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14191251 No.14191251 [Reply] [Original]

Is soy actually a bad thing, or is it a memetic that is being echoed by Word of Mouth because the meat industry has a firm grip in American economies and politicians?

Before you say "Ah, you are anti meat" No, I am very pro meat, however I'm legitimately curious if soy, which is high in photoestrogens actually has the effects that its memed to have in turning normal men into sissified man children who don't even know how to throw a punch.

I like to think while there is some evidence provided that while photoestrogens are more likely to tip a scale in a male that is obese or with naturally low Testosterone towards sissification, I honestly believe that is just a confirmation of the process that already happened and had no direct causation to it.

Its like saying that a man diagonosed with Terminal Lung Cancer who decided to start smoking post diagnosis died from cigarette smoking. He already had cancer, the smoking was after the fact.

I think the problem isn't nescessarily soy in itself, but rather in a society that promotes sissification and blurs the lines between was is masculine and feminine. The reason we see that as a memetic of "Soy is the problem" is because its a legitimate cost threat in a market that has been very much monopolized.

This is my viewpoint on it at least. The problem is that sissy men are born from a strange society, and not because they eat a bean that turns them into unbearable homos.

Any thoughts?

>> No.14191256

it's pretty bad but it's also good because it neuters mostly homos and leftists.

>> No.14191258

It's fine. Imagine buying into /pol/ propaganda.

>> No.14191261

Soy has been consumed a major thing since pretty much forever in Asian societies. Soybean oil has been used in the US since basically the beginning of the 20th Century. It's not the end of the world. It's not really been memeticized by the meat industry, though, more guys wh are obsessed with the idea of being manly.

>> No.14191267

Even cursory research of studies conducted by actual biochemists will tell you that despite sharing a similar chemical nomenclature, phytoestrogenic compounds don't act on the human body like /pol/tards claim they do

>> No.14191299
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well, I don't want to be that guy but uh...you've seen the genitals on Asian males right?

As per the memetics in the industry, not openly no; however its pushed via Word of Mouth rumors and Facebook tier hushes and whispers. Gossip if you will. My grandmother who doesn't even know how to use email flat out said that soy causes men to be sissies. And I was like "Where did you hear that?" and she was like "Ah, one of the girls at the milk company." Its...interesting to say the least, and it makes perfect common sense really.

When you have a new competitor in the market, you do your best to propagandize it to make sure that your customer base isn't lost. If its a cheaper and better product, you begin legislation to outlaw it by using donors and representatives. That sort of thing. To say that it isn't memetized for propaganda reasons is to have a lack about the politics and wargames between markets, and saying that you are an uninformed consumer when it comes to merchantilism.

So my theory is correct then, "Society breed sissy men, not the food they put inside of them."

Its like, "If you are black, you are probably going to eat fried chicken; however, if you aren't black and you eat fried chicken, you could eat the population of chicken extinct and you still won't be black."

>> No.14191322

I eat a lot of soy, but I started doing so just as coronavirus started and I lost access to the gym. I was squatting 295 lbs, not impressive for a lifter but more than the average guy. Anyway my opinion is that norma amounts (say 20-40 g of protein per day) is safe but vert large amounts (say 100g) have not been studied so maybe it has an effect on testosterone.

>> No.14191327

That bean is fine. Just don't eat processed foods made from it, not because they're soy, but because they're processed foods. That means almost never be eating it, unless you really like edamame and tempeh. A dab of miso won't give you boobs. Speedgamers wouldn't bother with medical bureaucracy or black markets if that's how things worked.

>> No.14191337

I don't watch porn, but the Asians I've been with have been normal size growers.

>> No.14191345

would you just fuck off?

>> No.14191361
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So would you state that using it as a protein supplement provides benefit more so than deteriment; however using it as a sole replacement is probably not a good idea? I know that some people use soy for replacement of protein in their diet for religious reasons, and those people are more often than not very weak/sissified folk. Utilizing soy as a means of complete protein replacement may possibly cause some internal chemical changes; however it may be because of the people you allow to identify you, and as you identify with to why you are becoming a sissy boy. The problem, is ultimately society and not the food, but the food itself can be indicative of the culture which leads to potentality of sissifaction.

This is a great answer, the market mentality is "Quick, fast, and cheap" While eating the bean ain't going to make you a sissy by itself, eating lackluster products can cause internal changes, along with the culture of those who eat similarly in the market. Essentially, the propagation of soy fueled man children as the market population in soy products ultimately is what scares and makes other people in the market afraid to indulge for fear in becoming likewise.

We're having a discussion here about the realities of food markets and their imagery. If this bothers you, go elsewhere.

>> No.14191364

gay lol. but uhhh could you tell me if 6.75 is goo?

>> No.14191368

A fixed 5.5 of insertable length is good enough for a dildo, so an honest 6.75 is plenty. You're measuring the standard from the top base and not from the taint? Is there an ISO or RFC for this?

>> No.14191374

yeah from the top

>> No.14191375

>So would you state that using it as a protein supplement provides benefit more so than deteriment; however using it as a sole replacement is probably not a good idea? I know that some people use soy for replacement of protein in their diet for religious reasons, and those people are more often than not very weak/sissified folk. Utilizing soy as a means of complete protein replacement may possibly cause some internal chemical changes; however it may be because of the people you allow to identify you, and as you identify with to why you are becoming a sissy boy. The problem, is ultimately society and not the food, but the food itself can be indicative of the culture which leads to potentality of sissifaction.
I don't know the science, but I think it's best to be cautious with chemicals whose effects may not be known. My typical day's protein breakdown is 20 g gluten, 20 g soy, 40 g pea protein , 20 g animal protein. This adds up to 100g protein in a 1600 calorie diet. Whatever you eat, please workout regularly.

