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File: 39 KB, 900x1260, Pouring-gravy-over-mashed-potato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14184010 No.14184010 [Reply] [Original]

What if there was a sauce for mashed potatoes that was even better than gravy but nobody found it because everyone assumed gravy was automatically the best?

>> No.14184025

What if God was one of us? Just a slob like one of us.

>> No.14184029


>> No.14184031

There us, it's butter.

I'm not from the American South and don't weigh 300 pounds, so I don't eat gravy.

>> No.14184032

>needing sauce for your mashed potatoes
I bet you use dried flakes

>> No.14184036
File: 428 KB, 1024x768, 7308891858_41b493a6dd_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called curry sauce

>> No.14184039

Nigga, humans figured out what mushrooms kill you, make you high, or are delicious because they decided to eat random shit just cause. Of course people tried random sauces for mashed potatoes. Gravy is the best.

>> No.14184044
File: 53 KB, 500x442, 1564806909624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

classic around these parts where i'm from is to use the sauce from boiled stuffed bell peppers, usually tomato based

>> No.14184067

White sauce is pretty good. Adds a nice creaminess to the mash.

>> No.14184076

Does more creaminess really necessary?

>> No.14184090

Not if it's a good mash. Doesn't really need anything in that case.

Decently lifts a dry as fuck or kinda average mash though.

>> No.14184180

But such a thing does exist, it's called

>> No.14184196

Why isn't there a crab gravy?

>> No.14184217

There is. You just don't put it on mashed potatoes because crab is never served with potatoes.

>> No.14184359
File: 27 KB, 450x500, ee9b7c8b89da79848b4e341e7d308692.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe a little mushroom catsup, though?

>> No.14184405

>gravy is for fat people but butter which is almost pure fat and has the most calories per gram isn't

>> No.14184467

Try a breadcrumb topping

For sauce a bechamel works nice.
Or maybe a red wine jus

>> No.14184478

I get it all the time at Red Lobster.

>> No.14184485

It's not like gravy is also extremely popular in every European country. Not sure if Americans just have a strange understanding of gravy.

>> No.14184488

gravy and butter are pretty much the same thing lmao

>> No.14184495

There is a better sauce, it's white cream gravy

>> No.14184503

Is he wearing a Taqiyah or a Kufi in that picture, whomever he is?

>> No.14184506

no they're not, butter takes cream from the top of the milk and stirring for hours on end, gravy takes flour and the juices that run from the meat when baking.


>> No.14184586

Butter is just gravy from animals that live like I that live and gravy is just dead animal butter. Lmao at your life kid.

>> No.14184589

a pat of butter, some salt and pepper, that's all you need friend

>> No.14184645

No, he's a historical reenactor who, among other things, makes cooking videos on YouTube. I guess that's just 18th century American style.

>> No.14185518

>his potatoes don't taste like anything so he has to drown it in gravy
It's salted butter, no need for anything else.

>> No.14185523

holy moly that sounds amazing must try asap

>> No.14185528

I think he uses less butter than we would gravy.
yes more calorie dense but using alot less of it than the gravy which is alot.
t.American with Dyslexia

>> No.14185530

sounds like a drug user wrote this

>> No.14185538

You're not funny, shithead.

>> No.14185575

I'm gunna give you bachelors a tip if you want a great tasting meal for cheap and easy
>2 packs of instant mashed potatoes
>2 packs instant gravy
>1lbs of ground meat
>frozen peas and corn
Shits basically Shepard pie but easier. Often make it when im drunk. Makes 2 hearty meals for about $6 each

>> No.14185585


Shepherd Pie filling

>> No.14185602

>Hating on gravy
This world is gay and fake

>> No.14185604


>> No.14185611

That guy >>14184217 has never enjoyed tater tots with his lobster and crabs before.

>> No.14185632

They do, gravy in America and gravy in Europe are two different things.

>> No.14185645

Britbong here, whats American gravy like?

>> No.14185656

Why can't he relax his forehead? Is it a cuck thing? A guy I used to cuck was like that.

>> No.14185829
File: 125 KB, 1300x1300, 000314037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is. Sour cream and butter is superior.

>> No.14185851


I believe the earlier person may have been mistaken in conflating the Italian-American term "gravy" with gravy in general as it is understood by everybody else

Gravy in general refers to a sauce produced by mixing flour and some kind of liquid fat, followed by adding liquid (milk, water, liquid meat drippings) until a somewhat thick sauce is made

Italian-American "gravy" refers to a long-cooked tomato sauce. It's good but it's baffling to the rest of Americans and actual Italians why they call it gravy

>> No.14186008

Anyone else like steak sauce on their baked potatoe? Miss me with that cheese and bacon shit

>> No.14186037

It's like au jus but thickened up to a consistency similar to a white sauce

>> No.14186102

The main difference between both is really consistency. What most Americans think of as gravy (at least where I am) is made with milk, which ends up with a different and creamy texture compared to most gravy, which is way runnier and to me way meatier.

No, I had forgotten about that. That also happens.

>> No.14186539

it's called steak sauce, bub