and shitposting

>> No.14195850

Everyone knows this already who can actively get it. Probably the only good thing about them is that the one next to me is open till 3AM. Unless you live in california where all shit is completely overpriced and in-n-out looks cheap, then most other places are better.

>> No.14196687

It's ten times better than Mcdonalds but doesn't require the gastronomic commitment Carls Jr does while Wendys tends to be less conveniently located and isn't as good. It's a weird niche but it works.

>> No.14196709

Everyone knows it’s overrated, but it’s still the best fast food restaurant. Burgers are supposed to be cheap and fast, in n out serves the best version of what many people believe a burger should be.

>> No.14196747

It's only people outside the West Coast who hype In-n-Out to such a ridiculous degree. It's normal for people to hype up things that they can't have.

No one in California holds In-n-Out up as some shining example of great food. In-n-Out is basically what I imagine McDonald's might have been like back in the 1960s. Slightly fresher ingredients and better preparation than a modern McDonald's burger but still just cheap fast food that gets out done by legit burger joints.

It's good for what it is but people need to stop setting such unrealistically high expectations for it just because it's from California.

>> No.14196748

One opened near me last fall, and the line was at least 40 cars deep every day. It’s still at least 20 cars deep constantly even now, and I don’t think I’ll ever get to try it because I’m not going to wait that long.

>> No.14196775

Its fucoing good and not overrated everytime I come to this board you niggers call it shit and clown on me. Its fucking good ok?!

>> No.14196783

It’s cheap and has real flavor. It isn’t the best burger ever. All perfectly consistent.

>> No.14196791

live in california, can confirm that a #1 at in n out is cheaper than a #1 at mcdonalds

>> No.14196835

It's overrated. I went once when I was in LA to see what all the hype was about. Burger was overcooked to hockey puck status. Fries tasted stale and flavorless. Just awful.

>> No.14196858

Quarter pounder from McDs is unironically better than In-N-Out, fries are obviously much better too.

>> No.14196865

It's because most people use the """secret""" menu to make it better than what the average non-local orders.

>> No.14196868

All fast food other than Taco Bell is overrated. In n Out has the reputation it has because it's somehow both cheaper and slightly higher quality than McDonald's. I don't understand Californians, but they will shill the fuck out of that place and it's really not that good. They do have really good service and they're very consistent, but pretty much all they do is burgers.

>> No.14196873

I have two in my town and can have it whenever I want and still think it’s fucking delicious.

>> No.14196885

Grub hub it duh. I live like a tennis ball throw from one and it's always crowded literally all day and when the wind blows just right my room smells like grilled onions

>> No.14196960

In-N-Out is certainly overrated but Taco Bell is easily one of the most overrated fast food restaurants, if not the most. Never understood why so many are so obsessed with it. It's good for what it is but it's not THAT good. Del Taco and Taco Time are marginally better at any rate, I'd likely go to either of those to scratch the shitty mexican fast food itch before Taco Bell.

>> No.14196991

first time i went as a non local i got a double double animal style with fries and a neo shake just as the internet taught me and it was still boring

>> No.14196992

A sample size of one hardly establishes a pattern. You're dumb.

>> No.14196996

Lmfao imagine being a flyover and making this thread to make you feel better lmfao

>> No.14196997

are you some kinda cock sucking faggot? Taco Bell is conservative and believes in white values

>> No.14197136

I prefer them for 2 reasons. They toast the buns so they're crisp in just the best spots and soft everywhere else.

And second they have never once fucked up my order.

>> No.14197139

McDonald's is still the top-tier fast food place and always will be

>> No.14197147
File: 78 KB, 732x549, 3543275437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the presentation is just good compared to other fast food joints

>> No.14197224

I like the crunchy bun :)

>> No.14198430

Shake Shack is a little better but not for the price. All around InO is probably the best fast food burger.

>> No.14198921

This is obvious bait but it's worth pointing out that Taco Bell and its parent Yum! Brands is probably the most libshit pozzed of all fast food companies, besides maybe Burger King. Also kill yourself.

>> No.14198935

It's cheap and the service is good. That's really all you need to set yourself apart from your competitors.

>> No.14198947

>somebody sold their soul
Doubt it. Chic-fil-a has a similarly massively overrated reputation. What do they have in common?
They're both God–fearing, Christian businesses.

>> No.14198952

I have never had In n Out but I hate it because of its annoying cult-like followers. Even socialites and celebrities go there for fucking PR stunts. For example that tranny looking cunt whose days are fucking numbered, Ghislaine Maxwell. For some reason, after hiding from the world for months she randomly decides to go to In n Out to have pictures taken of her eating that shit. Oh don't mind me folks just raped little girls with my pedophile boyfriend for a bunch of years, but holding this double double and animal style fries will really restore my public image!

>> No.14199397


>> No.14199420

imagine being a flyover

>> No.14199541

I refuse to eat there until the open a store in my state.

>> No.14199736

based schizo poster

>> No.14200128

>Hey have you ever eaten Five Guys?
Bro what the fuck that's gay why would you ask that?
>n-n-no I meant the restaurant!
Just go away, you're not my friend any more
Fuck off faggot

>Hey have you ever eaten In-n-Out?
Yeah man it's delicious, the best restaurant in America. West coast exclusive too because west coast is best coast
>Yeah I agree what do you like from there?
I like a double double animal style with a Coke
>Yeah, good stuff man, good stuff.

>> No.14201205

In n out doesn’t use any of the delivery services. Otherwise I would eat it almost every day

>> No.14201233
File: 153 KB, 1440x620, Carousel-Johnny_Rockets_3-1440x620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overrated? Sure.
Most overrated? Nah.

>> No.14201237

>In n out is extraordinarily overrated
>it's literally the same tier as every other fast food restaurant
>I'm pretty sure somebody sold their soul to get this place the reputation it has
just another example of SoCal cultural cancer

that said, Double Doubles are tasty sometimes

>> No.14201241

Johnny Rockets is absolute trash, if there is a just god, they will go bankrupt and every one of their locations will become a Long John Silvers

>> No.14201244


>> No.14201256
File: 162 KB, 680x717, 1591318949398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Johnny Rockets cause the wagies have to dance for you.

>> No.14201278

idk what it is but their 50's-retro look repulses me. I think it's because I know the food is so trash that it's undeserving, but I think there's something else there I can't put my finger on.

>> No.14201280

The owner sold his soul to JESUS that's why he has to put bible verses on all his shit

>> No.14201286

It is absolutely indistinguishable from McDonald's. This is all in your imagination.