>> No.14191381

>I believe (((science))) over President Trump.
This is why you don't eat soy, OP.

>> No.14191391


>> No.14191393
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From what I understand, anywhere from 5-7 inches is considered normal masculinity when erect. 7.1-9.1 is considered very masculine. 10+ is considered porn tier and while it emodies the pinnacle of masculinity, doesn't serve much purpose other than a circle of fetishism and totemism.
If you have a penis that is 0-3 inches however, you are not very masculine and should consult a doctor for medical treatment as there is most likely a medical condition happening here. If your penis is 3-5, then you might have an imbalance, but it could also be a genetic luck of the draw on that end. Consider working out to raise your T levels.

Keep in mind, this is talking about erect penises, and not flaccid ones. I know we as men like to talk about penis size and growth, mines longers, mines bigger, we all know that when flaccid our dicks are pretty wimpy. That is just a reality of it, if you have an 7 inch flaccid dick then holy shit bro, how do you piss?
>inb4 I have a 7 inch when flaccid.
No you don't bro, post a pic of your flaccid dick with a time stamp or else stop lying on the internet.

This is a very solid post and I'll do 20 squats just for that bro.

Jimmy Carter believed peanuts cured depression, just saying.

>> No.14191394

Maybe in huge quantities but probably not. Even literal steroids when taken orally are only slightly effective. Eating or drinking soy has such a negligible effect on hormones that it had might as well be zero.

>> No.14191410

There's basically no link whatsoever to any of the things that broscientists freak out about. It's a huge load of bullshit misinformation.
Here's a video that breaks it down (apologies that it has a lot of political leaning, the science he discusses is legitimate): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8dfiDeJeDU

>> No.14191412

wtf did i just read lmao

>> No.14191461
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I watched 30 seconds and immediately stopped.

That is the problem, people like that are the face of the soy market. They are insufferable to look at, and listen to. Its like that haughty WASP mom who swears by her mothers honor that JellO is the greatest thing ever.

That is the face of the market, and it turns people instantly off. Its a matter of optics really when it comes to the market, which again proves my theory.

The theory being that using soy as a means of protein supplement does not cause sissification, the tometics of society allowing for sissification to happen and likewise elevation of it, to the point where they become a face of a market makes general audiences say "Ah, soy is bad because sissies."

You could replace soy with literally anything else, and people would come to the same conclusion because the spokespeople are insufferable faggots.

So; Soy by itself, isn't bad; they just have a bad spokesperson in the sissy faggots who swear up and down by it. The soy didn't make them that way, they were just like that because society has been fucked to the point where that is seen as an appropriate face.

>> No.14191471
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Its like my previous thought "Consuming soy won't make you an insufferable sissy boy; however if you are already an insufferable sissy boy, you are probably eating a lot of soy."

>> No.14191503
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In summation; Soy isn't a problem, Soyciety is.

>> No.14191545

Real bad for the ole thyroid function, but you can live without that, right?
>inb4 jewgle
fuck off

>> No.14191563

That's not a study, that's a link to search results


>> No.14191639

>I watched 30 seconds and immediately stopped.
I warned you that it's unnecessarily political, but get past that and you'll get good information. There is absolutely no reason to believe phytoestrogens have any negative effects on testosterone or sperm count or masculinity.

>> No.14191701
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So its just a proof of theory concept; "The problem isn't the product, rather its the spokespeople who speak on behalf of the product."

The solution to the image problem is simply to remove the spokespeople. Just have soy markets say something that would make the current spokespeople abandon it for a new light of spokespeople/audience.

"Soy farmers of America stand by President Donald Trump through thick and thin."

It would cause an abandonment of the spokespeople, and attract a new wider audience towards soy products.

Another example.
"Soy farmers of America; Blessed by God as his own harvest."

You don't pull a massive wingshit though and say
"Soy Farmers of America; Fuck Blacks and Fuck Mexicans." That'll make the product unsellable to a wider audience, which is what the goal of merchantilism ultimately is.

People already see Corn and Wheat as grade A American, so the simple answer is to show that soy is as well. Then the market will accept it as is, because the question of whether or not it causes a problem goes out the window with pathetic spokespeople. I mean everyone still eats and consumes corn at market even though corn syrup makes beverages taste like ass and has added to the obesity epidemic in America...but no one cares about that because there aren't man children who get excited over a box of Lincoln Logs speaking on its behalf.

>> No.14192252

Do soybean farmers really need a spokesperson, or for that matter are they even damaged by randos who represent them poorly? One way or another soy continues to expand as a commercial crop, if it's not being fed directly to humans then it's fed to the animals they consume.

I just think it's odd that there's this big freak out about phytoestrogens supposedly turning feminizing people when they're found in most of the grains, seeds, and pulses that have been eaten since forever. Meanwhile there's better evidence that it can fuck with your thyroid gland and you don't hear a peep about it. Maybe just because that doesn't meme as well as stoking fears about an infinitesimally small portion of highly specific weirdos.

>> No.14192259
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Guess the cat is out of the bag, I'm an investor of different sorts of things. One of my investments is in the soy foods market, which I thought would have good presence in the modern age. It really does not, luckily, because soy is used as byproduct, I didn't lose a lot of money, however the futures for soy based human products isn't looking too well, and I wanted to know if the spokespersons or the product was ultimately to blame. From what we've discussed tonight, its the spokespeople. This information helps immensilely as I can go to the investees and say "Do you know why futures are bleak?" then show them the pictures of man children, the video posted in the thread, and say to them "This is who is speaking for our profits."

10 bucks says there will be fast turnaround as most of these folks are farmer types. I mean yeah, they are hippies, but they'll understand that a bad face for business is a bad time for profits.