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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 96 KB, 900x899, Townsend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14185928 No.14185928 [Reply] [Original]

Where is he when we need him most?

>> No.14185943

probably fucking his kids like the pedo he is

>> No.14185944
File: 112 KB, 785x731, 1564148424498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a non-political youtube channel making a video about a dessert called Orange Fool? HE'S MAKING FUN OF LE HECKIN TRUMPARINO!

>> No.14185957

I'm frustrated.

>> No.14185960

Would his character have owned slaves?

>> No.14185966

If he doesn't speak out he is a facist
/ck/ is a pro trans BLM board.

>> No.14185967

Yes, but he would have mated with them.

>> No.14185982

*his wife would have mated with them

>> No.14186013

Will he make Orange Fool 2 in November to dab on /ck/?

>> No.14186045


sexually frustrated

>> No.14186079


*throws molotov cocktail at cop*

>> No.14186082

I'd lose it lmao

>> No.14186097

>4 more years
>h-haha here's my second orange fool video, that'll show them

>> No.14186163

>the video were he is almost crying because people started arguing in his comments
;_; heartwrenching, he just wants to grill

>> No.14186185

Imagine watching this guy's commercials for his overpriced period kitsch.

>> No.14186199

4 more years of Joe Biden. Except this time, he's not the VP.

>> No.14186213

>he actually believes there is even a remote chance of biden becoming president

>> No.14186328

fuck off to /b/ you shitposting faggot

>> No.14186347

why cant people just eat food

>> No.14186387

will he be in prison for being a pedo?

>> No.14186395

Who, Biden or Trump?

>> No.14186396

source on him being a pedo?

>> No.14186397

Just look at his face dude. You just know.

>> No.14186402
File: 440 KB, 750x858, 1590536576753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He seems like a righteous dude to me

>> No.14186406

I don't speak ebonics

>> No.14186420

His character doesn't seem nearly rich enough to have been a slave owner. Remember, slave owners were only ever 1% to 2% of the population.

>> No.14186432

What does his character do?

>> No.14186505

All the people “outraged” by him being disrespectful of the president were leftist false flaggers.

>> No.14186513

Who the fuck is "he" in the first place?
Are you such a moron shill poster that you expect me to look it up and give you clicks? You fucking moron clickbaiter faggot!

>> No.14186563


>> No.14186613

Mormon, not moron.

>> No.14186617

Must be dedicated trolls to inhale so much Trump shit in their public likes and favorites
/pol/ must be a leftist troll board

>> No.14186623

>Townsend's and Wife's Son

>> No.14186927

He makes videos of himself cooking

>> No.14186940
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He also makes seditious radical leftist propaganda and then pleads ignorance like a coward when he's called out on it.

>> No.14186958
File: 39 KB, 720x644, 26b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

instilling your own values on another man's progeny is pretty based

>> No.14186967

holy fuck this word has been used for centuries to imply a virtuous person. i hate you zoomers

>> No.14186968
File: 110 KB, 612x475, a1384143179_10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop defending this communist sympathizer. Traitors like him should be dragged naked through the streets and then viciously torn apart by horses. Heil Drumpf! God-Emperor of all Humanity!!!

>> No.14186970

Righteous has been black panther slang since the 60's, I think I know who the zoomer is.

>> No.14186987

lets see whats older
>the bible
>the black panthers
real tough one

>> No.14186990

black people have been around for like 300,000 years, are you stupid?

>> No.14187131


>> No.14187456

>Where is he when we need him most?
He's innawoods building a log cabin to cook one-pot meals in while BBQing meat over the open fire.

>> No.14187954

he grindeth notemege for ous al

>> No.14187956

Holy shit that picture killed me hahahaha

>> No.14187982

If on ship the bitch would be keel hauled.

>> No.14188031

probably participating in the riots, dudes a turbolib. but he still makes food, so lets focus on that.

>> No.14188037

it's really a bummer that the second best cooking channel on youtube is damned to eternal memation just because of one single video among thousands

>> No.14188437

>All the people “outraged” by him being disrespectful of the president were leftist false flaggers.
No, Trumpfags really are that stupid and thin-skinned.

