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14180899 No.14180899 [Reply] [Original]

Dense bread is good. Not all bread has to be cloud-fluffy.

>> No.14180926

Your two defenses are that other bread exists and that it's good. What a fucking disgrace.

>> No.14180935
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>> No.14181420
File: 361 KB, 1234x700, 20191116_095834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like dense bread but I wish I knew how to make airy bread.

>> No.14181448

youre over kneading

>> No.14181453

I'm not kneading at all anymore. Just leaving it in the fridge for 12 hours.
But when I was kneading the results were similar.

>> No.14181456
File: 37 KB, 600x450, 78747256dac144dbb1c7b03537b99faa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mmmmh, broa.

>> No.14181457

in the fridge? that will slow the yeasts processes and possibly prevent them from expelling the gases necessary for a rise. try jim lahey's no knead recipe for a starter

>> No.14181466

Definitely not over kneading, this looks like a no knead loaf, aka sandwich bread.

Your gluten development is lacking and most likely the reason for having a denser crumb. Also your fermentation time is a bit low if all you are doing is leaving it in the fridge for 12 hours.

Are you using a starter, or yeast?

>> No.14181467

post recipe, it's probably due to low hydration
I like dense bread to spread stuff onto, airy bread for dipping into stuff, there has to be a balance, like in all things

>> No.14181471

This too, I forgot to ask what your hydration is.

>> No.14181503

DBIDF fuck off

>> No.14181507

That's about as good as you can hope for with conventional WW flour unless you start doing autistic shit like sifting out the bran first

>> No.14181510


>> No.14181515

that's too pale for whole wheat

>> No.14181551


>> No.14181557

I made a whole wheat loaf that came out very airy. Also, his bread doesn't look WW

>> No.14181575

based and densitypilled

>> No.14181621

My mom would put cottage cheese and either sardines or anchovies on some totally dense German black bread. I thought she was weird until I tried it myself then I saw the light.
Sometimes mom's know cool stuff it just takes listening and learning to find out.

>> No.14181653

Dense cheese is best. Not all cheese has to be cloud-fluffy.

>> No.14181706

No, I've been buying Great River WW bread flour and it looks about that same shade.
It's definitely possible but when you're starting out and using denser types of flour it's about as good as you could hope for.

>> No.14181793
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I like dense bread for breakfast with peanut butter

>> No.14181865

anglos cannot into bread

>> No.14181934

Oh now that you mention it... I read no-knead bread recipes long ago but never bothered reading them again when I decided to stop kneading.
Indeed, the one that leaves the dough in the fridge leaves it for 3-5 days.
I'll try leaving it at room temperature tonight.

I'm using sourdough.

400g flour, 400g sourdough 50%flour 50% water, 150g water for this loaf. These days I use 200g water instead (so 600g flour 400g water in all) but that adds only some big bubbles.

It should be like half ww half all-purpose. Now i use mostly bread flour, but I ran out today and tomorrow's bread will be mostly all-purpose flour.

>> No.14181985

google "pan candeal", a very dense white bread from central spain. if there was once a bread made for toast, it is this one.

>> No.14181992
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Well, there are kinds of bead that are literally impossible to make fluffy, like pumpernickel. I think the idea that bread must be fluffy stems from cultures which have no bread diversity.

>> No.14182494
File: 233 KB, 1080x720, Photo on 01-06-20 at 20.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% WW.

>> No.14182512