>> No.14188637

He knew exactly what he was doing, despite his crocodile tears and cowardly backpedaling.
The president is above criticism.

>> No.14188656

it's not really a good cooking channel, he just has neat and interesting content for people who are curious about historical food preparation. you won't learn much about cooking or good recipes from him. i mean, i'm sure there are good ones once in a while, but not really as many as on a dedicated modern cooking channel.

i say this as someone who likes the channel.

>> No.14188680

you are such a hypocrite. So obama is above criticism. You know that the current president is fucking retard.

I am getting tired of having to vote for the candidate I hate the least.

John did not make a video about donald trump.

>> No.14188687

are you fucking retarded
how could you take that bait?

>> No.14188710

Obongo was not a legitimate president.

>> No.14188860

he's so wholesome with good content y'all don't deserve him

>> No.14188884

It will be three foot tall glass of stale turds garnished with cheetos, Townsend will remove his pants and piss directly on the camera while loudly sobbing before farting the nation anthem, moving his ass cheeks as if they were talking to control the notes.

>> No.14188890

Sounds like NPR to me

>> No.14188969

I genuinely believe you people are mental defectives.
In a good society, you'd be locked in some institution far from the public eye to spare everyone else this fake and gay bullshit.

>> No.14189011

Alright fine Townsend told me the turds weren't going to be THAT stale

>> No.14190246

Jon Townsend is too pure for this world. An innocent.

>> No.14190249

he's a convicted child molester

>> No.14190255

Convicted for the purest form of love.

>> No.14190271

A gangster of love

>> No.14191061


>> No.14191075

He's got bad credit

>> No.14191084

can you blame him? have you seen his daughter?

>> No.14191100

>disabled comment on the episode with his daughter
I can understand why he did it but it's still funny

>> No.14191144


>> No.14191197


>> No.14191218



>> No.14191225

they come across like they have a great sex life

>> No.14191283

has anyone tried his recipes?

>> No.14191284


>> No.14191289

I tried one, it was like a George Washington custard thing, but the name escapes me.

>> No.14191437

that's because he's not a tryhard minmaxer, he's a history fan who enjoys cooking a satisfying meal. masterchef has made you unable to understand humanity for want of gourmet gimmicks

>> No.14191457

it's a sign of the sorry state of /ck/

>> No.14191678

Meanwhile you probably looked at Jeffery Epstein and thought: "Gee what a nice, wholesome man."

>> No.14191696

I've watched his videos for years and never got the impression he was a Bernie supporter. Besides the video where he makes an Orange Fool, do you have any other links to videos where he indicates he's a commie?

>> No.14191712

You're deranged. I watch Townsends on the regular and at worst I thought it could be a funny joke considering how everyone else thinks Orange Man Bad! If he doesn't like Trump I don't care cause I can't really tell. He doesn't bring up politics and you're trying to make a mountain out of a molehill.

>> No.14191720


>> No.14192229

Makes comfy 18th century food and actually admits it if a recipe turns out like shit. It’s actually refreshing to see compared to board favorites like Babish who seem to think buttered noodles is some kind of impressive and innovative recipe.

>> No.14192491

The orange dessert?

>> No.14193255

found the retard.

>> No.14193261

this is so dramatically different from what i said that i can only assume one of two things
1) you're projecting
2) you don't cook and aren't even capable of understanding what i meant

>> No.14193288

it's too big of a word for you, understandable just don't post next time buddy so nobody sees the trail of retard you left

>> No.14193510

k. he's still not a tryhard minmaxer. this must be too advanced for you to understand.

>> No.14194185
File: 52 KB, 567x513, century_man_bad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14194777

New recipe out:


>> No.14194838

I'd gladly wash that down with some fresh orange fool.

>> No.14194854

>implying bernie supporters arent commies


>> No.14195347

Makes sense, that one is a dessert

>> No.14195922
File: 411 KB, 703x353, soup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14195956
File: 177 KB, 600x399, hoffman3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sister, that was a funny post
>Father, you always say that

>> No.14196038

The baked onions were pretty good. The bread pudding sucked

>> No.14196099

>the bread pudding sucked
What went wrong?

>> No.14196124

Did he even mention Trump in the Orange Fool video? I am not going to go watch it, I will get my information secondhand from this board.

>> No.14196207

i just made those scrambled eggs today. they were pretty cool. actually i had no nutmeg so it wasnt super cool just regular cool.

>> No.14196555

he's participating in the #BlackOut and will not be posting for the duration.

>> No.14196561

the butter eggs?

>> No.14196564

He just posted a new video today, anon...

>> No.14196565

Literally all he does is bitch about Trump. He's just another Liberal with a bunch of hot air for brains. Don't seek out this channel unless you want to see Confusion & Propaganda from a dem troublemaker

>> No.14196596

Who is right????

>> No.14196627
File: 86 KB, 246x138, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally a recent recipe. Check the youtube.

>> No.14196630

>a pork pie to celebrate the death of cops (aka "pigs")

wow............just wow.

>> No.14196639

18th century cops?

>> No.14196647

He's from southern Indiana so it is unlikely.

>> No.14196650

why are there so many fucking niggers today then

>> No.14196651

I genuinely believe it was an honest mistake.

>> No.14196700

just like the orange fool video, he could have chosen literally anything else. Its all passive aggressive signalling. Expect 17th century "roasted pig on over a fire pit" next. Horrible!

>> No.14196711

>17th century
He's from the 18th century (1700s). Try again.

>> No.14196732
File: 26 KB, 460x416, az1zj1m_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people roleplaying a 18th century character cant cook a recipe from a few decades earlier

>> No.14196733

america is such a racist terrible place to its very core that black people leave their home countries to come here on purpose

>> No.14196737

I'm diamonds

>> No.14196796
File: 1.03 MB, 1444x726, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. Townsend's a legit time traveler from the 1700s. He's come to teach us the ways of nutmeg and bark canoes.

>> No.14196806

Orange. Fool.

>> No.14196810

Bold. Brave. Powerful. Inspiring.

>> No.14196938

clothing merchant

>> No.14196947

>reddit spacing
>retard libturd opinions
go back

>> No.14196950

I tried the baked onion today. It wasn't awesome, but decent enough to eat a whole onion straight up. Glad this guy looks out for us /downtrodden/.

>> No.14197378

Just watch the fucking video and make up your own dam mind. Not even that long.
The slander and libel some (((people))) are capable of knows no bounds.

>> No.14197838

Make these next, these are a classic


>> No.14197845

Spice merchant too, he literally sells spice kits

>> No.14197852


No, he made 0 references to current politics. Just some shitty orange-egg-jelly desert.

It's just fun to pretend that it's about Trump so that we can shitpost

>> No.14198324

Orange fool is a classic /ck/ meme and always will be

>> No.14198663

>put an onion in the oven for 45min

>> No.14198705

Its more about roleplaying as a peasant.

>> No.14198784


>> No.14198831

You'd be surprised the things some people need a recipe for. Still better than Babish releasing a recipe for butter noodles

>> No.14199272
File: 1.78 MB, 1236x996, fucking hell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some genuine cringe.

>> No.14199505

I didn't even know he was jewish

>> No.14199524
File: 877 KB, 1452x712, workinghard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Townsend does have slaves, actually. He's peak NEET culture having others hack bark for his canoes while enjoying an 18th century drink in the innawoods tent.

>> No.14199859


>> No.14200676

You actual retard.

>> No.14201512

Will anyone ever make the corn and eels?

>> No.14201694

>classic /ck/ meme
hello newfriend

>> No.14201820

>orange fool is a new meme
You sure you’re not the new one here?

>> No.14201827

It didn't even happen long enough ago to be classic.

>> No.14202149
File: 200 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably out murdering someone over nutmeg

>> No.14202170

Did they ever finish the dugout canoe?

>> No.14202198

I don't know about leftist, but most of them were definitely just trolling. We see the same on this very board.

Jon is a Libertarian.

>> No.14202310

More like a survivalist per se. Have you seen his online store? He is more of a doomsday prepper than a politically-leaned dude

>> No.14202392


>> No.14202505

what's so special about nutmeg, taste and smells like pine tree to me.

>> No.14202519

Faggot bakes cock

>> No.14203324

fuck off faggot

>> No.14203550

It’s good in chili and on meat.

>> No.14203685

Also in Orange Fool.

>> No.14205477

Probably throwing oyster shells at Brits.

>> No.14205817

Someone really should make it and post the results

>> No.14205821

I'm sure gordon deserved it.

>> No.14205861

Considering the time period he likes to make food from, he probably couldn't afford a slave but he might be able to have an indentured servant.

>> No.14205872

>Who the fuck is "he" in the first place?
His actual job is I believe he owns a company that makes authentic 18th century clothing and supplies for reenactors, museum people, and such, and his YT channel promotes it by using his products in producing food that people actually ate in the time period, cooking it the way they did.

>> No.14205873

He was at worst being cheeky for the sake of timing. The Orange Fool is a genuine dish from the time and anyone that knows about custard-based desserts has heard of it.

>> No.14205886

I've made pemmican. It doesn't taste all that great but I can tell it'll last forever

>> No.14205891

But america didn't have a police force in the 18th century, the best it had was a constabulary

>> No.14205901

The issue wasn't that it's a nice spice, it's that originally nutmeg grew only on a single island in the entire world. The Dutch genocided the native population of the island just so they could hold a monopoly on its production.

>> No.14205953
File: 59 KB, 1409x958, Paddy influx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly right. Formal police departments weren't established until a certain...green wave hit our fair shores.

>In 1838, a bill passed in the General Court that allowed the city to appoint police officers, paving the way for the creation of a formal police department.[7] The Boston Police Department was formally founded in May 1854.

>The Municipal Police were established in 1845, replacing an old night watch system. Mayor William Havemeyer shepherded the NYPD together, originating the phrase "New York (City)'s Finest".[22] In 1857, it was tumultuously replaced by a metropolitan force, which abolished the Municipal Police.

>> No.14206014
File: 28 KB, 474x322, amistad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


claiming his slaves and nutmeg from the docks.

>> No.14206850
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>> No.14206876

Ah, a merchant!

>> No.14206885


No, I think he's a Christian

>> No.14207970
File: 240 KB, 610x360, undercooked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14207978

>waahhh it’s impossible that us based and redpilled right wingers aren’t just as retarded as the lefties so it must be a false flag!

>> No.14207983

>I'm not frustrated.

>> No.14207988

>when the recipe is frustrating but you don't let it show

>> No.14207992

Also, you’re claiming that the board that thinks that a pizza place kidnaps children to sell to Barack Obama to perform satanic rituals wouldn’t possibly claim that “orange fool” represented trump. Why are /pol/dditors so lacking in self awareness?

>> No.14208169

I wish I could hug this man

>> No.14208933

It wasn't an America-only thing, after the Roman Empire fell police were just generally not used worldwide.

>> No.14208947


>> No.14208967

does it make you frustrated that you can't?

>> No.14209407

Where at in southern Indiana?

>> No.14209537

The one on camera sniffing and fondling children, aka not POTUS45

>> No.14210820
File: 148 KB, 634x581, TownsendFamily.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's got an elder daughter if you want to have a less guilty fap.
His wife isn't bad either, I'm partial to smirk-fus.

>> No.14212470
File: 488 KB, 1438x738, parmesanicecream.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14212490

So... not the Epstein guy? Just want to be sure we're not talking about one pedo when we meant the other

>> No.14212497

He took that video down. It's frustrating.

>> No.14212718

He's been preparing you for this all his life. Has he taught you nothing?

>> No.14212721

what a cuck family

>> No.14213715

If any of you haven’t prepared your bark canoes, log cabins, and hardtack yet, rest assured he’s probably ashamed of you.

>> No.14213723

All I learned was to add nutmeg to every dish.

>> No.14213747

I wish it was on purpose just so I could enjoy how trolled you fucks are.

>> No.14215112

New recipe video today!

>> No.14215365


>> No.14215370

That's all you need

>> No.14215407

barbequed salted crackers

>> No.14216285

If you think a wife and husband and two children are somehow related to cuckolding then you have serious problems and need to stay away from /r9k/ and /pol/.

>> No.14216699

Don't bother with that orange fool, he's just frustrated.

>> No.14216793

based and nutmegpilled

>> No.14216815

good, that's the first step in the right direction.

>> No.14216818

You have to go back to your cuck board

>> No.14216860

While I enjoy his cooking videos, I really wish he'd expand his vocabulary to describe food.
I can only hear "Wow it tastes good" so many times before it get repetitive.

>> No.14217366

He doesn’t always say it tastes good, in fact sometimes he says it’s quite bad.

>> No.14217784


No we didn't. Link proof.

>> No.14217813

me indon, fuck you

>> No.14217857

He should lock himself away until the world is good again. We don't deserve him.

>> No.14217868

His wife is comely and his daughters look EXACTLY like him.

>> No.14218033

>You have to go back to your cuck board
But I'm not /o/. I even said so.

>His wife is comely and his daughters look EXACTLY like him
They really do, much more than their mother. Puts the lie to the cuck argument I guess though I don't think anyone was taking that very seriously.

>> No.14218057

>He also makes seditious radical leftist propaganda and then pleads ignorance like a coward when he's called out on it.
holy shit ahhahahahahhaahahhaa pathetic losers, the guy can't even make an orange man bad joke and you expect a cooking channel to do a videoessay on the current state of american politics holy fuck

>> No.14218263

>we know little of the trajectory of Bandanese history until it collided with that of an expanding
>Europe in AD1512, when the first Portuguese ships dropped anchor under the smoking
>Gunung Api volcano. That history became sharply declined in April of 1621. Over the course of
>a few months, Dutch East India Company (VOC) forces,aided by Japanese mercenaries,
>massacred, enslaved or banished some 90 per cent of Banda’s population, and the islands
>were subsequently repopulated by Dutch planters and their Asian slaves (Hanna 1978; Loth 1995a, 1995b, 1998).

The conduct was so heinous that the Dutch at the time even censured themselves you fee-fee snowflake.
The Dutch committed a genocide by any definition of the word except yours, you contrarian faggot.
I've linked proof but it's not going to be good enough for you is it, you revisionist edgelord.
There's always some pseudosceptic who insists that obvious shit never happened and for whom no proof is ever good enough, ever credible enough. The 6th highest h-index ranked Archeology journal in the world but you're going to dismiss it as some SJW hugbox aren't you, you failed wanna-be intellectual with sub-distinction grades.
The author of the article is an anthropology professor at University of Washington and Curator of Archaeology at Burke Museum with a life-long specialisation in the Indonesian area and warfare in particular but that's not going to be enough for you is it, you uncultured mouth-breather.

Go back to 5g coronavirus theories on facebook you smoothbrain Dunning–Kruger retard.

t. Anthropology student

>> No.14218281

>the guy can't even make an orange man bad joke
It wasn't even a joke, I actually doubt that he could name the last five presidents although I'm sure he could tell you in-depth contemporary gossip about the first ten and their families.

>originally nutmeg grew only on a single island in the entire world
That's not actually true, there were several varieties of nutmeg frown from Papua up to India but the Bandan one is considered much better and more potent and people paid for it.
The Bandan cultivated it and traded it (and mace too) all the way up to China, the Dutch wanted a monopoly on it mostly to force out the English and Portuguese, they tried to buy it without success so after a bunch of small conflicts where they tried to force a "treaty" at gunpoint but got BTFOd, they eventually invaded and slaughtered everyone.
Even if they'd bought it under a treaty, they'd probably have tightened the screws and demanded more concessions and lower prices until eventually they felt like they had an excuse to invade anyway.

>> No.14218885

genocide as a concept isn't real because we're all one human race

>> No.14218890
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>> No.14219123

beating his wife and protesting for BLM

>> No.14219134

He May not like trump, therefore he is a pedo.

>> No.14219150

fucking s.oyboy libtard cuck

>> No.14219163

Dutch faggot

>> No.14219187

Modern day black people have only been around for 80,000 years. The Khoisan and Pygmies are older.

>> No.14219192

I'm not a communist. I want a mixed economic system, capitalism strengthened with social programs. You should never go full left or full right.

>> No.14219199

They owned a lot of slaves, and pig-skinned monkeys like you raped them and produced mixed race slaves.

>> No.14219383

Funnily enough if right wing conservatives didn't watch his channel he'd be done. Lefties would rip him to shreds for glamorising America's evil past.

>> No.14219412

how anyone could possibly have beef with this guy is beyond me

>> No.14219414

Underage memespouters will do anything the internet tells them to.

>> No.14219415

probably baking a standing meat pie in an earthen oven

>> No.14219430


he lets me fuck his wife so i am cool with him

>> No.14219534

Are you retarded? In the slang sense, I've only ever heard hippies/punks/skaters say this.

>> No.14219541

Living in the leftist bubble will do that

>> No.14219590
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>> No.14220081

He just wants to grill

>> No.14221464
File: 1.27 MB, 1320x722, review.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14221479
File: 51 KB, 634x328, 43C0B84C00000578-4863006-Jonathan_hosts_most_of_the_recipe_videos_from_his_property_but_s-a-1_1505131333985[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes and they would be extremely well fed and frankly happier under his roof than in the jungles of africa

>> No.14221584

Saying "the jungles of Africa" is like saying "the tundras of Europe".

>> No.14221600

"the Fools of Orange"

>> No.14221602

thanks dr. geography, want to do a ted talk about it?

>> No.14221952

Editing a multipart special where he recreates an 18th-century post-lynching feast

>> No.14222473

The frustration must have gotten to him.

>> No.14222588

no, his main larps are "indiana trapper who builds cabins and makes deer jerky" or "solitary cook in a small household or member of a large one with an entire staff" but both of those types of people are more prone to being in servitude themselves.

>> No.14222628

In no way does knowing how to dehydrate food and build log cabins make you a servant. Wasted dubs.

>> No.14222637

Do you... think...
oh no...

>> No.14222660

sure whatever but the point was that type of guy isn't going to own literal slaves just like he isn't going own a literal southern plantation, these were big industrial operations not some shit the average american was involved in. at best a family might have an indentured servant but that wasn't even the norm either. a dude who cooks for a living is a fucking prole and while the 1% back then were undoubtedly better outdoorsmen since the US was still big on frontier memes and english propriety, townsends doesn't come off as "18th century rich larper who fox hunts between writing enlightenment shitposts"

>> No.14222690

That's what I thought. Conspiratards scurry off when asked for evidence.

>> No.14222723

>Conspiratards scurry off when asked for evidence.
Anon, that idiot didn't scurry off, he triumphantly marched off secure in his confidence that he'd owned the libs yet again!

The kind of /pol/tards who post those claims don't consider that they might need proof or that there'll be any credible attacks to their claim, it's all so obvious to them that they can merely "drop a redpill" and all right-thinking anons will go "of, of course it's libs again". You're just a paid shill of the MSM for thinking otherwise.
The anon likely never opened the thread again, it's why the best thing is just to report and ignore them.

>> No.14222734
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>> No.14222884

This. he needs to be executed for high treason.

>> No.14222893

He'll crush your nutmegs you little faggot

>> No.14222938

>crush your nutmegs
Please, they're only ever grated.

>> No.14223128

Anyone else think its weird that a shill thread for a food and kitchen appliance salesman stays up for a week?

>> No.14223136

yeah I had a pretty decent kek

>> No.14224451

He makes recipe videos, anon

>> No.14224491

I guess anon is commenting on how it's lasted much longer than a Babish vid but it seems clear to me.
/ck/ like Townsend, he comes across as a nice guy and isn't any of the things that /ck/ hates about Babish/BA etc, there's no self-aggrandisment, flexing or ego to him in the slightest.

>> No.14224860

no, his primary business has always been selling food and appliances and the youtube channel was always just a way to promote those products

>> No.14224872

I don’t get it

>> No.14224897

Think long and hard about it... Washington... President... Orange Fool...

>> No.14224915

If you honestly think that the dems are trying to win and not having Biden do a fake dementia routine so they can't prosecute him, you're deluded.

>> No.14225131

Exactly this. Townsend's videos are the recipes and the backstories of them and that's pretty much it. No meme recipes like Babish and no bizarre life hacks-type stuff like Ragusea.

>> No.14225337

Almost every other youtuber is promoting their personality and brand, Townsend just does his thing and keeps it at that instead of trying to be a camwhore with their clothes on.
You can tell the difference because he never once suggests that he has a special relationship with the viewer, he doesn't pretend to have insincere feelings about their lives and he doesn't attempt to fake a closeness with them to keep them paying him on patron or subscribing or whatever. His content stands on its own without doing all that Brand and friendship-simulator bullshit that everyone else does.

>> No.14225533

>Where is he
Up his own ass

>> No.14225539

Get a load of this Trumpturd lmfao

>> No.14225926

What was your dumbass expecting? Someone openly saying "hey lets false flag as drumpf supporters"? It's reasonable to think it was false flaggers because that kind of behaviour is more far common amongs left wingers. And this air of superiority you pretend to have is just pathetic.

>> No.14226021

Thank god, the behaviorist is here. What do you think of the baked onion?

>> No.14226112

Wait so you actually think Epstein killed himself?

>> No.14226118

Nah, Trump did it to prevent his story from getting out. Duh

>> No.14226126

Wait you just said there’s no such thing as pedophiles among the rich and powerful?

>> No.14226134

Different guy

>> No.14226170

Wait so you don’t understand what the word you means? Or are you just giving up because you got called out? Do you think anyone is that retarded to fall for that?

>> No.14226178

I'm saying Trump and Epstein are old friends, deflector

>> No.14226181

I made his campfire omelette in a cast iron and it's really good but I expected it to be since I was floating eggs on a quarter lb of butter

I make the barley water and that shit is truly refreshing, on par with mum tea

>> No.14226185

>that kind of behaviour is more far common amongs left wingers.
Proof? I'm not just going to take your word. You should politely bow out and admit your claims are baseless.
>And this air of superiority you pretend to have is just pathetic.
Never implied that I am superior, but I appreciate you for saying so.

>> No.14226216

Wait so now you know what you means? But you didn’t before? Why is that?

Is it maybe because you got called out?

>> No.14226229

You are proof mate

>> No.14226243

I told you I was a different guy. You're the one who drove home with your 'there are two people on 4chan theory' Suddenly you stopped talking about Epstein. Funny that

>> No.14226256

So you really don’t know what the word you means? You think anyone actually believes that?

You think a single soul in the entire universe believes that you don’t know what the word you means? Why pretend otherwise? Because you got called out?

>> No.14226266

I think the same adept detective work that informs you that there's two people on 4chan is the same mindset that led to you identifying with an 18th century custard recipe

>> No.14226294

Why are you using a word you “admitted” you didn’t understand? Could it be, perhaps, that you do understand what you are and impotently seething that one person would ever believe a single word you’re saying?

>> No.14226300
File: 6 KB, 238x212, images (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's teaming up with pic related to fight against BLM and antifa

>> No.14226305

And most of these Jooos

>> No.14226310

I said Trump killed Epstein to hide their shared past and you haven't stopped day-of-the-coping ever since. Was also my first post ITT. You going to respond or not?

>> No.14226324

Probably in cahoots with King Loepold of Belgium who personally murdered 600 million African scientists!!!

>> No.14226338

Wait why do you keep using a word you admitted you don’t understand when it completely contradicts what you’ve been saying?

Why are you even bothering? Because you got called out? This entire meltdown because you got called out?

>> No.14226352

>reddit spacing
>reddit grammar complaining
>broken record
So no comment on the Epstein thing, got it. One of us is having a meltdown, but it's not me :)

>> No.14226366

I mean, he's from Indiana. Why would people even think that?

>> No.14226371

>Joe Biden becomes president
>Immediately resigns so VP can be real president and Nancy can be VP
I hope he picks Lori Lightfoot for his running mate.

>> No.14226380


>> No.14226457

Wait so you think arguing that you don’t know what you means isn’t a sign of a total meltdown? Why else would you respond otherwise?

Because you got called out? And can’t cope?

>> No.14226652

He's still going lol

>> No.14226661


>> No.14227395

What a cute family

>> No.14227901

Townsend is the comfiest watch on /ck/, its telling how only people from the tw*nty f*rst century criticize him

>> No.14227999

Happy families don't come any more trad than that.

>> No.14229002

m*dernists will never know that comfy feel of eating parched corn in the woods while cutting down a tree.

>> No.14229010

This is pretty true in my experience. I'll say a couple things I like about him, but one criticism and you're the enemy for a lot of his voter base

>> No.14229023

He might have BEEN an indentured servant.

They used to give people a choice in England: either Debtor's prison, the Navy, or indentured servitude in the colonies.

>> No.14229056

>he actually thinks this is serious and not just people shitposting

go back

>> No.14229220


>> No.14229239

Corn and eels when?

>> No.14230135

great thread

>> No.14230172

I've never been there, but I just went there and the first fucking post is a Serial Killer asking if he can convert human bodies into bio diesel
What the fuck kind of fucked up board did you just send me to?

>> No.14230466

We don't call them /o/range fools for nothing.

>> No.14230571

Pound me daddy

>> No.14230885

this guy teaches us so many ways our ancestors cooked great tasting stuff using what they had. Thoses recipies helps me eat well even if mere crumbs and a carton of milk are all I have left. Cheese soup, baked onions with bread are my absolute favourite recipes from him. His british counterpart, mrs crocombe, teaches recipes which are "fancier", but great dessert recipes there, especially if you have guests coming round.

>> No.14231349

10/10 post, gave me quite the laugh

>> No.14231940

Americans, everybody

>> No.14233217


>> No.14233926

turkey heh

>> No.14234209

We have posts here all the time about cooking human flesh though.

>> No.14234219

Yes this guy is Rebecca brand tier

>> No.14234294

i honestly don't understand why you'd lie like this and intentionally ignore previous replies that provided proof. the proof being falseflagging posts in this very thread. here, i'll link the post again for you.
funnily enough, when proof was provided, it's you people who stopped replying and then ignored the post and came back to post again pretending you didn't see it.
here you go>>14187131

and here are some falseflagging posts
i guess this is where you pretend those posts are genuine
dealing with you people is so tiresome. i honestly don't understand how you can live with yourselves, being such dishonest slimy rats.

>> No.14234720

If he seems pretty smashed already then it's because he is. He and his team do a full day of filming and get about 20 episodes done then he releases them one by one.
At the end of it, he's been sipping strong cocktails for ten hours and probably drunk more than half of them as full glasses.

>> No.14234730

show us your piss bottles you giant crying fucking pants pissing manbaby.

>> No.14234937

I can't stand this turd

>> No.14234942

There are few things more embarrassing than people pretending to be drunk on the internet.

>> No.14234947


>> No.14234953


>> No.14235024

Stop making these foolish threads

>> No.14235121
File: 143 KB, 1280x720, i'm_frustrated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of them is childishly smearing our President under the guise of "comedy" and then backpedaling and feigning ignorance when vigilant patriots call you out.

>> No.14235427

why are conservaturds such fucking snowflakes?

>> No.14235575

>people pretending to be drunk on the internet
Nothing pretending about How to Drink, that guy gets pretty messed up.

>> No.14236238

One uncredible rape allegation vs like 50 for trump. not that i matters to his base. its legitimately a boon to be a rapist if your a republican.

>> No.14237100


>> No.14237108

You have been outmaneuvered by the clever historical food puns of a master disinfo agent. Banda was a summer camp for what will become of western conservative man when castrated in the custard mines. You orange fools have done nothing but stumble to the edge of the antlion pit.

>> No.14237218

I'm frustrated that this foolish thread is still up

>> No.14237268

you should sage

>> No.14237739

>le wacky fat man drinks alcohol in his man canve
Adulting for the win!

>> No.14238169

awe yeah man, good job, you're the real adult on 4chan right now

>> No.14238315

I raise my Whiskey to you, good sir! I went on theartofmanliness.com and bought 2 new cardigans and an Oxford shirt!

>> No.14239237

I'm unsaving this thread and won't see any replies to these comments.